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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-27-2011 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Rake is gross profit, not net profit. Deposit and withdrawal fees end up costing a solid third of rake or so all by themselves for US customers. Affiliates and rakeback cost 35% (lowered to 30% at some point) of rake for affiliated players. Running the ireland office cost like $175M/year. Plus FTP spent a boatload on advertising and pros etc.

They also were not raking $6M/day. That's not even close.

You think it's convenient for them to blame the failure on the company on an extremely extremely stupid decision that they made? They're not exactly hiding the fact that they kept taking money out of the company either...
Based on these numbers plus some from the DOJ and Forbes we can almost exactly work out how much net profit FTP made per year.
They make a margin of 35% on US players and 65% on ROW.
Both make up 50%, making the average margin 50%.
They rake about 500M a year.
Minus 175M is 325M times 50% makes 162.5M.
A lot of the spending on marketing and pros is already in the pay outs.
This is money being invested into the company, not taken out of it.
If they would spend another 25M on that it would still leave them a net profit of 137.5M a year. From april 2007 to april 2011 they didn't take 444M out of the company, but put in at least 206M! Under normal circumstances a pokercompany trades at 16 times its net profit, making them owners of a 2 billion dollar company. Our money was always very safe, but unfortunately not from the DOJ.

We should be rooting for FTP now. Only because of their wise investments we can get your money back, despite what they are up against.
09-27-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow
You know this amount why? Because someone told you? You "know" it the same way I "know" it - someone close to the company told me.

No way in hell they could pay all the expenses they had to pay on 1,2 or even 3 million a day. Impossible.

We were both told, however, that most equity holders weren't even allowed to look at the numbers.

My guess is only a few people really know how much their gross rake was and my guess is there is a pretty good reason they didn't want other equity holders to know.

Given their (in my opinion) larcenous behavior, it's easy to extrapolate a few reasons to lie or under-estimate their rake figures.
There are hand tracking sites which claim 95%+ accuracy with regards to observing hands. One simple SQL query and you could total up how much rake they observed every single day over the past few years, it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
09-27-2011 , 05:38 PM
Hello Mr. Ifrah,
same rumors tell that the deal was done! it is real?

No it is not done.
09-27-2011 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
There are hand tracking sites which claim 95%+ accuracy with regards to observing hands. One simple SQL query and you could total up how much rake they observed every single day over the past few years, it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
uh except those tracking sites don't track some mixed games
09-27-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
You don't fire someone who is under indictment and knows enough to send you to prison.
what's his motive for being in charge? he's not going go profit off the sale of ftp anyway, he's not going to run it or own it at any point in the future . .so why be involved now?
09-27-2011 , 05:51 PM
also this may sound like an irrelevant question in the grand scheme of things but how are ftp points factored into all of this? I mean I had at least an extra few K in equity with those. I wonder if the 390 million figure includes that stuff or is that something players are going to have to write off? Basically honestly, we shouldn't have too.
09-27-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
There are hand tracking sites which claim 95%+ accuracy with regards to observing hands. One simple SQL query and you could total up how much rake they observed every single day over the past few years, it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
Never mind the rakeback deals, affiliates, VIP store and promotions.
Howies friends also made some money for all sorsts of services like parties, storeitems, catering and who knows what.
09-27-2011 , 05:59 PM
Forgive my ignorance but could someone explain what the hell is going on with this Full Tilt hearing?
09-27-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
also this may sound like an irrelevant question in the grand scheme of things but how are ftp points factored into all of this? I mean I had at least an extra few K in equity with those. I wonder if the 390 million figure includes that stuff or is that something players are going to have to write off? Basically honestly, we shouldn't have too.
I agree. I also had about 1k in FT points. As funny as it sounds, I also think I am entitled to my $500 from the mid year bonus. I worked hard to keep making enough points every month, even though I had plenty of other things to do. Time = Money.
09-27-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
also this may sound like an irrelevant question in the grand scheme of things but how are ftp points factored into all of this? I mean I had at least an extra few K in equity with those. I wonder if the 390 million figure includes that stuff or is that something players are going to have to write off? Basically honestly, we shouldn't have too.
No one has been talking about this at all; I get the feeling that most people would be so thrilled to get their actual cash back that they aren't worried about the points. Obviously if a lot of the value of your account was tied up into FTP points, this would be different for you.

Maybe Noah or someone who has been in contact with Ifrah can let us know if they've heard if negotiations include covering the full amount of all player accounts, cash and points included.
09-27-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by camz2895
uh except those tracking sites don't track some mixed games
nl, plo, and lhe are bound to generate well over 95% of FTP's cash game rake. probably over 99%.
09-27-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by MICK E JUICE thanks Noah.
I'm an Aussie, The feeling I get from the govt here (particularly of late) is that they are having hard time with (live) sportsbetting and such, but are really not concerned with online poker so to speak, although they do lump it in with online casino's.
ATM the biggest debates/problems are over land based gambling (mainly slots) and online gaming as a whole is being put on the backburner.
With the exception of a few self righteous political wankers like Nick Xeno(whothe****canspellhisname)phon it really isn't even talked about as an issue over hear.
I'll atest to tht.

Saw that Xenophon on a program the other day covering gambling (Insight).

That guy is an absolute moron and hasnt got a clue and am astonished that someone who is so inflexible and blinkered on the subject is allowed anywhere near the decision making process covering gambling legislation.

There is also a scandal about over here at present concerning a bookie who went broke owing a load to customers a few million in Victoria and who managed it under the very noses of the regulatory body which is regarded as one of the best in the world.

I will repeat..regulatory bodies need to adopt new standards in order to safeguard player/client money as the current system is broken globally (and that probably included the Nevada Gaming Commission who also appear to pander to their own licencees just like all the others). IN all honesty I have yet to find a commission anywhere in the world whom I believe does their job properly.
09-27-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
also this may sound like an irrelevant question in the grand scheme of things but how are ftp points factored into all of this? I mean I had at least an extra few K in equity with those. I wonder if the 390 million figure includes that stuff or is that something players are going to have to write off? Basically honestly, we shouldn't have too.
I've been assuming points are a loss for US players. A deal seems hard enough to get done w/out considering them.

Hope I am wrong, as I have seen several posts by folks who have more value tied up in points than they have cash on FTP.
09-27-2011 , 06:08 PM
Does anyone know how much Full Tilt spent on TV Marketing (Commercials) in 2010? Is it possible to find this information somewhere? I've looked at their profit loss statement, and there is no details, just everything lumped into administrative expenses of $110 million.

It would be interesting to know. I mean there were days when they were running more than 20 commercials. Maybe $50,000 for 30 seconds, I'm not sure, but you also have the production cost of the commercial.

Last edited by LiquidMonster; 09-27-2011 at 06:11 PM. Reason: sp
09-27-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by LiquidMonster
Does anyone know how much Full Tilt spent on TV Marketing (Commercials) in 2010? Is it possible to find this information somewhere? I've looked at there profit loss statement, and there is no details, just everything lumped into administrative expenses of $110 million.

It would be interesting to know. I mean there were days when they were running more than 20 commercials. Maybe $50,000 for 30 seconds, I'm not sure, but you also have the production cost of the commercial.
I am under the impression that they allowed TV networks to show programs such as Poker After Dark in exchange for free advertising time.
09-27-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
I agree. I also had about 1k in FT points. As funny as it sounds, I also think I am entitled to my $500 from the mid year bonus. I worked hard to keep making enough points every month, even though I had plenty of other things to do. Time = Money.
Not to mention the IM medals.
09-27-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by yaqh
Why would anyone else want to take over..?
Because FTP is a highly profitable business. The reason it doesn't have any cash is because of gross mismanagement and not because of of market factors. If the new owners can buy it cheap (which they will do considering the current reputation and lack of cash) and build it back to somewhere near the revenue generation of pre (or even post) black friday, they will recoup their initial outlay within 4-5 years along with a tidy profit. If you then consider that the value of FTP will increase over this period, it starts to look like a decent business opportunity.
09-27-2011 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dombax
you are really in touch with Ifrah ? i mean : he told you " no it is not done " ?
sure! and he know about your petition. Not bad at all!
09-27-2011 , 06:17 PM
I believe when FTP Doug existed Full tilt stated at one point that points would be redeemable in the full tilt store only. Obviously at that time base on information we had now FTP didn't have the money to pay back players let a lone pay out points and had an inventory of store stuff in a warehouse somewhere they wanted to liquidate instead of paying out cash to players.
09-27-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
Noah, why is Raymond Bitar still CEO of this company after April 15th? Who would've been next in line inside of FTP to assume leadership?
Quite probably because he holds more than 50% of the voting shares of the company, and thus cannot be removed unless he agrees to leave, and cannot be forced out.
09-27-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by memoryman
Because FTP is a highly profitable business. The reason it doesn't have any cash is because of gross mismanagement and not because of of market factors. If the new owners can buy it cheap (which they will do considering the current reputation and lack of cash) and build it back to somewhere near the revenue generation of pre (or even post) black friday, they will recoup their initial outlay within 4-5 years along with a tidy profit. If you then consider that the value of FTP will increase over this peroiod, it starts to look like a decent business opportunity.
I didn't mean take over FTP as new management... I meant take over Bitar's position as CEO under current ownership given all their unresolved problems. Seems like it'd be a crappy gig. Not a big deal though...

+1 to FTP points. I could use an aeron chair and new tv
09-27-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
what's his motive for being in charge? he's not going go profit off the sale of ftp anyway, he's not going to run it or own it at any point in the future . .so why be involved now?
I'm not an expert on Irish extradition law, but there may be benefits to him in terms of avoiding extradition if he maintains his current employment.
09-27-2011 , 06:19 PM
I think FTP points will be liquidated in T-shirts/Hats. SHIP THE 1,00O GOT-TILT SHIRTS!!!
09-27-2011 , 06:20 PM
I wonder what is going on in meetings between the investor and the agcc. I can't wrap my head around how the agcc could be anything but a formality if this investor is serious. Why would they allow themselves to even give the sense of being an impediment. They have already contributed to this disaster and this is not the time to suddenly get all high and mighty.
09-27-2011 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by jonmon101
I think FTP points will be liquidated in T-shirts/Hats. SHIP THE 1,00O GOT-TILT SHIRTS!!!
Lol, between IM medals and points, I have the equivalent of 600k points. That's lot of keychains.
