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Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo)

07-30-2014 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by SIThomer
Yep no taking sides here either

You are accusing me of taking sides while taking a side yourself. That's pretty smart bro.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 07:26 PM
I respect Daniel for voicing his opinion, as well as Phil. I follow both of them on my Poker list on Twitter. FWIW, Daniel said he supports Israel's right to defend itself 100%, not 100% of whatever Israel wants to do.

IMO, there will never be peace between religious zealotry, anywhere it manifests itself.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 07:46 PM
Seeing the politard posts, its time once again for:

Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Reminder folks, this is Poker News Views and Gossip, so if you wish to discuss Daniel's actions and ramifications, this is the place. If you wish to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the place to do that is here:
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 08:15 PM
Fair enough you got rid of mine. Not the right place for it but you left some of the anti-Palestine stuff that i was responding to. Not cool.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 08:34 PM
Allow me to introduce you to the report button:

If we missed any - report it.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 08:37 PM
I agree with Daniel Negreanu. His opinion on Israel's defense is honest, logical and fair.

Except for FOX News viewers, too many people learn about the Palestinian attack on Israel through a heavily biased, anti-semitic media and anti-Israel UN.

That Daniel Negreanu used Twitter to express his support for the defense of Israel is a good thing. That others use Twitter to support Hamas terrorists deliberately putting civilians in harms way, using schools and hospitals as rocket launching sites and calling for the annihilation of Israel is not.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 08:49 PM
I really hope that is all sarcasm. If not wow.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Yes, I'm sure the Israelis who own Poker Stars will be angry to learn that Daniel supports Israel.
Haha this made me lol.

Sigh, Daniel, sigh Phildo. #butfreedom
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 09:10 PM
Just pondering if there is a Win-win resolution to this ! Two extremely different views !
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by NickyC
Not defending Daniel here as both sides have a tremendous amount of blood on their hands, but it's nearly impossible for anyone to be presented the unbiased truth anymore. There isn't a news organization left on the planet without an agenda. You can take any piece of news, and twist it to support whatever ideological leanings you might have. Even the parties engaged in the conflict themselves manipulate what they want the outside party to see. For instance, attacking their own people and blaming the other side to garner sympathy. It is simply impossible to form a truly well educated opinion on nearly anything these days due to the political biases of the news organizations. Those of you who single out Fox News are zombies. Likewise, those of you who single out MSNBC are zombies. The fact is, you are all being lied to and are never being told the truth.

Where DN went wrong is his 100% statement. How can you support something, let alone 100% of it, when all the data you use to make this decision has been manipulated?
thanks for ure post very well said
the only thing daniel should have said is i hope it ends soon & the killing stops etc.... just no need for such a view from a public face, i hope stars do something more than a quiet chat with Dnegs as no sponser should take this from there public face off poker as there supposed to be sportsmen lol sum sport u are Daniel u should be ashamed off ureself........
btw I support peace but just can't see that happening in this situ & THATS SAD
i'm trully grateful to be a scotsman Today & everyday

Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by MarginOfErrr
Actually they do, that's precisely what it means to be a sponsored spokesperson for a commercial entity. I'd be willing to bet my life-roll that Daniel had to sign an agreement explicitly stating what kind of public statements he's allowed to make.
If your life roll is about $3.50 I might take you up on this bet.
As far as I know, Daniel is not an "official spokesperson" for Pokerstars. He's a sponsored player. I have no doubt that Team Pro management gives media training to its stable, and possibly advises its members to avoid discussing "controversial" subjects in public, but you'll have to provide a copy of Negreanu's employment contract to win your $3.50. Good luck with that.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:10 PM
So Daniel posts that Israel has a right to defend itself.

Bunch of anti-Israelis who believe that Hamas should be able to do whatever they want, but God forbid Israel ever retaliates, finds this stance so unprecedented and outrageous that they demand his firing.

And we wonder why society doesn't take our "we should have a right to play poker even if you disagree with it" seriously.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by instanbul05
phildo is right - 100% support of anyone in this fight is crazy. PokerStars must be cringing.
winner winner, chicken dinner

DN is a hardcore Christian though on #teamgod, right? I guess that did not change after Choice Center.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by CRP90
Daniel is either a complete moron for posting this on social media or lacks any knowledge of the situation currently in Gaza. Can't see how pokerstars, who sacked a team online pro Daleroxxu for rude gestures at a live event whilst watching a world cup match, can stand by the person that is the face of the company without having any issue with what he posted, or even make a statement about it to distance themselves.
Cant see how pokerstars are 2 faced barstads? Think about it for a bit it'll will become clear soon that Daniel is brown nosing
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
So Daniel posts that Israel has a right to defend itself.

Bunch of anti-Israelis who believe that Hamas should be able to do whatever they want, but God forbid Israel ever retaliates, finds this stance so unprecedented and outrageous that they demand his firing.

And we wonder why society doesn't take our "we should have a right to play poker even if you disagree with it" seriously.
Well said.

Daniel is a shining star on Twitter who speaks the truth about defending Israel. Unfortunately there are too many clueless Twitter members like Phil Collins @USCphildo spewing garbage from their anti-Israel propaganda-soaked minds.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:32 PM
DN unconditionally supports Israel? Wow, that is super interesting. Do we know where Kanye West stands on this important issue?
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:35 PM
I'd hardly say it was "heated" or a "debate" but it was definitely on Twitter.

Regardless of what "side he's chosen" or why he picked it I feel like it's irresponsible of someone with a significant level of influence like Daniel to share his views on subjects like this.

Its not like there is even a shortage of poker related issues he can rant over.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by ShizzMoney
DN is a hardcore Christian though on #teamgod, right? I guess that did not change after Choice Center.
I don't think that christanity is what makes Daniel think that way. You can find some anti-zionist people in every religion, even jews.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:54 PM
Hilarious to me that people feel that simply because DN is a sponsored professional he should somehow be immune to human feelings and interaction (i.e. posting his thoughts on a public forum which in no way relates to poker or an affiliate).
Personally, DN and PC have every right to have a stance & make it known. Personally, they are both childish to continue such banter publicly the way they are.
I don't find it unheard of that most of the atheists would view any move by Israel as something to condemn. I also don't find it unheard of that those who realize that israel is involved in a 21st century holocaust support their efforts to defend themselves.
What is ironic however is that you all sit with no stake in the game and criticize how its being played from the comfort of our never been bombed before living rooms/hotel rooms/poker rooms.
Perhaps everyone should step back and realize that whats going on is real & will eventually have an affect beyond the borders of the Gaza strip one way or another.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
So Daniel posts that Israel has a right to defend itself.

Bunch of anti-Israelis who believe that Hamas should be able to do whatever they want, but God forbid Israel ever retaliates, finds this stance so unprecedented and outrageous that they demand his firing.

And we wonder why society doesn't take our "we should have a right to play poker even if you disagree with it" seriously.

Daniel is wrong when he uses the words "defending itsleft", because there is more than 270 Palestinians killed for every Israeli killed, wich shouldn't be qualified as "defense". It's an attack. It's a genocide.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by LiquidSw0rd
Daniel is wrong when he uses the words "defending itsleft", because there is more than 270 Palestinians killed for every Israeli killed, wich shouldn't be qualified as "defense". It's an attack. It's a genocide.
Daniel's Twitter comments were honest and based on facts. If your above post were a Tweet it would be as wrong and ridiculous as your syntax.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by LiquidSw0rd
Daniel is wrong when he uses the words "defending itsleft", because there is more than 270 Palestinians killed for every Israeli killed, wich shouldn't be qualified as "defense". It's an attack. It's a genocide.
good for Daniel for voicing his opinion.

I never understand the ratio people use.
Hamas is trying to kill every Israeli it can.
Why should Israel be blames because they can defend their country better?
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by SixToedPete
Daniel's Twitter comments were honest and based on facts. If your above post were a Tweet it would be as wrong and ridiculous as your syntax.
I bet that even with my f***ed up english my posts still look less stupid than yours.

Originally Posted by sasha
good for Daniel for voicing his opinion.

I never understand the ratio people use.
Hamas is trying to kill every Israeli it can.
Why should Israel be blames because they can defend their country better?
It's fine that Daniel says what he thinks, as I should be able to say how I think he's wrong.

I wish I could answer about the rest, but it will be deleted. Ship me a PM if you want.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by sasha
good for Daniel for voicing his opinion.

I never understand the ratio people use.
Hamas is trying to kill every Israeli it can.
Why should Israel be blames because they can defend their country better?
Because they are murdering hundreds of innocent civilians doing so you heartless blinkered little man. Obviously for you a Palestinian life is worth less than an Israeli. Disgusting.
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
07-30-2014 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
I just wrote stars about this
Why? What's it to you?
Heated twitter debate by Daniel Negreanu  (POY) and  Main finalist Phil Collins (UscPhildo) Quote
