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Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)

01-19-2021 , 01:56 PM
One thing really shocked me in Daniel's interview and suggests to me that he has in fact been running way above EV: talking about one of the spots where he faced a massive overbet checkraise on the river, he seriously stated that he thought it ''wasn't a bluff-spot'' and that Doug wouldn't find enough bluffs there... This is kind of mind-blowing - after all of these hands, he hasn't realised that one of the core parts and strengths of his opponent's game is being able to find bluff hands in any spot... wtf!

Originally Posted by Notor1ous
Imagine being Doug and working your ass off on pio, climbing ALL the stakes and becoming a top reg just to have a tournament lucksacking reg convince popular opinion that Doug is getting lucky. Also so many ppl that think dnegs is worth his live winnings should watch the Doug video on how much players are really worth. Tbh some of Doug videos can teach more than most coaches if you are willing to learn.

it's even worse than this: he climbed to the top without pio, developing his own method of constructing balanced ranges. Imagine how much harder it is when you don't have pio to judge whether the ranges you come up with are correct.

Last edited by Keruli; 01-19-2021 at 02:08 PM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 02:45 PM
Negreanu just posted this on his Youtube channel

Turns out he is delusional just check out his commentary.

Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
What makes it even worse it the way he does it. Just super aggro, foul mouthed and depressing. I wonder how much editing was going on to make him look semi-good on television (never liked the edited version of him either).
Funny thing is, when DN had that 4 session win streak in one of his post game HH recap vids I remember him going over a hand he got unlucky in. He laughed it off and said something like, “I used to get angry and start cursing when this kind of thing happened, now I just laugh it off”.

I guess that attitude change was short lived
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Another thing is that Doug says that DN’s ranting is the sort of thing that 1/2 players do, but I don’t even think that’s true at all any more. It’s the sort of thing they would do in 2010 maybe. Today’s 1/2 regs are pretty damn tough, and it invites another interesting hypothesis as to how DN would do in those games. Would anyone bet any serious money he could win over a decent sample? I certainly wouldn’t

probably the most annoying thing about this thread is all the people saying that DN couldn't beat 1/2 regs, couldn't beat 50NL online, etc. there's just no way that a human being can actually believe this, right? DN is a breakeven player in nosebleed super high roller MTTs and plays in Bobby's Room, but he can't beat 1/2? he's a douche and is at least a 10bb loser vs Doug, sure, but come on

Last edited by valaea3; 01-19-2021 at 03:21 PM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:33 PM
Im pretty sure he couldnt beat 1/2 on stars over significant sample at the moment
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by valaea3
probably the most annoying thing about this thread is all the people saying that DN couldn't beat 1/2 regs, couldn't beat 50NL online, etc. there's just no way that a human being can actually believe this, right? DN is a breakeven player in nosebleed super high roller MTTs and plays in Bobby's Room, but he can't beat 1/2? he's a douche and is at least a 10bb loser vs Doug, sure, but come on
I think he'd be an underdog in most online 6 max 200nl games based on his play at the beginning of this. Since he has improved he might be a slight winner.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:35 PM
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:35 PM
I meant 1/2 online. But hell, it’s really frickin hard to beat 1/2 online! Maybe he could beat 1/2 live though, depends on where you’re playing 1/2 I guess
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros

[x] DP
[x] DN


After watching these two clowns talk, I don't care what their win rates are or who they can or can't beat.

Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Habman

[x] DP
[x] DN


After watching these two clowns talk, I don't care what their win rates are or who they can or can't beat.
Doug has been relaxed, measured, and affable in every post-session interview that I've seen. This one was him drawing the line in the sand with Daniel's luck narrative. It's spicy for sure, but definitely not representative of how Doug has acted during this challenge. Regardless of whether you think his outburst was reasonable (which I think it was), it seems a bit unfair to judge him based on this one instance where he's reacting because Daniel won't STFU with his delusional run bad BS.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by FoldFoldFold
Doug has been relaxed, measured, and affable in every post-session interview that I've seen. This one was him drawing the line in the sand with Daniel's luck narrative. It's spicy for sure, but definitely not representative of how Doug has acted during this challenge. Regardless of whether you think his outburst was reasonable (which I think it was), it seems a bit unfair to judge him based on this one instance where he's reacting because Daniel won't STFU with his delusional run bad BS.
Perhaps... just my experience.

This "outburst" put me over the top.

I've watched both of them for years... and have never been impressed.

Couth has never been either's strong suit.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 04:43 PM
DN cant beat 1/2 NL, id bet alot on that. Without coaching ofc
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
What makes it even worse it the way he does it. Just super aggro, foul mouthed and depressing. I wonder how much editing was going on to make him look semi-good on television (never liked the edited version of him either).
My brother isn't much of a poker guy but he's watched WSOP or WPT or HSP episodes with me over the years so he knows a little and recognizes some of the bigger personalities. I was watching the last episode and he managed to jump in and catch most of it plus the interview with Daniel at the end (via Joey's stream).

His reaction (a poker "casual" at-best who barely plays or watches) - "Wow, I used to like that guy, he seemed pretty chill....doubt anyone's a fan now."

How could you be after that ****-show? In this one interview alone:

A) Endless narrative about how he's running bad when he's actually been running better than Doug (if not equal to)

B) Non-stop swearing about missing flush draws - swearing can be funny if done right (think Andrew Dice Clay), but this is just pure cringe.

C) Repeatedly mentioning his "sausage" and "using it to relieve some stress" - why don't you just say "I'm going to go **** my wife" if you are going to be that insanely crass (at least it's not infantile)?

It's actually been shocking, but I've been so entertained it's also enthralling....can't wait for the match on Wednesday!
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by NewAcctIsBest
DN cant beat 1/2 NL, id bet alot on that. Without coaching ofc
MMAasherdog mentioned that Doug is playing way worse than he expected he would. By this affirmation is it safe to say that Doug wouldn't beat 10/20 NL on stars?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros

Part of me wishes Doug had taken the ultimate high road and refuted each of Daniel's points (and those of his GG commentators) in a measured, understated way. It might have been the bigger burn. Of course, I'm also the guy that thought the single most badass touchdown celebration in NFL history belonged to Barry Sanders, whose response to scoring was to quietly hand the ball to the nearest official.

The other part of me, however, found Doug's response to be pretty damn funny.

Negreanu's rantings about how bad he's running takes me back to Phil Gordon busting out against Phil Laak in the 2010 NBC National Heads-Up Championship. As you'll recall, Gordon shoved for about 9x with K5o, Laak called with Q9 and the board ran out K4J2T. Note that this wasn't some crazy suckout like Bryce Yockey experienced in the $50K PPC two years ago. It wasn't even a pair-over-pair or AK<AQ situation. Sure, the king in the door followed by the gutterball on the river makes it feel saltier. But it was pretty much a coin flip when the stacks went in.

Still, when the T hit the river, Gordon literally spun in his chair and buried his face in his arms. Then for the next minute, he looked completely flabbergasted, staring at the board, then continuing to glare in disbelief as he walked by. He even mockingly pretended like he would rip up the river card. In the interview with Leeann Tweeden, Gordon described the hand as "going down as one that really hurts."

And sure, a lot of it was probably Gordon playing it up for the cameras and the casual poker audience since he was among the Full Tilt guys who got a lot of air time in the TV boom. But even a small-stakes rec donk like me was thinking, "WTF, that was about as standard as a hand can get... how are you, a professional player and author of several books, so shocked by THAT???"

Anyway, Negreanu's reactions remind me a little of Gordon's. Perhaps some of it is for the cameras and his massive throng of casual poker fans, but I still can't help but watch and think, "You're a professional, how is any of this surprising to you??"

EDIT: SocraticGambler, you posted while I was typing this. Great summary.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
I meant 1/2 online. But hell, it’s really frickin hard to beat 1/2 online! Maybe he could beat 1/2 live though, depends on where you’re playing 1/2 I guess

yeahhhhh I guess NVG is just gonna NVG, what do you do
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Notor1ous
Imagine being Doug and working your ass off on pio, climbing ALL the stakes and becoming a top reg just to have a tournament lucksacking reg convince popular opinion that Doug is getting lucky.
good thing he didn't take that!
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by georgelboss
MMAasherdog mentioned that Doug is playing way worse than he expected he would. By this affirmation is it safe to say that Doug wouldn't beat 10/20 NL on stars?
fwiw I love mma's 6max knowledge streams/content etc but his site competes heavily with dougs site so he has a large incentive to not be very charitable when reviewing any doug HHs on stream/youtube
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 06:31 PM
He's also got close to no HU experience
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 07:30 PM
Lmao these guys put together a chill music song to Dneg's ranting. Maybe Dnegs should listen to this during his sessions, remind him to relax when he wants to tilt.

At 1:15 there is a clip of him saying he was offered 3% equity in stars. Does anyone know if that is true or have any more details?

If so that is nuts, why would you turn that down. Crazy.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trumpy Dumpty
Daniel's ceiling online is probably 2-5. He probably beats 5-10 live against regs easy.
I seriously doubt Dnegs beats 500z on stars. Maybe 2/5 reg tables in a soft pokerbros club.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
I seriously doubt Dnegs beats 500z on stars. Maybe 2/5 reg tables in a soft pokerbros club.

doubt many people are beating 2/5 z cold
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
I seriously doubt Dnegs beats 500z on stars. Maybe 2/5 reg tables in a soft pokerbros club.
Brad Owen is a winning player at 5/10 live (mostly Bellagio) over the past year or so, and I guarantee DN is better than Brad lol.

I'm sincerely curious if people aren't aware that DN was a winning player at Bobby's Room for years . . . which is a 2000/4000 mixed game?

Again, I agree that DN would lose to medium-high stakes online regs but wtf guys, he can beat a 5/10 live game
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 09:09 PM
I'm not sure there's a person on earth who isn't a 6-max NL reg (re-read previous five words before attacking me with names lol) who could jump into 500z and actually be +EV right off the bat

Legit wonder how guys like Trueteller or Jungleman would do. They'd obv be crushing after putting in a little bit of work refreshing ideas, but right off the bat? Bruh... Not sure.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
01-19-2021 , 09:18 PM
My money is on Trueteller and Jungleman winning from the very beginning, and crushing before long.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
