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Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist. Bicknell stops beating around the bush and retweets a white supremacist.

08-28-2021 , 12:14 AM
Nah, people really don’t just randomly end up retweeting white nationalists.
08-28-2021 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by ledn
oh no....mindlessly forwarding a video she likes without looking at the source.... liking an Alex Jones video..... does she have NO SHAME!!!

Alex Jones is hilarious. A corn kernel of truth covered in layers of speculation and bs. I feel like the only ones who take him seriously are the ones who hate him. I have never met a single person who cites Alex Jones or Infowars as serious news, and I live in a rural area and have many conservative/antiestablishment friends and family.

Yeah man, it was so hilarious when he spent *years* calling Sandy Hook a hoax and published the addresses of the families of the dead children and his fans repeatedly showed up at their houses and sent them things until they all had to move into gated communities.
****ing hilarious. It really doesn't get much worse than a targeted, year long harassment campaign against the families of dead children. I'm sure if your kid died and you were told they were a paid actor, not actually dead and you had randoms showing up to your door screaming at you that's just a funny joke?

You're a terrible person.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 08-28-2021 at 12:41 AM.
08-28-2021 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Conan776
Not only that, but heavy Twitter users simply don't have the time to do a full biographical work-up of every person or group they go to retweet. People who think otherwise either don't use or understand Twitter, or are pretending they don't understand Twitter and are simply acting in bad faith when they try and make hay about it.
If you're active on Twitter, you know the kind of person you are retweeting every single time. Do you think white nationalists are randomly accidentally tweeting a Barack Obama or AOC post? It's weird how these kind of people never make those "mistakes" but gee golly terrible people somehow seem to always find the accounts of white nationalists, insurrectionists and other nut jobs in their feed at will.

Been on Twitter since 09 couldn't imagine tweeting a white supremacist. These people aren't exactly subtle.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 08-28-2021 at 12:39 AM.
08-28-2021 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by BucksFan1986

She has also liked a tweet containing an Alex Jones video and frequently likes tweets from whoever this dunce action Ashley is, Lauren Boebert, and everyone's favorite batshit looney tune Anna Khait.

Both Foxen and Bicknell have been on an anti-vax campaign on Twitter sharing links and videos you've come to expect from the alt-right.

It's seeming pretty clear that they are fatphobic, conspiracy theory spewing white supremacists. They've become the drunk, bigoted uncle that everyone uncomfortably laughs at to keep the peace. Maybe it's time for this community to stop looking the other way on it though 🤷. I'd gamble Party Poker felt the same way.
So when did these two idiots become Dr. Birch and Dr. Jones? Maybe Bicknell and Foxen anointed them with medical degrees. Once upon a time I admired these two, but now they are right down there with the Flat-Earthers in my book.
08-28-2021 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by browni3141
I'd be tempted to do it just so people like you wouldn't want anything to do with me.

Guilt by association is a ridiculous concept, and that's essentially what you're arguing for.
If you lie down with dogs, you will get fleas.
08-28-2021 , 01:29 AM
I’ve enjoyed greatly how this virus has surprised the science community at every turn. No one has any clue what is happening

But but the vaccine is safe. The government said so. Government just showed their competence last week pulling out of Afghanistan.
08-28-2021 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Registrationtoo
I’ve enjoyed greatly how this virus has surprised the science community at every turn. No one has any clue what is happening

But but the vaccine is safe. The government said so. Government just showed their competence last week pulling out of Afghanistan.
the vaccine is monumentally +EV and that is undeniable.
08-28-2021 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
the vaccine is monumentally +EV and that is undeniable.
Said doctors and scientists about Thalidomide in the 1950s.

(Fwiw I’m fully vaxxed since April and am not an anti-vaxxer)
08-28-2021 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Said doctors and scientists about Thalidomide in the 1950s.

(Fwiw I’m fully vaxxed since April and am not an anti-vaxxer)
The FDA didn't approve Thalidomide and only 17 people were born with birth defects from it in the US, all as a result of trials as far as I know. So the system worked the way it was supposed to and kept an unsafe drug from coming to market.

Other countries didn't do as good of a job, then changed their approval systems, presumably as a result of this failure.

As far as I know, every country that's been able to buy mRNA vaccines has approved them in some form or fashion, and they represent a variety of advanced economies, western democracies, etc, that can be expected to have strong drug approval agencies.

They're safe.
08-28-2021 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Registrationtoo
I’ve enjoyed greatly how this virus has surprised the science community at every turn. No one has any clue what is happening

But but the vaccine is safe. The government said so. Government just showed their competence last week pulling out of Afghanistan.
The vast majority of doctors and scientists all say the vaccine is safe. If you're fully vaccinated and get a breakthrough case of covid you literally have less than a 1% chance of ending up in the hospital for a severe case.

Oh but we should listen to quacks like you right? Along with idiots like Foxen and Bicknell and all the other conspiracy theorists out there with no medical training at all. I see. You and all the anti-vaxxers all deserve each other. I bet you get a hard on too while you watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News right? Of course you do. Doctors and scientists are wrong but you know more with absolutely zero medical training. Gotcha.
08-28-2021 , 02:30 AM
Anti-vaxxers come across as complete narcissists. Kristen and Alex included. They think research consists of watching YouTube videos shared by morons, listening to Joe Rogan podcasts, and reading white papers by nobody doctors (who profit through their contrarianism—conservatives are the easiest grift).

The fact that she’d share a video from a white nationalist is actually important. It shows how little she looks into the things she sees or reads. No due diligence. Dipshits, the two of them.

For some lols check out the Herman Cain Award. I don’t know whether to laugh at or feel sorry for some of these morons.
08-28-2021 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Registrationtoo
I’ve enjoyed greatly how this virus has surprised the science community at every turn. No one has any clue what is happening

But but the vaccine is safe. The government said so. Government just showed their competence last week pulling out of Afghanistan.
The government said so apropos of nothing, right? Like there weren’t clinical trials and decades worth of research on the vaccine. There haven’t been hundreds of millions of vaccine doses without issues, right? And yeah they’re covering up any problems which is why they pulled the J&J vaccine after the slightest whisper of a problem?

Of course the goalposts are going to be forever moved. Either that or you’ll respond with a gish gallop. Either that or you’ll just ignore this and keep going around under the illusion that “the government” is the only thing telling you the vaccine is safe.
08-28-2021 , 03:47 AM
It's truly hilarious how many right wing grifters like Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, that bald secret service moron and so many others have been selling "brain pills" and supplements at huge markup forever now all their moronic fans are like "we can't put something into our body without knowing what's in it and billions of clinical trials!"
08-28-2021 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
The government said so apropos of nothing, right? Like there weren’t clinical trials and decades worth of research on the vaccine. There haven’t been hundreds of millions of vaccine doses without issues, right? And yeah they’re covering up any problems which is why they pulled the J&J vaccine after the slightest whisper of a problem?

Of course the goalposts are going to be forever moved. Either that or you’ll respond with a gish gallop. Either that or you’ll just ignore this and keep going around under the illusion that “the government” is the only thing telling you the vaccine is safe.
Either you are young and smart, or old and stupid to defend this sort of stuff this vehemently.

(That said, of course I am vaccinated, so I'm not at the other extreme)
08-28-2021 , 05:39 AM
Scrolling through the foam and rage of this thread, that has been produced what I assume is people with at least a bit of analytical minds, it is horryfying to think what it is like to live in USA nowadays.

You guys used to be the country of freedom of speech, right? Having a public discussion and different opinions about vaccines and vaccine passports is completely fine, it is the healthy way.

The cancellation culture is like the angry mob in medival times who loved to watch executions. You guys must have alot hate inside you and that is understandable, these are stressful times. We all have this energy piling up sometimes. But it is your responsibility how you release it. Taking part of cancelling someone is shameful and small.

Bicknell seems like a sweet girl based on all the tv appearances I have seen her on. She has right to her opinions. Trying to link her to white supremacist with this evidence is pathetic.

Regarding Alex Jones, everybody should understand that this guy is a comedy genius but on top of that he has insane memory and ability to combine different pieces of information and has been right about a bunch of stuff. He exposed Epstein ten years ago. But of course he needs to be cancelled also because his views donÂ’t match with establishment press that is all bought by big money.
08-28-2021 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
So weird how the venn diagrams of these anti-vaxxers and racist white nationalists overlap so much. Can't figure it out.
I can figure it out because I have a brain. The real venn diagram is just people who don't trust the government also dont trust the vaccine. Black people and white nationalists are both in that group. Has nothing to do with racism.

Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
Scrolling through the foam and rage of this thread, that has been produced what I assume is people with at least a bit of analytical minds, it is horryfying to think what it is like to live in USA nowadays.

You guys used to be the country of freedom of speech, right? Having a public discussion and different opinions about vaccines and vaccine passports is completely fine, it is the healthy way.

The cancellation culture is like the angry mob in medival times who loved to watch executions. You guys must have alot hate inside you and that is understandable, these are stressful times. We all have this energy piling up sometimes. But it is your responsibility how you release it. Taking part of cancelling someone is shameful and small.

Bicknell seems like a sweet girl based on all the tv appearances I have seen her on. She has right to her opinions. Trying to link her to white supremacist with this evidence is pathetic.

Regarding Alex Jones, everybody should understand that this guy is a comedy genius but on top of that he has insane memory and ability to combine different pieces of information and has been right about a bunch of stuff. He exposed Epstein ten years ago. But of course he needs to be cancelled also because his views donÂ’t match with establishment press that is all bought by big money.
+1. Cancel culture is dumb. And Alex Jones is very entertaining. He's probably schizo adjacent or something but he's also right about a lot of things. Anyone wanting to cancel Alex Jones probably has no idea what the second gulf of tonkin incident was or what operation northwoods was. Bunch of idiots.

I'm all for a diverse ethnic background, but I don't like anyone shitting on the USA. But I wouldn't want to cancel those idiots either, they're entitled to their ignorant opinion and allowed to express it.

08-28-2021 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
Scrolling through the foam and rage of this thread, that has been produced what I assume is people with at least a bit of analytical minds, it is horryfying to think what it is like to live in USA nowadays.

You guys used to be the country of freedom of speech, right? Having a public discussion and different opinions about vaccines and vaccine passports is completely fine, it is the healthy way.

The cancellation culture is like the angry mob in medival times who loved to watch executions. You guys must have alot hate inside you and that is understandable, these are stressful times. We all have this energy piling up sometimes. But it is your responsibility how you release it. Taking part of cancelling someone is shameful and small.

Bicknell seems like a sweet girl based on all the tv appearances I have seen her on. She has right to her opinions. Trying to link her to white supremacist with this evidence is pathetic.

Regarding Alex Jones, everybody should understand that this guy is a comedy genius but on top of that he has insane memory and ability to combine different pieces of information and has been right about a bunch of stuff. He exposed Epstein ten years ago. But of course he needs to be cancelled also because his views donÂ’t match with establishment press that is all bought by big money.
What is your definition of freedom of speech? Publicly saying whatever you want without any consequences or backlash?

If you choose to share your opinion on a platform like twitter you are literally asking for a discussion. People have every right to disagree with you and call you out for your bullshit especially if you spread lies and misinformation.

And about being canceled. Being canceled as a public figure usually just means no company wants to be assosiated with you.

And yeah it must be so horrifying to live in the USA these days. For example words cant even begin to describe the sheer terror of being an anti-vaxxer that just wants to share his truth on twitter and people have the audacity to call you out for it. I get the shivers. [Not claiming she is an anti-vaxxer]. Just a general example.
08-28-2021 , 08:02 AM
Free speech!


How dare you say something about retweeting a white supremacist!
08-28-2021 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca

Bicknell seems like a sweet girl based on all the tv appearances I have seen her on. She has right to her opinions. Trying to link her to white supremacist with this evidence is pathetic.
She linked herself to a white nationalist, not anyone here. It looks like she admitted that mistake and change that twitter post so case has been closed on that.

As far as the vaccine debate she is entitled to her own opinion and needs to do what she feels is best for her.

One pattern I have seen though is generally the people that support vaccinations tend to site data and people within the scientific community where the anti vaxxers tend to rely on more fringe science, non science , or conspiracy theorists.

Their argument seems to be that the scientific community as a whole is just wrong or in collusion with invisible forces trying to control or harm society. If that's what someone believes then I have nothing for them other than a 30% off coupon for Alex Jones latest miracle drug.

In related news... I never knew much about Bricknell but someone above said she was the best female player so looked at her hendon mob which is pretty impressive. If I were her, I would focus more on monetizing that in less on discussing the vaccine. Looks like it already cost her a sponsorship.
08-28-2021 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Foxen
This stupid thread needs to be shut down asap. I'm not going to allow trolls to continue to insult Kristin. You people are f'n jokes.
They're just jealous haters with no lives. Kristen is very smart and knows a lot more than these dudes.
08-28-2021 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by poker_max
They're just jealous haters with no lives. Kristen is very smart and knows a lot more than these dudes.
Right of course she does. She knows more about this vaccine than all the world's best medical professionals amd scientists. She is that smart. No no wait, she is super super duper smart. She is a genius. She puts Einstein to shame. Even though she has absolutely zero medical or science training she knows more than all the doctors and she is able to dispute all the data. Yes she is absolutely amazing.
08-28-2021 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If you're active on Twitter, you know the kind of person you are retweeting every single time. Do you think white nationalists are randomly accidentally tweeting a Barack Obama or AOC post? It's weird how these kind of people never make those "mistakes" but gee golly terrible people somehow seem to always find the accounts of white nationalists, insurrectionists and other nut jobs in their feed at will.

Been on Twitter since 09 couldn't imagine tweeting a white supremacist. These people aren't exactly subtle.
this x1 million. lol at Conan776's take.

feigning ignorance about a retweet's origin in 2021 doesn't cut it. Twitter is the modern day 'town square'. you are responsible for the content you disseminate and the people you elevate. don't be lazy. take a few seconds and do your due diligence before pressing the post button.

i scoff at the term 'cancel culture'. i submit 'consequence culture' as more apropos going forward.
08-28-2021 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
the vaccine is monumentally +EV and that is undeniable.
I agree. It probably is safe. But being a fit healthy 35 year old - I have seen our government lie and deceive and worry about the ramifications later. I have seen even more appalling before from the pharma industry.

I have so much distrust in our institutions that I’d rather take my chances fighting off Covid. I have seen these things with my own eyes. I may die from it. But we will all die.

I’ve also enjoyed how my uncle was dying from ALS he couldn’t try drugs that had decades of research because they weren’t approved yet by the FDA.

All of a sudden we have drugs being approved at the snap of a finger.

Now - for you - go eat a cheeseburger and I assure you - you can’t post a picture where you have a BMI in a healthy range. You are a hypocrite and nothing more. You are not morally superior
08-28-2021 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by BucksFan1986

It's seeming pretty clear that they are fatphobic, y.


Ya, like anyone is scared of fat people.
You ruin your point when you include this.

Trying to defend being fat is pretty much next to defending chronic drug use. Neither one is healthy and both lead you to an early death.
08-28-2021 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Manner Please
There’s no power to be grabbed by preventing evictions. .
Tell that to the millions of Americans who have one or two rental properties trying to pay the property taxes and mortgages on those properties yet have not been paid for well over a year

They might argue with you that their is some power being grabbed by them by letting the renters live for free

I sympathize with those renters prior to maybe 6 months ago, but right now there are literally millions of job openings across the country, so what's with the "I get to live for free in perpetuity" at this point
