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**Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear) **Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear)

11-14-2010 , 06:22 AM
11-14-2010 , 10:46 AM
How is that lady getting all the votes? You have to be kidding me. It's like very lame. No offence to her but damn... that video is extremely average compared to everything there.

Jared has the best video and the best background story.

Seriously though, how is she getting the votes?
11-14-2010 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by 8Nilor
How is that lady getting all the votes? You have to be kidding me. It's like very lame. No offence to her but damn... that video is extremely average compared to everything there.

Jared has the best video and the best background story.

Seriously though, how is she getting the votes?
In the other thread there is mention of how she is a member on some website where all they do is vote for each others ****. I cant remember what its called but its been mentioned a few times in there.
11-14-2010 , 11:11 AM
Yeah I think I saw something like that. I guess I kinda posted in the wrong thread maybe lol

Do you maybe have a link to that website so I can check it out?

I hope Jared wins this. I got a few ppl to vote and am voting myself too. Everyone should vote and get 1-2 others to vote then we ship it easy.
11-14-2010 , 11:21 AM
Nope sorry, there is definately a link or two in the thread about his video. But i have no idea whereabouts!
11-15-2010 , 07:48 PM
11-23-2010 , 11:21 AM
Hello All... I am also trying to be the next Loose Cannon on the Big Game... I respect Jared and all his supporters. I do think he has a great chance, however they do pick more than one person for the show and I was hoping to get some votes from this group. I do not have a great story other than being a single mom and having a devoted passion to play poker and wanting this great opportunity. I'm sure most of you know how to get onto the site to view and vote for videos so please visit and search for my screen name RiverRat178... greatly appreciated...thanks
11-23-2010 , 02:35 PM
prove to me that you're not trying to make a poker career out of child support and alimony payments like nadia magnus and i'll vote for you 100 times
11-23-2010 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shiftyeye7
prove to me that you're not trying to make a poker career out of child support and alimony payments like nadia magnus and i'll vote for you 100 times
What's the story behind this one?
11-23-2010 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by mmatts178
Hello All... I am also trying to be the next Loose Cannon on the Big Game... I respect Jared and all his supporters. I do think he has a great chance, however they do pick more than one person for the show and I was hoping to get some votes from this group. I do not have a great story other than being a single mom and having a devoted passion to play poker and wanting this great opportunity. I'm sure most of you know how to get onto the site to view and vote for videos so please visit and search for my screen name RiverRat178... greatly appreciated...thanks
Hi Riverrat!

Like your video. I get the impression that you're a really hard working person on the grind, and I gotta respect that

Good luck getting a spot on the show! And Happy Thanksgiving!

You have any special thanksgiving plans? I plan to spend time with my nieces Jared
11-23-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Komodo Dragon
What's the story behind this one?
she's a poorer version of beth shak
11-23-2010 , 04:13 PM
Wow, Jared only has 527 votes to riverrat's 900? Really?
11-23-2010 , 04:32 PM
11-23-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by mrussel2k1
Wow, Jared only has 527 votes to riverrat's 900? Really?
No, the person with the most has 619, which is 6190. Jared is in second with 5270. This means riverrat has 900 votes. Dunno why pokerstars didn't make it 4 digit, guess they didn't anticipate Jared.
11-23-2010 , 05:04 PM
Shiftyeye7..... I do not get alimony but I do get child is not used for poker. Not quite sure how you would like me to prove that. I work very hard and as a independent contractor in casino marketing this ecomony really sucks for getting business. I play poker every weekend and grind it out... been doing this for 4 years and I feel I could do some damage on the show. Unlike Nadya and Elizabeth I am not in my 20's and feel that this is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Hope this help answer your question.
11-23-2010 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by RelaxedPrecision
Hi Riverrat!

Like your video. I get the impression that you're a really hard working person on the grind, and I gotta respect that

Good luck getting a spot on the show! And Happy Thanksgiving!

You have any special thanksgiving plans? I plan to spend time with my nieces Jared
Hi Jared. I like you video as well... I know we communicated on the web site and I vote for you daily. Good luck and I hope things are going well for you and I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. I plan to spend it with my family in PA. Sorry if I intruded on your forum... Just looking for some extra support Take Care - Marilyn
11-23-2010 , 08:04 PM
I don't take it as an intrusion at all

Word of warning...lots of crazy comments and opinions get posted, for sure good to not take anything personally. I've been called pretty much every name in the book...even some that aren't in the book lol. But the positive far outweighs the negative. Most people are just joking anyways. Endless entertainment here

I get a big kick out of watching the other contestants videos. The videos where people put their family in them are really awesome.

Thanks a lot!

Happy Thanksgiving!
11-23-2010 , 08:28 PM
where do i vote?

+1 for Jarred
11-23-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by metski
where do i vote?

+1 for Jarred
Here is the voting thread.

Link to the site for voting is in the first post
11-24-2010 , 12:46 AM
Go Jared!
11-24-2010 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by mmatts178
Hello All... I am also trying to be the next Loose Cannon on the Big Game... I respect Jared and all his supporters. I do think he has a great chance, however they do pick more than one person for the show and I was hoping to get some votes from this group. I do not have a great story other than being a single mom and having a devoted passion to play poker and wanting this great opportunity. I'm sure most of you know how to get onto the site to view and vote for videos so please visit and search for my screen name RiverRat178... greatly appreciated...thanks


Of course this is jared territory, but I will kick you a vote also. I like your story.

Good luck
12-11-2010 , 09:56 PM
I got to be an extra in Dr. Dre's new video "Kush"! Check me out at 1:35 and 3:07!

Thanks to Boosted J for making it happen! Huge honor to get to watch Joseph Kahn and Dr. Dre at work! Those guy are so brilliant and they work so hard!

Huge inspiration! Really motivates me to go all out and try to do some acting and other projects! Might as well, you only live once! Huge thank you to 2+2!

12-11-2010 , 10:00 PM
thats pretty sick dude
12-12-2010 , 09:40 AM
12-25-2010 , 08:09 PM
