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Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist. Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist.

08-28-2021 , 01:08 PM
Djeezes christ. This thread shows exactly what the true evil is.

These dumb discussions about so called 'important' topics, when they don't matter at all. It's like a virtual reality in a literal sense. It's not even real! It's all make belief, stuff that hardly ever touchers your actual lives.

It's all about generating traffic for those who perpetuate and monetize these 'important' discussions. Just cancel those, and we're done.
08-28-2021 , 01:11 PM
People are dying because of vaccine misinformation. It's the exact opposite of a topic that doesn't matter at all.
08-28-2021 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
You guys used to be the country of freedom of speech, right? Having a public discussion and different opinions about vaccines and vaccine passports is completely fine, it is the healthy way.
Uhh... no. This ultra insane definition of "free speech" where you can't lose a job or get criticism for things you say has never existed. It's a right wing myth that "cancel culture" is some new thing. Plenty of people lost their jobs in the 70s for criticizing the Vietnam War and before that we had an entire congressional investigation designed to cancel people like Lucille Ball, Oppenheimer etc for attending a communist party meeting once.

Originally Posted by SimpleRick
No context in cancelling them. While I agree spouting off genuinely racist or homophobic or whatever rhetoric does and should have consequences what we are seeing in today's society is most certainly cancel culture. And it's generally directed at one side of the political spectrum.
That's another myth. Why pretend like the President of the United States and conservative media didn't spend months attacking Colin Kaepernick and other athletes for expressing an opinion they disagreed with?
08-28-2021 , 01:20 PM
Yeah but those guys kneeled during the national anthem, which is somehow 1000 times worse than spreading blatantly false disinformation that literally leads to people dying.
08-28-2021 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ledn
The kernel of truth was that the govt has done false flag operations in the past.

The speculation and BS was that the shooting was another false flag operation. He is being sued for defamation because of it too.

Not going to contextualize every crazy thing he has said for the past 20 years, but I maintain my point that you take him more seriously than any of his regular listeners. (Im not one but I enjoyed the clips of rants on YT before he was banned from it) He is a funny man who goes on unhinged rants.
Man, your take of “no one takes him seriously” with the lynchpin being that you live in nowhere USA is remarkably dumb
08-28-2021 , 01:31 PM
Plenty of people take Jones deadly seriously. But he and his less-ignorant fans can always fall back to "it's just entertainment" when it's convenient.

He should be in jail for what he did to those Sandy Hook families. Utterly reprehensible.

But tell me again how the guy is canceled.
08-28-2021 , 01:34 PM
I'm not one of his supporters and you take him more seriously than his audience. He's just a funny man who goes on unhinged rants. 70 million people voted for Trump in 2020 and I would bet the majority would describe him that way in the summer of 2015.
08-28-2021 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Also you're wrong, Trump voters are the least vaxxed group. It's all about tribalism. Same for Bicknell and her thirdway youtube research "I know poker therefore I'm an expert on anything I set my mind to for an hour" crowd. They're just different tribes who happen to intersect on vaccines.
That NBC news poll appears to be misleading.

Data according to tells a different story about vaccination rates.

Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

08-28-2021 , 02:06 PM
the NBC poll quoted by suzzer was adults only, above is an entire population - if Black population is overall younger than avarage (kids make up a bigger percentage of population), this would explain this discrepancy. Plus of course some other hidden factors, like different targets or methodologies
08-28-2021 , 02:07 PM
White people are the bulk of Trump supporters, but white Trump supporters are not all white people, so take that 50% overall figure and separate it to Trump followers and non Trump followers and where do you think those specific percentages land? Hint, it aint gonna be 50% for each subset.

I would also toss out that the relatively small chunk of black votes that support Trump would be below the overall numbers and the same would apply to the Hispanic population.

Odds are if you did vaccination by political party (and no medical tracking data would bother with that) you would see white Trump supporters falling below every percentage that you see for the overall figures for each category.
08-28-2021 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Question: If Kristen Bicknell is so wicked smaht, as many people around here think, how did she "accidentally" retweet a guy who has 'White Nationalist in his Twitter descriptive? Also, how long has she had her Twitter account locked?

I glanced at her Twitter account before she locked it, and there sure was a lot of 'accidents' in her twitter posts.
Because smart people can make mistakes, too.
08-28-2021 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
People are dying because of vaccine misinformation. It's the exact opposite of a topic that doesn't matter at all.
If you truly think you are helping people... you are truly insane.

08-28-2021 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by SizzlerFTW
If you truly think you are helping people... you are truly insane.

suzzer may have saved some ppl. he's been doing a great job of advocating for science and vaccines on 2+2 from the very beginning.
08-28-2021 , 02:19 PM
i blame the jewish space lasers
08-28-2021 , 02:30 PM
Posted by iwasbanned Question: If Kristen Bicknell is so wicked smaht, as many people around here think, how did she "accidentally" retweet a guy who has 'White Nationalist' in his Twitter descriptive?
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Because smart people can make mistakes, too.
I am of the opinion, it was no accident.
08-28-2021 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfferine
That NBC news poll appears to be misleading.

Data according to tells a different story about vaccination rates.

Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

The single largest race/ethnic group in terms of its number of people who aren't vaccinated is the white adult. Within that group, the largest political subgroup is the registered Republican. Period. The graph posted above doesn't represent these data, compiling as it does group percentages as opposed to numbers of people within each group.

Yes, blacks are disproportionately unvaccinated among race/ethnic groups, but because they only comprise 12% of the total US population the number of unvaccinated blacks is a small fraction of the number of unvaccinated whites. And among white adult subgroups, it's whites who are registered Republicans leading the way in vaccine resistance. The disparity as a function of political persuasion is strikingly large.

Last edited by namisgr11; 08-28-2021 at 02:44 PM.
08-28-2021 , 02:47 PM
This thread is a ****ing train wreck. No one is going to mod this ****. Case closed. Idiots abound.

This topic might fit well in the politics forum.
