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Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012)

10-13-2012 , 02:58 AM
sux bad...

1. for people talking about rb being a gift... look at it this way. You do a job, you pay income tax, and get a net salary of X. You can then apply to get tax deductions and increase your salary by Y amount. So you end up earning X+Y. Suddenly "the man" says, no more tax deductions! and instead of seeing that as a reduction of salaries, you go "well... tax deductions were a gift anyways..." Wrong logic, imo.

2. regarding the new system, although we do not have all the info, it is clearly worse, and the fact that they try to make it look good doesnt change the fact that it is worse. No amount of spin will change the numbers, just need to wait and do some calculations, but first sight is clearly for the worse

3. long term users are being left behind. My 3+ years of iron man count for nothing now. My black card counts for nothing now (they say they MAY reintroduce it later, or maybe not) since it will be discontinued

Finally, just want to say, no hate on them, i'm glad to get my roll back, but besides the mid-year bonus, i dont see yet any incentives for a full time grinder like me to stay on ftp, which is fine, i'll just move my roll somewhere else
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by ThomasMoyes
A few points about the new system...

"It's better for all the players that didn't have RB" Well obviously...getting something is better than nothing...

"Why do you even need RB your supposed to try and win" Completely missing the point - players that were marginal losing players/BE players got an extra 2bb's/100 hands approximately which meant those bad players were kept in the game and you made more $$$.

What does $2.50 per 100 FTPs mean for you? Go back and try and remember your Iron Man calenders - I vaguely remember getting around 1000 points per day when I played so $25 RB - not a million miles away from my 27% (we're talking a few $$ either side) assuming I don't have to play 20 million hands a week just to get to the top tier.

So long as the top tier is something like 250-300 FTP per day average I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm concerned about the marginal losing player/BE players and the multi table nits leaving the player pool cos they were the biggest cash cows going - sure spewy fish gifted you a few buyins here and there but you could rely on those bad regs to be sitting there losing $$$ to you and getting it back via RB - now this wont be the case!
your are missing iron man; remember your IM calendar? remember the rewards you got for it? as far as we know now that reward is just gone...
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by sakipdsa
sux bad...

1. for people talking about rb being a gift... look at it this way. You do a job, you pay income tax, and get a net salary of X. You can then apply to get tax deductions and increase your salary by Y amount. So you end up earning X+Y. Suddenly "the man" says, no more tax deductions! and instead of seeing that as a reduction of salaries, you go "well... tax deductions were a gift anyways..." Wrong logic, imo.

2. regarding the new system, although we do not have all the info, it is clearly worse, and the fact that they try to make it look good doesnt change the fact that it is worse. No amount of spin will change the numbers, just need to wait and do some calculations, but first sight is clearly for the worse

3. long term users are being left behind. My 3+ years of iron man count for nothing now. My black card counts for nothing now (they say they MAY reintroduce it later, or maybe not) since it will be discontinued

Finally, just want to say, no hate on them, i'm glad to get my roll back, but besides the mid-year bonus, i dont see yet any incentives for a full time grinder like me to stay on ftp, which is fine, i'll just move my roll somewhere else
More like wrong example IMO.

1. You should actually think of it like earning X as salary and Y as a bonus and then having the company you work for being bought out by the biggest major competitor securing all of your existing benefits but changing the bonus structure from the day they take over.

Before hand Y was worth 27% of the fees you paid less anything you bought in the store or used for tickets.

Now Y is worth a MAX of 25% but you don't take a the store purchase hit.

For the guy who says he got $10-20 per day in rakeback before BF, I'd say you'll hit the top level pretty quick.

Also, for every one complaining about being ripped off or bitching about what they are owed. The new FTP owes you nothing except your account balances. Anything they offer you over and above that is only to entice you to stay and they will freely admit that.

This is not the old company paying you back and trying to make up for mistakes, this is a new owner that already owns the best provider in the business. You won't get ripped off by this new owner.

2. Clear as mud that it is worse. will be case by case and majorly dependant on traffic and how much you choose to play at the new site IMO.

3. Refer to the bit where I said the new owners owe you nothing but your balance.

I was lucky enough to get rakeback about 12 months before BF but I really didn't earn that much anyway. Rakeback was a way of making players feel like they were important, but really the more people who get rakeback means that rake increases are much closer.

I'd much prefer a lower rake structure and no rakeback, but then after a while more player would bitch that they deserve something more than the other guys.

Do you really think that if you are one of the guys pulling massive amounts of cash out of the company that you are helping them earn money? It would be better if the casual player had a win every now and then to keep them redepositing and paying rake(without rakeback)
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 03:40 AM
in a home game, poker is a zero sum game and avg winrate is 0

playing at a casino or poker site, they take a cut from everyone's winrate making avg winrate < 0

if they give you back some of that cut, it is hardly a bonus, it is a deduction of the amount they take

i see no logic to regard it as a bonus, it is not as if avg winrate stayed the same and they gave u something on top, then yes, it would be a bonus. They give you back a small portion of what was yours to begin with.

Not to say we dont agree to it so we can play under XYZ conditions, but if suddenly they give back less, it is a worse deal, and in no way can be considered just worse gifts.
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 03:49 AM
About Mid year end bonus ?? is it suppose to be 1 lump sum at the beginning or increments over time and grind ?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 04:36 AM
Will the mid/end-year bonus stay? So will we receive another bonus beginning of 2013?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by steelerian
THIS ^^^ All you guys doing all the hating above need to re-read Shyam's post and the email again.

The 25% is a flat RB for EVERYONE, no matter what your volume of play (10 FTP's/$1 rake and 100 FTP's=$2.50)
on top of that you get to spend the FTP's earned in the store without a RB hit (worth up to 4-5%)
plus whatever Black Card gives us extra for the higher volume grinders (this is what we need to wait and see the value of)
= 30-40%+ ???

The 30-40% might not be quite as high as previous RB% for the highest level of grinders on FTP, but its certainly not bad, and it is certainly better for smaller volume players (fish).

Reading comprehension FTW!
lol, i have understood it the same first, but it really says UP TO.. and up to is a big lol. your explained system is quite cool and im perfectly fine with it, but now the lowvolume grinder are supposed to get less than bronzestar on stars and the highvolume grinders would get goldstar-rb fair system ITT
My plan was to go back into grinding-mode at november, which should be fit quite well with my work but with 15-20% rb its stupid...
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:11 AM
Extremely bad for high volume players. Compared to sne stars its really bad. But maybe this fact is really good for the quality of the games...
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by joeri
Extremely bad for high volume players. Compared to sne stars its really bad. But maybe this fact is really good for the quality of the games...
yeah, for them especially but as I understand the new system, its probably bad for literally every player except the ones, who didnt have RB before
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by peterc1992
Yes rakeback is a gift...Its the reason people played on full tilt but it was a gift.It was great.
Don't be shy to say rake is a gift.

Q: when does ftp support begin answering emails?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by tedSTRETCH
So let me get this straight. I can reopen my old full tilt account since i relocated from the US. But when i get it unlocked i wont have rakeback anymore and i wont have any funds since the DOJ supposedly has them. Luckily i can make a deposit to play on Full Tilt. Think ill just bend over right now.
I love people who moan about getting there whole balance back yes going to a pain to get it off the DOJ, but it's the whole balance! You should be grateful not ungrateful
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by Chloe O'Brian
Btw lol at all the people complaining. You play online poker to win money, not to get an extra 8% of rakeback payments...
and rakeback isn't money somehow? if i get a $100 rakeback payment, it's worth less than if i stack someone at 100nl?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:17 AM
Hi Shyam, i have a quick question for you

If im an Estonian who has relocated, can i somehow send the proof of my address before the site opens, so the real money games would be available?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:28 AM
I will wait for final rewards system scheme, but so far 25+5% from the shop looks really bad compared to about 50% with Supernova on PS or Palladium on PP.
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:30 AM
FTP has has historically been bad for "high level" grinders. I remember the plan being:

1) Start off on FTP to build a decent BR with RB + other bonuses

2) Move to Stars when you can put in enough volume to achieve SN+

3) ???

Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by HELLutek
Hi Shyam, thanks and keep up the good work!

Since there is going to be pairing of FTP and PS accounts is it possible to change screenname on one room to the screenname from other room?
Not sure if I explained it clear, so here's an example: My screenname on PS is xxx1, and my screenname on FTP is xxx2 is it possible to make my screenname xxx2 on both rooms?
Had some problems while registering on PS and after trying few times I got frustrated and made my screenname something like kasjdfhaskjdfh And ofc it's worked this time
I can tell you now, that will be no, for obvious reasons... :/
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:46 AM
Apologies if this question is already posted,

Question: Will our accounts on PS and FTP be linked in the VIP Progam? So if we earn FTP points on FTP poker, will they give me VPP's simulatanously ?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:53 AM
G'day Shyam,
I know this might be penny-pinching but I'll ask anyway.
For those players that were at the highest tier of Ironman (36 mths+), will that come into consideration with the new system ie automatically start at the highest level?
3 years straight is a loooooong time...albeit a fun one

Cheers mate
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Tirppa
Meh.. Online poker is gonna die soon anyway.

Originally Posted by Chloe O'Brian
Jesus christ, reading the posts since the last update from Shyam would make everyone believe that rakeback is the be all and end all.

It's a fxxxing poker site!!!!!! You play poker, rakeback is a bonus yes. When rakeback makes up a v.small % of my winnings/losses, then I'm concerned about the ****ing software and player pool. You guys can all go off to those ****ty Euro sites where you get 40% rb or whatever along with the crap software + player pools + bots that they have.

guy says it all.

besides, if you're not doing low-mid stakes this shouldnt be a problem for you. yes, rake at micros is stupid, but 2 less cheeseburgers from rakeback aren't gonna help you much.
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 07:08 AM
for me this is a bonus since i had profits without any rb deal
i understand the point of some of the players who had high rb but this is the price of todays ftps software
if things get worse due to monopoly stuff i would think bout leaving ftp/ps but for now i cant wait until it relaunches
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by 2bad4u
FTP has has historically been bad for "high level" grinders. I remember the plan being:

1) Start off on FTP to build a decent BR with RB + other bonuses

2) Move to Stars when you can put in enough volume to achieve SN+

3) ???

this... although i would say 200kSN but same difference; ftp was the place to be for people below SN, why did PS buy FTP to beginn with if they want to change that? Maybe they just wanted to finally win the forum war "which reward program is better..."
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 08:35 AM
Gutted and a bit surprised that they're doing away with Ironman, was 24months+ into it, and it was always an incentive to play to maintain and advance my status, even when I wasn't playing much poker; I suspect this was the same for many people.

Stars must realise that different rewards suit different players; the VIP system on Pokerstars itself is no incentive to play unless you are chasing SN or SNE. However, something like Ironman, especially considering the mid and end of year bonuses, was a distinct plus for those playing at lower levels/recreationally; it served as a genuine incentive to play and the bonuses were significant compared to the amount of play required to earn and release them. This made FTP a much better option for players that wouldn't make SN or above, and unless something similar is introduced at FTP2, there will be less incentive to play there regularly.

It's true that we don't, as yet, know all the details of all the rewards and bonuses FTP2 will offer, but shafting the loyalty of long term customers by stopping Ironman and Blackcard seems a strange way to go about encouraging your customers, who've undeniably had a rough ride the last 18 months, to stick with you.
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Shyam Markus

12. What will the process be for pairing Stars and FTP accounts?

- The exact process hasn't been announced yet, but it will be as quick and painless as possible. It will involve logging into both sites and using a "pairing code" to link the accounts.

Originally Posted by winwin
Will relocated USA players who pair their FTP account with their already reopened Pokerstars account be able to play on their FTP account with no further inquiry?
Am alo interested to hear the answer to winwin's question. Are we gonna have to jump through FTP hoops prior to playing if we've already verified our relocation with PS and can link our accounts?
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 09:02 AM
has ftp support starting answering emails yet? pre black friday they locked my account 2-3 times, (following emails back and forth they opened, then locked, then re-opened before locking account again)

Ironically sometime between them re-opening my account and closing it again i actually made deposits of around $6-700.

It was taking ridiculous amounts of time (2-3 days) to receive an email from the security department as to why i didn't have access to my account. I had roughly $100-150 owed to me (mainly through rakeback) but like everyone else, i basically wrote it off as a lesson "learned" (not to play on sites which aren't called pokerstars, as in my experience's your treated like utter ****) when black friday hit.
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
10-13-2012 , 09:04 AM
i'm also 99% sure i've not received an email from FTP in the last few days, there is a small chance i've forgotten which email address was linked to my FTP account though
Official FTP Relaunch Thread (OP updated October 26, 2012) Quote
