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Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II

03-28-2011 , 02:33 AM
wow in after dan, **** that everyone knows you dont cheat
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 02:39 AM
gg daniel - **** the haters
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by moki
This. And online poker is rigged. And the lunar landing was shot on a stage in Hollywood. And the government assassinated JFK.
Paging Russ Hamilton..
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 02:54 AM
I think its pretty sick that Daniel had the humility to get to work and get his game back up to par these past couple years, and that he had the heart to reload and come back and beat Isildur. Right on DN, I'm impressed. THAT is what being a pro is about.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
This is absurd. I didn't share any database with other players, and I was the only one home all day, had no one ghosting me or anything. The extent of my session with friends, was to go over some of the bigger pots I played last Sunday and discuss the hands to see if there was anything I was doing particularly wrong. If you AREN'T doing this, you'll never get any better dude. I've been discussing strategy for almost 20 years now with friends, only difference is now I'm discussing strategy with guys close to 20 years younger than me LOL.

I thanked those guys for helping me out, because they didn't have to do that, and the only compensation they got were a few Coronas.
Did you break your mouse when Isildur1 runner runnered you with JJ?
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by coolnout

Daniel - Poker Journal
The Rematch with 39 Big Pot Hand Histories
28 Mar 2011

Someone called this a "triple range merge" but I have no idea what the heck that means.

Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:11 AM
Yeah, I don`t get the hate either. DN can by a cry baby sometimes, but I respect him and I think he did a great job here. Most people would have tilted so bad after the first half of the 2nd match and would have lost it all. I know I would have.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:15 AM
from daniel's blog:

Someone called this a "triple range merge" but I have no idea what the heck that means.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:21 AM
The vast majority of us out here have nothing but respect for DN. He might not be Phil Ivey, but no one is, and he isn't trying to claim to be. DN is a tv-friendly upper echelon poker talent.. which makes him a lightning rod. A lot of people want to hate just because he's so easy to like.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
This is absurd. I didn't share any database with other players, and I was the only one home all day, had no one ghosting me or anything. The extent of my session with friends, was to go over some of the bigger pots I played last Sunday and discuss the hands to see if there was anything I was doing particularly wrong. If you AREN'T doing this, you'll never get any better dude. I've been discussing strategy for almost 20 years now with friends, only difference is now I'm discussing strategy with guys close to 20 years younger than me LOL.

I thanked those guys for helping me out, because they didn't have to do that, and the only compensation they got were a few Coronas.
Out of all of the 'old school pros' you're one of the ones that I hold in the highest regard right now for lots of reasons.

Good effort.

Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:28 AM
damn i hate dn
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by gitrjoda
I think its pretty sick that Daniel had the humility to get to work and get his game back up to par these past couple years, and that he had the heart to reload and come back and beat Isildur. Right on DN, I'm impressed. THAT is what being a pro is about.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by CallMeCapo
Heart does not equal stupidity.

Last edited by gitrjoda; 03-28-2011 at 03:47 AM. Reason: Choice words omitted for simplicity and politeness.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by gitrjoda
Heart does not equal stupidity.
2p2 has brainwashed me. Any time I hear anything about heart, that's all I can think of. *twitch*

Back on topic: Regardless of if you love/hate DN (and it really seems to be one or the other), great match to rail for sure.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 04:02 AM
Just read about Negreanu's turnaround:

/He's right.

//That is sick.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-20-2012 at 06:01 PM.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 04:04 AM
the haters gonna hate
nothing new,

grats daniel

hope isi will play some televised cashg. soon
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 04:08 AM
Usual absurd fanboy bull***t in this thread.

DN gets some leaks plugged and coaching by some NL specialist friends and this is somehow dishonest or database sharing. Incredible.

We're on a forum, where people advertise coaching services, hand history reviews etc.. We post hand histories in these forum looking for feedback FFS!! Sometimes people don't even change the villain's screen-name when they do and ask for specific reads, and that's in the high stakes forums.

Good on DN for continually working on his game, and being aware that despite his experience he is still likely to have leaks. That's why he'll continue to get better.

Bring on Isi vs Urnot!!
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by BeerMonster
Usual absurd fanboy bull***t in this thread.

DN gets some leaks plugged and coaching by some NL specialist friends and this is somehow dishonest or database sharing. Incredible.

We're on a forum, where people advertise coaching services, hand history reviews etc.. We post hand histories in these forum looking for feedback FFS!! Sometimes people don't even change the villain's screen-name when they do and ask for specific reads, and that's in the high stakes forums.

Good on DN for continually working on his game, and being aware that despite his experience he is still likely to have leaks. That's why he'll continue to get better.

Bring on Isi vs Urnot!!
Yea but there is a big difference between me posting a hand and me and 4 or 5 other 2p2ers getting together and formulating a strategy to take down a particular player
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 05:21 AM
Grats dn, wonderful stuff. Triple range merging is joke btw.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 05:57 AM
Yep, congrats DN. I'm impressed you came back in week two for the victory- I was rooting for you in both matches. This just goes to show that hard work does pay off!
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by tiltnonstop
Do you really think it´s a smart thing to publicly announce he basically did a repeat performance of what Team Cardrunners did to Isildur1, except he´s now on the same team? This sounds really, really stupid to me. I´m not saying it´s illegal, but I have no idea whatsoever why Daniel would make this (embarassing) stuff ("Hey, I trained for 5 weeks, and Players 1,2,3,4 disected his game for me, and I only lost at 10ptbb/100 over 5.000 hands, I must be really good!!!") public.
Will take huge bet that the player in the above quote is a losing player. DUCY?
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by ImWeakTight@UCLA
Will take huge bet that the player in the above quote is a losing player. DUCY?
Actually this is such a great DUCY that I think it should be in the book. I'd like royalties skalansky.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:14 AM
lol @ random comments about DN
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by tiltnonstop
Do you really think it´s a smart thing to publicly announce [ ] he basically did a repeat performance of what Team Cardrunners did to Isildur1, except he´s now on the same team? This sounds really, really stupid to me. I´m not saying it´s illegal, but I have no idea whatsoever why Daniel would make this (embarassing) stuff ("Hey, I trained for 5 weeks, and Players 1,2,3,4 disected his game for me, and I only lost at 10ptbb/100 over 5.000 hands, I must be really good!!!") public.
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:46 AM
Congrats, DN. A clinic on how to keep your composure under terrible circumstances. 99% of players would have tilted away the rest of their dwindling stack. You held tough. Wow, impressive.

On a related note, it's rather amazing how much mileage PokerStars is getting out of this. A lot of it is Daniel, obviously. He is the perfect rep for them, since he's incredibly popular, a huge self-promoter (I mean that in a good way: blogs, tweets, poker forums, etc.), and a nice guy who people tend to like immediately.

You also have to hand it to the Marketing Dept. at Stars, which is really kicking FT's butt. FT have so many more top pros, giving total degen action at much high stakes nightly, but it's PS that gets the publicity and the eyeballs for matches like this. Just goes to show you that personalities matter. Plus a bit of orchestrated hype goes a long way.

I'd love to be DN's agent when his contract at Stars is up for renewal.....
Isildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu ShowdownIsildur1 vs. Daniel Negreanu Showdown Part II Quote
