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Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)

11-24-2020 , 01:41 PM
The most recent match (timestamps courtesy of the comments):

31:34 - LEFT // 40k pot
1:08:05 - RIGHT // 110k pot
1:26:17 - LEFT // 80k pot
1:33:05 - LEFT // 75k pot
2:14:35 - LEFT // 98k pot
2:18:15 - LEFT // 43k pot
2:32:18 - RIGHT // 82k pot
2:39:33 - LEFT // 40k pot
2:55:13 - LEFT // 42k pot
2:38:24 - LEFT AND RIGHT // 36k and 49k
3:46:20 - RIGHT // 50k pot
4:00:22 - LEFT // 51 k pot

4:09:08 - Interview starts
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Clowning on an 87-year-old? Doug is so classless.
Doyle needled Doug on twitter, Doug responded. How's that clowning?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by fish & chips
Can anyone tell the board and the approximate minute that Daniel AA hand happened?
Originally Posted by sp00kym8
DN 3-bet pre, Doug called and it went check, check, check on a KJ4J6 board with two hearts.

Hand starts at 1:58:45
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Doyle needled Doug on twitter, Doug responded. How's that clowning?
But Doug won't play the 87-year-old in HU razz and probably not in HORSE.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
DN 3-bet pre, Doug called and it went check, check, check on a KJ4J6 board with two hearts.

Hand starts at 1:58:45
Has anyone done a GTO analysis of that hand?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by deuceblocker
But Doug won't play the 87-year-old in HU razz and probably not in HORSE.
Probably worried about getting the full number of hands in.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
Isn't speed chess the new thing in chess? Classical games are the same opening moves memorized beforehand for a dozen or more moves.
Even though in practice among GM's, superficially this might very well look to be the case, to simplify GM-level chess to simple memorization, would imply a hopelessly misplaced conceit, which doesn't even compare to them things like people thinking Daniel couldn't beat 100 NL HE. Besides the intellectual stuff, actually playing a 4-5 hour game is no easy feat, not for brain, nor body. I just cannot imagine him playing the required tournaments, based on his specifics. The practical side, is no walk in the park either. If he would be the best student ever, he would not be halfway achieving. I might be missing something, but seems like an absolute no-hoper.

Not really bringing any good, clear arguments to the table, I realize, except my own experience / views.

W/e I'll just bet against him.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 02:38 PM
Betting becoming a chess GM when you are like 1500 elo in classical time control, seems as delusional as the Durrr-Raptor chess bet where Durrr had to beat a GM a piece up.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:28 PM
someone make a new thread for this chess bet
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by deuceblocker
Has anyone done a GTO analysis of that hand?
polk said post game it was a fine line as long as his plan was to x/r river.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by deuceblocker
But Doug won't play the 87-year-old in HU razz and probably not in HORSE.
Ok, so negotiating with an 87 year old is forbidden. Got it.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 03:49 PM
With so many different streams covering this match I am really enjoying the range of coverage this match is getting.

It was really sweet to watch Amanda's loyal commentary as her husband was playing, "Come on baby!" as he played a hand. And it was equally entertaining to watch Joey commentating on his mate Doug, and screaming with joy and excitement when Doug won a big pot.

Make no mistake, this challenge is all about ego, rather than anything else. Negreanu is saying that the winner may well be decided by variance, and with just 12500 or 25000 hands that may indeed be the case. But it is cool, Polk was saying he had respect for Negreanu taking on this challenge. And so far Negreanu has played far, far better than most (including myself) expected.

The reservation I have about this is we dont know who the players' support teams are. Negreanu is adjusting really well so far, and it would be interesting to know who is helping him. Polk is bouncing back from Negreanu's winning sessions, so Polk has a sound team to support him too. A shame we dont know who the supporters are, as they deserve credit too for making this so enjoyable.

All the characterless poker pro zombies have brought precisely nothing to the world of poker, so a massive vote of thanks to Polk and Negreanu, as whatever happens in the end, with this challenge poker is the winner.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
someone make a new thread for this chess bet
Agreed... Anyone that has never reached over 2000 will never become a GM just for a prop-bet. The Timex-freethrow-chess equivalent would be "Beat a GM once in a 5 minute-time control game, unlimited attempts". Becoming a GM would look more like "Play in the NBA for a full season". Even if you have 2500+ elo getting the GM title within a year isn't even guaranteed.

I will bet against literally anyone in the world over 25 under 2300 elo (Fide) with over 5 years of club experience, or anyone without club experience over 30.

To give a hint of the impossibility, the rating gains (k-factor) decreases at 2400 (IM Level) by half. The road to GM requires three GM-level performances in international fields. I have friends in chess that have read opening repertoire for decades, some have achieved IM norms, none of them a shot at becoming GM.

Source: I'm rated around ~25000th in the world, played since I was 5. Decent. Pretty sure I could beat you. Blind. For GM you'd have to get to ~1000th in the world.


These parallels with chess are more and more interesting now that the solver guys are referring to the 'machine' as the truth more and more, an exercise chess players have had to cope with since 1997. The game does not die, it just becomes deeper and more complicated. There are many moves previously thought to be impossible now all of a sudden open to play. Doug yesterday mentioned 888-flops and found new insight.

To me this match is similar to a 1985 top chess player battling a 2001 top chess player, and it'll end the same:
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Spork
Agreed... Anyone that has never reached over 2000 will never become a GM just for a prop-bet. The Timex-freethrow-chess equivalent would be "Beat a GM once in a 5 minute-time control game, unlimited attempts". Becoming a GM would look more like "Play in the NBA for a full season". Even if you have 2500+ elo getting the GM title within a year isn't even guaranteed.

I will bet against literally anyone in the world over 25 under 2300 elo (Fide) with over 5 years of club experience, or anyone without club experience over 30.

To give a hint of the impossibility, the rating gains (k-factor) decreases at 2400 (IM Level) by half. The road to GM requires three GM-level performances in international fields. I have friends in chess that have read opening repertoire for decades, some have achieved IM norms, none of them a shot at becoming GM.

Source: I'm rated around ~25000th in the world, played since I was 5. Decent. Pretty sure I could beat you. Blind. For GM you'd have to get to ~1000th in the world.


These parallels with chess are more and more interesting now that the solver guys are referring to the 'machine' as the truth more and more, an exercise chess players have had to cope with since 1997. The game does not die, it just becomes deeper and more complicated. There are many moves previously thought to be impossible now all of a sudden open to play. Doug yesterday mentioned 888-flops and found new insight.

To me this match is similar to a 1985 top chess player battling a 2001 top chess player, and it'll end the same:
Aha. See told you I was right about the chess thingie.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
What are the odds they abandon the challenge and realize they are soulmates?
About tree fiddy to one.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by teddybloat
polk said post game it was a fine line as long as his plan was to x/r river.
Pretty likely Daniel is just x/c.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
DN 3-bet pre, Doug called and it went check, check, check on a KJ4J6 board with two hearts.

Hand starts at 1:58:45

Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Pretty likely Daniel is just x/c.
I think he deserves a bit more credit than that.

He is so protected on that river that he would only call if he thought Doug could bluffshove some stuff and put him a tough spot. As he has been trappy this match and could possibly have quads or top boat there I don't think he would be afraid of going for the Craise...
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 07:57 PM
Maybe so. But he’s also shown a propensity to simply call when he believes he’s only going to be called by or be raised by better if he goes for the x/r.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 07:59 PM
Yeah the AA hand is completely fine and obviously he's check raising river unless Doug bombs it
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Clowning on an 87-year-old? Doug is so classless.
Doyle was the one who called him out.

Basically slammed online play.

Only trouble is Doug called his bluff....

And Doyle folded.....

At least Doyle was smart enough to know he would get smashed by Doug in heads up NL HE
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Doyle needled Doug on twitter, Doug responded. How's that clowning?
Where’s the needle?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Doyle needled Doug on twitter, Doug responded. How's that clowning?
thats not what i took from it . dougs a poker player im sure some part of him would be stoked to play doyle HU poker coupled with taking his money lol.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 10:29 PM
Given the tools available to Doug it is surprising Doyle picked razz and surprising that Doug turned it down. I doubt that heads up razz has been deeply analyzed even though it would be simpler to do than with most other games. Don't see why Doug couldn't easily become the best in the world with the help of some of his smart friends
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
11-24-2020 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Given the tools available to Doug it is surprising Doyle picked razz and surprising that Doug turned it down. I doubt that heads up razz has been deeply analyzed even though it would be simpler to do than with most other games. Don't see why Doug couldn't easily become the best in the world with the help of some of his smart friends
Prob good turn down, you think doyle is gonna take a challenge he could lose? Tell that to the ppl at aria/bellagio.

Solvers don't account for someone being able to damn near see the cards with their uh... "soul reads".
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
