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Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters.

06-26-2010 , 01:54 AM
Of you could all just shut the **** up and stop speculating, hastily engaging in wild and passionate character assassinations about, and overreacting to situations/people that you have only a basic sliver of knowledge about, FOR ONCE.


Who would have NVG any other way!
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
lol, don't be gullible
So when Doyle tweets
Had great endurance at the poker table & was pain free. Go look at this really works. Unbelievable!!
you think we should believe Endura hacked into his twitter account, wrote that then let him have it back?

lol, don't be gullible. (10 tweets down)
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:13 AM
well the site has now taken DN's pic down, I wonder how long until the testimonial is removed.

also read some of Doyle's tweets, does anyone else think Doyle using 'lol' is a bit funny/weird? He's done it in the last two tweets and I just can't picture him typing it.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:20 AM
They took down the phony testimonial.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:27 AM
Doyle must have a ownership stake in this company. He is getting pissed at this thread in his twitter.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyLegs
well done
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:49 AM
Why does anyone care if Doyle supports this product? Whether it "works" or it works through placebo, who cares? If he supports it, he supports it.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
When I was given these strips, I immediately thought how the claims for them were highly susceptible to the placebo effect. And I felt nothing. Too bad for me. This syndrome by the way is discussed in the chapter Placebos and Peeping Toms in my new book DUCY.
LOL what an elaborate scheme this all turned out to be just to sell copies of DUCY.

On a serious note, good thing Daniel cleared this up. I wonder how long this may have continued if not for this thread?
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 02:54 AM
Well, you need to find other income when you aren't good enough to be a professional poker player anymore....
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Maximum Rocknroll
Why does anyone care if Doyle supports this product? Whether it "works" or it works through placebo, who cares? If he supports it, he supports it.
Because it's a sham product and knowingly supporting something like this is a blatant d-bag move. I'm not saying Doyle is a perfect person or anything like that, but he does garner a fair amount of respect as the "godfather of poker" and endorsing a product like this is a great way to lose some of that respect.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:07 AM

If it "works" for him, he's not supporting a sham product.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:11 AM
I tried rewatching the vid. Both that and the testimonal has been taken down.

Didn't someone suggest that it makes you like 5x stronger or something? So, why not ask DN to lift a 30 pound dumbbell then after the miracle sticker ask him to life a 90 pound dumbbell and ask if the 90 felt lighter than the 30.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:14 AM
No money in stickers, everyone is sweaty.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:15 AM
damn, i was hoping for more drama

my favorite part of this thread is how we're all grabbing the pitchforks to go after daniel, but everyone is pretty much cool with doyle
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:36 AM
let's play doyle thinks.

what does NVG think doyle's answer is to the following question.

Is the company/product more or less likely to be on the up and up in the aftermath of the revelation they put up a phony endorsement under Daniel's name for their product?

I'm going with .5
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by apefish
let's play doyle thinks.

what does NVG think doyle's answer is to the following question.

Is the company/product more or less likely to be on the up and up in the aftermath of the revelation they put up a phony endorsement under Daniel's name for their product?

I'm going with .5
I don't think I understand what the scale is here... my answer is under?
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Maximum Rocknroll

If it "works" for him, he's not supporting a sham product.
That's not entirely true. I understand what you're saying in that he's not knowingly supporting a sham product if he genuinely believes that it works, but that doesn't change the objective reality that he is, in fact supporting a sham product.

There are three possibilities:
1) He's knowingly endorsing a sham product.
2) He's endorsing a sham product without realizing it's a sham.
3) Endura is using his name without permission (the DN situation).

In all three situations, the best move would ultimately be to stop endorsing the product.

Edit: Obviously, if it's case #3 then by "stop endorsing" I mean that he should contact them and tell them to stop using his likeness on their website.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:45 AM
Lol at some of the threads on the poker forums. Guess I'm gonna have to stop tweeting and blogging. Some of these folks need to get a life
yet he is posting multiple tweets everyday for people to read about everything he does at every moment of everyday...

If it weren't for ppl with no lives, he'd be tweeting to no one.

Originally Posted by thoth_hermes
That's not entirely true. I understand what you're saying in that he's not knowingly supporting a sham product if he genuinely believes that it works, but that doesn't change the objective reality that he is, in fact supporting a sham product.

There are three possibilities:
1) He's knowingly endorsing a sham product.
2) He's endorsing a sham product without realizing it's a sham.
3) Endura is using his name without permission (the DN situation).

In all three situations, the best move would ultimately be to stop endorsing the product.
If it works for him. Then how can it be a sham. The placebo effect is very strong, but in order for it to work you can't say "this is a placebo". The fact is that many people do feel that this type of stuff works. For them it is not a sham and is worth the cash they spend on it.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:57 AM
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Ribbo
It's a mental placebo effect, one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Not quite.

It is a trick, true; but a standard technique for people like Sumo wrestlers, for example. The idea is to distract yourself from the area of conflict to remain relaxed (which increases strrength).

Karateka use this technique to break a stack of tiles.

Last edited by wilneedheart; 06-26-2010 at 04:08 AM. Reason: like in the case of people who lift cars off childres - something that is well documented.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by skraper
If it works for him. Then how can it be a sham. The placebo effect is very strong, but in order for it to work you can't say "this is a placebo". The fact is that many people do feel that this type of stuff works. For them it is not a sham and is worth the cash they spend on it.
If Doyle or Daniel want to consume woo woo, they are free to do so. They can spend all their money on healing stones, these patches or a voodoo startup kit. It is basically no ones business.

However if they are, willing or unwilling, helping scam artists scam it is a completely different matter. In Daniels case he has, it seems, been scammed into endorsing the woo woo product and is taking steps to make sure they stop doing so. Credit to him and OP who made him aware of it.

Doyle on the other hand seems to continue to help the scam artists scam people. This reflects poorly on him. But seeing as he is very old and seems to genuinely believe in the scam product I think he doesn't care. He will continue helping scammers scam. That's the beauty of being really old. You can stop giving a crap what people thinks.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by skraper
If it works for him. Then how can it be a sham. The placebo effect is very strong, but in order for it to work you can't say "this is a placebo". The fact is that many people do feel that this type of stuff works. For them it is not a sham and is worth the cash they spend on it.
I acknowledge everything you're saying about the placebo effect, but the fact remains that this is a sham product. They give completely bs pseudo-science explanations for the product on their website and in doing so they market it as something it's not.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:15 AM
I don't buy it. If they were really using Daniel's image to sell their product without him knowing then he would have been more outraged in his first post. This is just damage control.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Freudian
That's the beauty of being really old. You can stop giving a crap what people thinks.
What evidence do you have of this assertion. If you have no evidence then this is a woo woo argument. So GTFO.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Freudian
If Doyle or Daniel want to consume woo woo, they are free to do so. They can spend all their money on healing stones, these patches or a voodoo startup kit. It is basically no ones business.

However if they are, willing or unwilling, helping scam artists scam it is a completely different matter. In Daniels case he has, it seems, been scammed into endorsing the woo woo product and is taking steps to make sure they stop doing so. Credit to him and OP who made him aware of it.

Doyle on the other hand seems to continue to help the scam artists scam people. This reflects poorly on him. But seeing as he is very old and seems to genuinely believe in the scam product I think he doesn't care. He will continue helping scammers scam. That's the beauty of being really old. You can stop giving a crap what people thinks.
If the product does work for him and/or for others then it is not a scam. And "work for" can have a ridiculously wide definition. If this product causes its user to feel more confident, whether by placebo effect or any other reason, then it has done its job. Hasn't it? Those who purchase and like the "effects" will purchase it again, those who don't will not buy any more.

Originally Posted by ibluffoldladies
I don't buy it. If they were really using Daniel's image to sell their product without him knowing then he would have been more outraged in his first post. This is just damage control.
It appears that he did not realize they had his quote on the webpage and thought the thread was entirely in refernce to the youtube video.

Last edited by skraper; 06-26-2010 at 04:43 AM.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
