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Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo)

07-30-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Is "picking a side and sticking with it" something they teach at the Choice Center?
ty 4 teh lolz
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:35 AM
Jesus christ Daniel. Those tweets are embarassing and stupid.

Phildo is right.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:38 AM
The list of areas where this guy has no clue just goes on and on and on and on....

"Hamas terrorists." I bet he couldn't write 3 sentences on "Hamas terrorists."
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ikilldurrrr1
Cringing at Negreanu. Amazing ignorance and lack of empathy. Is he aware that scores of innocent children have died? Ok you can support Israel's right to defend itself, but condoning how they have gone about it the last 3weeks is disgusting. There has been absolutely no concern for the loss of civilian life. It's basically ethnic cleansing. So sickening.
Good post

Originally Posted by CRP90
Daniel is either a complete moron for posting this on social media or lacks any knowledge of the situation currently in Gaza. Can't see how pokerstars, who sacked a team online pro Daleroxxu for rude gestures at a live event whilst watching a world cup match, can stand by the person that is the face of the company without having any issue with what he posted, or even make a statement about it to distance themselves.
Agree with this
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Dont worry, only fools give credibility to fox news in the states.
"Only fools" makes it sound like there aren't a lot of them.

Originally Posted by AndyM2033
I don't understand why people feel the need to air their views on certain subjects on twitter. Just keep it to yourself.
Because it generates a lot more attention than tweeting about what they ate for breakfast.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:47 AM
Daniel is a good guy, he even stated he's for a "cease fire" I guess that's his damage control.

Im not gonna put the guy on the chopping block because it's clear he is just soooo uneducated on the issue and seems to just repeating the information of others rather then doing his own research and coming to his own view's, conclusion, etc.

Frankly on such a passionate issue it's best to tread lightly. I do believe Daniel didn't realize the gravity of the situation he commented on and it's clear by what he said. Bold statements like he made will get under people's skin. Dnegs ignorance has a well respected guy in the poker world calling him a moron, publicly.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:06 AM
Lost any bit of respect I had for DN.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:38 AM
Daniel your stance on this is disgusting. How can you 100% support violence against innocent people?

Pokerstars if this is your 'Ambassador of Poker' you need to fire your marketing team.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by JustAnotherKiddd
Im not gonna put the guy on the chopping block because it's clear he is just soooo uneducated on the issue and seems to just repeating the information of others rather then doing his own research and coming to his own view's, conclusion, etc.

Frankly on such a passionate issue it's best to tread lightly. I do believe Daniel didn't realize the gravity of the situation he commented on and it's clear by what he said. Bold statements like he made will get under people's skin. Dnegs ignorance has a well respected guy in the poker world calling him a moron, publicly.
If all of this arose out of him posting a link to that Sam Harris blog article then how does that *not* constitute doing his own research?

Harris is an atheist and a rationalist, so he's not tied into either side in this argument. Whether you agree with it or not, I thought it was a pretty thoughtful article. Exactly the kind of piece I'd want to see someone looking at both sides of the issue to read.

Originally Posted by MarginOfErrr
Daniel your stance on this is disgusting. How can you 100% support violence against innocent people?
That's not actually what he wrote. He wrote that he 100% supported Israel's right to defend itself.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Andro
Jesus christ Daniel. Those tweets are embarassing and stupid.

Phildo is right.
no ****.

If you read the entire text of the Sam Harris blog, you realize fairly quickly that Harris is just talking out of his ass and his rationalizations are ridiculous.

If Daniel thinks that the Harris blog suffices for logic.......ouch.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:42 AM
I wish people wouldn't start posts with "Ummm". It makes them sound like 10 year old girls along with instantly pissing everyone off with the condescending attitude.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
no ****.

If you read the entire text of the Sam Harris blog, you realize fairly quickly that Harris is just talking out of his ass and his rationalizations are ridiculous.
Really? I just finished reading it. Were we reading the same article?
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
Harris is an atheist and a rationalist, so he's not tied into either side in this argument.
Claim that if you want, his mother is Jewish though. That makes him Jewish according to their religion.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 12:06 PM
This is just what happens when people who get famous for one thing (poker) have an elevated voice regarding other topics where they are no better informed than most. Daniel's 'I'm choosing Israel over hamas terrorists. It's that simple for me' shows a shockingly simplistic view of a complicated political issue, unfortunately that's pretty standard though. No reason to think he'd have an opinion more nuanced than average.

That said I don't think his view necessarily comes from lack of empathy or anything like that, just ignorance. Would be interesting to know what stars thinks about him putting these opinion out there though, lol
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 12:23 PM

The answer is in the question Daniel. He called Hamas 'terrorists' and then compared them with legal army. It shows how awful thoughts he has about Israeli army but still stands with them %100. ignorant ****.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 12:23 PM
This argument is no surprise. Negreanu was never very keen on PLO.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 12:58 PM
I really ponder on what " He intends to create here? "
Taking a Pro-100%- Israel stance - as per choice center leadership - Elevate EQ ? Lol.

Stick to Poker IMO.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:02 PM
What a shocker, Daniel is ignorant of politics once again. He paid 25k to sit near Obama, and now he spews the same old rhetoric of " they have a right to defend themselves " lol Daniel
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by TBadr
Lost any bit of respect I had for DN.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:06 PM
This isn't the politics subforum...
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
This argument is no surprise. Negreanu was never very keen on PLO.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
This argument is no surprise. Negreanu was never very keen on PLO.
I see what you did there....
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:14 PM
Wow, so cringe worthy by DN. It's like he believes the World Cup is still going on and he's cheering for Israel.

At least Russel Brand educated himself on the topic before publicly speaking out against the views of Fox News on his The Trews web series yesterday:

Last edited by AKingdom; 07-30-2014 at 01:29 PM.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:14 PM
I just wrote stars about this
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 01:14 PM
Am I the only one who's all out of f*cks to give about what a couple of poker players think about this?
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
