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Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters.

06-25-2010 , 04:04 PM
i especially like this page on their website:

lorem ipsum is supposed to be used on the design side, not the public side, guys. not quite ready for prime time
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:08 PM
Many of you are coming to some mighty specious, uninformed, and rash conclusions about the people "endorsing" this, what their motives are, whether they were paid, etc., based on pretty much zero information in that regard.

It's most un-skeptical behavior.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:10 PM
did you read negreanu's post in this thread?
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:12 PM
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
To be clear, I am not saying that the product doesn't work. I am saying that it didn't work for me. And that the claims that it makes involve symptoms that are often helped by a placebo. Those two facts have an impact on the probability that the strips are legitimate, but they don't prove that they are not.

Whether or not the product works has actually become secondary to the discussion of the scenario where DN says, according to the product literature:

Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu according to the product web site
I use the Endura Performance Poker Strips to enhance my performance and stay focused. I play a lot of poker on line, many games at one time. The strips really help you focus.

I endorse the Endura Performance Poker Strips and encourage everyone to try them!
And then says, ITT:
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu in this thread
I'm not getting paid a dime by them and I don't use them while I play poker.
Regardless of what the product may or may not do, does he or does he not endorse them? And might he want to take better care of his likeness and image?
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I doubt that happens to skeptics who are well trained in science and logic. I'm guessing this would only work with people who have a psychological predisposition to be skeptics rather than people who can think well.
Article - Paranormal beliefs linked to brain chemistry

The theory is that belief in the supernatural and magical thinking is really just the brain's pattern-spotting tendencies run amok. So those people on the "believer" end of the spectrum are finding patterns and significance in the universe where there are none. Dopamine seems to increase that pattern-finding tendency in the brain.

In the lab, "believers" were more likely than the "skeptics" to see faces in obscured and ambiguous images (apophenia). But when given L-Dopa ALL of the subjects were suddenly more likely to see faces - even the skeptics. Certainly more research needs to be done, but the tentative conclusion is that dopamine increases our pattern-spotting tendencies which in turn means we start seeing patterns where there are none resulting in an irrational belief in superstition, God, an interconnectedness with the universe, the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich, etc.

Last edited by John Wray; 06-25-2010 at 04:23 PM.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
i need some for my penis
Lol, this.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:21 PM
People can be smart and gullible at the same time. I know a couple of people like that. Being gullible is not about being unable to spot the scam, but rather about being tricked to respond emotionally to the scam. Scams don't work by outwitting people, scams work by turning people's brains off.

I find it very easy to believe that both Negreanu and Doyle honestly fell for the scam. They're both intelligent people, but they're also both gullible suckers, based on various stories from or about them that I've read.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:02 PM
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by iSpitHotFire
So under your guys logic promoting a product is only wrong if it's a complete waste. Even assuming DN is in on the scam and profiting off it, I disagree and don't see the standard here. It's perfectly fine to endorse a T-shirt that costs more because of a logo? Or an athlete endorsing shoes claiming its the reason for his success when obv he doesn't believe that. Tons of little kids blowing 150 bucks on 30 dollar shoes because they saw MJ on a commericial is ok b/c well u can still use the shoes but a few bucks on band aids is immoral. Truth is DN's pokerstars commericials are way worse but they get ppl at the tables so u guys dont care. :P
Wow you are dumb

Daniel just get intouch with these con artists and tell them to take all there bs off about you
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian
The difference is that there is no claim that a t-shirt is anything but a t-thirt or that a shoe is anything but a shoe. If MJ had claimed his Nike shoes had some kind of paranormal abilities, he too would have been called a scammer.

Hope that clears it up for you.
Except that athletes claim all sorts of stuff in every commercial. "I only trust so and so" etc. Just like Daniel does with PS and people do with other sites. I'm not saying that's scamming I'm saying in my book it's on the same level as this band aid, and that's assuming DN knows it's a scam AND is profiting. Again targeting DN here for this is probably unfounded and really diverting attention from the bigger problem as a whole. Hope that clears it up for you.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:49 PM
If it works for them, let it work for them.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:52 PM
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
plus even if it was a scam, at least you'd still have some ****ing shoes and not some worthless ass sticker
Thats the point I was making, that no one in this thread criticizing Daniel really has any standard. If your argument is that you can be disingenuous while advertizing as long as the product still serves some kind of purpose then your really being illogical, and then I can use the band aid to heal a boo boo and its not a scam after all. Or fixing a boo boo isn't enough but wearing overpriced shoes is? So whats the standard oh wait thats right no one has one.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by WiggyPete
Here is an Australian tabloid show, that did some blind tests with these holograms:
Any test with a sample of 6 or 7 is total BS.

Even if they had a huge, well-selected sample, they have to use double-blinds to control the placebo effect and the biased observer effect.

David Sklansky and I discuss the placebo effect on pages 189-191 of DUCY? It is so powerful that the FDA will not approve a drug unless the manufacturer has demonstrated that it has more positive effects than a placebo.That demonstration MUST be done with a double-blind design.
1. The patients don't know who got the placebo or the drug to control for the placebo effect.
2. The doctors or other people evaluating changes don't know who received the placebo and drug. Otherwise, their evaluations could be influenced by their bias. If they think the drug is effective, they would find better results in the patients who received it. Conversely, if they were skeptical about the drug, they would find poorer results in those patients or better results in the placebo group.

The combination of a tiny, non-random sample and no controls for these effects makes this video meaningless.

Last edited by Al Schoonmaker; 06-25-2010 at 06:14 PM. Reason: I thought more explanation was needed.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:05 PM
LOL "ispithotfire" just joined today just to be the one and only person defending the magical stripes and the DN endorsement. Odds he is involved with the company? 90%?
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:18 PM
Dewey has been walking around with sheets of these stickers for a few years at least.

My guess is they made Daniel a shareholder along with Doyle. I went to their site and saw daniel's picture. Doubt they are doing that without his permission.

Notice it's a sticker and not a bracelet (the first time I saw this years ago from a golfer, it was a bracelet). They do this because you only need to buy a bracelet once, but a sticker, well, they fall off and you need to buy more.

It's easy to be critical of how someone puts food on the table. Penn and Teller need to do a segment on this on their cable show to thwart the poker whoredom lies from the poker celebs everyone looks up to.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by iSpitHotFire
Thats the point I was making, that no one in this thread criticizing Daniel really has any standard. If your argument is that you can be disingenuous while advertizing as long as the product still serves some kind of purpose then your really being illogical, and then I can use the band aid to heal a boo boo and its not a scam after all. Or fixing a boo boo isn't enough but wearing overpriced shoes is? So whats the standard oh wait thats right no one has one.
Sorry you purchased a case of these things just based on DN's 100% super-satisfied customer recommendation, if posting here is helping you cope with being scammed that's fine but you are making some really dumb points.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:36 PM
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won’t find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Doyle Brunson
Lol at some of the threads on the poker forums. Guess I'm gonna have to stop tweeting and blogging. Some of these folks need to get a life
Nah, you can carry on tweeting Doyle, just don't try and scam people, it's not the 1960's any more.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by iSpitHotFire
Except that athletes claim all sorts of stuff in every commercial. "I only trust so and so" etc. Just like Daniel does with PS and people do with other sites. I'm not saying that's scamming I'm saying in my book it's on the same level as this band aid, and that's assuming DN knows it's a scam AND is profiting. Again targeting DN here for this is probably unfounded and really diverting attention from the bigger problem as a whole. Hope that clears it up for you.
Give me one example where an athlete has claimed a shoe is anything but a shoe or similar. Of course they are going to claim it is a shoe they like. Perhaps even go as far as saying it is the only shoe they will use. Duh.

Now on the other hand if you find an athlete that claims that a shoe can for example simply enable the body to function at a higher level of health. When this type of natural healing environment is present, the body, in many cases, is able to effectively repair and heal itself. then those athletes are as big scammers as Daniel, Doyle and everyone who helps market these stickers. But you won't. Because athletes (or their advisor's) don't seem to be as gullible as some poker players. And if they were stupid enough to believe in the product, they certainly wouldn't be so stupid that they would promote it without getting paid.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by nilesz
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ribbo
Nah, you can carry on tweeting Doyle, just don't try and scam people, it's not the 1960's any more.
haha he tweeted that
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Woah, woah, woah.... I have never received one red cent to endorse this product. I've seen these exact same stickers used in golf and they asked me if I'd try it for a video at Bellagio. I didn't even know what to expect or anything. They put a mic on me, and then did the "thing."
These stickers have been used for years in golf and Dewey swears by them. He says they alleviate pain when he uses them while he golfs. I've never used them at golf except for this one shot at the Mark Wahlberg Celebrity Golf tournament earlier this year where they had a booth and were showing us how they work.

Like I said, I'm not getting paid a dime by them and I don't use them while I play poker. Unless you've tried the arm thing, though, I guess it's impossible to prove to you that it worked. I felt a distinct difference when Dustin did the arm thing on me for sure. Maybe it's placebo, maybe I'm nuts, but I'm telling you I noticed something different for sure.

Either you are lying about being paid by them, you are lying about not using them while you play poker, or they just slapped this testimonial on the site without your permission.

Daniel Negreanu – Endura Performance Poker Strips

As you all know I play a lot of poker and travel a lot. My body and mind gets very tired. I use the Endura Performance Poker Strips to enhance my performance and stay focused. I play a lot of poker on line, many games at one time. The strips really help you focus. The Performance Poker Strips are also great while working out, long trips driving, jogging or playing golf as well as any other physical activity you may try.

I endorse the Endura Performance Poker Strips and encourage everyone to try them!

Daniel Negreanu
That is generally not the type of endorsement given out for free, and it's certainly not consistent with you using it one time.

The best case scenario here is you're a sucker, and you allowed these con men to take advantage of you. You should contact them and get them to take that testimonial down. It's embarrassing, but it's not the end of the world.

The worst case scenario is you're being paid to endorse endurastrips, have some sort of economic interest in endura strips, or are endorsing endura strips as some favor to someone (perhaps you lost a golf wager to Dewey?). So either you know they are a con, and are actively participating in it. Or you just don't care about what you attach your face and name to as long as they are cutting a check. Given the quality of some of the products you've put your name on in the past ( poker mountain, stacked, pokervt, any of your poker books), I really don't know how to handicap this, because obviously you don't give a **** about quality.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian
Give me one example where an athlete has claimed a shoe is anything but a shoe or similar. Of course they are going to claim it is a shoe they like. Perhaps even go as far as saying it is the only shoe they will use. Duh.

Now on the other hand if you find an athlete that claims that a shoe can for example simply enable the body to function at a higher level of health. When this type of natural healing environment is present, the body, in many cases, is able to effectively repair and heal itself. then those athletes are as big scammers without getting paid.

The bottom line is athletes and celebrities couldn't care less about the product they endorse. They claim way more than "i like the shoe." I've never even heard someone in a commercial say, "I like this product its the one of the best i'd say." It's always, "Product X is Fantastic! You wanna be like me, use blah blah. Its the only one I trust." Yes the only one you trust to write a slightly larger check then whoever else gave an offer. Ok so then we're just debating to what extent can you be dishonest in a commercial, but you won't give a standard, b/c you all are mostly being hypocritical and would do the same if you could. It's the reason I respect Jack Nicklaus more than Arnold Palmer, and it's the reason why this DN Brunson thing is on the level of an Arnold Palmer, Peyton Manning commericial.
Negreanu and Brunson fall for confidence tricksters. Quote
