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new pokerstars product, heads up duel new pokerstars product, heads up duel

02-12-2016 , 02:10 PM
Duel By PokerStars is the biggest innovation to hit online poker in years. A true, game-changer in every sense, Duel By PokerStars will likely bring an untold number of new players to the game and, importantly, rekindle the love for poker amongst many fans and aficionados who simply stopped playing due to lack of time.
Lol they couldnt have made it more obvious that they are an Amaya shill site.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
Lol they couldnt have made it more obvious that they are an Amaya shill site.
Maybe, but yet again I find myself a bit contrarian to the 2+2 concensus.

This format has some real appeal for recs -specifically for recs who work for a living. You can fit it in to the little breaks in your day when you might check tweets/texts instead. If you get an awkwrd hand ou can ponder it.

Sure someone will be "solving" this NLHE HU format to give those that don't are about play the perfect ev response for each hand, s/w driven but with limited "friends" and a limit on simultaneous games it's not very grindable.

I can see it working for many working stiff recs, it fits in to their lives.

Is it a huge thing? Nah I dot thik so but a new entry point for poker players is no bad thing.

As for it being a return to the bygone days of email games - well what's wrong with that? It built a community and let players learn/discuss hands.

Once people get used to it I can see it being able to support 6 max, esp if some players can pre act by choosing an action assuming noone acts before them.

I can see this niche working for Stars.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 03:28 PM
how about in app purchase ....10bb paid to the rake to sneak a peak at the next card . AYA would soon pay off their 4bn debt
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 04:41 PM
Meh, to be honest I think it's actually a pretty clever idea. Due to the dynamics of the game ($5 max, iPhone restricted) it is quite clear that it is aimed at recs. The idea of having a 'duel' with others will interest your average moron, but the best part is the unlimited time bank. It will create a lot more rec logins to see if their opponent has made a move yet and will most likely get them playing side games while they wait.

In reality, this is just a game to get them consistently logging into the site and being tempted by all the games in the lobby. Add boredom into the mix and you'll have recs staying up all night playing duels and eventually transitioning onto other tourneys.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 05:25 PM
This is much better than traditional HUNL tables IMO. Stars.... That's one step back to your old self
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 05:45 PM
So your SNE money went to a Christiano Ronaldo advertisement check and the development of "duel"

Must be a sickening feeling.

Never thought Stars would have fallen so far in one year; especially when it has been entirely of their own doing.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 05:59 PM
I think peoples' opinions of the game matter. And they might matter more than the opinions of what people think 'others' might think of the game. Because everybody who plays poker shares the same love of games, which should qualify everybody to judge this new concept on the 'fun factor.'

Like haven't a lot of us played spins? They're quite entertaining, with the wheel, and with them being so quick to play - it's just that that 2x multiplier makes them hard to play profitably without a deep roll, unless you hit a big multiplier early on, or are getting decent enough rakeback to smooth over the variance by playing higher levels, etc.

This game sounds really slow, to the point of possibly being boring. But surely some people will enjoy it.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I have no idea whether this will be a success or not, but I'm pretty sure that everyone who thinks it's a dumb idea because it has no appeal to them are completely missing the point. As others have said, you're not the target market.
I'd love to know who the target market actually is, because I actually like turn-based strategy games. I've played chess and 'Words With Friends' on Facebook. With online chess, I've been waiting for my opponent to make his ninth chess move since about 2010. Hardly anyone plays 'Words With Friends' any more, do they? It's too slow.
I think the only way 'Duel' can help the ecology is if people get bored waiting for their opponent and fire up a regular poker game instead.
*Goes back to playing Candy Crush and AlphaBetty Saga instead, because those games are actually fast, fun and addictive.*

EDIT: It just struck me that one part of the target market would be live poker players, who challenge their buddies to a Duel while grinding an even slower game in a bricks n' mortar casino.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 06:26 PM
[ ] epic new innovative game

[x] play money and nanostakes

Why do ppl even care about this, its gonna be a failure. Also unlikely this duel thing will ever be for any meaningful stakes cause massive timebanks and 25bb stacks make it super easy to solve every street and make this game yet another unbeatable rake trap.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-12-2016 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Swwiinn
In reality, this is just a game to get them consistently logging into the site and being tempted by all the games in the lobby. Add boredom into the mix and you'll have recs staying up all night playing duels and eventually transitioning onto other tourneys.
"Make no mistake, this app doesn’t bring “the same old PokerStars poker tables” to your mobile device. "

In my understanding this means that it is designed to be a standalone app,so none of the above will be true.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 01:29 AM
i dont understand why someone with 25bb would stop playing his 15 minutes game for a complete day. would be better if its 10 boards and push or fold mode.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 02:01 AM
idk this duel thing sounds like yet another spin&go varion type format to me.
more rake, smaller edges, less withdraw, you know the drill.
listen, i dont wanna sound like total PS hater here. If it drives new players to deposit to play poker/other formats. GOOD, DO IT. If u actually have these intentions, not purely ur own pockets ONLY (because in this case its Pokerstars ONLY who show predatory behavior, which it tries to `get rid of, justifying any change that so far only benefits themselves`).
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Richas
Maybe, but yet again I find myself a bit contrarian to the 2+2 concensus.

This format has some real appeal for recs -specifically for recs who work for a living. You can fit it in to the little breaks in your day when you might check tweets/texts instead. If you get an awkwrd hand ou can ponder it.

Sure someone will be "solving" this NLHE HU format to give those that don't are about play the perfect ev response for each hand, s/w driven but with limited "friends" and a limit on simultaneous games it's not very grindable.

I can see it working for many working stiff recs, it fits in to their lives.

Is it a huge thing? Nah I dot thik so but a new entry point for poker players is no bad thing.

As for it being a return to the bygone days of email games - well what's wrong with that? It built a community and let players learn/discuss hands.

Once people get used to it I can see it being able to support 6 max, esp if some players can pre act by choosing an action assuming noone acts before them.

I can see this niche working for Stars.
You can already do most of this with hyper HUSNGs, ~3 min avg game time, you can play on your mobile.

Maybe this will appeal more to players because of how it is marketed, but my guess would be absent throwing a lot of marketing money behind it, this game won't really catch fire like spin and gos did (spins had a great deal of marketing money behind them, but are obviously a naturally appealing game and has some new player attractiveness as well).
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 03:32 AM
Not surprised 2+2 doesn't like it, we're clearly not the target audience. It's a social game, not a serious poker game.

From what I see, this was inspired by Trivia Crack.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 06:19 AM
Right....I've downloaded it to have a look at it, and can't really see an easy way to start playing?

It looks like there isn't a way to just jump into a have to set it up yourself and invite other players.

If that's the case it seems like waaaaaay too much of a faf to get any traction. Or am I getting this wrong?
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 07:45 AM
It seems dumb to me. But I guess we will see what happens.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I'd love to know who the target market actually is, because I actually like turn-based strategy games. I've played chess and 'Words With Friends' on Facebook. With online chess, I've been waiting for my opponent to make his ninth chess move since about 2010. Hardly anyone plays 'Words With Friends' any more, do they? It's too slow.
I think the only way 'Duel' can help the ecology is if people get bored waiting for their opponent and fire up a regular poker game instead.
*Goes back to playing Candy Crush and AlphaBetty Saga instead, because those games are actually fast, fun and addictive.*

EDIT: It just struck me that one part of the target market would be live poker players, who challenge their buddies to a Duel while grinding an even slower game in a bricks n' mortar casino.
Yes, I also couldn't work out what they were going for but after after reading that pokerfuse articles I see this.

"PokerStars also sees the new app as a better way to give more players the chance to play with their favorite PokerStars Pros". Thinking about it, they could get their pros to play these matches with little more effort than sending a few tweets. Maybe they see it as a way to bring the guy who see these pros on tv but doesn't actually play online. Give them a change to play against the guy on tv for $5.

Next step seems to be to move these players to the standard games. "the ability to download the traditional PokerStars app has been included right inside of the Duel app."
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Caution: Long rant ahead.

Don ****ing Mattrick is a great example.
Before his Zynga days, he masterminded the destruction of some of the most creative game design studios in the world.

He used to be the President of Worldwide Studios for Electronic Arts (EA).
He was behind the acquisitions of Bullfrog Productions, Westwood Studios, Origin Systems and Maxis.
These companies were responsible for a vast amount of original games at their peak. i.e. Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park/Hospital, the Wing Commander series, the Ultima series, Command & Conquer/Dune, Legend of Kyrandria, Lands of Lore, Sim City and The Sims.
In in the case of Bullfrog, where I was, we were told that we were being bought to create the new game ideas and future IP for the company
In reality we were tasked with rehashing old ideas for the fast buck. In Bullfrog's case, this meant Theme Park World/Sim Theme Park and the Harry Potter series - games that have little to zero actual game design creativity as they rely on a predesigned world/theme.
Westwood ended up just rehashing Command & Conquer.
Origin just messed around with Ultima Online and Wing Commander spin offs.
Maxis just did The Sims.

All creativity was lost.

The creative talent either left the industry (like me) or started up new companies where they could have the creative freedom that made them what they were in the first place.

Years later, EA's CEO John Riccitiello admitted that they had truly messed up. Not a surprise seeing as he was originally hired from Sara Lee. Yes, Sara Lee. The bakers.

They assumed the EA Sports model of a new title each year on the same theme would work everywhere. How wrong they were.

How much more money could they have made if they weren't so short sighted?

Amaya should learn a lesson here. In fact, no, they shouldn't need to learn a lesson. They should know already.

You worked for Bullfrog? Cool. Did you work with Demis Hassabis?
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
Duel By PokerStars is the biggest innovation to hit online poker in years. A true, game-changer in every sense, Duel By PokerStars will likely bring an untold number of new players to the game and, importantly, rekindle the love for poker amongst many fans and aficionados who simply stopped playing due to lack of time.
Lol ...

Found another article that makes it sound a lot different:

It sounds like there might be *two* things that'll be different about this game?
  1. The hour/day-long time bank
  2. All the hands are dealt at once, and each street has to be completed before moving onto the next one?

It sounded like the author maybe hasn't had the chance to try the app himself, but he's talked to someone who has? This article's different from the other one though, because this author describes it in terms of possible edges - he made it sound a lot more interesting than it did before in the other article lol ..
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by AntoniusBlock
You worked for Bullfrog? Cool. Did you work with Demis Hassabis?
I joined just after Theme Park's original releases. The first thing I worked on was the SNES version. Demis had gone back to university at that point, but we crossed paths a few times in subsequent years.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I joined just after Theme Park's original releases. The first thing I worked on was the SNES version.
Loved this game on the SNES, also loved Syndicate on the Amiga which you namechecked in another post.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 03:04 PM
If this is the 'new mobile-only poker variant with elements of social interaction that will engage new audiences' that Stars had been promising for months, then mark me pissed off. I'll stick to non-Amaya jackpot SnGs for the good part of the year then.

Some poker site should make a move and deploy HoldemX for serious real money stakes. That would be a real innovation.

Last edited by coon74; 02-13-2016 at 03:14 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 03:05 PM
Well,Pokerstars trying something new to bring new players in. Cant see how that can harm.At least they are trying to bring in change to a dying poker economy otherwise.Hope it will have a positive effect for all.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by randommuppet
Right....I've downloaded it to have a look at it, and can't really see an easy way to start playing? It looks like there isn't a way to just jump into a have to set it up yourself and invite other players...
I read that PokerStars Dual is an Android & Apple App that being trialled only in Norway at the moment. Maybe that's why you can't "really see an easy way to start playing"
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
02-13-2016 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Amateur25
Well,Pokerstars trying something new to bring new players in
...or steal them from existing poker variations so that a bigger % of their deposits goes in Amaya's pockets instead of regs'.

It's very different from the introduction of Expresso at Winamax (and, a year later, its clone Spin & Go at Stars) - in that case, the game wasn't reg-proof and, in fact, big money could be earned there from the get-go by those who weren't afraid to switch over from other poker formats. And the new players that it brought were the ones who were OK with losing big money fast (for a chance to get their dose of jackpot excitement).

As The Duel targets those who prefer to lose money slower than in traditional online poker (and would be too greedy to (re)deposit at all if there was no Duel), the best that can happen after its introduction is that the new attracted players will switch to all kinds of existing download poker variants, so Stars' ecosystem will gradually repair itself to the level of other sites... but, as the buy-in will be capped at $5 for possibly hours or days of play, there won't be such an instant market imbalance, such muddy waters, such a big opportunity to capitalise on a new fish tank as there was when Expresso came out.


Edit: a key question is how many duels one will be able to have going at a time.

There's a limit of 100 friends, but if I could play with them all at the same time, it could be viable and profitable enough.

After all, there are many Filipino players at who have hundreds of correspondence games (some even over 500) going at the same time. What's strange about them is that they decide to 'grind' games with no monetary value... their behaviour would be understandable if the play was for a stake, but as is, they take 2 days per every move and annoy the hell out of opponents.

Last edited by coon74; 02-13-2016 at 06:53 PM.
new pokerstars product, heads up duel Quote
