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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-30-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
If you were getting thousands of hits an hour would you got to ANOTHER website and let the cat out of the bag or would you sit on it and let it ride out?

Trust me, df and 2+2 are hiding their happy faces right about or two short tweets sets off a **** show....shes finally getting rewarded for her work one could other reqson to not stop by where you have been posting for months.
What is wrong with you?!?! You think a few thousand hits makes anyone a

If it is a few million then fine, what you think advertisers pay for say 5k or even 10k hits per day for a short period?

You over value yourself and your click is big in our poker world but not to advertisers...get a grip
07-30-2012 , 05:06 PM
I think there's a ton of people ITT overthinking this a lot. This isn't a James Bond movie. No one is coming up with elaborate convoluted plans to increase pageviews and notoriety (which wouldn't work anyway, as everyone ITT is clearly ready to throw someone under the bus the first time they post false info).

DF, Wheden, and anyone else that thinks they have an insider source are all doing the same thing right now: waiting for details to come in so they can publish them.

DF in particular always waits for citable sources before she publishes anything official. Anyone surprised that she's a big slow on the upload either hasn't been paying attention for the last year and a half, or is just spraying their misdirected frustration on whoever happens to be standing closest.

I'm just stunned at the reactions ITT. You'd think after a year of this, people would temper their expectations just a little bit when they hear "news coming soon.... when we're ready."
07-30-2012 , 05:07 PM
I Am Jack's Broken Heart.
07-30-2012 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I think there's a ton of people ITT overthinking this a lot. This isn't a James Bond movie. No one is coming up with elaborate convoluted plans to increase pageviews and notoriety (which wouldn't work anyway, as everyone ITT is clearly ready to throw someone under the bus the first time they post false info).

DF, Wheden, and anyone else that thinks they have an insider source are all doing the same thing right now: waiting for details to come in so they can publish them.

DF in particular always waits for citable sources before she publishes anything official. Anyone surprised that she's a big slow on the upload either hasn't been paying attention for the last year and a half, or is just spraying their misdirected frustration on whoever happens to be standing closest.

I'm just stunned at the reactions ITT. You'd think after a year of this, people would temper their expectations just a little bit when they hear "news coming soon.... when we're ready."
Two Plus Two Poker Forums > General Poker Discussion > News, Views, and Gossip

Post counts are bigger than bankrolls here
07-30-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I'm just stunned at the reactions ITT. You'd think after a year of this, people would temper their expectations just a little bit when they hear "news coming soon.... when we're ready."
I'm not. Posters in this thread fly off the handle at the slightest glimmer of hope or the very mention of collapse.

Between some of the insane conspiracy theories that have been seen here, and the routine lambasting of any source regardless of reputability, nothing that happens in this thread surprises me anymore.
07-30-2012 , 05:13 PM
2.5 grand on Tilt which im sure is chumpchange to many of you but its my entire poker roll which i groundup from 50 bucks so a little hope now and then is nice.
That said if i do ever see it back i will consider it given money by now.
07-30-2012 , 05:13 PM

Since we're waiting around anyway, how about we all band together and channel our anger into something useful that we can all agree really needs doing:

This thread absolutely should NOT have a rating of 2 stars anymore.

Get those 1-star votes in now.
07-30-2012 , 05:14 PM
People flaming @writerjen

You can't have it both ways. You can't beg people to provide any information, then, when they get information that they believe is reliable and share it with you, flame them if it turns out to be wrong.

I think @writerjen expressed a little too much confidence in her source, given that she tweeted this on July 5 and was wrong, but at the same time, people gave her a little too much credit given these tweets as well:

July 5 Tweet from Jennifer Newell
‏@WriterJen: @BlueRanger00 I just have a source that tells me it will be announced this week. No promises, just heard from a reliable source.

"Jennifer Newell ‏@WriterJen
@pokerkat There is a deal, expect an announcement in the next few days."

Contrast with ZBTHorton or others who had heard of the July 11 date, yet didn't say anything because they didn't want to get flamed if wrong. She is taking chances.

So if you're going to blast her, you lose the right to complaint about anyone not sharing information that they have.
07-30-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Micro McD
What if someone asked to borrow a few bucks, that could easily be 5-20.
And if they said they'd pay me back on Monday, I wouldn't blow my top if by mid-Monday they hadn't paid.
Shouldn't we wait until the end of the day to be upset by Jen's statement?
07-30-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
What is wrong with you?!?! You think a few thousand hits makes anyone a

If it is a few million then fine, what you think advertisers pay for say 5k or even 10k hits per day for a short period?

You over value yourself and your click is big in our poker world but not to advertisers...get a grip
You mad bro? who said anything about a fortune?
07-30-2012 , 05:17 PM
I think it's annoying when people post links to articles that have already been posted, but since 95% of the people posting in this thread for the last 36 hours apparently didn't read it the first time:
07-30-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
and so it begins
Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuup Already started about 4 hours ago.
07-30-2012 , 05:17 PM
Dear everyone who wants the thread shut down,

Don't open this thread ever again, proceed with life as if it had been shut down.

Everyone with a brain
07-30-2012 , 05:18 PM
Question: IF we ever do get our FTP money back, how many ROW players will bust their entire rolls on day 1 anyways?! lol
07-30-2012 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by ITRIED2WARNU
Ya her twitter is a good read right now. I am explaining to her how reporting works and she is saying "omg not my fault etc etc". She also doesn't understand how this tanks her credibility.
Do you flame the weatherman too?

Show some respect for your elders, please. Besides the day is far from over.
07-30-2012 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
People flaming @writerjen

You can't have it both ways. You can't beg people to provide any information, then, when they get information that they believe is reliable and share it with you, flame them if it turns out to be wrong.

I think @writerjen expressed a little too much confidence in her source, given that she tweeted this on July 5 and was wrong, but at the same time, people gave her a little too much credit given these tweets as well:

July 5 Tweet from Jennifer Newell
‏@WriterJen: @BlueRanger00 I just have a source that tells me it will be announced this week. No promises, just heard from a reliable source.

"Jennifer Newell ‏@WriterJen
@pokerkat There is a deal, expect an announcement in the next few days."

Contrast with ZBTHorton or others who had heard of the July 11 date, yet didn't say anything because they didn't want to get flamed if wrong. She is taking chances.

So if you're going to blast her, you lose the right to complaint about anyone not sharing information that they have.
lol Should we book this too?
Deserves to be flamed imo
07-30-2012 , 05:21 PM
Df that give us hope and now i didnt see her posting for the last 3 days.
At least a little bit of info would be nice.
07-30-2012 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I think there's a ton of people ITT overthinking this a lot. This isn't a James Bond movie. No one is coming up with elaborate convoluted plans to increase pageviews and notoriety (which wouldn't work anyway, as everyone ITT is clearly ready to throw someone under the bus the first time they post false info).

DF, Wheden, and anyone else that thinks they have an insider source are all doing the same thing right now: waiting for details to come in so they can publish them.

DF in particular always waits for citable sources before she publishes anything official. Anyone surprised that she's a big slow on the upload either hasn't been paying attention for the last year and a half, or is just spraying their misdirected frustration on whoever happens to be standing closest.

I'm just stunned at the reactions ITT. You'd think after a year of this, people would temper their expectations just a little bit when they hear "news coming soon.... when we're ready."
Don't get me wrong, I'm right there with you on the rest of this post. But in re the bolded part, the scuttlebutt (from Jen Newell) was "news coming soon... on Monday." So I can understand why people are fired up at her. And yes, she's just the messenger, but I would hope she would be cognizant about people's feelings about this matter.

As for DF, I appreciate that she waits to have substantiation (if that's a word) before reporting. In my mind, she has been a more reliable source than Jen Newell because she did not put a it-will-happen-Monday-book-it stance. However, I can understand a little bit of ire toward her because this is a sensitive area for some people, and giving a "big news is coming, you know what it probably will be, but I won't tell you ho ho ho ho" tease will rub some people the wrong way.

So yeah, I can kind of understand the anger even if I don't share their viewpoint.

Anyway, I agree with Noah (and others) that people are reading WAY too much into the "few days*" tweet. If it comes out tomorrow, she's still correct. I still don't really think she should have dangled that out in front of everyone, but that's her preference.

Originally Posted by Chuckled
Two Plus Two Poker Forums > General Poker Discussion > News, Views, and Gossip

Post counts are bigger than bankrolls here
I laughed.

*For what it's worth, if I had to pick apart the phrase "a few days," I would interpret it as being any duration of less than a week. If it was a week or more, she would have said as much. But overall, it's a colloquialism that simply means "soon."
07-30-2012 , 05:28 PM
It would seem that Doyle and Todd have opposing views. Todd's recent retweet is very lol

Todd Brunson ‏@ToddBrunson
@ToddBrunson now ppl get $ back should the FTP crew b forgiven?Would u forgive the guy that raped ur mom cause someone else gave her a bath?

07-30-2012 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
People flaming @writerjen

You can't have it both ways. You can't beg people to provide any information, then, when they get information that they believe is reliable and share it with you, flame them if it turns out to be wrong.

I think @writerjen expressed a little too much confidence in her source, given that she tweeted this on July 5 and was wrong, but at the same time, people gave her a little too much credit given these tweets as well:

July 5 Tweet from Jennifer Newell
‏@WriterJen: @BlueRanger00 I just have a source that tells me it will be announced this week. No promises, just heard from a reliable source.

"Jennifer Newell ‏@WriterJen
@pokerkat There is a deal, expect an announcement in the next few days."

Contrast with ZBTHorton or others who had heard of the July 11 date, yet didn't say anything because they didn't want to get flamed if wrong. She is taking chances.

So if you're going to blast her, you lose the right to complaint about anyone not sharing information that they have.
Most of us haven't been begging for info. It is not much to ask for supposed journalists to be credible with the speculation that they publish as fact. WriterJen should be flamed to hell and back.
07-30-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I think it's annoying when people post links to articles that have already been posted, but since 95% of the people posting in this thread for the last 36 hours apparently didn't read it the first time:
I completely agree with the writer in this article when they say that if the deal is finalised then it will be announced immediately. Everyone will know, there wont be any days long prep of press releases, it will be instantly made massive news in the poker community.

However what they fail to point out is that if the deal falls through for whatever reasons nobody will tell us immediately. The DOJ seem to have a hard time publishing anything at all and PokerStars is not going to talk about failing at something they have not even admitted to doing yet......let alone let us be privvy to Isai's negotiations with the US Government.
07-30-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I think it's annoying when people post links to articles that have already been posted, but since 95% of the people posting in this thread for the last 36 hours apparently didn't read it the first time:
pokerfuse legit
07-30-2012 , 05:33 PM
woooooh im back ;_;

*induces self into coma for 48 hours*
07-30-2012 , 05:33 PM
The fact is that it was pure -EV to report on this. As I had said earlier, being the first to report this gains the reporter no gratitude, because it:

1) Did not affect the outcome of the deal
2) Did not affect anyone's plans (just hopes)
2) Was purportedly going to be official in a few days time, in which case, it didn't matter anyway

On the other hand, look at what happened to poor Jen for being "wrong" when the deal could have been hit by a miracle one-outer, and not to mention, there is still over 6 hours left in the day for much of the world!
07-30-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by stindonk
I feel special for being mentioned in her article. Still not buying it until we get some sort of confirmation from a better source. Cautiously optimistic though.
or it could be me, who said this 30 minutes before you:

Originally Posted by exoendo
it also makes sense that it's a great thing to post for ad revenue, knowing that every 2p2er that sees that link is going to go to that site.

Apparently people are saying the author has been right many times in the past, so fingers crossed, but i've seen a lot of sites jump the gun "by accident"
or you know, it could have been probably a dozen others as well...
