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BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals

04-20-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by nkstn
bump on this
I certainly will not cashout until i am sure the money doesnt bounce.

Its very bad if you pay fee on cheques, then claim it back. Its a hassle.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:44 PM
I heard recently that US players MIGHT be allowed in the future to play online poker from Native American/Indian reservations while paying the Indians a small fee. Anyone else hear this?
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by duhstin
Originally Posted by SleepyLaBeef
This is 404
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
404 for me imo
Originally Posted by BadLieutenant
same here
Works for me. Stars says specifically that ALL funds in your account are available for withdrawal.

BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dexter Morgan
Dexter are you just speculating or do you have any real information to share? A link would be sufficient.

BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Koss
Cool, now I'll have some money I can ship off to the PPA so we can hopefully get this whole "poker ban" thing dealt with once and for all.
Thats actually a good idea. the PPA is assumely fighting for getting all straighten up for US Players.

Better give it to them then the gov. besides, some of us already thought the money is lost anyway.

What is interesting to see is that the DOJ declared to explicitly ENCOURAGE PS and FT to do the market outside the states. Lawyers never put a statement they dont have to, so something is strange
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:49 PM
Happy for all u guys out there, be careful next time and don't leave ur life roll out there on some sites
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fizzledur1
Are people already withdrawing from STARS? I have sent them several emails and they have never responded?
Yes i have it let me do an echeck for the full was shortly after this thread started prolly 4 hrs ago....Also, I was able to cash in all stellar rewards and FPP's...

Not sure now tho its looks as if some ppl are having some troubles, I did receive a confirmation email as well saying give it 72 hours to process....hope this helps and gl all with the monies

Please allow 72 hours for processing of ECHECK cashouts and another 3-10 business days for the funds to be available in your ECHECK account balance.

4/20 puff puff pass pass not from depression a lil sigh of relief and celebration

Wife won't hate me anymore as soon as it clears
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
IMO here's how its gonna work.

The sites will be allowed to pay out directly just this one time. But the checks will be from the site, not from a third-party payment processor. No need for that layer now since it was merely to hide from DOJ enforcing UIEGA.

These checks will be utilized as a tracking mechanism by the IRS. You will be automatically flagged for investigation when these checks clear your account.

Pretty smart move by DOJ. They let the poker boom grow to maximum proportion, then they move in for a 3 billion shakedown, making them heroes to US Treasury which is beyond bankrupt (but that's ok, they are king)... and then they are gonna shakedown everyone of you who cashout for back taxes and penalties.

Guaranteed most have not paid taxes, and certainlyn not correctly... or else you would have stopped playing by now, because the tax laws in the USA for amateur, recreational players are worse than restrictive. They are prohibitive in the sense that most players could NEVER win at a rate high enough to overcome the tax exposure.

ALL IMO OBV, feel free to form your own opinions.
Okay, I'm not a tax attorney, but I'm sick of all these posts by people in other countries speculating on our tax laws. Seriously, the IRS is not like the FBI. They do not have the capacity or the manpower to "track down" all of the millions of individuals depositing checks into millions of bank accounts with the wave of a magic wand and "investigate" whether or not they have paid taxes on these monies. It doesn't work like that.

You pay your taxes, THEN if the IRS suspects something fishy, you get audited. This is not a "guilty until proven innocent" situation.

Again, I'm not an expert. But I am American (for now). These fear-mongering "opinions" are really uncalled for.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Yea, and simply because something is law doesn't make it right either.
That's completely subjective and while you may not agree with the law its still the law and if you break it and get caught you deserve to get punished. You can't just let people pick and choose which laws they would like to follow.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:53 PM
in b4 online pokersites liquidity scandal
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kitty Viola
Okay, I'm not a tax attorney, but I'm sick of all these posts by people in other countries speculating on our tax laws. Seriously, the IRS is not like the FBI. They do not have the capacity or the manpower to "track down" all of the millions of individuals depositing checks into millions of bank accounts with the wave of a magic wand and "investigate" whether or not they have paid taxes on these monies. It doesn't work like that.

You pay your taxes, THEN if the IRS suspects something fishy, you get audited. This is not a "guilty until proven innocent" situation.

Again, I'm not an expert. But I am American (for now). These fear-mongering "opinions" are really uncalled for.
anybody who actually has worked with the IRS knows how much of a shoestring budget they are working on right now. My CPA said the last guy the IRS sent out for an audit was basically an intern and was trying to earn money for a few months.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:54 PM
Are people really claiming that if you put $20 and turn it into $20k you only get $20 since it was illegal?

Stars has explicitly stated that you get what your account balance reads, right?

Why are other people saying otherwise?
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:55 PM
When will FTP be letting US players cash out?
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by shining1977
Thats actually a good idea. the PPA is assumely fighting for getting all straighten up for US Players.
(in best Max Bialystock voice) Asssssume Away....

Better give it to them then the gov. besides, some of us already thought the money is lost anyway.
I know I am viewing from afar, but from where I'm sitting the PPA have been anything but effective so far. They SHOULD be powerful and influential but I'm not sure they are. Maybe a new organisation will rise from these ashes that will have a coherent message and real gravitas with the lawmakers and politicians. I remain skeptical that the PPA will be able to.

I don't think truly regulated US poker is likely to happen due to the conflicting ideologies and views of the lawmakers however I think state-limited poker is a realistic and viable route to gun for in the short-term at least.

One of my gripes with the PPA is its US-centricity (I'd prefer a global poker players movement, talking for the good of the game globally), but now I guess that doesn't really matter.

What is interesting to see is that the DOJ declared to explicitly ENCOURAGE PS and FT to do the market outside the states. Lawyers never put a statement they dont have to, so something is strange
I suspect as part of the discussion between the DOJ and Stars/FTP, the sites were complaining that the uncertainty around the legal action is severely impacting their (legitimately run) business outside the States, so as part of the agreement to get the US players money out, the DOJ agreed to state categorically that they have no truck with non-US players continuing to play.

I think thats all it is
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by pokerzzfun
Happy for all u guys out there, be careful next time and don't leave ur life roll out there on some sites
Word! Never again!
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:58 PM
guys stop giving these false information's with out any knowledge, these r life changing situations for many out there, just maintain some decency and be respectful, don't scare the hell out of them
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by pokerzzfun
Happy for all u guys out there, be careful next time and don't leave ur life roll out there on some sites
Samesies! Good luck all!
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:02 PM

from the stars domain name agreement article
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by One Voice
Why is player money being allowed to be returned if they were operating an "illegal" gambling operation?
Because the players are going to be further "enhancing" the US Federal government's monetary reward for initiating this action.

The players just haven't figured it out yet. They will, IMO.

For those who complain I keep harping on the tax liability implications... that is because I think most players are woefully ignorant and uninformed about IRS rules and regs... and if there were ever a time to learn, NOW is the time. Finding out "the hard way" will be very -EV, if I may use a term everyone here will understand.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
IMO here's how its gonna work.

The sites will be allowed to pay out directly just this one time. But the checks will be from the site, not from a third-party payment processor. No need for that layer now since it was merely to hide from DOJ enforcing UIEGA.

These checks will be utilized as a tracking mechanism by the IRS. You will be automatically flagged for investigation when these checks clear your account.

Pretty smart move by DOJ. They let the poker boom grow to maximum proportion, then they move in for a 3 billion shakedown, making them heroes to US Treasury which is beyond bankrupt (but that's ok, they are king)... and then they are gonna shakedown everyone of you who cashout for back taxes and penalties.

Guaranteed most have not paid taxes, and certainlyn not correctly... or else you would have stopped playing by now, because the tax laws in the USA for amateur, recreational players are worse than restrictive. They are prohibitive in the sense that most players could NEVER win at a rate high enough to overcome the tax exposure.

ALL IMO OBV, feel free to form your own opinions.
LOL... how many US players will get a cashout?: 100%

How many were actually beating the game and have some tax liability?: ~5%

the money doesnt come from thin air. if someone has won it, someone else has lost it, and then some.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:06 PM
I am not american. FTP will not process my moneybookers cashout. Should I wait or should I withdraw by cheque?
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:06 PM
IMO.... With thier budget, manpower and capabilities I think the PPA is doing as much as they can. I mean try going up against the US Government especially on an issue such as the one we are facing. Its not like they can just go in and start demanding this and that. That is unless they had 200 million dollars they could throw in the pockets of Senators and various politicians. And for those that think they are NOT doing enough, get your ass in thier and help out. The louder the voice the more likely you will get heard, as is evident with the recent news on us getting our funds back... this is of course IMO.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyLight
Are people really claiming that if you put $20 and turn it into $20k you only get $20 since it was illegal?

Stars has explicitly stated that you get what your account balance reads, right?

Why are other people saying otherwise?
My thoughts on this are to look at the Netteller issue. All the funds made gambling were allowed to be returned. And lots of that was sports betting. I haven't seen anything confirming that concern above and believe we will get all of it back. No way to confirm atm.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:10 PM
damn i have money on ub. they prob aint got the money to payout all the us customers. prob a ponzi scheme
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:11 PM
I feel for all you americans, i am non-US and i have cashed my entire roll apart from fpp's which i will change later £458 received by visa this morning and £217 i expect to get in the next 24hrs as per previous similar cashouts i play at PS.
A few things come to mind though in communist China and Russia you are free to deposit,withdraw and play online poker-but not in the land of the free and where the game was invented.
President Putin and the chinese leader must be laughing pretty loudly,in fact they can both play but Obama cannot,so much for human rights and the land of the free.
Your representatives are making you all look like the laughing stock of the world.
Oh and i got a bit of salt here,PS are offering non-US people a $200 reload bonus as of now.
BREAKING: DOJ press release - PS and FTP will be restored for withdrawals Quote
