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07-18-2023 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
I'm confused what "well over $450,000 is owed."

That could mean a few different things:


I'm mostly kidding but well over 450k seems like an odd way to phrase a debt.
Agree, but yeah under 500k almost for sure.

Reminds me of when someone told me they were "Top 7" in their graduating class. So... 7th?
07-19-2023 , 05:22 PM
This will likely never happen to me booking 60hrs / yr at 1/3 and 2/5.....

But if you find yourself with "too much money in your bank account"

1) Robinhood -> EFTs
2) -> "2 family home <100mi from zip code"
3) prepare for influx of IG scammers "ah, that sounds cool man. Nah, though."

poor kid.
07-20-2023 , 12:35 PM
Mad respect to Rampage for the bare-knuckle challenge lol. Hope he gets to smash Dustin :-)
07-29-2023 , 06:30 PM
Any sightings of Dustin Aab aka Dustin Da Closer lately ?

Rampage's Loan Sharking business didn't work out so good.
07-29-2023 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
I'm kind of shocked at how dumb some of the best poker players are. Also, how much money are the top players making that they can give out $450k loans , holy moly..
Rampage helps run a raked US based illegal online club lol, his risk tolerance is sky high lol
07-29-2023 , 07:05 PM
I just had a thought about this…

This guy def is a degenerate and probably gambled the money away.

Does that make this a gambling debt and thus a la mike postle unenforceable?
07-30-2023 , 04:49 AM
I just watched Doug Polk's video (link) "outing" DustinDaCloser after Rampage's outing via twitter when his $450,000 went poof.

I like Rampage. He seems like a good guy. Many people like Rampage. He's building poker too via his content and success - that's great!
But, but, but.

If you (Rampage) loan / invest money to / with people named "DustinDaCloser" or "JohnnyDaBidnessMan" or "JimmyDaProfitz" or "RodneyDaBottomDollazzzzz" and you expect a return? And they even post on instagram about their $10k lipo procedure around the gut (9min 22s into Polk's video) even though their fat face shows more chins than a Chinese phonebook?

Well, the financial gods or "Plutus" the Greek God of Wealth is going to teach you a classic lesson that's been around thousands of years that explains "Investment vs. Lighting Money on Fire".

Rampage. I wish you luck. But you went all in with 82o for $450,000 and got snap called by 9Ts, KK, and AA.
You torched it. It's on fire. It's gone. Own it.

And the thing nobody knows is: "What was Rampage's investment? What was the expected return? What % of X business proposal did he own?" It sounds like it was a $450k cash transfer that... well, it's gone.

It kinda reminds of me of poker players who blame this other poker player that makes videos about poker but also encouraged them to join this crypto scam then those poker players couldn't look in the mirror and ask themselves: "Why did I trust a card player with high risk currency trading / crypto advice?"

I should have a forum question, yes? It's this: Has anybody else been scammed by "DaCloser"?


Last edited by MJ_Sydney_Aussie; 07-30-2023 at 04:56 AM. Reason: Last Question
07-30-2023 , 08:34 AM
Next time search before you post, there's already a thread on this and yes the consensus is rampage was an idiot for lending the guy money . I think rampage himself Said the same.
08-01-2023 , 04:00 PM
RampageDaLoanShark vs DustinDaCloser in a steel cage match.
08-01-2023 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
RampageDaLoanShark vs DustinDaCloser in a steel cage match.
Rampage De la Loan Shark
08-01-2023 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Her responses (and responses to responses) to Rampage's Tweet were just funny.

At risk of victim-shaming/blaming, this sums it up well:

she's right, thats just sickeningly reckless if not outright stupid but maybe it takes a high disregard for money to gamble the stakes he does

I'd never play the stakes he does or pull the bluffs I've seen him make but I'd never dust off 450K to stranger (or even a "friend") on a crazy interest loan, the mere fact the guy was willing to "pay" interest this high should have sent him running to the hills

But I was lucky and got scammed for a couple hundred bucks in my youth and it drove home the concept that if its too good to be true, its too good to be true...turned out to be the best money I ever spent

I hope Rampage is able to draw the same conclusion in the not so distant future
08-02-2023 , 08:06 AM
I might have missed it…

But does anyone know what was Dustin’s plan to pay the interest and make money off this loan ?

It’s such a mind boggling number. Was Dustin’s plan to double up using mikkis Strat on bac or something and pay it off in a month?
08-02-2023 , 01:13 PM
I think his plan was to be given 450k and then to just keep the money instead of paying it back.
08-02-2023 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
I might have missed it…

But does anyone know what was Dustin’s plan to pay the interest and make money off this loan ?

It’s such a mind boggling number. Was Dustin’s plan to double up using mikkis Strat on bac or something and pay it off in a month?
Dustin’s plan was to take the 450k and rub it on his titties
08-02-2023 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
I think his plan was to be given 450k and then to just keep the money instead of paying it back.
gotta admit it was a more likely plan than Rampage's of lending 450k and getting it back.
08-02-2023 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
gotta admit it was a more likely plan than Rampage's of lending 450k and getting it back.
Also a much better plan, if I’m being honest.
08-02-2023 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Llorton
Dustin’s plan was to take the 450k and rub it on his titties
Bing bang blaow!?
08-03-2023 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
I'm confused what "well over $450,000 is owed."

That could mean a few different things:


I'm mostly kidding but well over 450k seems like an odd way to phrase a debt.
Maybe he meant well over 450k considering the usurious interest owed but perhaps he didn't want to present that information up front.
08-07-2023 , 05:07 PM
09-01-2023 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
I might have missed it…

But does anyone know what was Dustin’s plan to pay the interest and make money off this loan ?

It’s such a mind boggling number. Was Dustin’s plan to double up using mikkis Strat on bac or something and pay it off in a month?
Probably just some degen gambling play, either that or he just spent it and never intended to pay it back.
09-01-2023 , 02:35 PM
dacloser made his money, I dont see a problem.
09-12-2023 , 06:33 AM
jesus...for those of you arguing over semantics of the phrase that was used, "well over $450K", it's most likely because Rampage didn't bother to 1) calculate the 1st month interest payment that WAS actually paid back on the loan, and all the subsequent accrued interest, hence the phrase, "well over $450K". did anyone expect him to run an amortization table and calculate the exact amount due?
