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Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions)

09-25-2009 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
Wow, something useful in this thread.

Because I must admit, I had noticed that same thing.

Now I will go through all of the archives and read every single post in every single thread, in the hopes that there is such a gem in each one.

I remember there was a big thread on rgp, a year or so after the movie came out, and the biggest complaint was Damon's character didn't bang Famke when he had the chance to. The first post (of many) Brian Koppelman made in that thread was something along the lines of, "I think it's ridiculous that he turned her away, and I wrote the damn scene!" and then goes on to explain why he did it and why he thought it was a mistake afterward.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-26-2009 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
Wow, something useful in this thread.

Because I must admit, I had noticed that same thing.

Now I will go through all of the archives and read every single post in every single thread, in the hopes that there is such a gem in each one.

Wrong....he had a few hundo on him. He always has a few hundo.....
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-26-2009 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
A little of topic but in the movie Lucky You wouldnt he go to jail for fraud for throwing the game to his father, while useing a backers money?
SIIIIIIIICK spoiler!! i always wanted to watch that movie but i prolly dont need to....and another theory for mike not paying a sure there was a "fee" but come one mike had to have a few extra stashed somewhere...he was a smart guy in law school of course he would be smart enough to keep some extra changed stashed away for an emergency..its not like hes an irresponsible enuff dude to put his entire bankroll on the line in a game of No limit..
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-26-2009 , 04:05 AM
In some places you can get a comp when you sign up for a players card.

OR....Worm has a magnetic enough personality and was probably enough of a regular there that he sees some old friend of his on the floor of the blackjack pit and says, "hey...long time no see...can you score me a comp by any chance?"

There actually are different ways to get comped without having to sit the required number of hands at a blackjack table. It's not hard. Worm knows people!!
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-26-2009 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by BeetsBearsBSG
I can't believe someone with over 7k posts fell for that level.
He was making fun of you for 20 posts per page.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:56 PM
So I'm watching Rounders for the twentieth time (first time in a few years) and there are still 2 scenes that I can't understand what they are saying.

1) What does Roman/Maurice say when Mike comes in to the club to get Worm? Something about "new blood" and "stuck 2 racks"

2) When Mike wins at the end and KGB is swearing , I assume in Russian, what is he saying? "Volumat" or something like that. What does that word mean?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:06 PM
I actually asked #2 last week...he says F your mother in Russian.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:07 PM
1)The russian outfit guy in the fake versace shirt says "Hey, Mike, you here to play? Come on, we need some new blood. They're putting a ****ing bracelet on me tomorrow for four months. I already stuck two racks."

2)He says 'Mother****er' but in a bad russian accent :P
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Texter
I actually asked #2 last week...he says F your mother in Russian.
is the word "Volumat"?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan1
Also since when can you have oreo cookies at the table? I mean I know he owns the place and so he can do whatever he wants... But isn't it bad etiquette? What if somebody at the table is hungry and asks for one? Does he hog them or does he just give out cookies whenever someone asks until he runs out? So many questions.
He specifically asks Damon "Vant a cookie.." when he buys in the first time.

so maybe he asks everyone.

that's right...this thread will never die.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:26 PM
"yob tvoyu maht" or something like that is the russian
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by slim
1) What does Roman/Maurice say when Mike comes in to the club to get Worm? Something about "new blood" and "stuck 2 racks"[/B]
New blood= A New person to join the game.

Stuck 2 racks= Guessing the movie they are playing with $100 Chips a rack would be $10K. So basically he's down 10 Grand.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by ~red0nkulous
New blood= A New person to join the game.

Stuck 2 racks= Guessing the movie they are playing with $100 Chips a rack would be $10K. So basically he's down 10 Grand.
Except he's stuck 2 racks not one, but I thought they were playing with greens anyway.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:58 PM
omg a rounders thread
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by billybob16
Worm had a few bucks on him, paid the hooker, played half an hour of blackjack (which he talked about doing at other times in the movie)

Tis not hard to deduce people
This. Plus, it's a movie. It didn't really happen. Use your imagination.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 03:33 PM
2) I thinks, Teddy says "Ebanat" - which in Russian means something like "Stupid dumbass"...Sounds closer than "Yob tvoyu mat'", which literally translates " F u c k your mother"
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 03:36 PM
Anyone know how to say "**** your mother" in Russian?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 04:15 PM
Bottom Line:

OP: You'll need to play a bit at the Taj (maybe video poker?) to get comped at the noodle bar. Congrats on your release from Prison. Hope it was easy time.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas
Bottom Line:

OP: You'll need to play a bit at the Taj (maybe video poker?) to get comped at the noodle bar. Congrats on your release from Prison. Hope it was easy time.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
1)The russian outfit guy in the fake versace shirt says "Hey, Mike, you here to play? Come on, we need some new blood. They're putting a ****ing bracelet on me tomorrow for four months. I already stuck two racks."

2)He says 'Mother****er' but in a bad russian accent :P

I always thought that Roman said that he's 'already stuck 2 rocks' as in rocks being some sort of slang for a grand (as in being stuck 2 grand). Anyway im probably wrong but thats what i always thought watching the movie.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by MonkeyPox
Anyone know how to say "**** your mother" in Russian?
posted earlyer yob tvoyu maht
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-28-2009 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Zajebisty
I always thought that Roman said that he's 'already stuck 2 rocks' as in rocks being some sort of slang for a grand (as in being stuck 2 grand). Anyway im probably wrong but thats what i always thought watching the movie.
When he says i have to put a bracelet on for four months i think that means house arrest.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 12:12 AM
Bring more Russians on.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Missed that. Horrible movie anyway, I dont think they could have made a more terrible movie.
I actually didn't think it was to bad of a movie. It actually showed the struggle and pure degeneracy of poker pros.

As for Rounders it was the best poker movie to date and I am surprised they didn't make a sequel during the poker boom. IMO they missed a great opportunity as the movie was left wide open.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance

As for Rounders it was the best poker movie to date and I am surprised they didn't make a sequel during the poker boom. IMO they missed a great opportunity as the movie was left wide open.
That's because it was a box office flop. It's hard to get financing for a squeal when the original made diddly.

Actually, when it was released, most poker players didn't really like it much because it portrayed all poker players as cheats. Here you have the superstar, clean-cut poker phenom law student that always knows what everyone has, who has "played the best and won" yet he's nothing more than a two-bit cheat, and the big climatic ending is that he's going to win without cheating. Lame.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
