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Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level)

11-09-2010 , 02:01 PM
This is exactly what poker needed then. Someone to get caught so this does not get ignored anymore. The poker boom has been achieved with the help of media and exposure, but perhaps allowing crowds to stand that close is not in the interest of the game. Reputable reporter or not.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 04:53 PM

Many thanks for your reasoned responses in this thread - it's appreciated.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 04:54 PM
n this french blog:

wallpaper64: poker A à Z et plus
you will find photos of the displacements of edi during ppt cannes
these are the videos of the day 4 and 5 of the main event
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by frenchreporter56
n this french blog:

wallpaper64: poker A à Z et plus
you will find photos of the displacements of edi during ppt cannes
these are the videos of the day 4 and 5 of the main event
link doesnt work...says content removed - have stumbled upon this link few times today?

whats the story?
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Yamzit

BE THERE - Add "Yamzit" on Skype
This guy is like the Turkish Lebron James
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Yamzit
ok some idiots still havent noticed this is a level and more and more people are contacting me for the press confrence. So i think Mehmet and i will do start the PC at 1800 CET and you are all welcome to join.

Please dont spoil it but we need the skype chat to be packed, just dont ruin it for those that still think ali is commenting. Well play a rickroll jingle after like 20 mins or so...
NHE (Nicest Hand Ever)
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by emuslav
link doesnt work...says content removed - have stumbled upon this link few times today?

whats the story?

i have published the hochgepokerte newpaper article which says that Bukara is probably involved in this scam .
The has erased my 3 newspaper articles

Last edited by frenchreporter56; 11-09-2010 at 06:33 PM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 06:27 PM
pictures ppt videos day 4 and 5
rest is on my blog




Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by frenchreporter56
pictures ppt videos day 4 and 5
rest is on my blog





What I saw:
On the videos, day 4 and 5, I saw him take 2
pictures and it notes virtually no shot.
The only time we see or note in a notebook,
is in Cyprus.
Each time, he was in the field
close to a camera, it moves away.
He was not interested in either the feature table, or
the other table to the right of the photo or there was Selbst
and Soulier (french player).
80% of the time, he stayed in front of the table of Ali
. When Ali is at the feature table on the stage, he
no longer in the right corner of the photo and we do
shooter not see the main table.
When Ali returned to its original table, it is
there again, but it will be embarrassed by a camera Partouche
which is always beside Fabrice Soulier. and
When there are only two tables, there are too many
cameras and security guards

My conclusion:

I expect to watch on days 2 and 3, for
a final opinion.
But I think a blogger photographer
experience, having covered the WPT Cyprus
Tallinn EPT, WPT Barcelona
he is pretty bad. ...or he is not just a blogger.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 08:46 PM
There are enough pics of Fat Blogger ITT and elsewhere that certainly we should be able to determine his real name, no?

Who is this character?

Determining who he is, and just what his relationship is to Ali & crew will go a long way toward determining culpability.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by teddyFBI
There are enough pics of Fat Blogger ITT and elsewhere that certainly we should be able to determine his real name, no?

Who is this character?

Determining who he is, and just what his relationship is to Ali & crew will go a long way toward determining culpability.
Would be very wary about posting real names of someone whos guilt still is not certain... Just saying.
I mean, for all we know he could just be a rail-bird who happens to be of a stature that one notice in a crowd hence easy to spot in pictures.

Ofcours, that being said, the whole ordeal seems pretty darn sketchy and from photos and the tube video I lean towards that he in fact is guilty.... Lifeban+prison+repayAllWinnings+publicHumiliaton is a proper punishment imo.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by TigerEye
Would be very wary about posting real names of someone whos guilt still is not certain... Just saying.
I mean, for all we know he could just be a rail-bird who happens to be of a stature that one notice in a crowd hence easy to spot in pictures.

Ofcours, that being said, the whole ordeal seems pretty darn sketchy and from photos and the tube video I lean towards that he in fact is guilty.... Lifeban+prison+repayAllWinnings+publicHumiliaton is a proper punishment imo.
The photographer has already been identified as Edmund Buiac-Cazacu.

Last edited by VP$IP; 11-09-2010 at 10:01 PM. Reason: gearz
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-09-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
The photographer has already been identified as Edmund Buiac-Cazacu.
Well, its the internet allright. Didnt actually think that he would stay under the nick FB for ever anyhows. On the bright side, doubt he will appear on any pics from any major events in the future lol.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
So they would need to talk to
  • Ali Tekintamgac
  • Perica Bukara
  • Edmund Buiac-Cazacu
  • and the girl, whose name is ?
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by TigerEye
I mean, for all we know he could just be a rail-bird who happens to be of a stature that one notice in a crowd hence easy to spot in pictures.
Yup, a railbird who is permitted full access to the final table, through the ropes and right on top of the players with credentials and a camera.

The more I see of this, the more it seems pretty clear these people are actually cheating. At first, it seemed a little far-fetched, but now, I gotta say, it looks pretty bad.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by redrummer
Thank you!
  • Ali Tekintamgac
  • Perica Bukara
  • Edmund Buiac-Cazacu
  • Alexandra Johnson
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 05:38 PM
hochgepokert unterhält den Firmensitz laut eigenem Impressum in der Heimatstadt Bukaras, Nürnberg. Das der Eigentümer der Seite, Edmund Buiac, auch noch auf Facebook mit Bukara befreundet ist und die Homepage sich scheinbar ohne jedwede Werbung finanziert hat, vervollständigt das Bild. Perica Bukara und Ali Tekintamgac sind zu den meisten Turnieren gemeinsam angereist, in dem ominösen Video der WPT Barcelona ist Perica Bukara der erste Gratulant an Alis Seite und Insider haben uns bestätigt, dass Bukara ohne Unterstützung das High Roller Event auf Zypern wohl nicht gespielt hätte.

hOCHGEPOKERT is speaking about Buiac not Buiac-Cazacu.

Edmund Buiac-Cazacu is german too ,but are we sure that is the same man.?

by the way , very good job for the woman !

Last edited by frenchreporter56; 11-11-2010 at 05:44 PM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 05:57 PM

I invite Alexandra Johnson and Edmund Buiac-Cazacu to post any information that they have in this thread.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by frenchreporter56


Edmund Buiac-Cazacu is german too ,but are we sure that is the same man.?

by the way , very good job for the woman !

Activities: Poker
Friends: German PokerNews

Someone with a Facebook account could ask him.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 06:50 PM
A nicer photo, imo

Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 06:53 PM
pretty obvious cheating, i mean are there any goods turks in poker? i d expect them to call you down every time as it would be too much humiliation for them to ever get bluffed.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 06:53 PM

Checkraiser invites players to become professional poker and backgammon players, mainly through practicing and training with players who are already professionals in the games (Sabine Schiffelholz, Boris Fragin, Roland Schuster).

Once a professional, or at a professional level on the site (i.e. collecting sufficient FPP's), Checkraiser will convert your points into a Sponsorship contract. Players then enjoy the training and assistance of the pro team at Live events.

The Checkraiser software is fast, solid and easy to handle. A professional support team assists players and affiliates with help and advice 24/7.

Note that at Checkraiser players do not take on the bank, but rather play against human opponents from all over the world. Checkraiser computes a service fee (Rake).

Checkraiser's parent company CR Events Ltd. is registered in Malta and authorized by the Lotteries & Gaming Authority, Malta.

Multi-Tier: No

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): No


Apparently , they are sponsoring german players
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 06:55 PM
i guess the chick has nothing to do with this.

ali got discriminated against and the poor guy couldn t stand to get bluffed so he just had to cheat. also his former match teacher was bad and didnt discover alis giftedness so ali couldn t learn all that math at school he would have otherwise easily mastered and he would have completely and utterly dominated the fields. ali had no choice!

Last edited by donkeykong2; 11-11-2010 at 07:00 PM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-11-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP

I invite Alexandra Johnson and Edmund Buiac-Cazacu to post any information that they have in this thread.
Edmund & Ali both gave statements about the accusations. They both declared to be innocent;

- Edmund got in contact with German UB-Pokerplayer Marc Gork via email to declare his innocence ( )

- Ali gave an interview with german pokernews-site ( )
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
