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Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT

04-25-2012 , 06:00 AM
More fish FTW!!
04-25-2012 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
The american law is the only reason why you might get any money back. You seem to forget someone stole all the row money.
this is kind of true, but the US legislation still caused a massive PITA to all poker players around the world and cost everyone a ton of money
04-25-2012 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
The american law is the only reason why you might get any money back. You seem to forget someone stole all the row money.
Sorry, but


If ANYTHING the DOJ stole the ROW players money. Any money they have belongs to ROW players, NOT american players, as American players don't deserve their money back really, because they're all guilty of conspiracy to commit bank fraud under american "law" anyway. ROW players however had their money taken by 3 scumbag americans and the US gov't for playing on a non-US site with non-US money when they weren't in the US. HOW is it possible for someone to be affected by american law when they are not american and not in america?
American "law" is a f-ing joke and is the main reason that poker isn't more popular among average people.
again, FYP

Last edited by bjsmith22; 04-25-2012 at 06:14 AM.
04-25-2012 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Can you confirm that English isn't your native language so I can sleep peacefully tonight?
Correct, its one of 3 languages I try to speak.

Can you confirm that your other 4000+ posts are as informative as this one so I can sleep tight knowing you were top sperm from 4.7 million. I imagine the competition from the other sperm would be like a $1 freeroll on ipoker.
04-25-2012 , 06:12 AM
so when do we expect to hear something official? week?
04-25-2012 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by dibbla
Correct, its one of 3 languages I try to speak.

Can you confirm that your other 4000+ posts are as informative as this one so I can sleep tight knowing you were top sperm from 4.7 million. I imagine the competition from the other sperm would be like a $1 freeroll on ipoker.
04-25-2012 , 06:19 AM
well... let's go for about ten ''next week''
04-25-2012 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by dibbla
Correct, its one of 3 languages I try to speak.

Can you confirm that your other 4000+ posts are as informative as this one so I can sleep tight knowing you were top sperm from 4.7 million. I imagine the competition from the other sperm would be like a $1 freeroll on ipoker.

Last edited by kikadell; 04-25-2012 at 06:21 AM. Reason: have 15 internets
04-25-2012 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Jokko
Good attempt at saving face when you got stroullowned
04-25-2012 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Sorry, but


If ANYTHING the DOJ stole the ROW players money. Any money they have belongs to ROW players, NOT american players, as American players don't deserve their money back really, because they're all guilty of conspiracy to commit bank fraud under american "law" anyway. ROW players however had their money taken by 3 scumbag americans and the US gov't for playing on a non-US site with non-US money when they weren't in the US. HOW is it possible for someone to be affected by american law when they are not american and not in america?
American "law" is a f-ing joke and is the main reason that poker isn't more popular among average people.
again, FYP
Don't agree with the bolded, but as for the rest...
04-25-2012 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by Tomukas
So, there's no doubt, that stars ARE going to buy FTP.
Actually, there is no doubt PS is talking with DOJ. Not more, not less.
04-25-2012 , 06:44 AM
According to the Wall Street Journal Stars has been in Dublin doing due diligence "for the last few days." Does anyone know if this means they 've only just begun the process? From the rumors it sounds more like the deal is close to completion but the exclusivity period with GBT ended only in mid-March. Are we in for another 8 month sweat only to find Stars also couldn't come to a reasonable deal with the DoJ? I understand Stars has a greater ability to pull this off but it seems this could still be another slowroll.

Bleh I hate this ride.
04-25-2012 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
According to the Wall Street Journal Stars has been in Dublin doing due diligence "for the last few days." Does anyone know if this means they 've only just begun the process? From the rumors it sounds more like the deal is close to completion but the exclusivity period with GBT ended only in mid-March. Are we in for another 8 month sweat only to find Stars also couldn't come to a reasonable deal with the DoJ? I understand Stars has a greater ability to pull this off but it seems this could still be another slowroll.

Bleh I hate this ride.
GBT was drawing out the process to leverage US players balances against the DOJ and hopefully get a rock bottom deal down the line. The DOJ didn't give in and stood up for the ROW player in the 11th hour.

PStars has the industry knowledge (unlike GBT) to analyze the situation and get the deal done quickly.

This is pure speculation, but seems like the most logical conclusion I can come to with the information available.
04-25-2012 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
Sorry, but


If ANYTHING the FTP stole the ROW players money.
FYPF That other guy's P

04-25-2012 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
According to the Wall Street Journal Stars has been in Dublin doing due diligence "for the last few days." Does anyone know if this means they 've only just begun the process? From the rumors it sounds more like the deal is close to completion but the exclusivity period with GBT ended only in mid-March. Are we in for another 8 month sweat only to find Stars also couldn't come to a reasonable deal with the DoJ? I understand Stars has a greater ability to pull this off but it seems this could still be another slowroll.

Bleh I hate this ride.
I would really like to know the answer (or educated guess) to this question as well since I have the feeling we've just been thrown back to november 17th:

If this is again going to take this long then i'm going to abandon 2+2 by the end of this week. It's been long enough now checking these topics several times a day only to ride the same emotional rollercoaster over and over again.

Last edited by Wreed Platzak; 04-25-2012 at 07:02 AM.
04-25-2012 , 06:59 AM
Any chance of some cliff notes for the thread?
04-25-2012 , 07:00 AM
I see two potential dangers:

1. An unlikely and cynical scenario is that Pokerstars might have entered the process in order to have it draw out until FTP's carcass succumbs to its injuries.

2. If PS is committed in paying 750 million in order to buy FTP and settle with the DOJ, the danger isn't in PS not paying the money, but in DOJ not giving favorable enough terms to PS.

Still, the prospect of another 3-4 months of F5ing is depressing. Also, if we learned anything is that when buyers get into an exclusivity period, the buyer's hand is strengthened.

I mean WTF. It's better if you have buyers competing with each other. It's as if no one on FTP or the DOJ read the Sklanski chapter on car buying!
04-25-2012 , 07:11 AM
having read what GBT had planned I must say I am happy the deal fell through

would have been an insult to ROW players.
04-25-2012 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
According to the Wall Street Journal Stars has been in Dublin doing due diligence "for the last few days." Does anyone know if this means they 've only just begun the process? From the rumors it sounds more like the deal is close to completion but the exclusivity period with GBT ended only in mid-March. Are we in for another 8 month sweat only to find Stars also couldn't come to a reasonable deal with the DoJ? I understand Stars has a greater ability to pull this off but it seems this could still be another slowroll.

Bleh I hate this ride.
Maybe, but if that happens we might be able to get Party Poker to buy FTP for $1.5B.
04-25-2012 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Maybe, but if that happens we might be able to get Party Poker to buy FTP for $1.5B.
And anybody with money on FTP would become "investors" or "shareholders" - get 2-3x their money back if it happens
04-25-2012 , 07:20 AM
Next week guys, .... next week!
04-25-2012 , 07:25 AM
Due to the DOJ's work efficiency, we problably need another 7 months.
04-25-2012 , 07:26 AM
Can anyone with access to this article provide cliffs?:
04-25-2012 , 07:27 AM
Anybody ever thought about Stars initiating the whole "Black Friday" in the first place?


1. Sabotage your worst "enemy".
2. Pay the officials.
3. Find the victim to blame for the public (the "bad guys") and make it look natural.
4. Return to the scene, nice and clean.
5. ???
04-25-2012 , 07:27 AM
If PS works on the deal as much as they keep monitoring this thread, it might go faster than the GBT ride.
Hi PokerStars Dirk .
