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Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay

03-06-2012 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
That's a really good point. His original unpaid tax liability could easily be half the $3 million figure represented itt. Late fees, penalties, fines etc. all start adding up fairly quickly.

Spots betting (massive) degeneracy is prevalent, that's for sure.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin

Spots betting (massive) degeneracy is prevalent, that's for sure.
Best avatar ever? I hope we come out of this road trip unscathed.

Degens gonna be degens. /Thread.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
how can a crackhead sell their baby to get more crack.. bec they're an addict. it's a disease
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 06:59 AM
padraig888 Padraig Parkinson „Will the prize fund at the million dollar buyin at this years WSOP exceed the total ammount owed by the contestants? I doubt it” Maart 04, 2012
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 07:02 AM
Article covering the situation:
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Astyanax
Needs more hyperlinks imo
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 07:49 AM
Only knew how to do refs. Didn't want to edit as I think wiki sort by edited posts and will take it off. Feel free to add though. Just messing about.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
He sounds like an idiot who put himself in all sorts of stupid spots throughout his life, had to do desperate things to dig himself out and crossed ethical lines that lead him down to the depths of human existence.

His conscience has probably been worn down over the years of degeneracy and I doubt he'll lose much sleep over walking from the debts, but unless he actually did kill that bookie (or has done things that I'm not aware of) I don't think psychopath is appropriate.

Looks to me like a run of the mill life donk who just obviously can't be trusted.

Sympathy is all relative.

He definitely doesn't deserve anything he has in life, but the life he's lead isn't nearly as good as it could have been if he wasn't such an idiot degen. He's lead a glamorous life, but considering all of the stress and guilt he has to deal with - he would have been much better off if he could find happiness in a simple existence. I think people who become fixated on highs (either through drugs, gambling, whatever) do so because their baseline happiness is otherwise lacking.
Just to clarify, I was linking the video of him talking about his bookie dieing for comedic value. I highly doubt he was actually responsible for his death! Although his apparent glee over the bookies death consequently freeing him of his debt obligations, is quite telling of his character.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:52 AM
Lol at all the NVG tards who sound like their parents now "oh pokers a disgrace", "BAN all sprts betting for poker player"

what unbelievable nonsense and Chainsaw can confirm that
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by oxitriptan
Just to clarify, I was linking the video of him talking about his bookie dieing for comedic value. I highly doubt he was actually responsible for his death! Although his apparent glee over the bookies death consequently freeing him of his debt obligations, is quite telling of his character.
It's pretty weird making a joke about how a bookie died so he never paid his family the $5.5k. Whilst Phil Ivey isn't everyone's cup of tea here, he did speak up of a $1 million debt to Chip Reese after he died, he could of kept that too himself but actively looked to pay back who he owed.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:01 AM
I don't agree with all this starting threads to out someone for not paying back personal debts, to me it actually comes across as even more pathetic then the guy that owes the actual money.

(different scenario with Edog here though since he had the money to pay up)

But Gamblers lend money to gambling friends especially good friends when they are down and out, once you lend the money you instantly should know the bloke is down and out trying to get back on his feet, which means he could also get in more deeper then when lending him the money in the first place.

So knowing your friend could end up Busto but still going ahead and lending him the money, and then when he cant pay, outing him? That's a even bigger joke then not paying.

Why lend the money in the first place? Simply say NO! But wait he is a friend Right?

So OK lend him the money as your only trying to help out a friend, but don't go whining about it when he gets further in debt and eventually goes Busto.

If you lent him the money, and due to your loan he gets a good run and get back on his feet, all is sweet! Pays back the money cool!

That's what true friend are for right?

But when he keeps losing due to bad run or bad play whatever gambling related, now his a scumbag because he cant pay?

Either your helping a friend or your not you can't have it both ways.

So when asked by someone for a loan say NO! But if you do go ahead and help him out and he runs bad, what outing him is the right thing to do?

Not in my opinion.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:05 AM
^^^^^ Did you even read the thread (and thread title)???
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by aura
^^^^^ Did you even read the thread (and thread title)???
I did highlight in bold this was a different scenario.

I was talking about general lending between gambling friends.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Sting1
I was talking about general lending between friends.
You are the worst friend ever.
You don't lend to a friend in trouble but give it outright.
Especially with gambling because when demanding back the money you put your friend deeper in the hole because now he has to at least tripple the money and you know how that ends.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Shiftyeye7
DN flies coach?

:solid gold
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by hitgirl
You are the worst friend ever.
You don't lend to a friend in trouble but give it outright.
Especially with gambling because when demanding back the money you put your friend deeper in the hole because now he has to at least tripple the money and you know how that ends.
wtf lol Where did i say i was going to put pressure on him to pay me if he goes Busto?

Have another read.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sting1
I did highlight in bold this was a different scenario.

I was talking about general lending between gambling friends.
It was a series of bets. There was no loan.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by ashecounty
It was a series of bets. There was no loan.

I understand i was just talking in general with all these new threads these days getting started because some lent money and didn't get the money paid back, that's all.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Sting1

(different scenario with Edog here though since he had the money to pay up)
This is what you bolded (my underline for emphasis). Then your post was about lending money to friends.
Originally Posted by ashecounty
It was a series of bets. There was no loan.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:40 AM
"Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream. Cannery Row is the gathered and scattered, tin and iron and rust and splintered wood, chipped pavement and... weedy lots and junk heaps, sardine canneries of corrugated iron, honky tonks, restaurants and whore houses, and little crowded groceries, and laboratories and flophouses. Its inhabitants are, as the man once said, 'whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches,' by which he meant Everybody. Had the man looked through another peephole he might have said, 'Saints and angles and martyrs and holy men,' and he would have meant the same thing." - John Steinbeck from the book Cannery Row
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:45 AM
Is there a link to Daniel's video blogs
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:50 AM
What's this bs about old days? In the real old days, if you made a bet you knew you couldn't cover and the other guy found out about it, you got shot. Betcha Doc Holliday wouldn't have stood for this.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by patthecat35

Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
