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Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker?

08-31-2015 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by jay94
Until our dollar collapses and it will happen. The government just keeps printing money, and we put zero interest on our insane debt, which seems to grow faster on a daily basis.
The dollar may collapse some day but I'm pretty sure it won't be in my lifetime, my kids or my grandkids.

I'm all about cutting government debt and the size of government though so I'm not against you about this.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
The debt problem is better for consumers and corporations. In fact the only place it's still getting worse is government. Raising MW and increasing unemployment is going to make the situation worse.
It's only better until the RoW decides our money is play money and they basically black list us.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:49 PM
wouldnt quarters dimes etc drop before the dollar bill does
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22

as is evidenced by the state of the US economy.
Still #1, for how long?? 70 years?
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
Anyone who plays poker(and wins) and states that they don't believe in capitalism is a hippocrite, and if you argue against me you're a liar too. That's a fact.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:08 PM
Lol, edit ninja not fast enough ^^^^
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
Anyone who plays poker and states that they don't believe in capitalism is a hippocrite, and if you argue against me you're a liar too. That's a fact.
From grammar to content, I believe this to be the stupidest comment I have ever read. I can literally feel the conservative rage bubbling out of your tiny little mind.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:57 PM
Lol @ the people claiming that doubling the MINIMUM wage will lead to everything else doubling. Because every employee in the US makes min wage and employee salaries are half of operating costs, right?

No use arguing with some people itt, much too simpletons
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:36 PM
One person said everything would double - and I'm not even convinced he really believes everything will double.

Stop acting like everyone ITT against raising MW believes that.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Agorophob
From grammar to content, I believe this to be the stupidest comment I have ever read. I can literally feel the conservative rage bubbling out of your tiny little mind.
From exaggeration to insults, I believe this to be the most typical liberal response that I have ever read. I can literally feel the hypocrissy bubbling in your little mind.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 03:58 PM
Some of you are very proud of the us economy.
But how many hours do you work in a week?
How much do you have to pay for medications?
And how much do you have to pay for healthcare i you can't afford insurance?

It makes me think of some crazy person that puts so much of his salary into buying guns that he forgets to feed his children. It also makes me miss the good old days when Americans were allowed to play online poker.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 04:26 PM
The real problem is that most small wage jobs, driving jobs and other jobs that can be replaced by robotics will throw humans out of the workforce in our lifetimes. Eventually half the people won't even need to work.

Basically it's time to think of a new type of economy, yall muth****ers are thinking of things as if they gonna stay the same. Your idea of an economy is on it's last legs and will be obsolete at some point. Our entire paradigm of how we value people and resources will have to change completely.

Time to stop thinking in a 20th century mindset and step it your game to a 21st century mindset and beyond. Things are gonna change, simple as that. You guys are living in the past and arguing about obsolete things.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 04:42 PM
Basically that, but transitions of this kind are never smooth. While the end result could be great, It will most likely get rough over the next century, in many ways. Mass replacements of the workforce are just starting to occur. For the US specifically, it's been happening not just with robotics, but with virtually all manufacturing jobs also being lost to China.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 05:44 PM
lol it's mind blowing that there are Americans who actually think they're the best economy going into the future. lol you guys add aboslutely nothing to the world economy anymore except for ****ty, expensive labor and overpriced computers, and you owe the entire world more than you will ever produce again, you guys are ****ed lol how do you not see that
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Why are people assuming that increased wages = increased cost of goods?
Well, labor is one factor in the cost of goods, so if the cost of labor goes up, so will the cost of goods.

Now, if you're a reasonable fellow, you will realize that the two forces will not offset each other unless labor makes up 100% of 100% of the goods and services people buy. But reasonable fellows generally don't comment on economics, because being reasonable, they understand the futility of it all. So you're just left with people reciting the talking points of those who paid a lot of money to "educate" people with far lower income to recite their talking points.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 06:48 PM
People who talk about how we are the "best economy in the world" and that's why the dollar can't collapse know nothing about economics. Even if we are the "strongest economy in the world" that means nothing in regards to a dollar collapse. You can be the smartest ****** on the short bus, it doesn't mean you are clever. Even if we hyperinflate at a slower rate then "weaker" economies around the world, hyperinflation is still the end game. You might feel all warm and nationalistic when a gallon of milk only costs $50 in the USA instead of 100 euros in the "economically weaker" EU, but either way we are still both shafted. Relative strength means nothing. What matters are the absolute costs of the commodities we need to survive.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Could you show me the literature indicating that the 'teenage jobless rate' used in the graph and article only includes teenagers looking for work and not all teens? I haven't found anything that says that, and without it I'm having a really hard time understanding how rising unemployment rates of people who are supposed to be unemployed indicates that increasing minimum wage is a bad thing.
Unemployment by definition is counted only for those who are looking for jobs.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
This is just nonsense. The USA is by far the largest and best economy in the world. Its GDP is nearly double that of #2 China. If you add up the entire EU it only slightly edges out the US. The US GDP is more than four times larger than Germany(#4 in the world), the best of the EU.

Japan is #3. Its min wage is $6.30/hr. In #2 China it is set locally and hovers around $2/hr.
Are you seriously comparing GDP figures without normalizing for population? Wow.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
lol it's mind blowing that there are Americans who actually think they're the best economy going into the future. lol you guys add aboslutely nothing to the world economy anymore except for ****ty, expensive labor and overpriced computers, and you owe the entire world more than you will ever produce again, you guys are ****ed lol how do you not see that
Nice trolling, you gave me a good laugh, because I know you aren't really dumb enough to believe this.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:17 PM
$15/hr would also mean more people can afford to buy more guns... so theres that as well.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Are you seriously comparing GDP figures without normalizing for population? Wow.
OK, your way puts the U.S. #10. Of the nine higher, six are tiny countries with massive oil deposits. The other three are San Marino (population 32k), Luxembourg (population 500k) and Switzerland, which is the largest of any of the nine countries, having a population of 8m.

It seems pointless to compare a country of 320m with a bunch of oil rich countries, many having less than 1m people, and some small European ones, the largest of which has 2.5% the population, but there it is.

Another way to look at it is the U.S., number three in population, has the second highest GDP per capita of the top 100 countries in terms of population. Switzerland is 98th in population.

Last edited by John Mehaffey; 08-31-2015 at 08:03 PM.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
Nice trolling, you gave me a good laugh, because I know you aren't really dumb enough to believe this.
The funny part is that you're actually dumb enough to think it's not true
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Unemployment by definition is counted only for those who are looking for jobs.
I believe you're a stats guy dima, would like to hear your opinion on the validity of this stat pertaining to youth demographics
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
I believe you're a stats guy dima, would like to hear your opinion on the validity of this stat pertaining to youth demographics
I have no reason to doubt BLS stats. They know their business very well, and they will not create invalid or misleading statistics. Other people may use their statistics selectively to make invalid or misleading points, or misrepresent what BLS in reality measures, but there is nothing they can do about that.

That said, even if these teen unemployment statistics are not invalid, they're in my opinion not really negative on their own. Teenagers should focus on school, and have fun when they're off from school; they should not be working at that age. There will be plenty of that **** later on in life. Forced unemployment may actually be good for them, even if they don't know it yet.

And even ignoring this admittedly paternalistic first argument, it's daft to just look at unemployment effects of any policy. There are positive effect that come from increased minimum wage, a very obvious one, so only ideologues would reject the concept of balance and go for an extreme.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
The funny part is that you're actually dumb enough to think it's not true
Read your post again (I know you read slow, so take your time) , then honestly try to tell me that it's not the stupidest post in this whole thread. If you really think that it's not, it's just verification of your stupidity.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
