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Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13]

12-02-2013 , 05:27 AM
not judging your moral compass or whatever, and dont want to turn this into me and you (and jy...) arguing about that. i do agree intent does mean something, but hard to really say how much (having a hard time getting across my thoughts). but, lets keep it focused on loni and how she is a huge idiot.

what account did she play on? was it a reg's account? does that change your stance if it was (we will never know, until her BF wants to talk about it some more). did she pay to play on the account?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 05:36 AM
All good questions addressed by Zima. Those questions change the outlook of the entire situation. Not trying to call you out for defending her or anything Charder. Just saying I think what she did/is saying is really dumb and she shouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt until she clarifies her story more thoroughly.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 05:38 AM
Fair enough. I'm off to bed!
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 06:25 AM
thought it over and i'd like to think she didn't know she was doing anything wrong but then again it's hard to figure out what a live oriented player thinks about this.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 07:08 AM
How out of touch does she have to be to think tweeting about this would be ok...?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Zima421
all the guys i play with have played next to 0 online poker and i assume all of them would put it together that sharing accounts isnt correct.
Why on Earth would you assume that? Account sharing was extremely common for all kinds of reasons back when online poker was first booming, which is evidence that online novices see nothing in particular wrong with it.

It's not like there are PSAs about the dangers of online account sharing. You have to be somewhat knowledgeable to even realize there's an issue.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 07:48 AM
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 10:43 AM
^ In before "multi-accounting scum"
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:04 AM
I'm sure someone in her group of friends or her BF or the account owner knew it wasn't allowed. I also think she probably knew it wasn't the best idea. Common sense would say you couldn't play on someone else's account but she is blonde so who knows.

If she didn't have ill intent IMO she she address the issue and move on. Deleting tweets and ignoring the situation makes here look bad. One of them asked for the tweet to be removed above so they knew it wasn't right.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:18 AM
Ignorance isn't an excuse, but doing something out of ignorance is less bad than doing something out malice.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:21 AM
I bet she addresses the situation with an angry tweet bomb telling everybody to mind their own business, which of course will just excite the zombies even more.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:26 AM
If she doesn't have an account. Isn't it account sharing (also against the ToS) and not MA'ing #parsingwords
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 12:37 PM
In a nutshell, she said she isn't playing online when she borrows someone's account to play online?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 12:40 PM
Jul 07, '13 Event 60 - $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em 1 $609,017
Jul 01, '13 Event 53 - $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em 4 $210,456
Jun 19, '13 Event 31 - $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha 8/OB 6 $39,803
2013 44th Annual World Series of Poker

oh... that Loni Harwood. I remember her now.

$0 won online. Who ever's account she borrowed is the one that messed up.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
ignorance isn't an excuse, but it seems obvious she didn't know what she was doing was wrong, I dont really know Loni but perhaps she has mostly a live background and didn't understand that she shouldn't be doing that.
Even if we assume that to be true she could have explained that and apologised for it, I am sure a lot of people would had cut her some slack given that there is a good chance she has never played online before. Instead she deletes it then tweets with hashtags like #AdiosHaters (as if anyone was hating on her for bagging up 4x starting stack on day 1 of a tournament, how are they even related). She is one of the biggest new female names to come out the last few years so it's even more disappointing to see her set an example like this and not own up to her actions.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 01:21 PM
Let's get one thing straight. Could she beat 100 nl?

Also she acts like not playing online is a badge of honor. Que?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
who knows why she tweeted it. and frankly, who really cares. she tweeted it and admitted to cheating. how can she not know its wrong? i play live games back home a lot, and all the guys i play with have played next to 0 online poker and i assume all of them would put it together that sharing accounts isnt correct.

she should just own up to it (and not delete the tweet) and say she made a mistake and get on with it. her deleting it and saying how she is "gonna focus on the live mtt" "#maxxxlaxxxbrooooooooo" "#haters" is just laughable.
I've had enough people casually mention sharing accounts for everyone at the table to hear at the WSOP and in regular cash games that I am convinced there are plenty of people that don't think they are doing anything wrong, at least morally, and might not even think its against the rules.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
let's get one thing straight: you can't delete a tweet.
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
Well I hate to inform you but you can delete tweets
You totally missed what shaniac was saying and quite frankly for obvious reasons.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 02:45 PM
I don't know who Loni is, but it looks like a lot of fodder for the masses.

More interestingly, what should her course of action be? We've had so many pros handle these things in a death spiral, it's always interesting to see these things at the beginning.

My thoughts are -

- Quickly apologize and admit it was cheating.

- Make it clear you're happy to face the consequences of the cheating.

- Apologize a few more times in places like this thread, admit the tweet deletion was a terrible knee jerk response.

- Say nothing else controversial about any topic publicly for awhile.

That's probably enough to stem the hate and everyone forgets in a month or two, yea?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:24 PM
Did anyone read that article in Card Player 3 or 4 months ago about the writer who went to Latin America and played on a family/friends account for a few days. Could not believe it was published but never saw any big news/stink about. I know Loni was on the cover of a recent CardPlayer mag so maybe she read that article and thought it was okay?
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:29 PM
Even dumber than her is obv the original account owner.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
I don't know who Loni is, but it looks like a lot of fodder for the masses.

More interestingly, what should her course of action be? We've had so many pros handle these things in a death spiral, it's always interesting to see these things at the beginning.

My thoughts are -

- Quickly apologize and admit it was cheating.

- Make it clear you're happy to face the consequences of the cheating.

- Apologize a few more times in places like this thread, admit the tweet deletion was a terrible knee jerk response.

- Say nothing else controversial about any topic publicly for awhile.

That's probably enough to stem the hate and everyone forgets in a month or two, yea?
None of this; she's a female in a world in which Vanessa Rousso is considered a perfect 10. Unless she literally looks like a monster, she'll be forgiven for pretty much any transgression.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:48 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen (mostly just ladies)...



Seriously, she proly just wanted to chuck some cards while in the Canadas.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:49 PM

Ok...she might not be forgiven after all.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:54 PM
Y'all need to get your panties out of a bunch.

First off, as most of you know, I am the first one to call out cheating, scamming, or general scumbaggery in the poker world.

However, the only real "story" here is the lame coverup -- provided Loni is telling the truth.

I am seeing people characterizing Loni as "cheating scum", which I think is really unfair, even if she was completely aware of the current attitudes regarding multi-accounting.

First off, it's important to make distinctions regarding cheating in poker. There are some situations which cannot be classified as anything other than cheating, as they violate the basic rules of fair poker play:

Superusing - Definitely cheating

Card-marking or colluding - Definitely cheating

Multi-accounting in the same tournament - Definitely cheating

Taking over for someone mid-stream in a tournament - Definitely cheating

However, there are also areas where the player is being unethical, but not actually cheating.

Routine account-sharing, where two players actively switch off playing on a certain account: Unethical, but not cheating.

Switching accounts in order to get heads up action from someone who otherwise won't play you: Unethical, but not cheating.

Then there are the lighter ethical violations, which while technically frowned upon, are very commonplace and can't really be considered cheating or dishonest, as long as they are not done routinely.

"Ghosting", the act of having a friend or coach help you through hands as you play online - Light ethical violation.

Abandoning one account and starting a new one. For example, if your main account is running bad, you might switch things up by registering an account in your father's name, and playing as him. - Light ethical violation. (NOTE: This is NOT the same as two players sharing an account!)

Borrowing a non-US player's account to play on Pokerstars when visiting another country. - Light ethical violation.

So Loni Harwood claims she is guilty of the last thing above.

I don't see this as a bad thing, provided it really is just an occasional thing she does for a few days when traveling to Canada.

Before you condemn her, picture yourself in the same situation. You miss Pokerstars greatly, and are visiting Montreal. You're on the phone with a buddy you know there, and he says, "Hey, you realize you can play on Stars while you're here, right? You can feel free to borrow my account if you'd like to do this for a few days."

Provided you completely trust the guy not to stiff you of your winnings, are you telling me that you would say no? Very few US players on this forum would turn down the opportunity to do this. You can act high and mighty against "multi accounting", but in reality, this is far different than sharing accounts on a regular basis in order to confuse opponents, or trying to get HU action where you otherwise wouldn't.

If you insist that you wouldn't, then let me ask you this:

If you were visiting this friend in Montreal, and you saw him playing on Stars, would you refuse to sit next to him and discuss the hands as they happen? I'm sure you two would sit together, discuss the best plays to make, etc.

The bottom line is that the "rules" regarding online account sharing have always been really murky, and no matter how high, mighty, and ethical you claim to be, I can come up with a circumstance where you would probably be doing something that others would frown upon.

There are still plenty of networks today that allow having multiple accounts as long as you don't share them! Merge is one of them.

If all Loni is guilty of is going on Stars/FTP for a few days while in Canada (because she can't access her own account), then it's no big deal.

HOWEVER, I'm not sure I believe her.

She claims that she doesn't play online. If that's true, why does she feel the urge to suddenly get on BOTH Stars and FTP the second she crosses the border? A live player would have little interest in that. This sounds like the behavior of someone who really misses their Pokerstars account from pre-Black-Friday, and can't wait to jump back on there as soon as she's in a different location.

It also seems possible that perhaps her story is a lie (after all, it was hard to COMPLETELY deny the situation after the Zach Donovan tweet and subsequent deletion), and she might be a regular VPNer into Stars/FTP.
Loni "Luscious Lon" Harwood borrowing account to play online [Dec '13] Quote
