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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-27-2012 , 08:12 PM
If this really happens then it's definitely Miracle Monday
07-27-2012 , 08:13 PM
So I think that PF is just piggybacking off what everyone else says. DF would NOT have posted that tweet if she wasnt 100% sure she had news for us. If it was negative news, or nothing new I think that she wouldve just left it alone and let someone else announce it. I dont think that DF's main goal is bearer of bad news. She has remained silent on this matter. The only thing that she has told us, was that if the deal was dead she would have no issues telling us that. She would not post a tweet like that with how much time she spends on here daily answering dumb questions and defending herself about ppl mixing her words around, she I PERSONALLY believe would not post a tweet like that, knowing that the whole 2+2 forum watches her religiously im sure, and then make us wait over the weekend, when this lady already knows how impatient we are. She would not have posted that tweet for us to get blueballs nor have it be bad news. Because if it was badnews she wouldve waited to let someone else say it or posted that the deal was dead and not make us wait the weekend to just say that.
07-27-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
Sit back and watch.
We did that last year and what happened? In case you forgot, Stars paid back points to US players along with their full balance. Keep guessing though, bc you clearly have no idea what the DOJ demands of any potential buyer.

Not to mention it would be pretty suicidal for FT2 to not honor any perks acquired from FT if they expected ROW players to trust in this site again.

For the amount that any deal is rumored to cost(~750 million dollars), to not pay out an extra 10-20 mill in perks to keep old customers content is silly IMO.
07-27-2012 , 08:18 PM
just to shed some light into the "points" debate (which imo is PREMATURE)

i would say the points are probably pretty insignificant to the total "cost"...


The players who have SIGNIFICANT points are the customers that FTP/PS want to keep happy. Screwing players out of there points is probably a bad business decision. It is especially bad when you consider the fact your are screwing your top rake earners
07-27-2012 , 08:18 PM
One other thing that i have to back myself up is Eric H. the PS CEO. He laid the rumors to rest of the deal being dead, this news broke roughly around noon. It has been 6+ plus hours, depending on what time zone youre in. If he laid those rumors to rest, I'm sure he has people working for PS who troll this forum as well and would let him know whats going on. He would lay these rumors to rest as well by now. I'm sure he knows that him just thinking "let them think what they want, then be disappointed on monday". Plus DF knows her rep is always at stake being a journalist.
07-27-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
We did that last year and what happened? In case you forgot, Stars paid back points to US players along with their full balance. Keep guessing though, bc you clearly have no idea what the DOJ demands of any potential buyer.

Not to mention it would be pretty suicidal for FT2 to not honor any perks acquired from FT if they expected ROW players to trust in this site again.

For the amount that any deal is rumored to cost(~750 million dollars), to not pay out an extra 10-20 mill in perks to keep old customers content is silly IMO.

Nothing even announced yet and already people debating how the FTP points will be addressed. Some things never change.
07-27-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Noisecore
this gamble911 site legit?
no, pokerplayernewspaper is though
07-27-2012 , 08:23 PM
I don't get all the pokerfuse hate. They do a really great job of providing a ton of content and explaining stories in a way that none of the larger commercial sites do. It's true that most of their stories aren't huge revelations/aren't broken by them, but what the hell is wrong with that?

S:P only bothered to publish stuff that was huge knows and/or that we broke because 1) I didn't have a team large enough to do more than that and 2) people came to expect all of our articles to be groundbreaking, so it would have been a disservice to get people excited about more mundane news.

PF has a different model, and I think they're quite good at it. I certainly think it's pretty ridiculous to go out of your way to attack them since they're indisputably better than anyone else who puts out the number of articles that they do about poker.
07-27-2012 , 08:23 PM
All they should do is credit the new ftp2 site with the points. Just continue the same program. And pay back the US players
07-27-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
So I think that PF is just piggybacking off what everyone else says. DF would NOT have posted that tweet if she wasnt 100% sure she had news for us. If it was negative news, or nothing new I think that she wouldve just left it alone and let someone else announce it. I dont think that DF's main goal is bearer of bad news. She has remained silent on this matter. The only thing that she has told us, was that if the deal was dead she would have no issues telling us that. She would not post a tweet like that with how much time she spends on here daily answering dumb questions and defending herself about ppl mixing her words around, she I PERSONALLY believe would not post a tweet like that, knowing that the whole 2+2 forum watches her religiously im sure, and then make us wait over the weekend, when this lady already knows how impatient we are. She would not have posted that tweet for us to get blueballs nor have it be bad news. Because if it was badnews she wouldve waited to let someone else say it or posted that the deal was dead and not make us wait the weekend to just say that.
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
One other thing that i have to back myself up is Eric H. the PS CEO. He laid the rumors to rest of the deal being dead, this news broke roughly around noon. It has been 6+ plus hours, depending on what time zone youre in. If he laid those rumors to rest, I'm sure he has people working for PS who troll this forum as well and would let him know whats going on. He would lay these rumors to rest as well by now. I'm sure he knows that him just thinking "let them think what they want, then be disappointed on monday". Plus DF knows her rep is always at stake being a journalist.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
07-27-2012 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I don't get all the pokerfuse hate.
i think its only huskermoney
07-27-2012 , 08:30 PM
Not necessarily saying that what they put up is false, im just saying its usually hours after everyone else has already heard it. But i think that if they heard for us to simmer down on the rumors about this being done, someone else wouldve stated the same thing. I'm sure DF didnt just hop on her phone and start tweeting non sense.
07-27-2012 , 08:33 PM
I am sure you are not doing this on purpous but you are still being pretty ambiguous.

You say that

didn't meant to be ambigous. A single primary source says there is nothing to suggest an announcement will come specifically on Monday.

I say, based on information i've heard from multilple sources in the last 2 hours, that expectations should be tempered.

Certainly something happened today. But nothing is cert. That is what I heard and tweeted.
Should expectations of hearing something on Monday be tempered, or expectation on eventually getting paid be tempered?

Obviously we were all just in blind optimism mode expecting news on Monday or Tuesday, and most probably knew that was speculation.

But are you discrediting the article of Wendeen or discrediting the speculation in this thread?
07-27-2012 , 08:37 PM
Hood doesn't have to be discrediting anyone. It's possible his sources are different from DF's sources or any other speculators source from earlier today.
07-27-2012 , 08:37 PM
lol thanks for asking him bbfg, I was wondering the same thing -.-
07-27-2012 , 08:39 PM

This is a great spot to email Jeff. Anyone have correspondence with him recently?
07-27-2012 , 08:39 PM
Can I get cliffs on the rumors of maybe there will be an annoucement Monday?
07-27-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bob67
Can I get cliffs on the rumors of maybe there will be an annoucement Monday?
- rumors are, maybe there will be an announcement on Monday



You're welcome.
07-27-2012 , 08:40 PM
don't bother jeff!
07-27-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
Hood doesn't have to be discrediting anyone. It's possible his sources are different from DF's sources or any other speculators source from earlier today.
Maybe discrediting is the wrong word, I am just wondering when Hood is talking about lowering expectations wether it is about Wendeen's article or all the speculation that followed in this thread and on Twitter.
07-27-2012 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
- rumors are, maybe there will be an announcement on Monday



You're welcome.
It seems like every friday there is a rumor that an annoucement will come Monday.
07-27-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bob67
It seems like every friday there is a rumor that an annoucement will come Monday.
07-27-2012 , 08:46 PM

It's likely that there are many people in the know. It's unlikely that they all have the same level of insider knowledge, hence the caution from one source and the optimism from other sources.
07-27-2012 , 08:50 PM
should i short BWIN.PARTY stock? lol
07-27-2012 , 08:57 PM
It's definitely noteworthy that the motion requested yesterday, granted by the judge today, was just to terminate all deadlines re: responses and answers to motions to dismiss and basically said "we'll figure out when they are due later (after pstars responds to special interrogatory)."

If I'm guessing, I'll take a wild guess that their response and getting rid of the kentucky claim were final procedural steps necessary to lock this thing down. But that's a wild guess and could be way off. They may have just finally agreed on terms. Who knows?
