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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-20-2020 , 04:51 PM
I can't believe that this is even a question in the United States.

Spring breakers were removed from the Florida beaches yesterday. Mayors and governors all over the country have implemented "shelter in place" orders. Most businesses are closed except for some drive-ups. I live in Michigan, where most, maybe all, poker rooms and casinos are now closed. When I went to my local pharmacy yesterday I was asked questions about my health before I could get past the receptionist.

Large groups have been banned in many cases. Some state, national and even city or county borders have been closed. That limit for groups could be anything from 250 people to, in some cases, only 10. To make a point, some of the televised meetings on this issue take place with all chairs placed six feet apart (a typical distance of that droplets from a sneeze might travel.)

In this situation, not only is it a horrible idea to have the WSOP in the United States. It's ILLEGAL. Just ask the spring breakers in Florida.

Last edited by Poker Clif; 03-20-2020 at 04:55 PM. Reason: Edited for grammar. No significant content change.
03-20-2020 , 05:11 PM
Poker players are delusional by nature; it's like a pre requisite
03-20-2020 , 05:11 PM
Illinois just issued a "stay-at-home" order. I think we might see martial law declared by Monday, with stay-at-home mandated for the whole of the U.S.. That will mean all businesses closed except for grocery stores, pharmacies, and the essential parts of everything listed here outside of the Commercial Facilities Sector:
03-20-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
In the US of the closed cases 125 recovered, and 218 died.

If you think 0.15% is the mortality rate, you are ignoring figures like this.

0.15% of the officially infected figure of 14373 is 21 fatalities, so you would have to estimate that 10 times the number of people have it than are officially tested as having it. But as you say, there has been no such testing to show how widespread this is in the public not showing symptoms.

This will end up being incalculable, as once all the ventilators are in use, someone with say a heart attack who dies because they couldn't get a ventilator wont officially be recorded as a coronavirus victim, but could in many ways be seen as one, as they could have had life saving treatment but for the virus.

But until the random testing comes in, it is silly to speculate on infection figures and fatality percentages, the only accurate figures available are tested people, and their outcomes.
Numbers are going to be very region-specific. Most of the deaths have been people who were already knocking on death's door...knock long enough and eventually someone answers.

In the 24-hour period covered on the Texas website between yesterday and today, they reported almost 3K more tests being *****cted with an increased of only 51 new cases. Five total deaths, all of whom were old and had multiple other conditions.

That brought total to 194 cases in the State. And, it appears from local reports, a substantial majority have NO issues, having either had only brief fever or were asymptomatic in the entirety.
03-20-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
In this situation, not only is it a horrible idea to have the WSOP in the United States. It's ILLEGAL. Just ask the spring breakers in Florida.
I agree with most of what you said except that it’s illegal. The shutdown in Nevada is in effect for 30 days. It will be reevaluated then. The WSOP is currently scheduled for later than that. I’m not advocating that they wait to shut it down, but it is incorrect to say it would be illegal to hold it at this point.
03-20-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
I can't believe that this is even a question in the United States.

Spring breakers were removed from the Florida beaches yesterday. Mayors and governors all over the country have implemented "shelter in place" orders. Most businesses are closed except for some drive-ups. I live in Michigan, where most, maybe all, poker rooms and casinos are now closed. When I went to my local pharmacy yesterday I was asked questions about my health before I could get past the receptionist.

Large groups have been banned in many cases. Some state, national and even city or county borders have been closed. That limit for groups could be anything from 250 people to, in some cases, only 10. To make a point, some of the televised meetings on this issue take place with all chairs placed six feet apart (a typical distance of that droplets from a sneeze might travel.)

In this situation, not only is it a horrible idea to have the WSOP in the United States. It's ILLEGAL. Just ask the spring breakers in Florida.
As the late great American comedian George Carlin once said:
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

Full 1 min 54 sec routine is here:

And yes I am stoopid cos I don't know how to embed a YouTube clip.
03-20-2020 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Illinois just issued a "stay-at-home" order. I think we might see martial law declared by Monday, with stay-at-home mandated for the whole of the U.S.. That will mean all businesses closed except for grocery stores, pharmacies, and the essential parts of everything listed here outside of the Commercial Facilities Sector:
Why would they need to declare martial law? With people allowed on the streets to go to grocery stores, go for walks, etc., and with people basically willingly complying, it’s not like there is a need to stop people if they’re seen on the streets. Are military people going to stop and question anyone they see out on the streets about why they’re out? Then what? Follow them to make sure they’re really going to the grocery store?
03-20-2020 , 05:45 PM
03-20-2020 , 05:46 PM
Dear Community:

Please help me end this asap. From what I understand the agreement between the US poker rooms was that everything ends on Friday. Not “end of day” Friday. The owners of this casino are taking advantage of the pandemic, people's addictions and of staff's dependence on the paycheck.

Please don't curse at the staff when you call, just try to explain to them that they're putting themselves, their patrons and everyone's families at risk over a few bucks that the casino owners will earn before the government shuts them down. They clearly need to walk out if the owners/directors won't give the order. And if they get fired, won't they have an even stronger federal support?

If you don't care about the people please take this seriously for selfish reasons. The boomer generation is one of the largest feeders of the US live poker economy and also most vulnerable to the virus, so with each friendly/grumpy old dude taken out there's now less money in the poker economy as a whole. We really need all of them if we want to see live poker flourish again.

To those of you whom I will never see again: sweet dreams my friends and thank you for your wonderful company over the years. Keep those chips warm for me on the other side...

Oxford Downs Poker Room

Just wanted to add that today is the official “Black Friday” for live poker. We just haven't realized it yet. Something I never thought I would have to process.

Last edited by NoControl; 03-20-2020 at 06:03 PM. Reason: an addition
03-20-2020 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Are military people going to stop and question anyone they see out on the streets about why they’re out? Then what? Follow them to make sure they’re really going to the grocery store?
If they did enact it I believe they would pretty much do this. I mean they'll have nothing else to do.
03-20-2020 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
If they did enact it I believe they would pretty much do this. I mean they'll have nothing else to do.
Yeah, but there’s really little to no value in doing that, so why even involve them? I’ll take action against martial law being declared.
03-20-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Yeah, but there’s really little to no value in doing that, so why even involve them? I’ll take action against martial law being declared.
No way martial law will be declared unless the virus explodes and all of a sudden we have 20 million people or more seriously ill and chaos ensuing. Trump is very deliberate anyways so martial law is a long long long way from ever happening.

I can see though in the next 2 weeks or so Trump shutting air travel down completely for 14 days or something like that.
03-20-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
I agree with most of what you said except that it’s illegal. The shutdown in Nevada is in effect for 30 days. It will be reevaluated then. The WSOP is currently scheduled for later than that. I’m not advocating that they wait to shut it down, but it is incorrect to say it would be illegal to hold it at this point.
Exactly. Its still amazing to me so many people have hard-ons that the WSOP has to cancel RIGHT NOW. For the millionth time so much is going to to change in next few months, hopefully for the better maybe for the worse. They absolutly might have to cancel it but it makes no sense to do it yet. They could wait until first of May to do it.
03-20-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Yeah, but there’s really little to no value in doing that, so why even involve them? I’ll take action against martial law being declared.
I agree, I'm just saying you would likely see ridiculous stuff like that if it did happen.
03-20-2020 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I have no idea why you'd think this when their numbers continue to increase every day. Worldometers also quotes a source that suggests tentative estimates are that the "peak could be 2 weeks from now". No idea how reliable that source is, and I hope their estimate is wrong, but there's nothing to suggest the peak has been reached. Highest number of cases and deaths yet for them today.

China says the peak is over.

"China's bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic," a China-WHO joint mission on Covid-19 said.

WHO officials have on many occasions commended China's response, and encouraged other countries to learn from its experience.

By Wednesday, China had seen more than 62,000 patients discharged from hospital after recovery. In Wuhan, 13,462 patients were still being treated, with 4,003 in severe condition.

The top priority now, Mi said, should be given to treating patients and vowed no relaxation or loose efforts in the epidemic prevention and control work.

But China's good news is complicated by rapidly developing situations around the world. The WHO on Wednesday said the Covid-19 outbreak can be characterised as a "pandemic."

There are now more than 118,000 confirmed cases in 114 countries and regions. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the number is expected to climb even higher in the days and weeks ahead.

The WHO's characterisation of the Covid-19 outbreak as a "pandemic" was to call on its members once again to make further political commitment and put in more resources to turn things around in the battle against the disease, Mi said.

Mi said China is paying close attention to the current rapid global spread of the epidemic, and will continue to strengthen cooperation with the WHO and relevant countries to contribute to the global viral fight.

Chinese respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan said China's experience and lessons over the past two months can help the world reduce the spread and deadliness of the outbreak.

If most countries act like China, he said, the global Covid-19 pandemic could be brought under control by June. - Xinhua

Last edited by washoe; 03-20-2020 at 06:51 PM.
03-20-2020 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
China says the peak is over..
I had more die scientific looking articles but can't find them
But thestar is somewhat reputable
I guess you missed that I highlighted Italy in your quote. China has gone from thousands of new cases per day to less than forty - I don't expect anyone would dispute the peak is over there, quite some time ago. Italy is all that I was talking about - I see no reason we would assume they're over the peak.
03-20-2020 , 06:51 PM
"Just wanted to add that today is the official “Black Friday” for live poker"

Is it the "black Friday" of roulette, craps and blackjack as well?
03-20-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I guess you missed that I highlighted Italy in your quote. China has gone from thousands of new cases per day to less than forty - I don't expect anyone would dispute the peak is over there, quite some time ago. Italy is all that I was talking about - I see no reason we would assume they're over the peak.

Italy is peaking soon
They don't know when exactly
03-20-2020 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Italy is peaking soon
They don't know when exactly
Right, they haven't yet and they don't know when they will. Which is why this:

Originally Posted by washoe
From what I read the peak is over in china and also in Italy.
Originally Posted by washoe
Then you have the peak of CFR after some time. And that time is reached for China. And I think for Italy too.
is incorrect. That's all I was saying; glad we got there in the end.
03-20-2020 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by NoControl
Dear Community:

Please help me end this asap. From what I understand the agreement between the US poker rooms was that everything ends on Friday. Not “end of day” Friday. The owners of this casino are taking advantage of the pandemic, people's addictions and of staff's dependence on the paycheck.

Please don't curse at the staff when you call, just try to explain to them that they're putting themselves, their patrons and everyone's families at risk over a few bucks that the casino owners will earn before the government shuts them down. They clearly need to walk out if the owners/directors won't give the order. And if they get fired, won't they have an even stronger federal support?

If you don't care about the people please take this seriously for selfish reasons. The boomer generation is one of the largest feeders of the US live poker economy and also most vulnerable to the virus, so with each friendly/grumpy old dude taken out there's now less money in the poker economy as a whole. We really need all of them if we want to see live poker flourish again.

To those of you whom I will never see again: sweet dreams my friends and thank you for your wonderful company over the years. Keep those chips warm for me on the other side...

Oxford Downs Poker Room

Just wanted to add that today is the official “Black Friday” for live poker. We just haven't realized it yet. Something I never thought I would have to process.
Whoever moved my alarm-sounding new thread to this toilet-bowl has no soul. Just fyi, if any of those people get sick and die because my message went unnoticed it's on you. Live with it.
03-20-2020 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
...I don't expect anyone would dispute the peak is over there, quite some time ago...
Plenty of people would dispute that, the numbers coming out of China have very little credibility. Check out this article for example, which details the propaganda in China surrounding the virus. That article also links to this video which apparently was recently leaked from China, showing a ridiculously long lineup at a Chinese hospital. The government apparently claimed that there were no new cases on the day that video was shot.
03-20-2020 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
Plenty of people would dispute that, the numbers coming out of China have very little credibility. Check out this article for example, which details the propaganda in China surrounding the virus. That article also links to this video which apparently was recently leaked from China, showing a ridiculously long lineup at a Chinese hospital. The government apparently claimed that there were no new cases on the day that video was shot.
Yes, fair point. The numbers indicate that it is, but given the source, those numbers are certainly to be questioned.

Originally Posted by NoControl
Whoever moved my alarm-sounding new thread to this toilet-bowl has no soul. Just fyi, if any of those people get sick and die because my message went unnoticed it's on you. Live with it.
Just to make sure I understand this correctly, they're closing tonight, and you want everyone to call to get them to close 6 hours earlier (4.5 now)?

Also, I hadn't heard about this agreement, but lots happens in this thread, so I might have missed it. Do you have a source?
03-20-2020 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Just to make sure I understand this correctly, they're closing tonight, and you want everyone to call to get them to close 6 hours earlier (4.5 now)?

Also, I hadn't heard about this agreement, but lots happens in this thread, so I might have missed it. Do you have a source?

The fact that they're open now is a clear indication that they may not close tonight or tomorrow night. What is it about 4.5 hours anyway? How long does it take to infect 150 people in a closed environment? I don't know, do you?
03-20-2020 , 07:39 PM
I was just asking the question - so you don't know when they're closing, or if they even are. Thanks. There's nothing "about 4.5 hours" - that's just how long is left in the day, and I was curious if that's what you meant. Although admittedly I was thinking it wasn't likely people calling would have much chance of getting them to close in the next couple of hours. If they're not planing to close at all, then calling might be more productive.

Anything on that agreement? If people are going to call, they might want that information to back it up with.

Edit it to add: Come to think of it, I'm a little surprised you didn't find out if/when they plan to close when you were there, or when you called them.
03-20-2020 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by NoControl
Whoever moved my alarm-sounding new thread to this toilet-bowl has no soul. Just fyi, if any of those people get sick and die because my message went unnoticed it's on you. Live with it.
You've tried to warn people by creating a new thread .... good intentions for sure.

But, I think you owe the mods an apology, they are not causing anyone to get sick and die.

Get some perspective.

Bobo, don't get into some pointless argument, NoControl is just a bit hyper. (Anyone going to play live poker today is not likely to be dissuaded by a last minute new thread on 2+2. Those reckless souls have been warned before I am sure. Fwiw, Bravo this afternoon showed cash games running in Glasgow and London.)

Last edited by Gzesh; 03-20-2020 at 07:52 PM.
