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Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion

10-12-2017 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by hmm422
If it seems 1% negligent, then it is negligent. This is for a court to decide the merits of. I don't know if I agree with you or not.

Civil cases can assign percentage blame to things. While I don't think it makes much difference, it could have made a difference, and therefore it could be negligent.
I'm pretty sure when someone is spraying a crowd with bullets whoever is in charge of the PA system has as much a right as anybody else to run for cover. Sometimes common sense should intervene. It's never negligent to fail to anticipate a largely unprecedented isolated extreme event. Looking for money in these sorts of situations is where lawyers earn their bad name.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
Who is Jesus Campos? I want to know more about what happened.
And now there is a report out that Campos was not registered as a security guard in Nevada. Perhaps he registered under a different name, but if true this lends more evidence to the MB trying to internally manage the response.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Well Read Ted
It has been reported the guard was responding to a door alarm of a room several rooms from shooters room. The door alarm went off because the door was not completely closed. It was likely a coincidence.
Seems to me that he was perhaps going to start the massacre on a delayed timeline. If he was drilling to barricade the door when discovered it forced him to go forward prematurely with the plan. I wonder if he would have had accomplices as well? Laura Loomer is doing some good independent investigating @LauraLoomer if you want to deep dive it. She is the one that got them to change the time line to the 25th. She was also at Jesus (security guard not Savior)home to ask questions, but he has private security keeping people off the property . It's rumored that he may not have been shot. Either way if shooter had to act prematurely many lives were saved just from that alone.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Monorail
From the article: "Law enforcement are also examining Paddock's finances. IRS records show that Paddock was a successful gambler, earning at least $5 million in 2015. Some of that could be from other investments, but most of it was from gambling, officials say."

What almost certainly happened was this: gambling wins and losses are reported in different parts of your tax returns. The tax code explicitly prohibits you from reporting just your net dollar figure...even if you live in a State that allows you to deduct 100% of your losses from your wins, you're still required to report your total winnings and total losses separately. Casinos will have accurate records of all action from any high-stakes player more or less down to the dollar, and anyone playing those stakes would be foolish not to request a detailed breakdown of his gameplay for tax reporting purposes (unless he likes being audited.) His tax return probably reported something like $5M in winnings / $5.25M in losses. Guessing that some dopey official prob had no idea what he was even looking at -- or some dopey CNBC reporter misunderstood -- and assumed $5M was net profit. From what's been reported about this guy so far, there's 0% chance he was a 7-figure winner.

TLDR: But how much did he lose?

Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by gwhiz_612
...Laura Loomer is doing some good independent investigating @LauraLoomer if you want to deep dive it. She is the one that got them to change the time line to the 25th. She was also at Jesus (security guard not Savior)home to ask questions, but he has private security keeping people off the property...
Lol, at some outsider flying into Vegas and scooping the Las Vegas Review Journal.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Speculating here, but I will bet Paddock’s assets are north of 10M USD.
Easily could be right, but also given what we know I would take that bet at even money. I know we are speculating here, but what makes you think 10+ million is reasonable? In one article it says he owned 2 planes?

Paddock worked for the IRS at one point, one may suggest that its not a job anyone would probably willingly take if they had a lot of extra cash. Although that might have been awhile back so moot point. I'd just like to know his networth for my own curiosity. His house in reno certainly didn't look all that lavish.

Whether he had 2 million or 10 million may not matter that much in big picture, he was miserable either way, but it would certainly help give a little more insight into this video poker claims. If you have 10 million why are you gonna sit at one machine grinding videopoker for 24 hours straight to have some equity in a comp drawing? If he had excess millions to spare, could he have planned and orchestrated even more damage? stuff like that.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 04:15 PM
I am willing to believe suggestions that he had $1-3 million in the bank, not including real estate and other assets.

Maybe you wouldn't play video poker with that many assets. I know that I would be willing to grind 2/5 NL live with the same tight style that I currently employ if I were that rich because I would take pleasure in my ability to beat the game. I wouldn't need to move up and play bigger because big pots don't excite me. Going home and determining that I played well when reviewing my session excites me.

And maybe Paddock had more money than people might expect because he didn't waste it on some sort of lavish baller lifestyle.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerHero77
And now there is a report out that Campos was not registered as a security guard in Nevada. Perhaps he registered under a different name, but if true this lends more evidence to the MB trying to internally manage the response.
And now there's a report that his house is being guarded by a private security company called "On Scene." So reporters can't knock on his door and interview him.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
And now there's a report that his house is being guarded by a private security company called "On Scene." So reporters can't knock on his door and interview him.
Don't blame him one bit; I'd do the same thing in his shoes. Let's exercise a bit of discretion here before we interpret facts as suspicious when they're equally consistent with an exponentially more likely explanation: that a guy who just got shot in the worst mass shooting in US history -- one that's sure to entail a lot of thorny and expensive litigation, especially as it relates to his role in encountering and reporting the shooter -- doesn't exactly feel like dealing with media vultures banging down his door. As the expression goes, when you hear hooves, think horses not zebras.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 05:42 PM
Who is paying for that round-the-clock security and why?

MB just put out a press release correcting the "corrected" timeline.

Last edited by restorativejustice; 10-12-2017 at 05:55 PM.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 06:30 PM
Has anyone pointed out the discrepancy between the 25th and the 28th for his check-in date might come from him checking into a different comped room on the 25th and moving to the suite on the 28th?
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
I am willing to believe suggestions that he had $1-3 million in the bank, not including real estate and other assets.

Maybe you wouldn't play video poker with that many assets. I know that I would be willing to grind 2/5 NL live with the same tight style that I currently employ if I were that rich because I would take pleasure in my ability to beat the game. I wouldn't need to move up and play bigger because big pots don't excite me. Going home and determining that I played well when reviewing my session excites me.

And maybe Paddock had more money than people might expect because he didn't waste it on some sort of lavish baller lifestyle.
He sold his Dallas apartment complex for 8 million and had paid 1 million for it, he also sold several California properties for millions in profit. He paid cash for his homes about $400,000 each. I don’t know where people keep coming up with a 2 million worth.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
Has anyone pointed out the discrepancy between the 25th and the 28th for his check-in date might come from him checking into a different comped room on the 25th and moving to the suite on the 28th?
That's exactly how the LV Sheriff explained the discrepancy 2 days ago: that the 28th was being initially reported because it's a reservation Paddock booked and paid for himself, whereas they later learned he'd been comped a different room for the 25th-28th before moving to the suite (that he no doubt selected and paid for on his own, as it was necessary for his plan). Entirely plausible to see how investigators could have looked up his reservation for the corner suite and find/report a check-in day of the 28th, with overeager press reporting that as the day he arrived at the hotel.
"Paddock, a video poker player, checked in to Mandalay Bay on Sept. 25 — three days earlier than initially reported.
Lombardo said Paddock spent those first three days in a separate room, and the hotel provided that room free of charge for unknown reasons. Paddock spent the remaining days in the corner suite where he staged his attack, and he paid for the suite himself.
“We’ve learned that there’s a difference of comp days versus personal pay days,” Lombardo said. “We were going off the personal pay days.”

Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 07:14 PM
There are stories where his family said he was worth at least $2 million. People probably see that and assume he was a degen who gambled so much that he probably wasn't worth that much by the time of the incident. My guess is that anyone who thinks that way is wrong.

It sounds like he probably had that much in bank accounts that casinos verified before extending him credit. It doesn't include real estate. It doesn't include stocks. It doesn't include other accounts that casinos may not have looked at.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:06 PM
Not trying to stifle any discussion here, but I don't quite get why his net worth is so important. He had enough resources to put together the attack, that's all that matters. It's not like being a "millionaire" precludes people from being sad/angry/depressed/evil/crazy (might even make it more likely). And it's not like retiring on $2MM makes you rich these days.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:16 PM
"What was the net worth of the Pulse Nightclub shooter?" asked no one ever.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:22 PM

may the timeline will change again

For me it is strange that you can hear the rapid gunshots during the emergency call, so probably it was exactly when he was shooting at the crowd, would make more sense, although Campos said he heard drilling before he got shot, hat indicates it was before.

And that is also strange, there were never a speculation about the time of his death, I mean the first responder team probably can tell when they heard the single last gunshot unless he killed himself way before they arrived.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by highhustla
Not trying to stifle any discussion here, but I don't quite get why his net worth is so important.
His motive is still unknown. It might matter to some people if you can rule out busto degen going berserk after going broke as a motive.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lackoogcb
may the timeline will change again
The real world is messy. It would be weird if the initial timeline released so soon after the event matched perfectly what was later determined to be the case. I'd be suspicious if police came out immediately with a narrative and all the evidence released perfectly backed up that narrative.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:50 PM
this is why info probably shouldnt be released to the public so soon until there are as sure as they ever will be....
creates confusion and fuels the conspiracy hope
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 09:51 PM
It seems to me Paddock had to know there was no way he gets out alive, but say he had some fantasy that he could. I'm trying to imagine a plan he might devise. He has to know he won't be able to use an Elevator or a Stairway.

The best ideas I have are:

-He tries to get evacuated when they come to get the other innocent bystanders so blend in with them some how.

-He has yet another room nearby that he thinks he can hide in until the heat dies down, of course that room could not be in his name so that requires an accomplice

-Jump or repell down a trashchute or elevator shaft (or ride on the top or bottom of the elevator) get to the elevator pit and climb out from there somehow.

All seem to be unlikely to succeed, so the best I can come up with

He's totally bat **** crazy and thinks he has some kind of secret forces that are going to come in and rescue him, maybe with a helicopter or drone that will fly him away if he can get to the roof.

I don't know, I'm really just fooling around here, but any other ideas?
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by whomeno
this is why info probably shouldnt be released to the public so soon until there are as sure as they ever will be....
creates confusion and fuels the conspiracy hope
There's no stopping conspiracy nuts from being nuts.
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-12-2017 , 11:42 PM
Get to the top and paraglide off
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-13-2017 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Lackoogcb

may the timeline will change again

For me it is strange that you can hear the rapid gunshots during the emergency call, so probably it was exactly when he was shooting at the crowd, would make more sense, although Campos said he heard drilling before he got shot, hat indicates it was before.

And that is also strange, there were never a speculation about the time of his death, I mean the first responder team probably can tell when they heard the single last gunshot unless he killed himself way before they arrived.
if you look around there's a vid of distant gunshots before the open firing on crowd, that is likely the sound of paddock shooting into the halls / shooting campos. Also there is a video of (maybe the same video as ^) a guy and girl at a bus stop right by mandalay bay that near the end you can hear two revolver single shots ~10-15 seconds apart which is presumably when he test fired gun / shot himself. (or shot himself twice, idk the details or if autopsy is released)

both of these would be way too hard to hear on the audio from the filming inside the festival / from the far side
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
10-13-2017 , 12:26 AM
Can you really shoot yourself twice like that? With a revolver?
Las Vegas Mass Shooting October 1st 2017 - No Politics or Gun Control Discussion Quote
