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Clonie suing Full Tilt Clonie suing Full Tilt
View Poll Results: Who is telling the truth, Clonie or FTP ?
Clonie Gowen
203 63.84%
Full Tilt Poker
115 36.16%

01-09-2009 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by ohsospiffay
why is this lawsuit going on?

Integrity issues of the site it seems. Tamper...proof
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-10-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Nootka
I agree with all this. Looks like Clonie's in the process of bringing in a good firm (Greenberg Traurig). Judging by the quality of the Defendants' motion and their firm's 1996-era website, I'd have to say Clonie's got an edge in the lawyer department.
Funny, you misread the certificate of service. Greenberg attorney Belfield is representing Tiltware and company. He has moved to be admitted pro hac vice to represent the company and the individual defendants. Further, he almost certainly drafted, or had the motion drafted by an associate at Greenberg.

Counsel on the papers is most likely fairly inactive local
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-10-2009 , 03:42 AM
That motion is awful. A first-year law student would get a C at best for handing in garbage like that. No application of facts to law. No citations. Nothing other than a rambling set of unsupported conclusory statements. Just terrible.

If that was really drafted by a Greenberg Traurig My opinion of BigLaw has fallen even further.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-10-2009 , 09:39 AM
This could be a new poker TV show... "Poker at Court" "High Suing Poker", "World Subpoena of Poker", "World Poker Court"... Or something like that...
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-10-2009 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by srw5n
Funny, you misread the certificate of service. Greenberg attorney Belfield is representing Tiltware and company. He has moved to be admitted pro hac vice to represent the company and the individual defendants. Further, he almost certainly drafted, or had the motion drafted by an associate at Greenberg.

Counsel on the papers is most likely fairly inactive local
Lol you're right. I saw it on the proof and though GT was the other side. Wow @ GT.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-14-2009 , 04:16 AM
In the most recent edition of Poker Magazine in Finland there's an interview of Phil Gordon in which he says that each member of the original team fulltilt has a piece of the company

And no, you wont get a link since the magazine AFAIK is not online anywhere... plus it's in Finnish anyway.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
01-21-2009 , 08:27 PM
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 04:30 PM
Clonie's filed an amended complaint to add 2 more defendants and 7 additional claims according to Pokerlistings. Any lawyer types able to find the new complaint?
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 04:51 PM
The plot thickens
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:19 PM
i can't wait to see how awkward it will be when she sits with one of the team full tilt people at a TV table.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:27 PM
aaa mizzz oklahoma
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Clonie's filed an amended complaint to add 2 more defendants and 7 additional claims according to Pokerlistings. Any lawyer types able to find the new complaint?
Takes a lawyer that can log in to Pacer to get the documents:
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:41 PM
I'll post a link later. She added new corporate defendants and a few new claims. She also filed a motion asking for expedited and extended discovery which would allow her to depose Bitar and Ferguson first and longer in order to figure out where they have hidden the money. She claims that they have been hiding the money from her. She paints Chris as the mastermind more and doesn't ask to depose Howard early.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:46 PM
didn't know PA owned part of tilt?
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:59 PM
I have nothing against FT, but I hope the case gets to discovery - it would be very interesting to know what the company structure and ownership of FTP looks like and how much its owners make every year.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:00 PM
I believe part of her reason for the lawsuit is that those who are part of Team Full Tilt get 1% of the company.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:05 PM
Anyone can open a PACER account with a credit card, you don't need to be a lawyer.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 09:14 PM
I have a copy of the amended complaint, if someone can suggest where I could upload/host it to link from here.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:20 PM
Found a free host, you just have to put up with the ads. Click the download link on the page after following the links below.

Amended complaint:

Motion for expedited discovery (which was already granted):
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
Found a free host, you just have to put up with the ads. Click the download link on the page after following the links below.

Amended complaint:

Motion for expedited discovery (which was already granted):
Good stuff. Thanks. I think clonie is in for a big pay day here, if Tilt go ahead with this case they will have to disclose a lot of information that they obviously would not want to. And even then its not a given they will not lose. hope its not the case because I would like to see this play out and FT's operations made public but a confidential settlement looks pretty likely here.

What is really strange is why Tilt thought they could just not pay her and get away with it. must be a reason.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-03-2009 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by castro99
What is really strange is why Tilt thought they could just not pay her and get away with it. must be a reason.
I really don't think Ferguson and Lederer are crooks, I think Gowan may have had some kind of verbal promise from Bitar and she didn't get it formalized. Dumb. I too look forward to any information that comes out of this.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-04-2009 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by castro99

What is really strange is why Tilt thought they could just not pay her and get away with it. must be a reason.
Ummm maybe they dont owe her anything,and Gowen is looking for a payday.

Maybe they are very confident in their case and dont want to "pay her off" just for the hell of it.

Just a random thought.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
Found a free host, you just have to put up with the ads. Click the download link on the page after following the links below.

Amended complaint:

Motion for expedited discovery (which was already granted):
Cliff notes:

Original shareholders were Bloch,Bitar, Lederer and Ferguson in early 04

Ivey and Gordon jumped on board shorly after the initial 4.

Clonie says that "because she was a celebrity" (in early 04??) Bitar offered her 1% over the phone,and not in a meeting with all the others like previously reported.She said Bitar said he had the authorization of other shareholders to do so.

An April meeting is referenced like it was cited earlier in the complaint,but never was that I can see.Maybe they consider the phone conversation a meeting?

"There were no meaningful negotiations surroundign Bitars offer"(odd)

Clonie was not allowed to negotiate because of Bitars "superior negotiating power"?

Clonie 'trusted" Bitar that he would honor "agreement" despite no written contract.

Eric Seidel has jumped in as a shareholder now.

The meeting at the Nugget is setup,which Lederer "conducted" Lederer told everyone who was present that they had ownership in FTP AND Tiltware.

The ownership was "ratified" during the meeting,and all were now 1% owners of the company.

Laundry list of ways Gowen has promoted FTP,noting she had not been paid for any tournaments she played in and she agreed to a no compete clause so she couldnt persue any other "opportunities" outside of FTP

Gowen says none of the other shareholders have written contracts.
,and when she was aware other shareholders started getting distributions due to owner interest she demanded hers.

FTP refused and offered the 250k on Nov 6 2007.Clonie says she wants $4 million

After this she still represented FTP in tournaments until Nov 2008 when FTP said they were going to issue press statement informing public she was no longer member of FTP.Gowen said she was given no reason for her being "kicked off" team FTP.

Thats one "cause of action" there are 11 others that just
repeat all that info.

The 2 questions I have if all the other owners started getting their payments,and they somehow just cut Clonie out of the loop why?What would possess them to do that?There was obviously no bad blood or nothing happened from what I can read,and they just all of the sudden cut her.....and only her out?

The other one is that Nov 2007 they told her they werent giving her any money(because they obviously thought she didnt have ownership) and yet she still represented then for an entire year knowing this,and THEN took action after she was informed she was being removed from FTP.Why didnt she take action before that if they told her they werent going to pay her and wait until she was canned?A year is apretty long time to carry on and if someone told me I wasnt getting the % I thought I deserved there would have been action very shortly afetr that......not an entire year later AFTER I was fired.

Did she not have conversations with anyone in that year that reiterated the fact she wasnt getting anything?
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:13 AM
looks like she relied on the verbal agreement to her detriment (not pursuing any other opportunities).

ty for those cliffs
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
i only count 5 there.
but i grasped the concept back during the UB investigation.
Clonie suing Full Tilt Quote
