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new pokerstars product, heads up duel new pokerstars product, heads up duel

03-04-2016 , 01:06 PM
thanks for the video
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 01:58 PM
that's looks pretty good other than the fact that they added win/loss and a couple other stats display
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffyou
Thank you for making the video. Not as interesting as I thought it might be. Dull. Isn't going to engage me even if stakes were higher.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
that's looks pretty good other than the fact that they added win/loss and a couple other stats display
The number of losses of a player is shown only to him/herself, which is mentioned in a text bubble in the video.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
The number of losses of a player is shown only to him/herself, which is mentioned in a text bubble in the video.
yeah, I know, but I still think it's not very smart for people to constantly be shown their win/loss as well as the effects of rake.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:22 PM
What is the maximum stake you can play on this?
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:24 PM
The only available now, during the beta-test, is $1.

It's yet to be determined what the top stake will be when the product comes out of beta, but as per post #12 of this thread, it's rumoured to be $5 to deter regs
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
4-day long slowrolls coming soon
What you're all missing is that if you timeout after 4 days it folds your HAND, 20 hands for 4 day time out each means a game can go on for 80 days if someone wants to piss you off... or even 160 days if both parties forget about responding.

Furthermore if a rec plays this on mutliple tables they will get a **** tonne of push notifications for each action of each table for however long the game lasts + all of the promotional/advertising notifications P*'s will send...
this will be the most ANNOYING thing for any rec. Worse than facebook invites.

Overall this looks to be the biggest troll I've ever seen. It's a troll to the HU community, to poker, to the supposed recs that are going to play this and it is a tool for trolls.

Welcome to pokerstars duel. Biggest advancement for poker since black friday.

Last edited by BigBoar; 03-04-2016 at 03:06 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by BigBoar
What you're all missing is that if you timeout after 4 days it folds your HAND, 20 hands for 4 day time out each means a game can go on for 80 days if someone wants to piss you off... or even 160 days if both parties forget about responding.
The time limit is 4 days for the game as a whole for each of the players (your clock keeps ticking until you submit all the pending moves), not for each of the 20 hands, so the maximum duration of a game is 8 days.

If you time out, then all of your active hands that are not all-in and can't check are folded. I haven't understood totally what happens to the hands that can check, but I assume that, in all fairness, your button hands should be autochecked where the opponent hasn't bet if it's the river already, but big blind hands should be folded to save time because the opponent would bet to fold them out anyway.

Last edited by coon74; 03-04-2016 at 04:26 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:21 PM
WTF is this bull****, looks like the they hit up the developer who made tinder
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:36 PM
all pokerstars have to do is advertise more, in a more comprehensive way. Instead of paying ronaldo etc and sponsoring.

They could just advertise on porn sites and have banners everywhere. Commercials all the time etc. Zynga has 40k users, everyone in the developed world know what poker is, they just need an advertisment saying 'come to jokerstars and we'll teach you how to play and make money' everyone you know will know what poker is but to them it an intangible thing - most outside america don't even know you can play online.

Poker applies to everyone, it applies to:

Thrill seekers
Masculine characters
Friendly competitors

And ESPECIALLY people who want to make money fast.

If pokerstars advertised how binary options brokers advertised with all the 'make money fast' ****... or 'if you're good at poker why not make money from it' etc the traffic could triple or more
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
Many thanks, Bluffyou!

Ouch, the app is rather slow indeed. Is there an option to turn all the animations off or speed them up? What's the 'regular' mode @0:52 and what other modes are available and what's the difference?

It will be less +EV for me to play it than other games unless $10+ (better $25+) stakes are added into Duel.

Or maybe I'll play it when I'm ill and retired and can no longer grind real-time poker.
I haven't found a way to speed it up. Turning off animations does not appear possible. The regular mode is the only available option so I can't tell you what the other options are for sure, but I believe there may be less hands per game and/or smaller effective stacks.

I agree with your last point, the game appears to be dedicated to recreationals, any stakes above $5 and I don't think any reg will bother with this.

The massive time bank seems a bit long, however I do like the fact you have longer in tough decisions. You can pretty much play your ranges 100%.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 05:47 PM
I stand corrected, animation is able to be turned off.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-04-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by BigBoar
all pokerstars have to do is advertise more, in a more comprehensive way. Instead of paying ronaldo etc and sponsoring.

They could just advertise on porn sites and have banners everywhere. Commercials all the time etc. Zynga has 40k users, everyone in the developed world know what poker is, they just need an advertisment saying 'come to jokerstars and we'll teach you how to play and make money' everyone you know will know what poker is but to them it an intangible thing - most outside america don't even know you can play online.

Poker applies to everyone, it applies to:

Thrill seekers
Masculine characters
Friendly competitors

And ESPECIALLY people who want to make money fast.

If pokerstars advertised how binary options brokers advertised with all the 'make money fast' ****... or 'if you're good at poker why not make money from it' etc the traffic could triple or more

I like your attitude.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-05-2016 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
Many thanks, Bluffyou!
Originally Posted by HotCosby
ty for the video.
Originally Posted by anuj22
thanks for the video
Originally Posted by _Loki_
Thank you for making the video.
You're all welcome
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-05-2016 , 02:28 PM
Was expecting to see like a shaky vid, with your finger darting in and out of view and stuff ... which would have been fine! Thanks so much for taking the time to make the vid for us, with all the added details - it turned out so nice

Couldn't help but notice that the rake has turned out to be on the higher end ...

Maybe the next Team Online week'll be on the app, or something?

new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-05-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by TrustySam
Was expecting to see like a shaky vid, with your finger darting in and out of view and stuff ... which would have been fine! Thanks so much for taking the time to make the vid for us, with all the added details - it turned out so nice

Couldn't help but notice that the rake has turned out to be on the higher end ...

Maybe the next Team Online week'll be on the app, or something?

Lol no problem at all mate.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 01:49 PM
I'd like to double-check the move order.

When you send a non-random challenge, then it is the one who accepts it who has to make the first moves - in the 10 hands where he's on the button - then it's your turn to act in all the 20 hands (but you can't move in your button hands until the opponent makes the first move in all his button hands) - then it's his turn to act in all the hands (up to 20) where you didn't fold, and so on.

When you send a random challenge, I guess the one who makes the first move is determined randomly or in the 'first come - first served' fashion akin to HU Zoom seating (i.e. if there's someone who had requested a random opponent just before you but not got matched yet, he's told to make his moves first, whereas if the system 'openseats' you, then the next player who requests a random is paired with you and you're to act in your button hands first).

The reason why you got a notification so quick in the video was apparently that your opponent had been selected by the system instantly and made his first moves in his 10 button hands within 1-1.5 minutes.

new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 07:05 PM
No one gets to make a move until you have paired with an opponent in a random challenge (or in a non-random challenge until your opponent accepts.) As soon as you have been paired with someone you both get to act at the same time, you each get to play your button hands at the same time. Once you've completed your button hands you can immidiately play any oop hands your opponent has already played.

I will also confirm on a seperate note you can play more than one duel at a time. This effectively removes the annoyance of the 4 day time bank.

Last edited by Bluffyou; 03-11-2016 at 07:19 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffyou
As soon as you have been paired with someone you both get to act at the same time, you each get to play your button hands at the same time. Once you've completed your button hands you can immidiately play any oop hands your opponent has already played.
This will make the game very ugly as it makes stalling (waiting for the opponent to finish all his moves every time before making yours) massively +EV or, if the opponent is aware of this too, both will still be tempted to waste each other's time, trying e.g. to start the opponent's clock when he's asleep and has only a few hours left.

I'm tempted to shoot an email to Stars asking them to review the move order so that it's one and only one player's turn at any moment.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
This will make the game very ugly as it makes stalling (waiting for the opponent to finish all his moves every time before making yours) massively +EV or, if the opponent is aware of this too, both will still be tempted to waste each other's time, trying e.g. to start the opponent's clock when he's asleep and has only a few hours left.

I'm tempted to shoot an email to Stars asking them to review the move order so that it's one and only one player's turn at any moment.
It has benefits as well. If both people are online it only takes a couple minutes to finish the game - as can be seen in the vid. The angles you are referring to will happen from time to time, but remember each players time bank is 4 days. So if he waits till the very end of his 4 days to make his move you will still have 4 days to make yours. He will then be disadvantaged. No need to send an email to stars, the duel reps are watching this thread.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 09:57 PM
Ah, excuse my stupidity, now I see both why it makes sense to allow both to play at once and why the hand order can't be changed then. (In the move order that I suggested, your button hands could be played in any order as the opponent would see neither of them until you finished all the 10.)

When the duel starts, you begin with hand 1 and the opponent - with hand 11 (I'm not sure if it's displayed as hand 1 or hand 11 to him, but let's number the hands from your perspective). Then you both proceed to play hands in strict cyclical order - you play from hand 1 to hand 20 in ascending order, then hand 1 again right after hand 20, then from 2 to 20 again and so on; the opponent goes from 11 to 20, then from 1 to 20 in ascending order and so on.

So you never see any of the moves that the opponent made while you were thinking on your pending moves, until you clear that backlog.

All genius is simple

This move order resembles two trains on a circular railroad that start at its opposite points and can't pass each other. When the opponent's train bumps into yours, his clock stops ticking, and it restarts when your train moves again.

E.g. the game can proceed as follows:

You act in hands 1-10 and he acts in 11-20 at the same time. You can't see what's happening in 11-20 until you finish hand 10.

You act in hand 11 and close the app. He acts in hands 1-10 at the same time, only then he sees your move in 11 and replies there too and closes the app.

Now only your clock is ticking and you'll have to restart with hand 12, play in ascending order up to hand 20, then hands 1 to 11. The opponent will be notified as soon as you act in hand 12 and will have to start with it regardless of how many other hands you'll have acted in by the time he reopens the app.


Then there's no sense in stalling indeed.

Last edited by coon74; 03-11-2016 at 10:12 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:24 PM
Yep. Good analogy
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-12-2016 , 12:35 AM
good game to play but only if you are nekkid.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
03-12-2016 , 09:06 AM
This game does not seem appealing to either a rec or reg imo - but as someone else mentioned it's something new so I guess we will see how it develops. Boring as F so far tho =D
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
