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Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here

07-22-2014 , 06:10 PM
^ So he just happens to find those games where everybody plays bad and for stakes that high he can make 50 mil in a year? GTFO
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:18 PM
In all seriousness though, this guy is a crashing bore.

Compare his inane Stern interview with David Choe's. Here we have a genuine self-made millionaire who also likes prostitutes and gambling but actually has interesting stories to tell.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:20 PM
Yes it's a ****ing lie but Bilz is pretty awesome for poker since he draws in the 17-24 year old male demographic with dreams of balling big and a student loan line of credit they can deposit on Stars.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
^ So he just happens to find those games where everybody plays bad and for stakes that high he can make 50 mil in a year? GTFO
Do you dispute that there are high stakes invite only games? Somebody is getting invited to them, why not the male Paris Hilton?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:22 PM
the interview was pretty damn good imo
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:29 PM
There is a video of him throwing a porn star off a roof into a pool. If he threw her 6 inches shorter he'd be in jail now for manslaughter or assault.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:51 PM
less questions about poker and more about the guns and the girls....
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by midas
There is a video of him throwing a porn star off a roof into a pool. If he threw her 6 inches shorter he'd be in jail now for manslaughter or assault.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by midas
There is a video of him throwing a porn star off a roof into a pool. If he threw her 6 inches shorter he'd be in jail now for manslaughter or assault.
to be fair, she did grab his shirt
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
^ So he just happens to find those games where everybody plays bad and for stakes that high he can make 50 mil in a year? GTFO
Uh...yes! He plays in exclusive high stakes games where he is the shark, what is so hard to understand about this? You can be an average to bad poker player, but if you are playing against exclusively whales you are going to be a winner.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 08:19 PM
Howard: " have you ever f*cked a fat chick?"

Dan: "I f*cked a fat chick one time, and that cured me"

lol, I hate fat chicks
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 08:51 PM
Glad he mentioned 50 million, now the IRS will expect 35% of that. Should have kept his mouth shut unless he uses poker to launder more money
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Glad he mentioned 50 million, now the IRS will expect 35% of that. Should have kept his mouth shut unless he uses poker to launder more money
I thought the same thing too. But I wonder if merely stating that you won or earned X amount has any bearing on your actual income tax liability. Especially if you can justify that it is in your best interest to lie or overstate your profits to the public to increase your marketability.

Russ Fox??
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 09:18 PM
Lol. I made a billion from poker last year. Oops, guess I owe the irs millions now eh? Please...
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by BartHanson
I thought the same thing too. But I wonder if merely stating that you won or earned X amount has any bearing on your actual income tax liability. Especially if you can justify that it is in your best interest to lie or overstate your profits to the public to increase your marketability.

Russ Fox??
I guess you don't listen to rap music.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 11:00 PM
It was cool hearing an interview from someone that actually plays poker. I loved he basically admitted he wasn't one of the best and said he avoids top pros. Smart move on his part..... Don't know where he came up with making 50 mil from past year in poker. I'm sure he plays against high rollers and private cash games but doubt he made 50 million.

Also good for him living life up. I doubt he makes it past 40. Cocaine, ecstasy, and steroids don't seem like a good mix. He's def on the juice right? Don't believe someone could get that big and party as much as he does.

Solid interview though. Thought howard and staff did a poor job interviewing about poker as they know very little about the game. Think they should have focused more on girls + crazy stories rather than guns, etc. .
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 11:17 PM
Haven't listened to the whole interview yet but he starts off by saying he's up 50 million in past 12 months. Then minutes later explains how he hasn't played much poker in the past year and has mostly been crossing off fun things from his bucket list. That's when I stopped listening
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-22-2014 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dantes
I don't understand why people keep repeating this. Are there videos of his play online? He has said he's like a minor league player playing against tee ballers. Game selection is highly important, "he can't beat 25nl" is a ******ed argument. Nobody ITT could beat a 25nl game if they were playing against Ike, Sauce, tightman and the like. Similarly, most of us itt could beat a 500/1000 game against people who are playing for the first time.
whats the point of your post?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 12:27 AM
LOl haters. He has posted pics of his buyins that are 3 to 10 million. No stretch that he made 5 to 15 buyins in an entire year.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by DonkCommitted
LOl haters. He has posted pics of his buyins that are 3 to 10 million. No stretch that he made 5 to 15 buyins in an entire year.
I think it's more the fact he portrays himself as being self made and started from playing "$100 buy in games". I enjoy the guy and follow him like everyone else on Instagram, but lets be real.

The interview got pretty good once they stopped talking about his poker playing

Last edited by muttface; 07-23-2014 at 01:10 AM.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by midas
There is a video of him throwing a porn star off a roof into a pool. If he threw her 6 inches shorter he'd be in jail now for manslaughter or assault.
no, he wouldnt
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dantes
Do you dispute that there are high stakes invite only games? Somebody is getting invited to them, why not the male Paris Hilton?
Originally Posted by TheBirdman
Uh...yes! He plays in exclusive high stakes games where he is the shark, what is so hard to understand about this? You can be an average to bad poker player, but if you are playing against exclusively whales you are going to be a winner.
Of course, but I find it hard to believe that there are no bigger sharks than him in these games. I mean what kind of wonderland games are they? It might be possible but right now I would find it more likely that he's actually a good player who plays his skills down to the public.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Of course, but I find it hard to believe that there are no bigger sharks than him in these games. I mean what kind of wonderland games are they? It might be possible but right now I would find it more likely that he's actually a good player who plays his skills down to the public.
If most people who play semi-seriously (e.g. read books, think about the game) played 3-handed, with Phil Ivey and a total fish who didn't know the game, it would be plus EV for both Phil Ivey and the middle player.

If you think about it in terms of leaks or mistakes, the fish is making blunders on almost every hand, which are shared between the two others, whereas the middle player is making way less than half the number of mistakes of the fish.

This is why one big fish at a table is enough to support the presence of several sharks - rather than the biggest shark chasing the others away. Also if Bilzerian plays 8 handed and he is the second best then he is plus EV.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
Nah he used to be great but he's just winding down his radio career now and trying to stay relevant with that american idol knockoff show. Howard TV was great but he cancelled it, probably because people would watch the shows on youtube and not pay the monthly fee for the Howard TV subscription.

Once Artie Lange was dropped from Stern the radio show just went downhill. Instead of real celebrities Stern started grasping for anyone who was at all famous, but he couldn't pull any real stars anymore so he'd keep bringing back either D list celebs or homeless people/porn stars he could give a few bucks to to show up. It's funny, Howard hired Artie because he told funny stories about doing drugs and blowing money and then fired him for being a drug addict while claiming he had no clue he was still using drugs.
You obviously haven't listened to Howard in a long time if you think he doesn't get top celebrities. Seth Rogen, Bradley Cooper, Jonah Hill, 50 Cent, Bryan Cranston, Lady Gaga, John Goodman, Paul McCartney, Zach Braff, Sarah Silverman, Gerard Butler, Mark Cuban, Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Jerry Seinfeld, Johnny Knoxville, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Louis CK, Adam Levine, Jenny McCarthy, Donald Trump, John Legend, Jason Biggs, James Franco, Pharrell Williams, Tracy Morgan, Pitbull, Danny Trejo, Mike Tyson, Ben Stiller, Steve Carrell, Chris Rock, Russell Brand...yeah, sounds like the D list to me.

Artie is a funny guy, but the show has been much better without him. He had no sense of how much to insert himself, especially during a big celebrity interview. He would often spend several minutes while Howard was interviewing a top celeb on a story about himself just because someone mentioned a tangentially related topic. That stuff was cringe-worthy, and the most interesting stuff from him was when he became violent -- either physically are verbally -- over trivial matters, giving us a sad insight into how his addiction affected his ability to act rationally.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
07-23-2014 , 07:50 AM
How much of his SEAL background is true? When Howard asks him about his expertise he begins to stumble over his words a bit, might be telling.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
