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Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?)

09-05-2011 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
I think a more fitting word would be - 'incriminating'
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
something tells me noah doesnt like me
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:38 AM
wow, Daliman, this is one of the lamest and nerdiest things i have ever heard. get a grip and a life sir.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
RangeyMct single handled makes everybody more afraid to cheat and be shady for fear of being pwned in every thread??
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:15 AM
Ugh I'm lost. Can someone please summarize wtf is going on? I don't really want to read the blogs etc...
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by BLUFFDEEZ503
RangeyMct single handled makes everybody more afraid to cheat and be shady for fear of being pwned in every thread??
lmao, I can see it now:

totibani: YOU WANT
totibani: ?
HERO: a team?
totibani: YES
totibani: YOU AND ME
totibani: AND TAKE MANEY
totibani: THE F DO
totibani: ALL THE TIME
HERO: you mean we superuse them?
totibani: YES
totibani: BUT ON TEABLE
HERO: but... RangeyMctriplmerge might make the occasional subtle sarcastic dig questioning our integrity
totibani: PLEAY SOLID
totibani: THE F DO
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
That is a very good point...
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
nh wp
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The original comments from jungleman in the thread from last year are hilarous. Much of what he said was almost a carbon copy of what the girah critics were saying.

I also find it interesting that he went to quite a bit of time and effort here to express skepticism about Grundy's results without any direct involvement in the issue, and yet he says he never went to any effort whatsoever to check if Jose's results were real - considering he ended up staking Jose, this strikes me as interesting. One might even use the word fascinating.
You pretty much pwn any conversation involving this.

I tried to get people to accept "show the bulge" as a new meme, but alas, no luck as of yet.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:12 AM
Here is what Ben Grundy says in his blog:

Also, another thread has come up on 2+2, with some people challenging the validity of my lifetime results at PLO. Its just become boring now so i've issued the following bet.

Terms of the bet if anyone wants it:

- If i can't prove beyond doubt that i've won at least $5,000,000 I'll pay out $60,000

- If i can prove beyond dount that i've won at least $5,000,000 I win only $30,000

To motivate me to get closer to the $8 million in winnings, i'd like a bonus of $20,000 for each addition million proved.

So if i prove $5,100,000 for example i win $30,000. I win $50,000 if i prove between $6,000,000 and $7,000,000 etc
Seems hard how he can prove his winnings beyond doubt. Providing complete hand histories might do it, as this would be hard to fake convincingly, and any judge could cross reference the hands with the hand histories of players he played against. Deleting whole sessions could be problematic for the same reason. But he could simply not include the accounts where he has lost significantly on, and nobody would know.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:27 AM
Should be pretty easy for each poker site to work out and verify what a players net profit is, just do this for the main sites that he plays on. Easy
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by AKingdom
Ugh I'm lost. Can someone please summarize wtf is going on? I don't really want to read the blogs etc...
As far as I can tell there was a graph a while ago showing Ben Grundy making something ridic like $7mil in like 500k hands or something. It's been debated on 2p2 for a while whether it's real or not, and Grundy just released a blog for the doubters (where he just offered to bet he's made 5mil+). The rest with Daliman I dunno, I think I was part of the convo a while ago but cbf to look back.

BTW Daliman, I think slowhabit is referring to the fact that Ivey seemingly always stops playing when he loses a few buyins (online) so it would appear he does have a stoploss. Sauce said that in his static interview too. Might change against a fish obv.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Invertible
Should be pretty easy for each poker site to work out and verify what a players net profit is, just do this for the main sites that he plays on. Easy
But he can release the details of, for example, only the usernames under which he has won $5m total and not all his other usernames, where he has lost $4.9m. And for all we know, some of the sites he used to play on don't even exist any more.

Someone can take the bet, and then regardless of the evidence he provides, say it is not "beyond doubt". It is ridiculous for him to offer this bet since to my mind, he can't win it - the way it is worded, the onus is on him to prove beyond doubt that he has $5m in PLO. I struggle to see how he can do this, so I suspect the offer of the bet is not genuine.

Jungleman should take him up on it - this seems to be a freeroll at worst.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:30 PM
"beyond doubt" clause is stupid as doubt is a manner of perspective and opinion, then you have the whole issue with nvg now being an angry mob from hundreds of years ago on a witchhunt.

He should just try to prove it to noah, jalex etc or any other respected members and/or mods.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:48 PM
I don't think he really needs to prove anything but is prepared to attempt to if he gets paid enough which seems reasonable enough.
He doesn't come across as a bull****ter at all - if anything he seems quite humble.
He's been a PLO super sicko since long before most people had heard of the game
and was way ahead of the curve - has also posted about how much he's done in tilting at holdem years ago. I've read his sporadic blogging for years and this cynic believes him 100%.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:05 PM
^^^ That
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
wow, Daliman, this is one of the lamest and nerdiest things i have ever heard. get a grip and a life sir.
Other than the fact that this new thread almost completely removes the context of how I came to make the statements above, I still feel confident in saying you're a moran and my life is quite full. But hey, at least you forgot to say how sorry you are for my kids.

Guessing there is a high% chance this is you, btw.

Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:23 PM
daliman, how old are you?
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:41 PM
14,600 posts old and bi winning
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by BKiCe
daliman, how old are you?
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:16 PM
I definitely like Ivey's side of this gambling quiz.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
I definitely like Ivey's side of this gambling quiz.
If you can find him
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
I definitely like Ivey's side of this gambling quiz.
Me too..! I don't know the context but asking Phil Ivey that jacks question is embarrassing.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
09-05-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Enervate
lol, as the timeless bill walton would say, i am appalled.
Ben Grundy looking for a stake revisited (Daliman v Ivey in gambling knowledge prop bet?) Quote
