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Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist. Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist.

08-28-2021 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
So weird how the venn diagrams of these anti-vaxxers and racist white nationalists overlap so much. Can't figure it out.
This might be the most ignorant thing I have read in awhile.
Black Americans are the least vaxxed group.
There's a wee bit of history there to explain why.
But keep on going with your SJW self and looking away at truths you dont like
08-28-2021 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Registrationtoo
I agree. It probably is safe. But being a fit healthy 35 year old - I have seen our government lie and deceive and worry about the ramifications later. I have seen even more appalling before from the pharma industry.

I have so much distrust in our institutions that I’d rather take my chances fighting off Covid. I have seen these things with my own eyes. I may die from it. But we will all die.

I’ve also enjoyed how my uncle was dying from ALS he couldn’t try drugs that had decades of research because they weren’t approved yet by the FDA.

All of a sudden we have drugs being approved at the snap of a finger.

Now - for you - go eat a cheeseburger and I assure you - you can’t post a picture where you have a BMI in a healthy range. You are a hypocrite and nothing more. You are not morally superior
Yep. you're right. We are all going to die someday, but there is no reason to speed it up!
08-28-2021 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
this x1 million. lol at Conan776's take.

feigning ignorance about a retweet's origin in 2021 doesn't cut it. Twitter is the modern day 'town square'. you are responsible for the content you disseminate and the people you elevate. don't be lazy. take a few seconds and do your due diligence before pressing the post button.

i scoff at the term 'cancel culture'. i submit 'consequence culture' as more apropos going forward.
Would you call digging up 10+ year old tweets to get someone fired cancel culture or consequence culture? Look at Kevin Hart and Shane Gillis both comedians who got cancelled for saying offensive things meant as jokes.
No context in cancelling them. While I agree spouting off genuinely racist or homophobic or whatever rhetoric does and should have consequences what we are seeing in today's society is most certainly cancel culture. And it's generally directed at one side of the political spectrum. It's fine to think children under 10 years old should be given gender reassignment surgery when 80% of children grow out of those feelings, but disagree with that sentiment and you're suddenly a bigot who needs to be cancelled. Having a different view on things is not worthy of being cancelled.

Remember early in the pandemic when the Wuhan Lab Leak theory was going around? You were somehow being racist against Chinese people if you believed this. Yet thinking it came from eating bats is somehow not And facebook was removing posts talking about the Wuhan lab leak theory even though occams razor would tell us "the simplest explanation is the best one". I mean there's a level 4 lab that studies coronaviruses a few miles away from the epicenter of the outbreak and the pandemic gets blamed on a wet market. Ridiculous.

Tech oligarchs should not be in charge of what we are allowed to express.
08-28-2021 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
It's truly hilarious how many right wing grifters like Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, that bald secret service moron and so many others have been selling "brain pills" and supplements at huge markup forever now all their moronic fans are like "we can't put something into our body without knowing what's in it and billions of clinical trials!"
Ben Shapiro is EXTREMELY pro-vax.
Not sure what else you want him to do than literally say what a "medical miracle" vaccines are. Which is what he does.

I listen to his podcast all the time out of curiosity, (I have a long commute to work) but I also listen to Pod Save America, so spare me the "your opinion is useless if you listen to Shapiro" I listen to everyone to see which side I think is full of it on an issue

I actually prefer to listen to people I disagree with since listening to what I already think is pretty boring and useless.
08-28-2021 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by BSumner
Tell that to the millions of Americans who have one or two rental properties trying to pay the property taxes and mortgages on those properties yet have not been paid for well over a year

They might argue with you that their is some power being grabbed by them by letting the renters live for free

I sympathize with those renters prior to maybe 6 months ago, but right now there are literally millions of job openings across the country, so what's with the "I get to live for free in perpetuity" at this point
Seriously I just don't get how ignorant so many people are. The internet is right here folks, educate yourselves!

The overwhelming majority of landlords and property owners own a small amount of rental properties. Putting a never ending moratorium on evictions just ends up with larger companies like Black Rock buying up more properties.
08-28-2021 , 09:37 AM
surprised that this thread has stayed up for this long. i guess new owners used FU money to buy this site and promptly forgot about the duties involved in running it.

seems any thread in any forum devolves into the KKK, conspiracy theories and covid.

kinda sad when you think about what this placed used to be
08-28-2021 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Would you call digging up 10+ year old tweets to get someone fired cancel culture or consequence culture? Look at Kevin Hart and Shane Gillis both comedians who got cancelled for saying offensive things meant as jokes.
No context in cancelling them. While I agree spouting off genuinely racist or homophobic or whatever rhetoric does and should have consequences what we are seeing in today's society is most certainly cancel culture. And it's generally directed at one side of the political spectrum. It's fine to think children under 10 years old should be given gender reassignment surgery when 80% of children grow out of those feelings, but disagree with that sentiment and you're suddenly a bigot who needs to be cancelled. Having a different view on things is not worthy of being cancelled.

Remember early in the pandemic when the Wuhan Lab Leak theory was going around? You were somehow being racist against Chinese people if you believed this. Yet thinking it came from eating bats is somehow not And facebook was removing posts talking about the Wuhan lab leak theory even though occams razor would tell us "the simplest explanation is the best one". I mean there's a level 4 lab that studies coronaviruses a few miles away from the epicenter of the outbreak and the pandemic gets blamed on a wet market. Ridiculous.

Tech oligarchs should not be in charge of what we are allowed to express.
i agree that sometimes the consequences don't line up with the actions. however, they often do and the aggrieved cry "cancel culture" instead of looking in the mirror and saying, "yep, my actions led to this result."
08-28-2021 , 10:02 AM
Are Bicknell and Foxen still colluding in tournaments and cash games?
08-28-2021 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
i agree that sometimes the consequences don't line up with the actions. however, they often do and the aggrieved cry "cancel culture" instead of looking in the mirror and saying, "yep, my actions led to this result."
We agree on the basics, but I think I can find more instances of "cancel culture" than you could find of "consequence culture". Maybe I couldn't, I don't know. But I'm pretty certain cancel culture is more rampant. The attitude of too many people is "I don't like what you said" or "I disagree with you politically and I'm going to dig into your past to find the smallest transgression and weaponize it to get you fired". Especially when it comes to comedians and making jokes it's just absolutely insane to me.

08-28-2021 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
While I agree spouting off genuinely racist or homophobic or whatever rhetoric does and should have consequences what we are seeing in today's society is most certainly cancel culture. And it's generally directed at one side of the political spectrum.
This aforementioned is the best in terms of amusement. But in the words of John McEnroe - YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!? First of all, I do not know your political affiliation nor do I care. But don't insult peoples' intelligence on here like you do not have a political bias toward once side or another. It is perfectly fine and part of the human condition in us all. No one is perfectly "independent" imho.

More to the point: All the way back in 1998, who wanted to cancel whom? All for the biggest sin according to some "conservatives"? All for what? For getting a blow job in the White House!? Oh wait a minute - the excuse was he lied about it under oath right? But those same people have no issue with the WORLD SERIES OF LIARS by the 44th President - failed Dictator in chief who almost succeeded in an outright coup of this country! How the eff can you NOT want to cancel that? It cannot be taken back anyway - US no longer can brag about its peaceful transfer of power in terms of governance!! So if all of that is not cancel culture first established by the other side long ago, then I do not know what is? Doc Holiday said it best "Apparently hypocrisy has no bounds."
08-28-2021 , 10:33 AM
It's the GOP and far right that wanted to TATTOO HIV+ GAY PEOPLE and yet freedom is with the GOP?

GOP loves freedom for business and no anti-trust but NOW that the companies are big and violating their rights people run to the GOP?

It was the GOP that refused democratic (few there were, I admit) to stop media mergers, and now the media is suddenly corrupt, and the GOP which allowed the mergers is the answer?
08-28-2021 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Registrationtoo
I agree. It probably is safe. But being a fit healthy 35 year old - I have seen our government lie and deceive and worry about the ramifications later.
You don't need to trust the US government. You just need to trust all of the world's best medical professionals.
08-28-2021 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by HurtLocker
This aforementioned is the best in terms of amusement. But in the words of John McEnroe - YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!? First of all, I do not know your political affiliation nor do I care. But don't insult peoples' intelligence on here like you do not have a political bias toward once side or another. It is perfectly fine and part of the human condition in us all. No one is perfectly "independent" imho.

More to the point: All the way back in 1998, who wanted to cancel whom? All for the biggest sin according to some "conservatives"? All for what? For getting a blow job in the White House!? Oh wait a minute - the excuse was he lied about it under oath right? But those same people have no issue with the WORLD SERIES OF LIARS by the 44th President - failed Dictator in chief who almost succeeded in an outright coup of this country! How the eff can you NOT want to cancel that? It cannot be taken back anyway - US no longer can brag about its peaceful transfer of power in terms of governance!! So if all of that is not cancel culture first established by the other side long ago, then I do not know what is? Doc Holiday said it best "Apparently hypocrisy has no bounds."
Bill Clinton is a rapist. Look up Juanita Broaddrick. So is Trump (E. Jean Carrol) and so is Biden (Tara Reade). That's 3 out of the last 5 presidents. I dislike most Republicans and most Democrats. I'm about as unbiased as can be and want no affiliation with any major political party. They're both corrupt. So tell me again I'm a hypocrite you midwit. I didn't vote for Trump or Biden. Because they're both rapists, just like your hero Bill Clinton. I would have liked to vote for Bernie if the DNC didn't screw him over again. Or anyone whom at least seems to have a modicum of human decency and sincerity. That's truly all I'm looking for is sincerity. Even if I disagree with the positions, I'd rather vote for someone I believe is a good moral person and sincere in their own views.

Clinton took advantage of a naive 22 year old intern while he was the most powerful man in the world. While he was president of the United States. I don't care that he had an extramarital affair, I care that he abused his power in doing so. It's in the same league as a high school teacher having sex with an 18 year old student. Only way more egregious. Not only that but the Clinton team at the time came out and slandered Monica Lewinsky, calling her a stalker and deranged before it came out that he had an affair with her. Clinton is a pos rapist.

Educate yourself.

Last edited by SimpleRick; 08-28-2021 at 10:46 AM.
08-28-2021 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by MeleaB
You don't need to trust the US government. You just need to trust all of the world's best medical professionals.
It also helps to have zero understanding of how clinical trials and peer-reviewed science works.

Science was wrong once - therefore my youtube doctor and some cherry-picked study preprint from 10 years ago that never saw the light of day is equally valid to dozens of peer-reviewed studies.
08-28-2021 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Bill Clinton is a rapist. Look up Juanita Broaddrick. So is Trump (E. Jean Carrol) and so is Biden (Tara Reade). That's 3 out of the last 5 presidents. I dislike most Republicans and most Democrats. I'm about as unbiased as can be and want no affiliation with any major political party. They're both corrupt. So tell me again I'm a hypocrite you midwit moron. I didn't vote for Trump or Biden. Because they're both rapists, just like your hero Bill Clinton. I would have liked to vote for Bernie if the DNC didn't screw him over again. Or anyone whom at least seems to have a modicum of human decency and sincerity. That's truly all I'm looking for is sincerity. Even if I disagree with the positions, I'd rather vote for someone I believe is a good moral person and sincere in their own views.
Believe it or not, I concur with the spirit of most of what of you posited in the aforementioned. You were not being called a hypocrite. However, you were being disagreed with on and called out on echoing a common place right-wing talking point I hear all the time on Fox News and OAN etc. (echoed by the Alex Joneses of the world etc.) about how one side over the other has somehow created this current state of cancel culture.

And that could not be further from the truth based on the Clinton example. Whether you believe he is a rapist or not, that you are a Bernie supporter or a hypocrite yourself is beyond scope for purposes of discussion here. Nor am I arguing against/accusing you of such anyway. But again, I do still affirm that no one - not you, not me is perfectly independent either. I too hold affirm and ideally Washington's farewell speech high above others especially when he warned since the beginning of the young nation forming a "dualistic party system". But some things you have to take sides with based on what is right vs. wrong, moral vs. immoral etc.

Last edited by HurtLocker; 08-28-2021 at 10:57 AM.
08-28-2021 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by BSumner
This might be the most ignorant thing I have read in awhile.
Black Americans are the least vaxxed group.
There's a wee bit of history there to explain why.
But keep on going with your SJW self and looking away at truths you dont like
Yeah there's a history with black Americans and an understandable reason to be suspicious.

But tell me what the history is again with these psycho Karens who show up at city council meetings sticking spoons to their faces? Or people like Bicknell who go down Alex Jones rabbit holes and blast it all over twitter? When have people like that ever not gotten everything they ever wanted in this history of this country? What reason do they have to be paranoid that vaccines are just the first step to totalitarian mind-control illuminati lizard people?

Why must we always coddle this nonsense? The Taliban just banned vaccines. Maybe she should move to that bastion of enlightenment if she's so terrified of tyranny coming to the US.

Also you're wrong, Trump voters are the least vaxxed group. It's all about tribalism. Same for Bicknell and her thirdway youtube research "I know poker therefore I'm an expert on anything I set my mind to for an hour" crowd. They're just different tribes who happen to intersect on vaccines.

And here are the American adults who say they’ve already been vaccinated — broken down by demographic group:

All adults: 69 percent
Men: 67 percent
Women: 71 percent
18-34: 63 percent
35-49: 58 percent
50-64: 71 percent
65+: 86 percent
Whites: 66 percent
Blacks: 76 percent
Latinos: 71 percent
Urban residents: 79 percent
Suburban residents: 67 percent
Rural residents: 52 percent
White evangelicals: 59 percent
Democrats: 88 percent
Independents: 60 percent
Republicans: 55 percent
Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
White non-college grads: 60 percent
White college grads: 80 percent

Last edited by suzzer99; 08-28-2021 at 11:22 AM.
08-28-2021 , 11:25 AM
08-28-2021 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by BSumner
Black Americans are the least vaxxed group.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Also you're wrong, Trump voters are the least vaxxed group.
Damn, who would have guessed that the "I listen to Ben Shapiro and Pod Save America to hear both sides" guy would be this confidently misinformed lmfao.
08-28-2021 , 11:42 AM
suzzer, since this thread has become crap, can we at least get some value out of it and learn the significance of your avatar.

Who is that, and why did you select this person as your avatar?

You have almost 100k posts here, and I think it's time the people know the truth.

Thank you.
08-28-2021 , 11:46 AM
She's become known as donkey woman. It's a bunch of stills from some online business show in the mid-2000s. I happened to pause and saw her face frozen in a very unflattering pose. So I made a gif out of it.

Some think it might he Hoda Kotb. But not 100% sure.

Whenever I swap out donkey woman for another avatar, people get upset. So I put her back. Then different people get upset that she's back.
08-28-2021 , 12:23 PM
I hope that I am not friends with anyone who got upset that donkey women was removed.
08-28-2021 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Whenever I swap out donkey woman for another avatar, people get upset. So I put her back. Then different people get upset that she's back.
I’d definitely support a different avatar
08-28-2021 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah there's a history with black Americans and an understandable reason to be suspicious.

But tell me what the history is again with these psycho Karens who show up at city council meetings sticking spoons to their faces? Or people like Bicknell who go down Alex Jones rabbit holes and blast it all over twitter? When have people like that ever not gotten everything they ever wanted in this history of this country? What reason do they have to be paranoid that vaccines are just the first step to totalitarian mind-control illuminati lizard people?

Why must we always coddle this nonsense? The Taliban just banned vaccines. Maybe she should move to that bastion of enlightenment if she's so terrified of tyranny coming to the US.

Also you're wrong, Trump voters are the least vaxxed group. It's all about tribalism. Same for Bicknell and her thirdway youtube research "I know poker therefore I'm an expert on anything I set my mind to for an hour" crowd. They're just different tribes who happen to intersect on vaccines.
The real reasons people reject the vaccine is some combination of selfishness, incompetence at probability calculations, and fear of needles. Politics is usually a small factor and a rationalization. Almost everyone would take the shot if they thought there was as little as a five percent chance they would die or get very sick from covid. Even more if you could take a pill.
08-28-2021 , 12:55 PM
I agree for a lot of people.

But you haven't read Bicknell and her paramour Foxen's other stuff. They are way down the rabbit hole. 1984-level underpants gnome thought-control just around the corner:
  1. Life-saving vaccine
  2. ????
  3. We're all wearing ankle bracelets and bowing to Big Brother on a Diamond Vision

This is all just basic logic. Kristen and Alex are very, very smart. OPEN YOUR EYES!

If al this dangerous disinformation wasn't getting close to the truth, why would Big Tech be censoring it? Huh? Think about that. You're not as smart as them, so it might take you a few extra minutes.

Last edited by suzzer99; 08-28-2021 at 01:10 PM.
08-28-2021 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The real reasons people reject the vaccine is
Stop. Stick to what you know. You do not understand people. If you did, your personal life wouldn’t be an absolute train wreck. You are a freak and a very weird dude.
