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Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT

04-25-2012 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
The american law is the only reason why you might get any money back. You seem to forget someone stole all the row money.
So the DOJ only siezed US players' money, and FT only used ROW money to pay out the huge dividends?
04-25-2012 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by kikadell
Was it the PVV which pushed for the wietpasje? That doesn't make much sense, since Wilders is anti-Islam, I wouldn't have thought Muslim people smoke much grass...
Im living in a neighbor country and just kinda affected by it. AKAIK wilders argument was, that the coffeshops generate organized crime. This is why the solution is so 'funny', as it will generate organized crime for sure.

Originally Posted by tompakee
Why are you talking about Dutch politics in a poker thread?

Is misé Tompakee® GTFO
Well, because you wont get news on the subject here for the next week. So reading ot might bring some other thoughts.

Last edited by Vrilya; 04-25-2012 at 08:39 AM.
04-25-2012 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Wreed Platzak
I would really like to know the answer (or educated guess) to this question as well since I have the feeling we've just been thrown back to november 17th:

If this is again going to take this long then i'm going to abandon 2+2 by the end of this week. It's been long enough now checking these topics several times a day only to ride the same emotional rollercoaster over and over again.
Buyout talks are always an emotional rollercoaster. And you usually don't have such sewing-circle scamps as poker players passing along rumors and theories.

Much smaller deals without legal drama between companies that are much less opaque can drag on forever for no good reason, all the while being imminent. What would a lawyer advising on a DOJ guided buyout of an illegal operation do besides insist on explicit immunity agreements to every single violation and shady practice in that company's history, which you are really only now finding out about? It's a logistical nightmare even before considering putting Tilt back online.

Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
Everyone seriously needs to chill the **** out and give all of these people a lot of time to do their due diligence and try to work things out. It took GBT months to try and negotiate this deal and he could never get it done to his satisfaction. Stars isn't going to get it done overnight. Stop worrying about what time zone their office is located in and what not.

I'm just happy that there appears an actual way of getting my money back at some point at all. This is an improvement.
04-25-2012 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by hitsy
If FTP doesn't take off, then the situation you describe above will happen anyway. As it stands, PS are the biggest room and pretty much have a "monopoly" today. Whether they take over FTP or it disappears, its close to the same situation.

I play on Partypoker. That's why I put monopoly in inverted commas. If PS start charging wild rake, then you'll be playing on Partypoker too. Not really a monopoly.
Originally Posted by epix-
many former FTP players allready play on stars. the other side of the medal for stars is, that they eliminate their biggest competitor and have a greater monopoly for themselves.

but other pokerrooms will also grow and expand. maybe some other rooms will come and offer a better rake/rb structure as they have right now. ipoker offers very good rb deals, however the site is filled with better players (what i heard). 888 on the other hand offers low rb but has superfishy games running.

Is misé Tompakee®
Hopefully, the players will get their money back and this whole mess finally clears..

Originally Posted by hitsy
If FTP doesn't take off, then the situation you describe above will happen anyway. As it stands, PS are the biggest room and pretty much have a "monopoly" today. Whether they take over FTP or it disappears, its close to the same situation.

I play on Partypoker. That's why I put monopoly in inverted commas. If PS start charging wild rake, then you'll be playing on Partypoker too. Not really a monopoly.
I'm just saying even now the situation is strange with hundreds of really tiny rooms, few average and one who has like 80% (just a guess) of the market.
04-25-2012 , 08:37 AM
Hope the PS reports/rumors are correct because I can't see any way players get much money back without it being true. We will see. This is a major twist in the story for sure. Stay tuned, the folks with real sources and real inside information are likely fairly busy working on this right now! ya think??
04-25-2012 , 08:48 AM
im never gonna play at full tilt again after this, i only trust pokerstars now.....but seriously, gimme my money and lemme play.
04-25-2012 , 08:52 AM
I guess we will be waiting another year for NO news!!

Originally Posted by dr spaceman
im never gonna play at full tilt again after this, i only trust pokerstars now.....but seriously, gimme my money and lemme play.
yes I am sure,who ever buys FT is going to rip you off!!

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-25-2012 at 10:39 AM.
04-25-2012 , 08:57 AM
There was a guy from another forum I think that said that he got a job at the new FTP and was supossed to start on the 30th. Maybe he can say something.
04-25-2012 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bulletfb
There was a guy from another forum I think that said that he got a job at the new FTP and was supossed to start on the 30th. Maybe he can say something.
Keep'em coming, dude.
04-25-2012 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
The first 2 drafts were written on hemp...and hemp makes for horrible smoke; it's not the same as weed.

It's also believed the first American flag was sewn on hemp.

Hemp is just a very low THC plant that produces 4 times the paper per acre than an acre of well as producing particularly strong fibers for rope (hence why the early navy used it).

And in most countries where ANY drug is legal, that drugs abuse levels shrink among children but rise slightly among adults. When alcohol was re-legalized in the USA the addiction rates dropped overall (even as use increased) because of the underage addiction declining so severely and because uniform standards of alcohol percentage led to more ability for adults to control their alcohol intake in a predictable way.

So, in most places, prohibtion leads to higher overal addiction rates, albeit lower usage rates.
Most interesting post itt
04-25-2012 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by ConquerorWorm
Needs more
04-25-2012 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Strippoker
Well, if we look back how fast they solve their issues after BF, we really can expect a much faster process. IMO they have the money and they are willing to get the deal done asap.
Rushing to get players paid back and rushing into an almost billion dollar purchase are two very different things.
04-25-2012 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Bulletfb
There was a guy from another forum I think that said that he got a job at the new FTP and was supossed to start on the 30th. Maybe he can say something.
Yea, he said he is looking for a new job.
04-25-2012 , 09:03 AM
Absolutely crazy that this thread already has had 10% of the number of posts that the containment thread has.
04-25-2012 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Tomukas
Read the first message in this thread with all the adidtions. PokerStars already confirmed they are "in settlelemnt discussions with DoJ". Many players confirmed that information too (they sources are unofficial though). So, there's no doubt, that stars ARE going to buy FTP.
They only said 'PokerStars is in settlement discussions with the U.S. Department of Justice'. This could or could not relate to the FTP rumours, as they did not mention FTP once.

The fact that many players confirm the information is something you should also treat with caution. There is a lot of hearsay going on. One guys hears a rumour, then talks to someone, that someone trusts the first guy so he spreads it and all of a sudden we are hearing it from dozens of different places which may all be based on the same single source.
Not saying I don't believe anything is happening, just saying that people are way too happy to believe and spread anything they hear and some think it is a great opportunity to feel important or get some attention.

Originally Posted by 413AceKing
Sorry if this was brought up and I missed it, but who has been hiring these people for Pocket Kings? Was that the old regime? PS? GBT?
I don't know, but I guess it was GBT.
The only thing I do know about these new positions is that PK have been in touch with people who applied for jobs upto last week and started the whole hiring/onboarding process. I am guessing the whole thing got put on hold this week.

Originally Posted by leviathan74
It's easy to set up a social networking site and facebook was seen by google as an emerging and potentially mortal threat to their advertizing business -which is their lifeline- so they set up google+. I mean how hard can it be right? A couple of good web designers and the power of the google brand would make it succesful right?

Well, the problem is that the biggest asset facebook possesses was not brand design but the fact that your friend was already a member; there was no reason to use google+ if no one you knew was there. So google+ fails and gives us a lesson in collective action problems and the power of network effects.

A couple of weeks ago, facebook buys instagram for a cool 1 billion. What's so special about instagram? The software is rather simple and it allows you to make your old pictures to look old-school. Did facebook was in such a desperate need to upgrade its picture app that it paid a cool billion?

No. Facebook probably saw that instagram was spreading like wildfire among people with a very short time span and it was building the network effects that would make it a potential competitor down the road. It bought the company and got rid of a potential headache.

There are a ton of businesses on the web that nominally operate under the guise of the free market, but the nature of their market favors one company having a monopoly. It's more convenient if there's one facebook, or one ebay. Speaking of which. Do people remember how cool ebay was in the old days and how much the nickle and dime you nowadays?

Again, in theory a competitor might rise up, but sometimes there's a sweet spot where you can take advantage of your monopoly status without giving enough of a window for a new competitor to rise up.

The same issues might be in play with poker. If you are a tournament/MTT-SNG player there is benefit if all the world pool is concentrated on one site: games can run even on non-peak hours and there's more action that you can handle on peak times. All the same, if one site retains a dominant position in the market, basic economic theory would tell us that prices would not reach their optimal level; all the same even though prices might not be competitive, it might be near impossible for strong competition to emerge due to network effects. For example, I want to grind MTT-SNGs on other sites, but I can't. Since I can't play, other people can't either, so we all give up. Lack of co-ordination means games don't start. The rake would have to become truly uncompetitive with another site emerging as the alternative choice for one reason or the other in order for competition to emerge. Until then - and perhaps even then- the rake would probably remain sub-optimal.

I guess at the end of the day, everyone should be less certain about things. Unless finished their Ph.D. in Monopoly theory and have something really insightful to say.
04-25-2012 , 09:05 AM
So, we have the same circus but now with 2 huge threads to follow. Over 24 hours since the rumor broker and PS still hasn't denied it, but it still feels like the same song and dance. Excitement is over! There is nothing to see here people. The only confirmed news so far is the Tapie deal is finished. Merge these threads together.
04-25-2012 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
I gave an analogy earlier of hookers:

If in a small town one hooker had a monopoly on prostitution, she could be said to have a monopoly on for-profit BJs. If she began giving lazy BJs or charging too much for them, any other hooker could come into the market and break up her monopoly by way of cheaper prices and/or better BJs.
But hasn't it already been proven that the other hookers can't provide better BJs? iPoker, merge etc all have inferior software. Granted if they were to invest in software devlopment that could change, which makes one wonder why they havent done so already? Cheap bastages?
04-25-2012 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Yea, he said he is looking for a new job.
04-25-2012 , 09:19 AM
if 750 mill is the total settlement amount then clearly the UIGEA legislation was not at all that cut and dry- DOJ was originally pursuing far more
04-25-2012 , 09:26 AM
* All players will be refunded 100%
* Both sites back online
* Both sites have promotions
* Employees remain in both places

If all this happens, it'll be a very, very good day for the community
04-25-2012 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by himomitsme
They only said 'PokerStars is in settlement discussions with the U.S. Department of Justice'. This could or could not relate to the FTP rumours, as they did not mention FTP once.
I disagree with this analysis. The stars statement was in direct response to the rumors, they wouldn't have done it that way if it was about their regular settlements, and I doubt they'd put out a response if it was. The fact that they didn't name FTP could be legal gags, and that they didn't outright deny it is nice too.

I'm trying to not get optimistic, because honestly I've done that too much and gotten ****ed for it. Right now I feel (we all feel, I think I can say) the way you do when you're getting 3bet every pot for 4 hours straight. I just feel pure defeat atm
04-25-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by himomitsme
I don't know, but I guess it was GBT.
The only thing I do know about these new positions is that PK have been in touch with people who applied for jobs upto last week and started the whole hiring/onboarding process. I am guessing the whole thing got put on hold this week.
I guessed wrong. Recruitment is ongoing.
04-25-2012 , 09:30 AM
Note: my post offers no insight.

Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
So, we have the same circus but now with 2 huge threads to follow. Over 24 hours since the rumor broker and PS still hasn't denied it, but it still feels like the same song and dance. Excitement is over! There is nothing to see here people. The only confirmed news so far is the Tapie deal is finished. Merge these threads together.
I'm not going to provide proof but it's pretty much confirmed that pokerstars is trying to buy/negotiating to buy fulltilt poker in a serious.

This IS ****ing news.

If you don't strongly believe this is overwhelmingly likely I have no idea what to say about that. I would bet my left nut vs a jelly donut that this is the case. But only if it were strawberry or raspberry, not cherry.

Also their is a tremendous qualitative difference (in retrospect) from the Tapie offer and pokerstars potential offer for obvious reasons i won't bother to expand upon.
04-25-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by GizYaChips
* All players will be refunded 100%
* Both sites back online
* Both sites have promotions
* Employees remain in both places

If all this happens, it'll be a very, very good day for the community
I think this was discussed either.

Stars just wants a way into the US Markets. Why have two clients when you'll get all the traffic on stars?
04-25-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
I'm not going to provide proof but it's pretty much confirmed that pokerstars is trying to buy/negotiating to buy fulltilt poker in a serious.

This IS ****ing news.
Trying? exactly. Like I said, same song and dance. I never said it wasn't big news that PS is trying to buy FTP. This is new to us, but I guarantee this isn’t new to FTP and PS. Both parties have probably been talking for months, but under the radar. I’m just saying, answers could take many more months and we are back to the same crap. So, merge the threads so we can continue with more of the same.

For the record, I do want to be wrong. Trust me, I do.

Last edited by KingKongGrinder; 04-25-2012 at 09:46 AM.
