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Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc"

11-25-2012 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
so are you just going to counter every argument by saying that theres no way that we can know because we can't produce a gto bot? pretty stupid imo.
What is more stupid: saying you dont know something; or saying you are certain of something based on a reason that is blatantly wrong?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
What is more stupid: saying you dont know something; or saying you are certain of something based on a reason that is blatantly wrong?
what you just typed made no sense. what is blatantly wrong about what anyone is saying?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
What is more stupid: saying you dont know something; or saying you are certain of something based on a reason that is blatantly wrong?
It's not wrong.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:17 AM
durrr is going to crush this bot. durrrr is one of the best ever and is capable of learning its strat and countering it, who has this bot beat?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
what you just typed made no sense. what is blatantly wrong about what anyone is saying?
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
It's not wrong.
I am not really sure what else to say as of now to convince you that using the example of folding 100% does not prove anything.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
I am not really sure what else to say as of now to convince you that using the example of folding 100% does not prove anything.
it proves that there is a strategy that the bot is +ev against... which was the point that it was supposed to illustrate. the question was whether the bot is 0ev against all strategies which it obviously is not.

cant tell if you are trolling or just thick at this point.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
I am not really sure what else to say as of now to convince you that using the example of folding 100% does not prove anything.
It proves that a GTO strategy dominates a strategy that involves folding 100% of hands preflop. GTO also dominates a strategy of folding everything except for 23o which shoves preflop. So, we now know that a GTO NLHE strategy dominates multiple complete strategies.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
it proves that there is a strategy that the bot is +ev against... which was the point that it was supposed to illustrate. the question was whether the bot is 0ev against all strategies which it obviously is not.

cant tell if you are trolling or just thick at this point.
I'm going with thick. Very, very, thick.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:32 AM
if this bot is so good, why does durrr have all the money and not the bot? doesn't make any sense, durrrr has been one of the best in the game for years.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:32 AM
Im not trolling, and Im not thick.

I am saying that folding 100% should not be considered a strategy or even playing.

here is a wiki thing on strategy:

A player's strategy, in game theory, refers to one of the options he can choose in a setting where the outcome depends not only on his own actions but on the action of others.[1] A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game.
The strategy concept is sometimes (wrongly) confused with that of a move. A move is an action taken by a player at some point during the play of a game (e.g., in chess, moving white's Bishop a2 to b3). A strategy on the other hand is a complete algorithm for playing the game, telling a player what to do for every possible situation throughout the game.

Maybe that fits into what I am trying to say, still not totally sure though.

I also think other things cannot be used as examples as I said earlier, such as: folding the nuts, checking back the nuts on the river. Things like that.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by ike
They are two different claims. One of them is wrong while the other is nonsense.

There is no GTO solution to HUNL. = There is no tallest man in the world.

I can beat the GTO solution to HUNL. = I am taller than the tallest man in the world.
Originally Posted by durrrr
u must watch a lotta fox news

yeah honestly, this is just nonsense parading around as reasoning.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:34 AM
no it isnt
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
Im not trolling, and Im not thick.

I am saying that folding 100% should not be considered a strategy or even playing.

here is a wiki thing on strategy:

A player's strategy, in game theory, refers to one of the options he can choose in a setting where the outcome depends not only on his own actions but on the action of others.[1] A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game.
The strategy concept is sometimes (wrongly) confused with that of a move. A move is an action taken by a player at some point during the play of a game (e.g., in chess, moving white's Bishop a2 to b3). A strategy on the other hand is a complete algorithm for playing the game, telling a player what to do for every possible situation throughout the game.

Maybe that fits into what I am trying to say, still not totally sure though.

I also think other things cannot be used as examples as I said earlier, such as: folding the nuts, checking back the nuts on the river. Things like that.
Move = Fold one hand.

Strategy = Ima fold errr hand.

Going into the game intending to fold every hand fits the definition of "strategy" that you provided so I'm not sure of your point.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
Im not trolling, and Im not thick.

I am saying that folding 100% should not be considered a strategy or even playing.

here is a wiki thing on strategy:

A player's strategy, in game theory, refers to one of the options he can choose in a setting where the outcome depends not only on his own actions but on the action of others.[1] A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game.
The strategy concept is sometimes (wrongly) confused with that of a move. A move is an action taken by a player at some point during the play of a game (e.g., in chess, moving white's Bishop a2 to b3). A strategy on the other hand is a complete algorithm for playing the game, telling a player what to do for every possible situation throughout the game.
The last sentence should answer the problem. The player is employing a strategy of 100% fold, 0% call, 0% raise for every possible situation.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000

I am saying that folding 100% should not be considered a strategy.
You would be wrong, because its this very example that helped explain to critics that poker is a game of strategy and not simply gambling. In a game of skill, you must be able to intentionally lose.

I don't know where Blackjack sits on an example like that (keep hitting until bust?) but the fact remains that their point is valid and yours is not, and its time to stop arguing this point because you're cluttering this thread.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
Im not trolling, and Im not thick.

I am saying that folding 100% should not be considered a strategy or even playing.

here is a wiki thing on strategy:

A player's strategy, in game theory, refers to one of the options he can choose in a setting where the outcome depends not only on his own actions but on the action of others.[1] A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game.
The strategy concept is sometimes (wrongly) confused with that of a move. A move is an action taken by a player at some point during the play of a game (e.g., in chess, moving white's Bishop a2 to b3). A strategy on the other hand is a complete algorithm for playing the game, telling a player what to do for every possible situation throughout the game.

Maybe that fits into what I am trying to say, still not totally sure though.

I also think other things cannot be used as examples as I said earlier, such as: folding the nuts, checking back the nuts on the river. Things like that.
[Yet another example] Polarized Bob and GTO bot are playing HUNLHE 1-million big blinds deep. Polarized Bob shoves AA and 23o preflop and folds everything else. One million big blinds deep, GTO can only call an open shove preflop with AA. Is GTO bot 0EV against Polarized Bob?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
Here is a simple example which illustrates a few important points regarding GTO play.

My Example: Suppose we are playing "Rock, Paper, Scissor".
  • My strategy is to randomize rock, paper, and scissor (this is GTO plan).
  • Your strategy is to randomly select rock and paper.
We play 1,000,000 games and bet $5 on each game. What is my EV?

Since the GTO strategy is my strategy, you might think that I have an advantage and will show a profit over time. But the reality is that my expected-value is zero. The advantage of my strategy is only that it is not exploitable. GTO does not exploit all other strategies, including non GTO strategies.

A simple simulation in excel can verify this (I did it a few minutes ago).

Next question: Suppose I knew your plan was to randomize rock and paper. How should I play against you?

If you are randomizing rock and paper, I should play paper every time since I will either win or tie. In the case of 1,000,000 games at $5 each, my expected-value is $2,500,000.

Note that your strategy is not GTO and therefore it is exploitable.

  1. GTO is "un-exploitable" but not always the strategy that makes the most money.
  2. GTO does not exploit all other strategies, including non GTO strategies.
  3. In many cases to make money against someone who isn't playing GTO, you must also deviate from GTO, that is, you must play exploitatively.
So, in short... it's very possible, and maybe even likely, that a GTO bot (one that is best against all strategies) may not necessarily be maximizing EV (making the most money) against one specific strategy. Correct? If this is the case, then why do players try to approach the game from a GTO standpoint, and not a standpoint that is more exploitative against their opponent's specific strategy?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
So, in short... it's very possible, and maybe even likely, that a GTO bot (one that is best against all strategies) may not necessarilly be maximizing EV (making the most money) against one specific strategy. Correct?

Then, couldn't it be said, that players shouldn't be trying to approach the game from a GTO point of view, but from a +EV?

(this is all using your example that if you adjust strategy based on an opponents, you'll be deviating from GTO, but making more money)
correct vs exploitable opponents, but at the highest level of HUNL every player is trying to exploit one another and the point where they will finally even out and be playing the same unexploitable strategy which would be GTO. for humans it would be more interesting as a tool to learn from than to try and actually emulate exactly.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:50 AM

Not if I decide I am going to PAT every single hand, then I am exploiting a supposed GTO strategy, because it cannot adjust to that. Basically I dont think there is a calling frequency for this spot that is both going to have positive expectation vs
1.someone who is patting every hand,
2. someone who is patting some made hands and some bluffs

3.someone who is only patting made hands

I don't think a calling frequency exists that will have positive expectation against all 3 of those patting strategies simultaneously.
clearly if you're going to filter for hands where you have the initiative you're going to show a profit against a GTO bot. but that represents half of the hands played. what about when it has the initiative? you can't just 3bet or 4bet your way out of every situation to take the initiative. it'll work most of the time and let you break even on your post draw bet, but the times it doesn't work you'll lose enough to make it not worthwhile.

Last edited by Abbaddabba; 11-25-2012 at 03:56 AM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
So, in short... it's very possible, and maybe even likely, that a GTO bot (one that is best against all strategies) may not necessarily be maximizing EV (making the most money) against one specific strategy. Correct?

Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
If this is the case, then why do players try to approach the game from a GTO standpoint, and not a standpoint that is more exploitative against their opponent's specific strategy?
In the book, The Intelligent Poker Player, the author says:

"The advantage that the GTO player that he should have an excellent awareness of what is, and what is not, exploitable."

A player who didn't know know GTO wouldn't always be able to identify every non-exploitable strategy (otherwise he would know GTO, by definition). And missing an exploitable play is obviously winning less than the maximum.

Last edited by Mindy Macready; 11-25-2012 at 04:08 AM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 04:20 AM
200k hands and no buy out clause is probably the GTO way to decline this prop bet. WP durrrr
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:16 AM
Kleinstein, please stop posting. You're tluttering the thread with garbage.
Ignorance isn't an opinion.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by lancelott_
lol at durrrr finishing at least one of his challenges (esp 100-200k hands lol)
jungleman must be sitting facepalming somewhere right now

even if you guys come to an agreement, theres no way durrrr will get this done.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:43 AM
durrr always spouts about lets put money onthis and this but never gets done or starts **** and doesnt finish it . ridiculous
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-25-2012 , 06:02 AM
Who the **** will pay money for the bot in case it loses? LOL

unless they play at playmonies tables
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
