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**Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear) **Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear)

01-29-2011 , 02:42 PM
I am very, very disappointed of this decision by PS. Don't let it bring you down Jared,
keep going.

I think PS was scared the audience would think you were homeless because of playing
poker (degen gambler). That is the only reason i can think of.

Man that s***s.
01-29-2011 , 03:31 PM
i can attest to the genuine goodness of Jared's soul.

I was also in the final 15 in the selection process with Jared (they picked 5 people that weren't us) and we would go over HHs and theory until 4-5 AM daily. Jared would still be up when i went to bed.

He is one of the kindest, most inspirational, hard working, and generous people I have had the privilege of meeting. And it's a shame that the 'producers' for the big game don't want the world to see that.

I think it goes without saying that we'll both be freerolling our way back in, but perhaps with a bit less vigour?

Jared, keep your head up, and know that the journey is more important than the destination. We're all proud to know you, and I hope we will continue to be friends, as we move up to the nosebleeds. Maybe we'll be the pros at the Big Game one day.

Whatever your future holds, i know you will succeed.

Love and respect,

-Kevin Kelso
01-29-2011 , 03:59 PM
Not for nothing, but weren't there allegations of Jared getting soft play?

Maybe Stars doesn't want to deal with that headache by putting him on the game. Maybe homeless person put into a situation to gamble with $100k isn't a great message for a company that doesn't want to appear to promote degen gambling. After all, Jared was homeless, but kept a laptop to grind poker. Not exactly the image of poker players that Stars wants to put out there.

I don't necessarily agree with any of that, but I can see why Stars would decline Jared's application.
01-29-2011 , 04:23 PM
I don't know what PS rationale is for not picking Jarad but the fact is, if they were after viewers; this would have got them.

I guess they thought the people posting here would watch the show regardless, well they couldn't be more wrong IMO. Perhaps a load of random railtard NVG types do watch poker on TV but a lot of the grinders I know really couldn't give a ****. It would have been a great way to get their bread and butter back watching their adverts, at least for an episode or two.
01-29-2011 , 04:36 PM
Very disappointing. Bummed. Sad face.
01-29-2011 , 05:25 PM
there aren't gifs on the Internet adequate to describe how big a fail this is by PokerStars. a story of sacrifice and redemption, thousands of signatures and man-hours volunteered to help this guy, and an opportunity to show the poker community in a positive and generous light. and all of this was in the name of PokerStars and they send him a form letter rejection. holy ****.

I won't be playing on Stars anytime soon.

Jared, screw the big game. Take the skills and support you've earned recently and build a new life for yourself and those you want to help. great things lie ahead for you, and I for one can't wait to see the next amazing chapter in the JHuggz story.

good luck!
01-29-2011 , 05:40 PM
sosadme. gl in the future jared
01-29-2011 , 06:11 PM
Even though I was one of the first people to sign this petition, I said all the way back on page 24 that this was never gonna happen.. Pokerstars doesn't want their pros on television hustling someone out of money he could really use..
01-29-2011 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
Even though I was one of the first people to sign this petition, I said all the way back on page 24 that this was never gonna happen.. Pokerstars doesn't want their pros on television hustling someone out of money he could really use..
Solid logic....
01-29-2011 , 06:32 PM
One thing i don't understand is why would you want to donate all your money to some charity when you are a charity case yourself? its just nonsense, if you had made it to the big game, i am sure everyone here would want you to keep that money and improve your life, that's what this was all about.
01-29-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
Even though I was one of the first people to sign this petition, I said all the way back on page 24 that this was never gonna happen.. Pokerstars doesn't want their pros on television hustling someone out of money he could really use..
Ok.... now name a single loose cannon so far that couldn't use the money? The guy who beat cancer? The single mom? Who exactly are you thinking of?
01-29-2011 , 06:35 PM
Would be nice if Steve or someone can please post in this thread wtf the issue was in rejecting jared. No one has worked harder for this opprotunity than he has.
01-29-2011 , 06:37 PM
Steve are you an idiot, Jared was going to keep the money he made from the game and he was going to contribute a % of that to changing someone else's life the way that his life was changed by the people who supported him.
01-29-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by nickt2326
Steve are you an idiot, Jared was going to keep the money he made from the game and he was going to contribute a % of that to changing someone else's life the way that his life was changed by the people who supported him.
fine, don't care

hope he gets a job now like most of us...
01-29-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by stevdoro
that's what this was all about.
I don't really think you got what this was all about.
01-29-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
I don't really think you got what this was all about.
oh yeah, you want to take this to the table?
01-29-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by stevdoro
oh yeah, you want to take this to the table?
Kinda drunk atm - how about we do One potato, two potato instead?
01-29-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Kinda drunk atm - how about we do One potato, two potato instead?
no worries
01-29-2011 , 10:24 PM
Bummer... Pokerstars missed a big opportunity hear... if he got on the show and won than there could be a movie about this guys life, even if he didnt, think about all the press that talking homeless guy got, just for getting job offers, Jared is more personable and likable than that guy and couldve gotten huge free press for stars.
01-29-2011 , 10:35 PM
this sucks thought you'd be first pick with all the votes, views and even dnegs support~
01-29-2011 , 11:02 PM
close this thread and delete it from the forum

enough of this crap
01-30-2011 , 09:03 AM
01-30-2011 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by DonPope
close this thread and delete it from the forum
no u

such a bad decision stars
01-30-2011 , 09:37 AM
i tried my best

stars so bad
01-30-2011 , 11:11 AM
