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Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker?

08-30-2015 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
I pretty clearly explained this already. Too much is when you don't have enough money for low-level people to do their jobs in a sustainable fashion, and your economy loses value, as is evidenced by the state of the US economy.

How? What empirical data do you have that supports this?

Or maybe some support for this incredibly vague and unassertive statement?
Increasing unemployment is no way to try to help the poor.

What empirical evidence do I need besides applying common sense. It is the goal of making millions that leads entrepreneurs to take risks. If you decrease the reward you decrease the amount of people that are going to risk it all to create a new company. If you are on a deserted island with 10 people and there is a law that no matter how many fish you catch everyone splits the daily fish caught there is no reason to invent the fishing net or boat to try to catch more. With no law like that someone would invent those things and then pay some other guy more than he was catching to stop fishing and build more of the product.

If it was cheap labour that drove the economy and not entrepreneurs China's economy would dwarf the US economy.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Since you guys don't like the guy that made the chart, here is the raw data he used: (choose 16-19 by itself. You will see a 20% unemployment rate in recent years with some variance.)
Your source shows that the 16–19 unemployment rate for most of this year was what it was in 2005 before the first minimum wage increase represented on your chart.

Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
So bj, in order to get reliable statistics what definitions would you consider?
I wouldn't trust any stat on youth unemployment because

A) Teens shouldn't have to work in the first place. Creating a 'teen unemployment' statistic is like creating a 'babies who play racquetball' stat, it's pointless and doesn't tell me anything about the real world

B) As is evidenced by BLS' definition of unemployment, it's just not a reliably quantifiable statistic, due in part to what is said in my point A, and because any definition stringent enough to produce a meaningful conclusion would be prohibitively difficult to sample for.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Increasing unemployment is no way to try to help the poor.

What empirical evidence do I need besides applying common sense. It is the goal of making millions that leads entrepreneurs to take risks. If you decrease the reward you decrease the amount of people that are going to risk it all to create a new company. If you are on a deserted island with 10 people and there is a law that no matter how many fish you catch everyone splits the daily fish caught there is no reason to invent the fishing net or boat to try to catch more. With no law like that someone would invent those things and then pay some other guy more than he was catching to stop fishing and build more of the product.

If it was cheap labour that drove the economy and not entrepreneurs China's economy would dwarf the US economy.
K, dude. You need to learn more about argumentation and rhetoric before you convince anyone. You might very well have good ideas but you convey them so poorly that it's very hard to understand what you're asserting, let alone refute it.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Did you ever think that, maybe, just maybe, the owner of the car plant doesn't need to personally make 20 million dollars a year, and, in some other dimension maybe or something, some of those 20 million dollars could be used to offset the increased labor cost instead of firing everyone? Or are you of the opinion that one person is actually capable of inputting 20 million dollars of actual value into the economy?

People view the economy wrong it's not a fixed pie...the whole point is to use resources more effectively. The guy who is making 20 million building cars may have found a way to build cars more efficiently (not discussing human labor) or he may have built a way better product they people want.

History has shown when people don't have a monetary incentive to innovate they don't..just compare communist systems and free market systems.

Seizing rich people assets and giving it to the poor is a horrible idea for most people's long term success.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by CanadaPete
People view the economy wrong it's not a fixed pie...the whole point is to use resources more effectively. The guy who is making 20 million building cars may have found a way to build cars more efficiently (not discussing human labor) or he may have built a way better product they people want.

History has shown when people don't have a monetary incentive to innovate they don't..just compare communist systems and free market systems.

Seizing rich people assets and giving it to the poor is a horrible idea for most people's long term success.
No one is suggesting that rich people have all their money taken away. All the people on my side of the argument want is for the wage gap to come back into balance. Wages on the top end are higher because, like you said they sometimes do amazing and innovative things. But that just isn't reflected by the actual state of the current economy. Rich people have inflated their own earnings far beyond what they should be by being allowed to buy the legislators who are supposed to be in place to protect the majority. It's to the extent that all the people who could be driving the economy with their ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and hard work are too impoverished to accomplish anything. There is no argument against this, it's very obvious and very obviously a bad thing for everyone.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:54 PM
I bet even 20,000 years ago the guy that spent all day just picking berries felt he was entitled to a share of the hunting parties Mastodon meat. The hunters had to risk death to reap the rewards of meat. Today the modern business owner must risk having no income at all and burning through his savings, just to make more than minimum wage. Socialists seek to create a world without risk. A world full of prissy litte berry pickers that would never dream of hunting something so dangerous as a Mastodon for a chance, just one chance, at that precious meat.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-30-2015 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by TooRareToDie
This will not happen within the next +10 years. France has around 10€ and Germany 8,50€ min-wage. And these are cultivated countries, not some pilgrims who didn't make it in europe, and hence decided to make war all over the planet.
No wonder NVG is not able to differ in between seriously, and polemic nonsense.
You seem to forget that you would be speaking German if i wasn't for us.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
I bet even 20,000 years ago the guy that spent all day just picking berries felt he was entitled to a share of the hunting parties Mastodon meat. The hunters had to risk death to reap the rewards of meat. Today the modern business owner must risk having no income at all and burning through his savings, just to make more than minimum wage. Socialists seek to create a world without risk. A world full of prissy litte berry pickers that would never dream of hunting something so dangerous as a Mastodon for a chance, just one chance, at that precious meat.
You paint a pretty picture, but I'm pretty sure you were trying to make an analogy. For that purpose, your words aren't quite so elegant.

Socialists seek to reduce variance, so you are in part correct.

What you are failing to realize is that the people who are viewed as rich capitalists who worked really hard to get what they have are, more often than not, just lucky, rather than more deserving of what they have than others because of extra skill or innovation.

In your analogy there are 3 types of people:


Capitialists who got lucky

Capitalists who didn't get lucky

Sure, some capitalists walk away with mastadon meat, but the majority of them die trying.

Meanwhile, the socialists still get mastodon meat sometimes, without killing most everyone.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by NF set
The point is that an increase in wages and an increase in price would be zero-sum.
Lol. Maybe if everything you purchase is a service but that mostly impossible, unless you live in your parents basement.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice

All that the minimum wage laws ensure is that there will be less entry level jobs for young people.
Are you saying demand will shrivel up over night? The countries will the top global minimum wage all have far better economies than the usa.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Rich people have inflated their own earnings far beyond what they should be by being allowed to buy the legislators who are supposed to be in place to protect the majority.
I have a favorite TwoPlusTwo poster and it is 'bjsmith22'
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by albedoa
Your source shows that the 16–19 unemployment rate for most of this year was what it was in 2005 before the first minimum wage increase represented on your chart.

The chart represents 16-19 unemployment versus the national average, not the outright stat, which as you mention are improving (ignore July, those stats are preliminary).

In June, the last month with final stats, it was 12.8% higher. That looks like the best month going through a few of them. That is worse than any month when min wage was $5.15. July official numbers won't post for another 20 days or so. The prelim puts it at 10.8%.

The stats are probably distorted some because of the recession. Adults took jobs teens would often take. You could also argue the higher min wage made the recovery harder on everyone so there is a wash, maybe. That period was so bizarre that nothing is certain, but there is certainly no evidence that raising min wage helped. The one fact we can draw is that teens were disproportionately affected and still are to this day.

But if you want to just go by the raw stats of 16-19 unemployment and not the stat the chart actually uses, you're still not reading it right.

Two of the seven months in 2015 were better than that month in 2005 so 2005 wins 5-2. In 2006-2008, 2015 posted worse stats in every month against all of those years.

It wasn't until April 2014 that a month was even under 20%, still 13.5% worse than the overall rate and a percentage point above any point when min wage was $5.15.

It is alarming that teens have an unemployment rate 3x that of adults. The recession certainly didn't help, but would it be that high if wages were lower? I'm not going to claim the answer is no, but $7.25 didn't give them more opportunities. There is no denying that. Maybe unemployment would still be the same regardless. Who knows?

Last edited by John Mehaffey; 08-31-2015 at 01:00 AM.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I know this is a popular thing to say, but you are totally ignoring the fact that the money we are taking from the rich people would otherwise be sitting in a checking account (which allows banks to loan more money out), is being invested (which allows those companies to invest in themselves and new employees), employing more people (maids, nannies, lawn people, security, prostitutes, tudors for the kids, etc.) or going to other uses (all of which helps our economy). So really this idea is just taking money out of our left pocket and putting it in our right pocket.

Like so many liberal arguments you have a great point, but if we look at the whole picture your argument is dog ****.
Redistributive justice is a good thing.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:20 AM
Anyone who plays poker and states that they don't believe in capitalism is a hippocrite, and if you argue against me you're a liar too. That's a fact.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:29 AM
The fact this thread exists demonstrates what scum bags reg poker players are. Licking their lips over some poor suckers min wage increase.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Are you saying demand will shrivel up over night? The countries will the top global minimum wage all have far better economies than the usa.
Explain how USA#1 isn't number one.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Are you saying demand will shrivel up over night? The countries will the top global minimum wage all have far better economies than the usa.
This is just nonsense. The USA is by far the largest and best economy in the world. Its GDP is nearly double that of #2 China. If you add up the entire EU it only slightly edges out the US. The US GDP is more than four times larger than Germany(#4 in the world), the best of the EU.

Japan is #3. Its min wage is $6.30/hr. In #2 China it is set locally and hovers around $2/hr.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by norfair18
The economic illiteracy is baffling in this thread. The post above is the only post here that makes sense. Employers don't just start paying workers 15hr, they simply only keep those workers whose production merits 15hr and fire the rest, then invest in machines and tools that do the job for less.

Minimum wage jobs are the first rung on the employment ladder. You learn and acquire skills at your first jobs which prepare you for more lucrative economic opportunities down the line. One example that used to be popular in America was full service gas stations. Young men would pump gas for you and on the job they would also pick up skills from the older auto mechanics at the station and basically learn all about fixing cars and would later themselves become auto mechanics. These places don't exist anymore. When's the last time someone pumped your gas for you?

When you raise the minimum wage you are making it illegal for teenagers and low skilled adults and exconvicts to voluntarily contract at a wage both parties agree to....for millions of unfortunate Americans you are removing the lowest rung and many will never be able to climb the employment ladder after being denied this first opportunity. You consign them to a lifetime of poor economic prospects if they never get that first chance.

It used to be you get the job, get the girl, and then you start a family. Does anyone really think a kid delivering newspapers deserves a living wage that can support a family?

Oh ok. So the mighty USA can't afford a fair minimum wage while everyone else can?

Its strange though how so many other 1st world countries like France, Australia, Germany have been doing just fine with a minimum wage almost double (adjusted) of the USA for decades, in fact their economies have been far better.

The thing you folks fail to realise is that for many people this '1st rung' on the employment ladder is the only step they will ever climb, so they are stuck living basic poverty.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
This is just nonsense. The USA is by far the largest and best economy in the world. Its GDP is nearly double that of #2 China. If you add up the entire EU it only slightly edges out the US. The US GDP is more than four times larger than Germany(#4 in the world), the best of the EU.

Japan is #3. Its min wage is $6.30/hr. In #2 China it is set locally and hovers around $2/hr.

The reality is that we are being sucked into an economic black hole from which the U.S. economy will never fully recover.

The problem is debt. Collectively, the U.S. government, the state governments, corporate America and American consumers have accumulated the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world. Our massive debt binge has financed our tremendous growth and prosperity over the last couple of decades, but now the day of reckoning is here.

And it is going to be painful.
That was in 2010. Is the debt problem any better? No.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
This is just nonsense. The USA is by far the largest and best economy in the world. Its GDP is nearly double that of #2 China. If you add up the entire EU it only slightly edges out the US. The US GDP is more than four times larger than Germany(#4 in the world), the best of the EU.

Japan is #3. Its min wage is $6.30/hr. In #2 China it is set locally and hovers around $2/hr.
I am pretty sure that pure economic size is not the only measure for economic quality. China being a good example with so many working for peanuts. USA has high unemployment, massive debt and 10s of millions working yet living in near poverty. If that's your idea of the best economy you can keep it.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 03:05 AM
I don't know why I'm trying to have an econ discussion with people that use a BI article from the crater of the recession as a source or don't understand how strong the US economy is compared to the rest of the world. I give up.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 03:07 AM
Yeah, I was kind of wondering why I was responding when you never made a real response to my criticism of the data you used, but hey, why not?
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Oh ok. So the mighty USA can't afford a fair minimum wage while everyone else can?

Its strange though how so many other 1st world countries like France, Australia, Germany have been doing just fine with a minimum wage almost double (adjusted) of the USA for decades, in fact their economies have been far better.

The thing you folks fail to realise is that for many people this '1st rung' on the employment ladder is the only step they will ever climb, so they are stuck living basic poverty.
We can afford a fair minimum wage. I just wish we didn't want it. Just like we could afford to give everyone their own jungle gym but I would hope politicians would recognize there are more pressing issues.

No economy is stronger than the US. Stop saying there is.

Increasing MW is making that first rung on the employment later taller and harder to get to.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
08-31-2015 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22

That was in 2010. Is the debt problem any better? No.
The debt problem is better for consumers and corporations. In fact the only place it's still getting worse is government. Raising MW and increasing unemployment is going to make the situation worse.
Dems talking seriously about a national /hr min wage. How will this affect poker? Quote
