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Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer

04-02-2011 , 05:27 PM
This guy lives in Phoenix, the same city I live in. Should I call him up and ask to meet?
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 05:36 PM
Give him a break, guys.

The guy is obviously in some dire straits in his life.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 05:42 PM
Lock this thread up mods. Nothing funny about a guy who has lost his way in life after losing a wife and child.

To contact him with no intention of helping him and every intention of using his sob story/understanding of poker for laughs is beyond disgusting.

If there is a 1% chance of his story being true then this thread should just be locked and take down. Since when is 2p2 in the business of kicking strangers when they are down. This guy didn't come to 2p2 looking for a handout or a stake so why pursue him

Last edited by theirvineasian; 04-02-2011 at 05:43 PM. Reason: my spelling is busto
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:00 PM
so you guys think his story is real about why he's out of money?
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:08 PM
what a freakin' nit!
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:09 PM
didn't play a hand for a little over 8 hours.. True was the correct play.

That was my favorite part
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by DRybes
"Shark - He is a very solid player with a tight and aggressive playing style. He should be avoided at the tables as he is a tough opponent."
Story checks out.

Perfect sine wave graph.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by FreeShot
Story checks out.

Perfect sine wave graph.
That's clearly cosine. ldo dude. ldo.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:44 PM
closer to sin obv

OT: cool story
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:52 PM
Who uses "my baby got kidnapped" ???

Last edited by stu+stu; 04-02-2011 at 06:52 PM. Reason: my baby got kidnapped btw
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by crancspanc
The behavior exhibited in this thread is offensive. If this guy had come to 2+2 and posted himself he would get what he deserves. But he has been reduced to begging for a stake on craigslist, you think his life is going well?

It seems odd that anyone would feel the need to engage him for their own amusement. This whole thread smacks of a bunch of weak minded, weak bodied, internet bullies trying to pick on someone who is clearly clueless. If you are all such great poker minds with overwhelming poker success why would you feel the need to pick on someone who is destitute and clueless?
I ended the exchange, I'm not leading him on beyond what you saw above, and I feel for the guy. I actually have provided him with a fair bit of legitimate advice after his first message to me. The funny part here is only how bad he is at selling himself as a potential stake. He needs to learn to treat it like a job interview, instead of the grammatical equivalent of an untucked shirt. I was not rude to him, and he has benefited from our exchange. You don't see me setting anything up in my first message to rip him apart; it's just an inquiry specifically asking for a professionally written response. And then, he sends that message...

Enjoy it for what it is. If you don't like it I do apologize... I'm not sure if you read the original posting or not; to me, some of it demanded further explanation.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 07:20 PM
no need to apologize imo, you handled it well. The guy was obv asking for people to make fun of him by posting his craiglist add. After his reply with the life-story, which I doubt is very true, it might be better to quit, just incase it is true.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 07:52 PM
lol at feeling sorry for a scam artist. His poker story isn't true. His life story isn't true. The fact that some aren't seeing this is alarming.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 08:03 PM
Then in 2006, while I was away to Las Vegas playing in a WSOP mini event, I got word my wife had taken our soon and daughter to the local park behind our home, and after taking our daughter to the rest room, she came out to find ****** missing. Needless to say I immediately left Vegas for home and we spent the next 5 months exhausting every penny I had ever saved trying to find him, although we never did. My wife, after 6 months of unimaginable pain and suffering told me she didn't want to live anymore, and despite my attempts to help her she was gone 3 days later.

Determined to put myself through the most suffering possible I spent the next 6 months drinking (which I very rarely did before and now after healing), crying, and generally walking a very jagged path. It took an enormous intervention from my parents and brother (from a psychological standpoint), to dig me out of the whole I crawled into and get back on my feet. The most problematic issue of course being my lack of bankroll.
Skimmed it, from what I gather the bolded part confirms it's fake. Your kid is abducted, your wife kills herself and six months later your largest problem is your lack of a bankroll? Right.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by listen_folks
lol at feeling sorry for a scam artist. His poker story isn't true. His life story isn't true. The fact that some aren't seeing this is alarming.
totally agree with this. I am not sure why people thing there is anything credible about this story.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 08:28 PM
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 08:47 PM
I don't see any problem with keeping this thread open. Op actually did JT a favor by posting this on here. If he's actually worth staking he has a better chance finding a good backer that can help him on here than on craigslist. Most likely he's a scammer/terrible player and I don't see anything wrong with having a little fun with him.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 09:26 PM
I was hoping it was all an april fools but then noticed the ad was placed on the 28/3
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 10:14 PM
Wow, this guy looks incredibly seedy. There's nothing wrong with baiting a potential thief. Please keep going...
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 10:15 PM
Ask him if he's familiar with reverse twilighting.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 10:43 PM

To find out if his story is true google his sons name which you ***** out and his last name or his wifes first name and see if a kid got kidnapped in arizona during in 2006 during the wsop. If thats true then I'll send that guy 5 bucks on pstars if not then hes a lying pos.

Also I think his story about being a winning player before his crisis is semi true because the games were like money trees and really playing super nitty would make money imo.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 10:46 PM
Ok, ok I admit I made the post on craigslist
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 10:59 PM
I to is looking to be backed. I am killing on the $100/$200 play money tables. I need that extra support ever since my ant farm was destroyed when I was playing in a local laser tag tournament. After this tragic events I started sniffed much glues. I truely have the patience to earn big. I am looking for 150% backing in all large buyin tournaments throughout the US.
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Ok, ok I admit I made the post on craigslist
Hai der Bro
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
04-02-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Ok, ok I admit I made the post on craigslist
solid posting itt
Hilarious poker craigslist post - "top professional" looking for backer Quote
