Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Never even occured to me. Pvtworld you're a dealer in big games.
This would actually make the most sense (if the majority of the gossip is true).
It would be hard for a single player to have such specific dirt on so many different other players, seemingly with no regards for player subgroups (who hangs with who).
For a dealer hearing all the conversations at the tables he deals and probably sharing similar stories with other HS dealers, however...
Would also make sense that he writes like someone who dropped out of school in 6th grade and doesn't even know how famous players' names are spelled (Sean instead of Shaun, Patrick instead of Patrik, etc...).
Brunson also makes sense in terms of douchebaggery, but I get the feeling he'd be more discrete than that and would express himself at least slightly better (unless the ******ed spelling/expression is a ploy, but unlikely).
Last edited by Land Of The Free?; 02-26-2016 at 09:50 PM.