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Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc"

11-24-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
If you took the time to consider this example, please consider the following.

First we don't know the GTO solution to poker. But if we did find this GTO solution, why is everyone assuming it would play +EV against any random strategy or even most strategies?!

The example above illustrates that GTO is only guaranted to be un-exploitable, not profitable.
A GTO strategy is guaranteed to be profitable vs every strategy except another GTO strategy where it will break even. It will beat "any random strategy" except if this random strategy somehow happens to be GTO.

So for example, a GTO bot might only be break-even against someone who goes all-in every time the action comes to him or her! And GTO bot might only be break-even against someone who min-raises every time the action comes to them!
It's pretty trivial to show that going all-in every time you have action isn't GTO. Since it isn't GTO then a true GTO strategy is going to be profitable vs it. In fact it will be extremely profitable because the 100% all-in strategy is deviating so far from GTO (I think).

Same goes for the min-raise 100% strategy, although I speculate that it might not be deviating as much and therefore not be in as bad a shape as the 100% push.

Until we know the GTO strategy we can't be sure it is +EV against most strategies!
Not true. By definition, our GTO strategy can't lose vs any other strategy and will in fact be +EV vs every other strategy except GTO ones (where it will break even). We don't need to know the specifics of the strategy. All we need to know is whether it is GTO or not.

Against a true GTO bot Durrr could possibly (probably!?) click it back every time the action comes to his and break-even (excluding rake)!
I have no idea why you think that clicking it back in every spot is even remotely close to being GTO. It's trivial to show that it isn't. And if it isn't GTO then it's going to lose money to our GTO strategy.

Last edited by Wolfram; 11-24-2012 at 08:23 PM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by ike

I'm in touch with Eric Jackson, the creator of SlumBot, and he says he's willing to let us use his bot. 100k hands sounds good. 2k/4k?

It's probably easiest not to play this over an existing, licensed poker client, just because it would require some programming work to make the bot interface with the software, but if that's a sticking point for you we can talk about it. University of Alberta has an interface for bot vs human play set up already. We could of course have it audited by whoever you want to make sure it's fair, secure, etc.

I think a prenegotiated buyout clause makes sense. If we agree to 100k hands, either side should have the option to buy out for 1000BB or something rather than continue at any point.

There are lots of details to work out but let's start with this.
im a huge dog vs the bot tomorrow- I'm rly bad at hulhe... so like i told sauce- it needs to be a bet like this; 200k hands where we play anywhere between 3/600 and 2k4k (my choice). the higher i play the more ev i giveup obv vs ur bot thats solved the game- so this is good for u. u and kanu n sauce can all pool $$ or w/e. no buyouts fk that
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by ike
They are two different claims. One of them is wrong while the other is nonsense.

There is no GTO solution to HUNL. = There is no tallest man in the world.

I can beat the GTO solution to HUNL. = I am taller than the tallest man in the world.
u must watch a lotta fox news
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
It's guaranteed to be profitable vs every strategy except another GTO strategy where it will break even. It will beat "any random strategy" except if this random strategy somehow happens to be GTO.

Not true. By definition, our GTO strategy can't lose vs any other strategy except GTO ones. We don't need to know the specifics of the strategy. All we need to know is whether it is GTO or not.

I have no idea why you think that clicking it back in every spot is even remotely close to being GTO. It's trivial to show that it isn't. And if it isn't GTO then it's going to lose money to our GTO strategy.
This example I posted (see link below) demonstrates that GTO strategies are only guaranteed to be at least neutral EV. They are not guaranteed to be +EV.

^^^ Simple example where GTO is never more than neutral EV.

Of course, GTO poker might be +EV against all non-GTO strategies, but we do not have a proof of that. Currently we can only say it will be at least 0EV.

You fail to understand:

(1) Winning is not equivalent to not losing (see definition of "tie").
(2) Without seeing the GTO solution, we can't determine how GTO will preform against all the various strategies, including open shoving every hand (other than to say GTO will be at least neutral EV. That is, GTO won't lose to open shoving every hand, but GTO might be +EV against someone who always open shoves).

Last edited by Mindy Macready; 11-24-2012 at 08:45 PM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
to the people saying durrr would get crushed, would you guys expect Hoss_TBF (or any top HULHE player) to beat this slumbot?
This is my exact question. Is the scale of the prop weighted more on Durrrr's perceived skill in HULHE or in the invincibility of the bot?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
im a huge dog vs the bot tomorrow- I'm rly bad at hulhe... so like i told sauce- it needs to be a bet like this; 200k hands where we play anywhere between 3/600 and 2k4k (my choice). the higher i play the more ev i giveup obv vs ur bot thats solved the game- so this is good for u. u and kanu n sauce can all pool $$ or w/e. no buyouts fk that
Real ngz do real things
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:30 PM
Here's an example of a game where we can easily find a GTO strategy that is +EV vs any non-GTO strategy and zeroEV vs itself.

You sit down with your opponent at a blackjack table with a continuous shuffle machine and you crossbook your losses (times some factor) vs your opponent.

The GTO solution to this game is to play the well documented perfect strategy for this blackjack game according to all the house rules. If both players do so, they will be zero EV. If one player deviates, he will be -EV to the other player and therefore the other player will be +EV.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:33 PM
I would have bet on durrrr, if I had the moniez...
and then give him my secret anti-bots strategy!
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Here's an example of a game where we can easily find a GTO strategy that is +EV vs any non-GTO strategy and zeroEV vs itself.

You sit down with your opponent at a blackjack table with a continuous shuffle machine and you crossbook your losses (times some factor) vs your opponent.

The GTO solution to this game is to play the well documented perfect strategy for this blackjack game according to all the house rules. If both players do so, they will be zero EV. If one player deviates, he will be -EV to the other player and therefore the other player will be +EV.
You are claiming to have found a game where GTO is more than neutral EV against any other strategy. But:

(1) Not all games have that property. See rock, paper, scissor:

(2) We do not know if poker is like the game you presented, or if it is like rock, paper, scissor.

Again we know GTO poker will be at least neutral EV against open shoving, but we expect GTO to be +EV against open shoving. That is really all we can say.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
This example I posted (see link below) demonstrates that GTO strategies are only guaranteed to be at least neutral EV. They are not guaranteed to be +EV.

^^^ Simple example where GTO is never more than neutral EV.

Of course, GTO poker might be +EV against all non-GTO strategies, but we do not have a proof of that. Currently we can only say it will be at least 0EV.

You fail to understand:

(1) Winning is not equivalent to not losing (see definition of "tie").
(2) Without seeing the GTO solution, we can't determine how GTO will preform against all the various strategies, including open shoving every hand (other than to say GTO will be at least neutral EV. That is, GTO won't lose to open shoving every hand, but GTO might be +EV against someone how always open shoves).
I see what you are saying now.

So let me counter with this:
Let A be the strategy of folding preflop 100% in a hu poker game with blinds. Every other strategy will be +EV against this strategy, including GTO. Therefore it's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.

Does that make sense?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by sardu
This is my exact question. Is the scale of the prop weighted more on Durrrr's perceived skill in HULHE or in the invincibility of the bot?
I believe the bots are better than any human, but I doubt it is provable. Based on the fact that they were closely matched 4 years ago and have gotten a ton better though I think it's a safe assumption.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:48 PM
epic thread... i had no idea GTO was so heavily misunderstood. make me feel super solid about my game.

durrr vs slumbot will be epic, also i'm amazed he took the bet o.0
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I see what you are saying now.

So let me counter with this:
Let A be the strategy of folding preflop 100% in a hu poker game with blinds. Every other strategy will be +EV against this strategy, including GTO. Therefore it's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.

Does that make sense?
I dont understand why people keep using this as an example. Folding preflop 100% should not even be considered playing. Find a different example
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
You are claiming to have found a game where GTO is more than neutral EV against any other strategy. But:

(1) Not all games have that property. See rock, paper, scissor:

(2) We do not know if poker is like the game you presented, or if it is like rock, paper, scissor.

Again we know GTO poker will be at least neutral EV against open shoving, but we expect GTO to be +EV against open shoving. That is really all we can say.
given that there are situations in poker like shortstacked push/fold play in which gto is always +ev against random strategies, it is at least a stretch to conclude a random strategy can be ev-neutral against gto overall.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I see what you are saying now.

So let me counter with this:
Let A be the strategy of folding preflop 100% in a hu poker game with blinds. Every other strategy will be +EV against this strategy, including GTO. Therefore it's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.

Does that make sense?
Yes, folding every hand will be -EV against GTO. It will also be -EV to raise/fold every hand against GTO.

And yes, it's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.

But these two statements are not equivalent:

(1) It's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.
(2) GTO more than neutral EV vs. all strategies.
(3) GTO is at least neutral EV vs. all strategies.

The first is true, the second might be true, and the third is true.

Finding a few numbers with property A doesn't prove that all numbers have property A.

We know GTO will be at least neutral EV against all strategies. It is easy to prove that is it +EV against some. But without the GTO solution we can't see how it will do against all strategies.

Last edited by Mindy Macready; 11-24-2012 at 09:08 PM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
im a huge dog vs the bot tomorrow- I'm rly bad at hulhe... so like i told sauce- it needs to be a bet like this; 200k hands where we play anywhere between 3/600 and 2k4k (my choice). the higher i play the more ev i giveup obv vs ur bot thats solved the game- so this is good for u. u and kanu n sauce can all pool $$ or w/e. no buyouts fk that
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
given that there are situations in poker like shortstacked push/fold play in which gto is always +ev against random strategies, it is at least a stretch to conclude a random strategy can be ev-neutral against gto overall.
You can look at facts/history/examples and form an opinion, using logic and by thinking inductively. But a mathematical proof is much more than that.

So yes, it's not a stretch, but it's also not a proof.

We all have reasonable expectations of what the GTO solution will look like and what its win-rate will be against the various strategies.

But we don't know for sure it will be more than neutral EV against open-shoving, or other random types of play.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
You can look at facts/history/examples and form an opinion, using logic and by thinking inductively. But a mathematical proof is much more than that.

So yes, it's not a stretch, but it's also not a proof.

We all have reasonable expectations of what the GTO solution will look like and what its win-rate will be against the various strategies.

But we don't know for sure it will be more than neutral EV against open-shoving, or other random types of play.
you do know that we can already calculate the GTO solution for calling open shoves HU, right?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
You can look at facts/history/examples and form an opinion, using logic and by thinking inductively. But a mathematical proof is much more than that.

So yes, it's not a stretch, but it's also not a proof.

We all have reasonable expectations of what the GTO solution will look like and what its win-rate will be against the various strategies.

But we don't know for sure it will be more than neutral EV against open-shoving, or other random types of play.
i bet my money on gto beating every random strategy, unless there is a strategy which plays all relevant situations (gto is +ev against any other strategy, see my example) gto-like and magically only deviates in possibly non-existant spots where a non-gto strategy breaks even against gto. would not really be a random strategy though.

Last edited by franxic; 11-24-2012 at 09:15 PM.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The right way to beat a mediocre player is to play as close to GTO as possible except in those situations where it is clear that you shouldn't. Essentially combinining the two types above.

Even though I am not a head up player simple logic tells me that an excellent human will likely beat a semifish for more than a bot would. For example say that you noticed that your opponent is folding 30% of his buttons. A bot would not adjust for this and call too often preflop. It would also play a bit too loose from that point forward. It would give up EV to the semi fish because its strategy has to at least break even against a player that raises 100% of the time preflop. Which is a looser strategy than the proper one for this situation. Of course the EV it gives back to thne semifish is no more than the original gift it was handed by the extra preflop folding. But an expert human, unlike the bot, would not return nearly as much of that gift
For continuity's sake, I wanted to follow up and say that I would tend to agree and even used this same example myself in the HULHE thread on beating the IGT machine.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
i bet my money on gto beating every random strategy, unless there is a strategy which plays all relevant situations (gto is +ev against any other strategy) gto-like and magically only deviates in possibly non-existant spots where a non-gto strategy breaks even against gto. would not really be a random strategy though.
I would probably bet the same way as you (that GTO is always more than neutral EV against non-GTO). I was just trying to make the point that we can't say anything more than: GTO is always at least neutral EV.

If open shoving is already solved (link which includes all the various stack sizes?), then I should just say "non-GTO" instead of open shoving.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
I would probably bet the same way as you (that GTO is always more than neutral EV against non-GTO). I was just trying to make the point that we can't say anything more than: GTO is always at least neutral EV.

If open shoving is already solved (link which includes all the various stack sizes?), then I should just say "non-GTO" instead of open shoving.
NE for open-shoving/calling HU

so your random strategy better has this chart in case effective stacks get low..
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mindy Macready
Yes, folding every hand will be -EV against GTO. It will also be -EV to raise/fold every hand against GTO.

And yes, it's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.

But these two statements are not equivalent:

(1) It's impossible for a GTO solution to poker to be 0-EV vs all strategies.
(2) GTO more than neutral EV vs. all strategies.
(3) GTO is at least neutral EV vs. all strategies.

The first is true, the second might be true, and the third is true.

Finding a few numbers with property A doesn't prove that all numbers have property A.
That wasn't what I was trying to show. I was merely showing that a poker GTO strategy is +EV vs the set of all strategies, unlike the RPS GTO strategy.

We know GTO will be at least neutral EV against all strategies. It is easy to prove that is it +EV against some. But without the GTO solution we can't see how it will do against all strategies.
Agreed. I realize that my first reply to you was wrong and that we can't know whether in poker a GTO strat is +EV vs every non-GTO strat.

But intuitively it seems extremely likely that it will be.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:44 PM
it very clear that majority of the individuals commenting in this posting have basically no knowledge what so ever of the manie theories associate with game theory. knowing that it is branch of mathematics with great deal of rigor behind it seem to be enough and provide comfort for most liberal application. 95% of this thread is balderdash 100%
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
im a huge dog vs the bot tomorrow- I'm rly bad at hulhe... so like i told sauce- it needs to be a bet like this; 200k hands where we play anywhere between 3/600 and 2k4k (my choice). the higher i play the more ev i giveup obv vs ur bot thats solved the game- so this is good for u. u and kanu n sauce can all pool $$ or w/e. no buyouts fk that
There kinda needs to be a buyout. If someone is winning at 1BB/100, and it could easily be a lot more, that side wins $8MM in 200k hands of 2k/4k. I don't know how prepared to lose $8MM either of us is, but I'm pretty certain neither of us wants to risk $40MM+.

The nice thing about a buyout is that it allows us to escrow just the buyout amount and a bit more and whoever is losing can top up their escrow deposit as they lose or quit and forfeit the buyout.

On the same note, there needs to be a time limit. I don't know exactly how the interface for playing the bot will work, but let's say you get anywhere from 100 hands an hour to 400 hands an hour in. You're committing to somewhere between 500 and 2000 hours of play. With this much at stake, I can't just take you at your word that you'll make a good faith effort to put in up to 2000 hours of play at a reasonable pace until it's over.

edit for arithmetic fail

Last edited by ike; 11-24-2012 at 10:04 PM. Reason: edit: math fail
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
