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Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters.

06-25-2010 , 07:02 PM
Maybe im wrong maybe when MJ gets to a grocery store and they're out of gatorade he says, "MOTHER F#$%% F%^& POWERADE BIATCH! F%%%&* GARBAGE BS!!!!"
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:02 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if DN was telling the truth about not getting one cent for the endorsement, and was actually an equity owner in this scam? That would be a fine example of lying by telling half-truth.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by iSpitHotFire
The bottom line is athletes and celebrities couldn't care less about the product they endorse. They claim way more than "i like the shoe." I've never even heard someone in a commercial say, "I like this product its the one of the best i'd say." It's always, "Product X is Fantastic! You wanna be like me, use blah blah. Its the only one I trust." Yes the only one you trust to write a slightly larger check then whoever else gave an offer. Ok so then we're just debating to what extent can you be dishonest in a commercial, but you won't give a standard, b/c you all are mostly being hypocritical and would do the same if you could. It's the reason I respect Jack Nicklaus more than Arnold Palmer, and it's the reason why this DN Brunson thing is on the level of an Arnold Palmer, Peyton Manning commericial.
You don't seem to understand.

No one has a problem with anyone saying they prefer a product in commercials. DN has been promoting Pokerstars for quite a while without anyone having a problem with it (except you). No one has a problem if they genuinely love Coke or not.

What people have a problem with is promoting a product that makes fraudulent claims using fraudulent 'science'. It is a scam. It is like selling snake oil.

And no, us being able to see the distinction here doesn't make us "hypocritical". You not being able to see it however makes you...
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by iSpitHotFire
The bottom line is athletes and celebrities couldn't care less about the product they endorse..
Have you polled every single celeb in the world or are you just making another ad hominem sweeping statement?

Are you trying to claim it's okay to spout lies and spread deceit because other people do it? Wow what screwed up set of moral values you have if so.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:06 PM
Drederick Tatum : "I am paid millions to endorse these butt-ugly shoes"

- Everyone moans and walks off -

Tatum : "My forthrightness is my undoing"
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian
You don't seem to understand.

No one has a problem with anyone saying they prefer a product in commercials. DN has been promoting Pokerstars for quite a while without anyone having a problem with it (except you). No one has a problem if they genuinely love Coke or not.

What people have a problem with is promoting a product that makes fraudulent claims using fraudulent 'science'. It is a scam. It is like selling snake oil.

And no, us being able to see the distinction here doesn't make us "hypocritical". You not being able to see it however makes you...
Right so ignore what I said and make your argument, 'well other people don't have a problem with that stuff.... So i mean ppl on this forum agree with me HA!' and um...again SCAM!

Nice argument tard K im done with this funny forum stuff cya.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian
You don't seem to understand.

No one has a problem with anyone saying they prefer a product in commercials. DN has been promoting Pokerstars for quite a while without anyone having a problem with it (except you). No one has a problem if they genuinely love Coke or not.

What people have a problem with is promoting a product that makes fraudulent claims using fraudulent 'science'. It is a scam. It is like selling snake oil.

And no, us being able to see the distinction here doesn't make us "hypocritical". You not being able to see it however makes you...
Exactly. If gatorade makes some BS claim about electrolytes, at least at the end of the day, if you buy a gatorade, you'll have a flavored drink. If you buy these magic strips, you'll have $44 dollar stickers.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
Don't know how you can be so hard on Negreanu and not Doyle.
Word. At least DN appears kind of embarrassed by having his name attached to such crap. Doyle acts like he really believes in a treatment that presents this under 'How it Works':

'The Chips interact with the body’s energy and draw the discomfort out by redirecting the [painful] energy.'
'Depending on the formula stored in the strip, the body will naturally promote improved balance (balance is when all portions of the body work together at its harmonious optimum level)...'
How exactly does one measure the body's harmonious optimum level, I wonder. Does it have a unit of measurement, like say 5 HOL is reasonably harmonious, whereas 10 HOL is optimised to the max? Or is it possible Endura, like a thousand other New Age bull**** companies, uses meaningless sciencey-sounding language to confuse the gullible?

Doyle is pushing a complete joke scam product onto the 341,479 (atm) people following his Twitter, and for calling attention to it, 2p2 needs to get a life? I really hope he's just an idiot that doesn't understand science/medicine/the placebo effect/reason, because the alternative, that he knows it's garbage and is getting paid to push it, is pretty damn gross.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Duende

Doyle is pushing a complete joke scam product onto the 341,479 (atm) people following his Twitter, and for calling attention to it, 2p2 needs to get a life? I really hope he's just an idiot that doesn't understand science/medicine/the placebo effect/reason, because the alternative, that he knows it's garbage and is getting paid to push it, is pretty damn gross.
See, I'd rather believe he knows it's a scam, because if he's that level of gullible it would be heart breaking. I think Doyle Brunson is a lot of things, but a fool isn't one of them. I would guesstimate there's a 90 percent chance he knows these strips are a scam. It would be 100 percent, but he believes that having faith in jesus's resurrection will allow him to live for ever, so theoretically he could believe any bull****.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:17 PM
I really hope he's just an idiot that doesn't understand science
Doyle is a Creationist, FWIW ...
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:20 PM
See what I believe is that soldiers are dying and kids are starving and we're all worked up about these stickers.


There, I have stated the obvious, thread should be dead but will not become dead.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by CoolHand MJR
See what I believe is that soldiers are dying and kids are starving and we're all worked up about these stickers.


There, I have stated the obvious, thread should be dead but will not become dead.
This is news views and gossip, last i checked, not Frags, IEDs and SIDS.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Big D McGee
This is news views and gossip, last i checked, not Frags, IEDs and SIDS.
Well ya there is NVG and thats all good, but to take something trivial like this too far and make a big fuss is just kinda silly IMO.
Why you wanna trip on them.
(good song by the king Why You Wanna Trip On Me)
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:29 PM
It should be clear that Doyle and Daniel actually believe this crap.

I have great respect for both of them as poker players, but this illustrates that outside of poker they still have some leaks in their game.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
It should be clear that Doyle and Daniel actually believe this crap.

I have great respect for both of them as poker players, but this illustrates that outside of poker they still have some leaks in their game.

I don't know that it's clear. There is an alternative to them believing in it.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
so they're cashing in on peoples stupidity.
how is this different than most marketing plans for most products?
>ShamWow's really do hold a lot of water
>You're probably gonna- at the very least- LIKE my nuts.

But I agree... I'd get just as much positive energy waves wearing a f***ing USB stick around my neck.
[And unlike holograms[still in research], USB sticks are used by the millions for data storage.]
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Big D McGee
I don't know that it's clear. There is an alternative to them believing in it.
There is not enough money involved for them to ruin their credibility over it.

Doyle is in pain.

Daniel is a "gee whiz, isn't this neat" guy.

They want to believe.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:36 PM
BTW, why the **** is Doyle threatening to stop tweeting and blogging in response to this? It's not like we're pouncing on him for something he tweeted or blogged about, we're pouncing on him for being involved in scamming people.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:38 PM
I realize that famous poker players don't get the kind of mainstream endorsement offers as other celebrities and athletes do. I don't blame them for wanting to get a little side action on endorsing some crazy products that might come their way. After all even Phil Ivey was ranked below the Pawn Stars on celebrity status (how pathetic is that). But if they are going to do this they need to realise the value of their likeness and endorsements. They also must accept the consequences of endorsing questionable products and know that their reputation is forever linked to these products. I think the reason for people getting bent over this is because we all want to see poker represented to the public in a positive light that promotes and encourages the good side of poker, not the sleezy huckster side.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:38 PM
So wait, is DN telling me that I have to get rid of my energy restoring magnets that I got back in 2000. I mean I really went to town back then with the magnetic medallion to hang around my neck, bracelet and wraps for my arms and legs.

So magnetic technology is out of date, and now its holographic stickers. No one wonder I feel so tired 3 tabling. I need to bring my game into the '10.

Alright photoshopers if anyone knows the ridiculous ICP Miracles video thats been spoofed like crazy, a gif of DN would be awesome.

Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
There is not enough money involved for them to ruin their credibility over it.

Doyle is in pain.

Daniel is a "gee whiz, isn't this neat" guy.

They want to believe.

Yeah, I don't think DN is too worried about his credibility based on the products he has endorsed in the past.

As for Doyle, I'd be willing to bet he's cheated people out of money for a lot less then he would potentially get from this.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
BTW, why the **** is Doyle threatening to stop tweeting and blogging in response to this? It's not like we're pouncing on him for something he tweeted or blogged about, we're pouncing on him for being involved in scamming people.
Indeed, Doyle hasn't said a word about this at all on his Twitter. I don't understand his bitterness towards it.

I think the best post of all came from Annie Duke.

@TexDolly You just figured that out? :-)

Please Doyle, this is advice from a woman who is well respected. Take her advice, maybe someday you might front run a scamming poker site. Your never too old to start.

edit: don't think I saw it in this thread, but this was doyles tweet. "Lol at some of the threads on the poker forums. Guess I'm gonna have to stop tweeting and blogging. Some of these folks need to get a life"
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
BTW, why the **** is Doyle threatening to stop tweeting and blogging in response to this? It's not like we're pouncing on him for something he tweeted or blogged about, we're pouncing on him for being involved in scamming people.
I think the tweet may be in reference to the gosh awful locked thread about the joke/encounter he blogged about earlier (something along the lines of having black friends). And he did tweet
Had great endurance at the poker table & was pain free. Go look at this really works. Unbelievable!!
, but I think he was probably responding more to the thread that said the joke he made in a blog could be taken as racist.

And it really sounds like they are taking a crap ton of liberties with DN's response to the strips:
Daniel Negreanu – Endura Performance Poker Strips
As you all know I play a lot of poker and travel a lot. My body and mind gets very tired. I use the Endura Performance Poker Strips to enhance my performance and stay focused. I play a lot of poker on line, many games at one time. The strips really help you focus. The Performance Poker Strips are also great while working out, long trips driving, jogging or playing golf as well as any other physical activity you may try.
I endorse the Endura Performance Poker Strips and encourage everyone to try them!
It sounds like they are jumping through hoops with the quote so if asked they can say "Well, he never actually said they make him play better poker when fatigued. Just that they help with focus and stuff."

Regardless, I'm not trying them until they are endorsed by Deepak Chopra and at least two Oprah guests.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
Indeed, Doyle hasn't said a word about this at all on his Twitter. I don't understand his bitterness towards it.

I think the best post of all came from Annie Duke.

@TexDolly You just figured that out? :-)

Please Doyle, this is advice from a woman who is well respected. Take her advice, maybe someday you might front run a scamming poker site. Your never too old to start.

edit: don't think I saw it in this thread, but this was doyles tweet. "Lol at some of the threads on the poker forums. Guess I'm gonna have to stop tweeting and blogging. Some of these folks need to get a life"
OK you've got half the story.

Doyle first posted a claim that these holographic stickers really worked for him and he linked to in his tweet.

So now you know the context of his second tweet.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ribbo
OK you've got half the story.

Doyle first posted a claim that these holographic stickers really worked for him and he linked to in his tweet.

So now you know the context of his second tweet.
yeah, but he also recently blogged about racial issues, and made a joke about not wanting to share the same bathroom with phil ivey, that I personally thought was funny in context, but I can imagine some would not. So it's hard to say which threads and internet chatter he was upset about, him being a conman (or sucker) or him being a racist.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
