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*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** *** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD ***
View Poll Results: Who will win the Durrrr Challenge II?
Tom "Durrrr" Dwan
1,577 41.89%
Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates
2,188 58.11%

12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM
Durrr is getting coolered so hard and is still managing to be up. If he wasn't running bad we might be even in the challange by now.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM
95s vs 78s was a sick hand.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM
and another one...
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM
Durrrr coolered back to back :|
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM
again. flush over flush. can you say momentum shift?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:17 PM

nice comeback from jungle
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
who predicted durrr couldnt take a win and would lose it all back?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
two big pots for JM in 30sec.

210k pot with turned straight vs DP
130k pot flush over flush on flop
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
it was a 5bet pot pre
jungleman called a 5bet w 78s oop
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
Bedtime durrr, you'll appreciate it in the morning.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
just as i open my mouth...
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by zzzed
who predicted durrr couldnt take a win and would lose it all back?
read above.
i think that mindset is just stupid.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
and durrr shiped it back on the flush over flush table with a nut flush backdoor 141k pot
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
jungle is such a lucksack. Man I hate this guy.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopman20
Durrr is getting coolered so hard and is still managing to be up. If he wasn't running bad we might be even in the challange by now.
LOL please be a level!
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyNL
it was a 5bet pot pre
jungleman called a 5bet w 78s oop
Are they limping buttons or wtf? You can't call 5bets OOP unless BTN limp-raised.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:20 PM
is durrr ever bluffing with those massive jizz raises on the river?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:20 PM
how the **** are you supposed to watch 4 tables this fast? its nothing like playing multiple tables, i cant concentrate on more than one table at once.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:20 PM
durrrr just got it back on table 15, rivered nuts
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:20 PM
won a nice 140k pot back with a backdoor nut flush...c/red river
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:21 PM
you all forgetting that 320k is only 4 stacks yoooooooooooo LOSE A MILLY WIN A MILLY
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:21 PM
lol im slow
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
Are they limping buttons or wtf? You can't call 5bets OOP unless BTN limp-raised.
edit: my bad it was a 4bet to 15k by durrrr
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
12-16-2010 , 06:22 PM

durrrr 3bets to 2400
jungle flats

durrrr c/c 3600

durrrr c/c 9600

durrrr c/c 24400
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
