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LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt"

09-18-2011 , 01:22 AM
This thread title is all wrong. It should read "Howard busto with or without Full Tilt"...
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-18-2011 , 01:38 AM
Kathy is by far and away the best female poker player based on winnings. Shes even overall one of the top WPT players in history (counting the men), check her stats if you dont believe me.. Kathy is essentially a take no prisons, blunt as a spoon type person. She doesnt bull&*() people (unless shes at the table playing against ya). I actually nominated her for the Poker HOF this year because I feel she really deserved it and I will nominate her again next year and continue until she gets in because not only is the one of the best female players to ever play the game shes also one of the best players PERIOD to ever play the game.. The other thing is shes very approachable and she will honestly talk to anybody who comes up to her (if shes able to I mean obviously give the woman some space when shes eating dinner and no beating on her door at 2am).. Despite what many have said openly (not so much 2+2 but other poker media) Kathy has more talent and class in her little finger then Annie Duke could ever HOPE to have.. THe sad truth is Annie Duke is a sham and to be honest for her to be th eposter child for the new EPL is joke in itself. (Although the truth is that Howard invested money in EPL which is rumored how Annie got the gig).
On a side note if the Epic Poker League continues with its bad press (2 for 2 so far with embarassing actions by either players or the EPL committee itself mostly) it may not even survive the 2 yrs that everbody assumed it would make intially.. I mean its funny to think but the EPL could quickly become to poker what the XFL was to Pro Football.. (yeah I went there. A nice idea on paper that completely failed in execution due to people running something they had no clue about, in EPLs case this COMMITTEE that claims it wont hold past issues against people slaps Chino with probation because he owes people money (seriously Id almost venture to guess if they put every player int he EPL on probation who has money issues theyd have a long list, fact is Chinos problems were an excuse for somebody who didnt like him for whatever reason they chose to stick a knife in his back) and lets not even go into what amounted to whole sale THEFT against the guy who played the Pro Am and then was quietly told the GTFO and handed him his 1500 back. 1st off I dont condone criminal acts but #1 theres some issues with what may or maynot have happened #2 THe guy did his time and it was 20yrs ago. I hate to say it but theres plenty of felons int he EPT and theres definitely some sexual predators in Poker in general. Again I dont condone what he did but at minimum they owe him another 18.5k he won essentially for the seat. fine you dont want him to play thats great but you cant decide after the fact and say tough crap we dont want you in our tourney heres your initial enterance fee back (Id like to know if he got the VIG back as well because if they took that tact to refund the enterance fee they owed him the WHOLE refund)

So whos looking forward to see if the EPL can hit the hattrick with embarassments in their ME tourneys. I Mean its like watching Jerry Springer to see what deranged crap is gonan happen next. Your disgusted by it but you just cant help but look
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-25-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
she knew, but could not say so for "reasons" we all understand now. This is going to be a book someday, wonder what chapter it is?
Kathy L new it all along huh
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-25-2011 , 06:06 PM
lmao @ OP's avatar
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-25-2011 , 11:45 PM
Kathy just bubbled the wpt reno regional.
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-26-2011 , 04:01 PM
Kathy Liebert is the ultimate slumpbuster.
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-26-2011 , 04:10 PM
Great read when you think it's a new thread
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-26-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Scottyy
Great read when you think it's a new thread
was reading it and then noticed the date started was before BF, sounds like she knew it was coming
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-26-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by FTPJesus
Kathy is by far and away the best female poker player based on winnings. Shes even overall one of the top WPT players in history (counting the men), check her stats if you dont believe me.. Kathy is essentially a take no prisons, blunt as a spoon type person. She doesnt bull&*() people (unless shes at the table playing against ya). I actually nominated her for the Poker HOF this year because I feel she really deserved it and I will nominate her again next year and continue until she gets in because not only is the one of the best female players to ever play the game shes also one of the best players PERIOD to ever play the game.. The other thing is shes very approachable and she will honestly talk to anybody who comes up to her (if shes able to I mean obviously give the woman some space when shes eating dinner and no beating on her door at 2am).. Despite what many have said openly (not so much 2+2 but other poker media) Kathy has more talent and class in her little finger then Annie Duke could ever HOPE to have.. THe sad truth is Annie Duke is a sham and to be honest for her to be th eposter child for the new EPL is joke in itself. (Although the truth is that Howard invested money in EPL which is rumored how Annie got the gig).
On a side note if the Epic Poker League continues with its bad press (2 for 2 so far with embarassing actions by either players or the EPL committee itself mostly) it may not even survive the 2 yrs that everbody assumed it would make intially.. I mean its funny to think but the EPL could quickly become to poker what the XFL was to Pro Football.. (yeah I went there. A nice idea on paper that completely failed in execution due to people running something they had no clue about, in EPLs case this COMMITTEE that claims it wont hold past issues against people slaps Chino with probation because he owes people money (seriously Id almost venture to guess if they put every player int he EPL on probation who has money issues theyd have a long list, fact is Chinos problems were an excuse for somebody who didnt like him for whatever reason they chose to stick a knife in his back) and lets not even go into what amounted to whole sale THEFT against the guy who played the Pro Am and then was quietly told the GTFO and handed him his 1500 back. 1st off I dont condone criminal acts but #1 theres some issues with what may or maynot have happened #2 THe guy did his time and it was 20yrs ago. I hate to say it but theres plenty of felons int he EPT and theres definitely some sexual predators in Poker in general. Again I dont condone what he did but at minimum they owe him another 18.5k he won essentially for the seat. fine you dont want him to play thats great but you cant decide after the fact and say tough crap we dont want you in our tourney heres your initial enterance fee back (Id like to know if he got the VIG back as well because if they took that tact to refund the enterance fee they owed him the WHOLE refund)

So whos looking forward to see if the EPL can hit the hattrick with embarassments in their ME tourneys. I Mean its like watching Jerry Springer to see what deranged crap is gonan happen next. Your disgusted by it but you just cant help but look
Obv tl;dr, but good to see Jesus posting again.
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
09-26-2011 , 05:52 PM
FTP would not be a busted site if HL hadn't fallen into it.


LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
10-22-2011 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
was reading it and then noticed the date started was before BF, sounds like she knew it was coming
Could be
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
10-22-2011 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by Biffo
Obama would be a bust out politician if he didn't fall into the Presidency.
Bill Gates would be a bust out programmer if he didn't fall into Microsoft
Derek Jeter would be a bust out ball player if he didn't fall into the NYY.

Luck or choose.
lawl lawl lawl
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
10-22-2011 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Could be
Are you sure you bumped the right thread? This thread isn't about you.
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
10-22-2011 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by HocusPokus
i mean, it's probably 100% true.
i'd even find it hard to believe howard could/would deny this.
yea guys, it's PROBABLY 100% true
LATB: Kathy Leibert "Howard busto if he doesn't fall into Full Tilt" Quote
