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Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13]

12-02-2013 , 04:10 PM
Ehh I thought only the person who is registered to the account is allowed to play on that specific account?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt

Switching accounts in order to get heads up action from someone who otherwise won't play you: Unethical, but not cheating.

I disagree with this one...

If a player knows he/she has a considerable edge, then intentionally disguises themselves to take advantage of said edge, it is my opinion that act can be considered cheating.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by ratslla
Ehh I thought only the person who is registered to the account is allowed to play on that specific account?
Yes, just as you are only allowed to download music for free if you already own it, and you're only allowed to cross the street at a crosswalk.

There's a difference between what is disallowed by the rules and what is actually a harmful practice.

For example, 17-year-olds aren't allowed to play online, but if one was caught playing, would you classify him a cheater? No. Why? Because while he's breaking the site's terms of service (and the law), he's not cheating.

If you are going to demonize someone for playing on another person's account when they visit Canada for a few days, you also have to demonize anyone who has ever had friends sitting next to them discussing hands in play, as well as anyone who has anyone who has hired a poker coach and played real money games during the coaching.

Let's stop this holier-than-thou nonsense and focus on the actual cheaters/scumbags of poker.

The only interesting story here is the stupid coverup and her flippant response to the whole thing.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 04:18 PM
I see where u coming from. But still. Oh btw, downloading music is completely fine in my country
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by 46&2
I disagree with this one...

Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Switching accounts in order to get heads up action from someone who otherwise won't play you: Unethical, but not cheating.
If a player knows he/she has a considerable edge, then intentionally disguises themselves to take advantage of said edge, it is my opinion that act can be considered cheating.

I don't want to derail this thread with a debate about different types of cheating.

I can totally understand and respect your point of view, but it's still different than direct cheating where the player is violating basic rules of poker to gain an unfair edge in the game.

In the above situation, both players are still playing poker normally and fairly, but one of the players is taking on a different identity in order to confuse his opponent.

I will agree that this is scummy, and I will agree that if caught the player's account should be closed and money won refunded, but it's not actually cheating. It might be "game selection cheating", but it's not poker cheating.

Anyway, I don't want to get into a long debate about this, and I can understand how other people can see this differently. Obviously this doesn't apply to Harwood's situation.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?

Ok...she might not be forgiven after all.
lol +1
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 05:59 PM
Based on the Twitter conversation that ensued after Donovan's removal of the Tweet (posted below), I also agree that this is more of a matter of ignorance than malice. As Charder and Pudge said, ignorance doesn't make it right -- at the very least, it's still a pretty foolish thing to do -- but I doubt this was done with any real ill intent.

Maybe I missed it ITT, but do we know whose account she borrowed? Even if Loni is an online newb (very possible), it seems the owner of that account would not be. That's the guy I'd keep an eye on.

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22
Was asked by one of the individuals mentioned in my last tweet to delete them, so I decided to do it, being the nice guy that I am
11:25 AM - 30 Nov 13

Jordan Young ‏@Jymaster11 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 The one about Loni Harwood admitting to multi-accounting?

William A. Reynolds ‏@ReynoldsXO 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 so you out @Luscious_Lon for multi-accounting than delete it ? Who exactly are you protecting ?

William A. Reynolds ‏@ReynoldsXO 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 @Luscious_Lon just another average poker player girl living the dream.. Multi-accounting.. It's a lifestyle ! #TheDream

Kevin MacPhee ‏@KevinMacPhee 30 Nov
@ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 @Luscious_Lon boooo for deleting the tweet

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@ReynoldsXO I don't see what skill level really has to do with it, just thought it was funny he casually mentioned it..then he politely...

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@ReynoldsXO asked me politely to delete it so I did, if he was a douche about it I wouldn't have

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@ReynoldsXO who knows, if you ask me politely maybe I'll throw the tweet back up

Stars HS reg problms ‏@StarsRegProblms 30 Nov
@ReynoldsXO @zima421 @zdonovan22 @Luscious_Lon nice detective work Reynolds... POPCORN.GIF

Timothy Finne ‏@HighlandFox 30 Nov
@Luscious_Lon @KevinMacPhee @ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 Can you please explain the mechanics and ethics of "borrowing" an account?

j ‏@stealthmunk 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 @ReynoldsXO it's obvious that the two of them aren't the brightest crayons in the box.

Paul Dlugozima ‏@zima421 30 Nov
@Luscious_Lon @StarsRegProblms @KevinMacPhee @ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 lol, really? just borrow an account for a day, no big deal!

Stars HS reg problms ‏@StarsRegProblms 30 Nov
@Luscious_Lon @HighlandFox @KevinMacPhee @ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 whats the name of friend you are with?

j ‏@stealthmunk 30 Nov
@Luscious_Lon @KevinMacPhee @ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 #riessthebeast no amount of $ can buy you a brain unfortunately! #scarecrow

Timothy Finne ‏@HighlandFox 30 Nov
“@StarsRegProblms: @Luscious_Lon @HighlandFox @KevinMacPhee @ReynoldsXO @zdonovan22 whats the name of friend you are with?” are they on POF?

Mickey Petersen ‏@mickeydp 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 Sad to see you think protecting cheaters is being a nice guy, that's pretty disappointing, not that it matters much now.

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@mickeydp thank u for ur opinion.

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@mickeydp I'm def the one who is at fault here and who you should single out

Dylan Linde ‏@DylanLinde 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 sorry bro but you make yourself part of the problem with this action. "Nice people" aren't exempt from the rules.

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@mickeydp oi everyone trying to act high and mighty like they out everyone they know who multi accounts..

Zachary Donovan ‏@zdonovan22 30 Nov
@DylanLinde ok understood...but everyone needs to chill with acting like they always out ppl who they know multi account..

Dylan Linde ‏@DylanLinde 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 the only people I wouldn't out are very close friends who wouldn't be doing it to begin with.

Dylan Linde ‏@DylanLinde 30 Nov
@zdonovan22 but I know you are trying to not f--- someone over because you are the man <3
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
Even if we assume that to be true she could have explained that and apologised for it, I am sure a lot of people would had cut her some slack given that there is a good chance she has never played online before. Instead she deletes it then tweets with hashtags like #AdiosHaters (as if anyone was hating on her for bagging up 4x starting stack on day 1 of a tournament, how are they even related). She is one of the biggest new female names to come out the last few years so it's even more disappointing to see her set an example like this and not own up to her actions.
Solid post, the #AdiosHaters hashtag post annoys me beyond belief. She isn't owning up to any of this instead she is just brushing it off with an arrogant attitude.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Y'all need to get your panties out of a bunch.

First off, as most of you know, I am the first one to call out cheating, scamming, or general scumbaggery in the poker world.

However, the only real "story" here is the lame coverup -- provided Loni is telling the truth.

I am seeing people characterizing Loni as "cheating scum", which I think is really unfair, even if she was completely aware of the current attitudes regarding multi-accounting.

First off, it's important to make distinctions regarding cheating in poker. There are some situations which cannot be classified as anything other than cheating, as they violate the basic rules of fair poker play:

Superusing - Definitely cheating

Card-marking or colluding - Definitely cheating

Multi-accounting in the same tournament - Definitely cheating

Taking over for someone mid-stream in a tournament - Definitely cheating

However, there are also areas where the player is being unethical, but not actually cheating.
Agree so far.

Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Routine account-sharing, where two players actively switch off playing on a certain account: Unethical, but not cheating.

Switching accounts in order to get heads up action from someone who otherwise won't play you: Unethical, but not cheating.

Then there are the lighter ethical violations, which while technically frowned upon, are very commonplace and can't really be considered cheating or dishonest, as long as they are not done routinely.
Sorry No, this is rubbish. The game has a set of rules. They are in the TOS and they are explicit that account sharing is not allowed. it is breaking the rules of the game and is cheating. All these offer a potential unfair advantage and are explicitly banned in the rules of the game they are cheating

Originally Posted by Kilowatt
"Ghosting", the act of having a friend or coach help you through hands as you play online - Light ethical violation.
Here the picture is confused but only because Stars TOS are not clear.

Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Abandoning one account and starting a new one. For example, if your main account is running bad, you might switch things up by registering an account in your father's name, and playing as him. - Light ethical violation. (NOTE: This is NOT the same as two players sharing an account!)

Borrowing a non-US player's account to play on Pokerstars when visiting another country. - Light ethical violation.
Nope, again these are explicity banned in the TOS, they are cheating and offer a potential unfair advantage.

Originally Posted by Kilowatt
So Loni Harwood claims she is guilty of the last thing above.

I don't see this as a bad thing, provided it really is just an occasional thing she does for a few days when traveling to Canada.

Before you condemn her, picture yourself in the same situation. You miss Pokerstars greatly, and are visiting Montreal. You're on the phone with a buddy you know there, and he says, "Hey, you realize you can play on Stars while you're here, right? You can feel free to borrow my account if you'd like to do this for a few days."

Provided you completely trust the guy not to stiff you of your winnings, are you telling me that you would say no? Very few US players on this forum would turn down the opportunity to do this. You can act high and mighty against "multi accounting", but in reality, this is far different than sharing accounts on a regular basis in order to confuse opponents, or trying to get HU action where you otherwise wouldn't.

If you insist that you wouldn't, then let me ask you this:

If you were visiting this friend in Montreal, and you saw him playing on Stars, would you refuse to sit next to him and discuss the hands as they happen? I'm sure you two would sit together, discuss the best plays to make, etc.

The bottom line is that the "rules" regarding online account sharing have always been really murky, and no matter how high, mighty, and ethical you claim to be, I can come up with a circumstance where you would probably be doing something that others would frown upon.

There are still plenty of networks today that allow having multiple accounts as long as you don't share them! Merge is one of them.

If all Loni is guilty of is going on Stars/FTP for a few days while in Canada (because she can't access her own account), then it's no big deal.

HOWEVER, I'm not sure I believe her.

She claims that she doesn't play online. If that's true, why does she feel the urge to suddenly get on BOTH Stars and FTP the second she crosses the border? A live player would have little interest in that. This sounds like the behavior of someone who really misses their Pokerstars account from pre-Black-Friday, and can't wait to jump back on there as soon as she's in a different location.

It also seems possible that perhaps her story is a lie (after all, it was hard to COMPLETELY deny the situation after the Zach Donovan tweet and subsequent deletion), and she might be a regular VPNer into Stars/FTP.
Nobody should be breaking the TOS. Nobody should be cheating. it is not OK, it might be convenient, it might be easy and it might be that the US gov stiffing you is grossly unfair but it is not OK to break the TOS and to cheat. You might not be cheating much but you are cheating.

Being a cheat is like being pregnant - you can't be a little bit pregnant nor a little bit of a cheat.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 08:01 PM

I think the only situation where this MIGHT be ok is on an anonymous site like Bovada. Otherwise it's clearly cheating.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Y'all need to get your panties out of a bunch.

First off, as most of you know, I am the first one to call out cheating, scamming, or general scumbaggery in the poker world.

However, the only real "story" here is the lame coverup -- provided Loni is telling the truth.

I am seeing people characterizing Loni as "cheating scum", which I think is really unfair, even if she was completely aware of the current attitudes regarding multi-accounting.

First off, it's important to make distinctions regarding cheating in poker. There are some situations which cannot be classified as anything other than cheating, as they violate the basic rules of fair poker play:

Superusing - Definitely cheating

Card-marking or colluding - Definitely cheating

Multi-accounting in the same tournament - Definitely cheating

Taking over for someone mid-stream in a tournament - Definitely cheating

However, there are also areas where the player is being unethical, but not actually cheating.

Routine account-sharing, where two players actively switch off playing on a certain account: Unethical, but not cheating.

Switching accounts in order to get heads up action from someone who otherwise won't play you: Unethical, but not cheating.

Then there are the lighter ethical violations, which while technically frowned upon, are very commonplace and can't really be considered cheating or dishonest, as long as they are not done routinely.

"Ghosting", the act of having a friend or coach help you through hands as you play online - Light ethical violation.

Abandoning one account and starting a new one. For example, if your main account is running bad, you might switch things up by registering an account in your father's name, and playing as him. - Light ethical violation. (NOTE: This is NOT the same as two players sharing an account!)

Borrowing a non-US player's account to play on Pokerstars when visiting another country. - Light ethical violation.

So Loni Harwood claims she is guilty of the last thing above.

I don't see this as a bad thing, provided it really is just an occasional thing she does for a few days when traveling to Canada.

Before you condemn her, picture yourself in the same situation. You miss Pokerstars greatly, and are visiting Montreal. You're on the phone with a buddy you know there, and he says, "Hey, you realize you can play on Stars while you're here, right? You can feel free to borrow my account if you'd like to do this for a few days."

Provided you completely trust the guy not to stiff you of your winnings, are you telling me that you would say no? Very few US players on this forum would turn down the opportunity to do this. You can act high and mighty against "multi accounting", but in reality, this is far different than sharing accounts on a regular basis in order to confuse opponents, or trying to get HU action where you otherwise wouldn't.

If you insist that you wouldn't, then let me ask you this:

If you were visiting this friend in Montreal, and you saw him playing on Stars, would you refuse to sit next to him and discuss the hands as they happen? I'm sure you two would sit together, discuss the best plays to make, etc.

The bottom line is that the "rules" regarding online account sharing have always been really murky, and no matter how high, mighty, and ethical you claim to be, I can come up with a circumstance where you would probably be doing something that others would frown upon.

There are still plenty of networks today that allow having multiple accounts as long as you don't share them! Merge is one of them.

If all Loni is guilty of is going on Stars/FTP for a few days while in Canada (because she can't access her own account), then it's no big deal.

HOWEVER, I'm not sure I believe her.

She claims that she doesn't play online. If that's true, why does she feel the urge to suddenly get on BOTH Stars and FTP the second she crosses the border? A live player would have little interest in that. This sounds like the behavior of someone who really misses their Pokerstars account from pre-Black-Friday, and can't wait to jump back on there as soon as she's in a different location.

It also seems possible that perhaps her story is a lie (after all, it was hard to COMPLETELY deny the situation after the Zach Donovan tweet and subsequent deletion), and she might be a regular VPNer into Stars/FTP.


Not sure why you spent the time to type this extremely detailed breakdown of what constitutes cheating, unethical conduct, light ethical violations , etc etc . We all have opinions of what is a gray area and what is cut and dry. In poker and in every other part of our lives. I am sure most of us would agree with the majority of what you wrote however our opinions, mine and yours, on these topics are just that opinions. The Poker sites TOS clearly defines what is cheating and what is not cheating. The TOS is the only thing that matters because we accept those terms when we play on a site
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 08:23 PM
Heard an interview she did for the Bernard lee radio show where
she talked in great detail about her online poker experiences
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 08:50 PM
From Sept 4 interview on Cardplayer, she says "I enrolled at SUNY Albany in 2008...when I wasn't taking classes, however, I was playing online poker." She goes on to note that she would win satellites to larger events, then unreg and sell the tournament dollars to her father. "It was great for me because nobody was tracking satellites, so I was able to make $215 at a time and kind of remain unknown."

She knew what she was doing. And if I'm playing against "Joe Drunk" with terrible OL stats, but it's actually Phil Ivey or Lonnie Harwood sitting under Joe's name, I'm getting cheated.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:05 PM
that's fine... she has played online and probably knows right from wrong.
But who is really at fault when I ask you if I can borrow your account, and you say yes?

If I have no license and want to borrow your car and you say yes, Judge Judy will be pointing the finger at you.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
that's fine... she has played online and probably knows right from wrong.
But who is really at fault when I ask you if I can borrow your account, and you say yes?

If I have no license and want to borrow your car and you say yes, Judge Judy will be pointing the finger at you.
They both are in the wrong. And driving a car with no license is breaking the law in most of the world. Playing poker from a country that offers real money gaming is not even in the same ballpark as that.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:16 PM
If you guys think Breaking TOS = Cheating in all cases, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

Anyone who says "cheating is cheating" is grossly oversimplifying this matter.

So Russ Hamilton looking at your hole cards is equivalent to a US player borrowing a friend's account on Stars while visiting Canada for a few days?


As I said, let's focus on the real cheaters/scammers of poker, and stop worrying about some girl borrowing an account to secretly play on Stars. I mean, seriously... Let's step back for a second and look at this rationally.

Last edited by Kilowatt; 12-02-2013 at 09:21 PM.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
that's fine... she has played online and probably knows right from wrong.
But who is really at fault when I ask you if I can borrow your account, and you say yes?

If I have no license and want to borrow your car and you say yes, Judge Judy will be pointing the finger at you.
Stop with this inane devil's advocate **** that appears to be done for that reason only.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:29 PM
What devil's advocate. How would you apportion the blame? I'd give her maybe 20% at most and 80% to the account holder.

Originally Posted by wafflehouse1
They both are in the wrong. And driving a car with no license is breaking the law in most of the world. Playing poker from a country that offers real money gaming is not even in the same ballpark as that.
Well, analogies always fall short but she's not able to break that licensing law without the cooperation of the car's owner, and I think that part of the car-example translates directly to the root of this matter.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:34 PM
Thread has turned prematurely terrible.

Mods, lock it up.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
If you guys think Breaking TOS = Cheating in all cases, then we really have nothing else to discuss.

Anyone who says "cheating is cheating" is grossly oversimplifying this matter.

So Russ Hamilton looking at your hole cards is equivalent to a US player borrowing a friend's account on Stars while visiting Canada for a few days?


As I said, let's focus on the real cheaters/scammers of poker, and stop worrying about some girl borrowing an account to secretly play on Stars. I mean, seriously... Let's step back for a second and look at this rationally.
From your earlier post "Taking over for someone mid-stream in a tournament - Definitely cheating." Don't see a great deal of difference between that and playing on the account of someone else. Perhaps you can explain the difference?
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt

As I said, let's focus on the real cheaters/scammers of poker, and stop worrying about some girl borrowing an account to secretly play on Stars. I mean, seriously... Let's step back for a second and look at this rationally.
So if it wasn't a girl would it be different?

I don't understand how you think it's not cheating. If I'm playing someone who I think is player XXX but in reality it's player YYY then I'm being cheated. She probably wasn't doing it maliciously but at the end of the day she, her b/f, the account owner, and her group of friends knew it was against the TOS and unethical.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 10:00 PM
zackmorris always causin trouble at bayside
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
What devil's advocate. How would you apportion the blame? I'd give her maybe 20% at most and 80% to the account holder.

Well, analogies always fall short but she's not able to break that licensing law without the cooperation of the car's owner, and I think that part of the car-example translates directly to the root of this matter.
No the blame would not be 20/80. They are both in the wrong 100%.

I don't even understand splitting the blame. It just doesn't make sense.

The account holder gets the blame for letting someone use their account.

And the person who "borrows" the account gets the blame for using some other persons account.

Trying to split the blame is just idiotic.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-03-2013 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Irarelypost
No the blame would not be 20/80. They are both in the wrong 100%.

I don't even understand splitting the blame. It just doesn't make sense.
It seems joeschmoe worded it strangely by saying "80 percent vs. 20 percent", etc. At risk of speaking for him, he would probably agree with you that both parties are in the wrong. However, one person's wrongdoing (that of the account's owner) is four times worse than the other's (that of the borrower). Hence the "80/20" split.

I don't at all take his post to mean he is saying Loni is 20 percent wrong and 80 percent in the clear.

Edit: by the way, assigning blame is the very foundation of tort law. It is NOT nonsensical.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-03-2013 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Irarelypost View Post
No the blame would not be 20/80. They are both in the wrong 100%.

I don't even understand splitting the blame. It just doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
It seems joeschmoe worded it strangely by saying "80 percent vs. 20 percent", etc. At risk of speaking for him, he would probably agree with you that both parties are in the wrong. However, one person's wrongdoing (that of the account's owner) is four times worse than the other's (that of the borrower). Hence the "80/20" split.

I don't at all take his post to mean he is saying Loni is 20 percent wrong and 80 percent in the clear.

Edit: by the way, assigning blame is the very foundation of tort law. It is NOT nonsensical.
that's pretty much what I was trying to say.

Suppose someone suffered damages amounting to $100.
A judge might consider both the 'account borrower' and the 'lender' to be equally liable, and split the compensation 50/50. The two guilty parties pay $50 each. The $100 total in damages is paid.

If both were somehow found 100% at fault, then the wronged party would get $100 plus $100 = $200 and that's not fair.

Neither is innocent, but it often happens that one person is more responsible than the other.
Loni &quot;Luscious Lon&quot; Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
