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Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt

10-21-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
well, may be i´m the only one thinkinking that noah has crossed red lines for several times. i´m thankfull for all the work he does, especially in the ftp case, but on the other side of that medal it felt many times to me he is on kind of a private crusade.

publishing the account details of benyamine, ivey and now antonius are things which are way out of line. So far i haven´t seen any proof that PA was part of FTP management. How much money he had in his account and what infos are published about that should be the decision of PA and not of noah. So who is next on the list of red pros and team ftp players? who is the next one to say something which pisses off noah so he can go on crusade again?

as thankfull i am about noahs work as scared i am about the way he treats others. this story is about dishonesty and disrespect.

the point that noah told the truth about the balance of PA doesn´t count to me. a huge part of the story is how you present the story and obviously even as the facts are right noah presents the story in a subjective and emotional way telling a second story by letting out important information. he is painting a picture which could be true but mostly isn´t even close to reality.

this has nothing to do with serious investigative journalism anymore. this has become boulevard and even lower.

would be cool if he would stick to obejective and serious journalism. the way he goes actually causes damage to the community and poker in general as he is feeding the ones who paint a bad picture of poker in public for personal reasons only.

to me nowerdays things are loking in a different light. i have doubts not even in noahs credibility, i have the same doubts about his sources. he never explained his sources, which is understandabel, but when not knowing the source of information you have to trust in the integrity of the person publishing the news. we have no insight what kind of information noah gets from his sources and also we have no insight how noah prpares it for publishing. we know about the things he publish but what about the things he doesn´t publish? what about the integrity of his source?

the whole thing about noah and subjectoker was border lined for a long time now and i think he has finally passed the border to the bad side of it.

i don´t feel like noah is a trustworthy person anymore and i don´t feel someone on a personal crusade should be moderator but that´s only me.

who is the next one to say something which pisses off noah so he can go on crusade again?

just my two cents. feel free to disagree and flame away...
It seems pretty clear to me that Noah was unaware that FTP was blocking even their superstars from making withdrawals after BF.

I think Noah had good reason to believe that if PA had x in his account on BF, and almost nothing in his account by June, PA was able to withdraw x and therefore FOS acting like a victim.

As it turns out apparently FTP was just more scummy than even our un-caped crusader realized, screwing not just us regular schmucks but even the faces of the brand.

The story shouldn't be about Noah or PA, let them settle that with each other, discussing it here just takes focus off the real villains.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by jlost[88]
who knows he can be bsing about the 5M too.

The only thing out of his mouth that I believe is that he had 100 bucks left in his account which means he either lent it to others by transfers (which are liabilities that he can collect or now) or used his inside information to pull it all out before the ****e hit the fan. He gets no benefit of the doubt.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
well, may be i´m the only one thinkinking that noah has crossed red lines for several times. i´m thankfull for all the work he does, especially in the ftp case, but on the other side of that medal it felt many times to me he is on kind of a private crusade.

publishing the account details of benyamine, ivey and now antonius are things which are way out of line. So far i haven´t seen any proof that PA was part of FTP management. How much money he had in his account and what infos are published about that should be the decision of PA and not of noah. So who is next on the list of red pros and team ftp players? who is the next one to say something which pisses off noah so he can go on crusade again?

as thankfull i am about noahs work as scared i am about the way he treats others. this story is about dishonesty and disrespect.

the point that noah told the truth about the balance of PA doesn´t count to me. a huge part of the story is how you present the story and obviously even as the facts are right noah presents the story in a subjective and emotional way telling a second story by letting out important information. he is painting a picture which could be true but mostly isn´t even close to reality.

this has nothing to do with serious investigative journalism anymore. this has become boulevard and even lower.

would be cool if he would stick to obejective and serious journalism. the way he goes actually causes damage to the community and poker in general as he is feeding the ones who paint a bad picture of poker in public for personal reasons only.

to me nowerdays things are loking in a different light. i have doubts not even in noahs credibility, i have the same doubts about his sources. he never explained his sources, which is understandabel, but when not knowing the source of information you have to trust in the integrity of the person publishing the news. we have no insight what kind of information noah gets from his sources and also we have no insight how noah prpares it for publishing. we know about the things he publish but what about the things he doesn´t publish? what about the integrity of his source?

the whole thing about noah and subjectoker was border lined for a long time now and i think he has finally passed the border to the bad side of it.

i don´t feel like noah is a trustworthy person anymore and i don´t feel someone on a personal crusade should be moderator but that´s only me.

who is the next one to say something which pisses off noah so he can go on crusade again?

just my two cents. feel free to disagree and flame away...
Great post and I think everyone should read this!
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
PA should sue Noah. Being a Mod here as well as working for some other poker company. Why do you talk about PA's bankroll and how much he potentially lost?

PA should do an interview with Noah in a cage.
What would his damages be? The fact that he was made to look scummy by only having 100 bucks in his account (implying that he had inside knowledge to allowed him to protect/transfer/withdraw his balance) when everything was frozen because of the scummy activities of the poker company that he represented. If it walks like a duck ...
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:36 AM
What's so weird about him having $100 in his account ?
He ****ing lives in Monaco and probably plays a ton of super high stakes live cash games and big tournaments and ****s his wife or random chicks and just chills. He was never playing much before Black Friday, mostly because the games were super dead at the stakes he would of liked to play.

There was even an interview with Ihatejuice, and he was saying that PA would play like once every 2 weeks.

I wouldn't be surprised if PA just asked for someone to send a transfer when he wanted to play or whatever, and preferred to keep a lot of his roll for other things like investments and live games rather than having 20% of his net worth stuck online where he plays twice a month.

Also, PA is one of the "older" nosebleed players so he probably has money moving in/out in different directions in his life, unlike the younger pro's who probably have less investments/bills and play a lot more online.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
The story shouldn't be about Noah or PA, let them settle that with each other, discussing it here just takes focus off the real villains.
I sort of agree, except I think the issue of how Noah knew PA's balance is very relevant. Who else's details does he have access to?
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 08:52 AM
How is Noah gaining this information? Seriously? He is some kind of wizard? Is he sucking Howard off? Is he a ninja? Is he psychic? Is he a hacker?

I want answers!
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by justonemoretime
The only thing out of his mouth that I believe is that he had 100 bucks left in his account which means he either lent it to others by transfers (which are liabilities that he can collect or now) or used his inside information to pull it all out before the ****e hit the fan. He gets no benefit of the doubt.
He is not from the US so why would there be a problem for him withdrawing after BF... You dont need insider infos after BF that FTP has some problems
Many people could cashout out between BF and the complete shutdown of FTP ~1month later
Would be more interesting how some of the US Pros were able to got their money from FTP after BlackFriday happened

Last edited by DieHard; 10-21-2011 at 09:07 AM.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:02 AM
PA as nerve of steel if losing 5 milli doenst tilt him more then that.

It's the first time i'm not ok with how Noah does is business. The Phil Ivey thing was borderline but this is doubtful.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by stormblower
I sort of agree, except I think the issue of how Noah knew PA's balance is very relevant. Who else's details does he have access to?
How Noah got the info is very much irrelevant and something people don't even need to know imo. How he chooses to use it is something he deserves some feedback on. Reporting on how FTP was loaning people millions based on account information you got access to is a quite different than randomly posting someones personal account balance because some interview 'pisses him off'.

For Noah and S:P to be able to keep up the 'News done right' idea I think it should be more than welcome for people to give feedback when something they do/say devalues the otherwise great work they do. The the other thing id worry about from S:P point of view is how likely people are to give them information in the future if it might end up as a part of random forum speculation.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by stormblower
I sort of agree, except I think the issue of how Noah knew PA's balance is very relevant. Who else's details does he have access to?
From reading the Ivey Benyamine article linked in this thread, he asked for and received account info on FTP employees only, and the servers went down before he got all the employee info so we never did get the whole story he was developing.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:15 AM
I don't think Noah was wrong to tell the details of PA's account, but what he did was make it seem as if PA was lying without Noah actuallty knowing wehether PA was lying or not.

PA's story is certainly plausible and if true Noah has hurt PA's reputation by spreading false info. As far as I can tell PA actually never claimed to have a large amount in his account, he only claimed to have a large amount stuck on ftp. This is consistent with the story hes telling now.

I admire Noah and what he and the others at S: P have done, but it seems that he was a little quick to judge here.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Unassigned
Don't understand how anyone can have a gripe with Noah or question how he obtained this info. He is a reporter, he has sources, he obtained the info, and he reported it and he reported it only after Patrik made comments that one could infer he might not be being completely truthful. As a member of team FTP, Patrik shouldn't expect the same right to privacy given the situation as someone who was not affiliated with the company.
this. investigative journalism actually exist... uncovering a great deal of fraud and injustices that occur around the world.

Originally Posted by insyder19
PA should sue Noah. Being a Mod here as well as working for some other poker company. Why do you talk about PA's bankroll and how much he potentially lost?
please be a level.
lol at the sheep that followed.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:46 AM
I applaud Noah for disclosing the truth, it showed pa obviously knew it was about to hit the fan and withdrew his roll. If pa was such a stand up guy he could have let us in on just how bad the situation was.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:48 AM
PA having <$100 in his acct & PA taking a $5mil hit if FTP does not pay out are not mutually exclusive events.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by stormblower
I sort of agree, except I think the issue of how Noah knew PA's balance is very relevant. Who else's details does he have access to?
reporter's sources remain confidential... that's how they continue to receive information from them. Out them and obviously the source is done with that reporter.

this happens every day.

recent, off the top of my head, example:
In a classic case of the Red Sox publicly beating guys as they leave town, it was leaked that Terry Francona was using pain killers during his stay in Boston, and reported by the Globe. This is info ONLY his doctors should have had, along with whoever he authorized release to (Ownership/upper management I assume).

In a local sports talk interview, the hosts were going after Dan Shaughnessy regarding the ethics of his reporting, but more so that of his source. they wanted him to out the source... think he did?
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:53 AM
i was told ivey and antonious account alwys read zero no matter what and maybe durrrr too?
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:01 AM
why would everyone hate on Noah for giving us info?

wtf! FT went the way it did because partly of misinformation/shadyness

We are lucky enough to have someone getting inside info, and you guys want it to stay private?? I don't get it. Enough with the shadiness.

I want everything to be disclosed, including how much PA has in his account; especially if he says that he is the biggest loser with FTP going down (knowing fully well that we would understand it as saying that he got a lot of $ in his account). Enough with the lies/covering the truth/ bending the truth. I say f*** PA or anyone else like him who are still trying to bend the truth. It has gone long enough.

I, for one, would like Noah and/or anybody else with this type of info to give them all to us.

Sure, I would prefer if these info came with sources; but I prefer these info to come out, even if we don't get the sources, than for it to not come out at all.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:10 AM
You idiots criticizing Noah for releasing information are unbelievable.

That's what good reporters do, they dig up facts that aren't available to the general public and REPORT them for the BENEFIT of the public. And they don't burn their sources.

The fact that they were red pros, endorsing and endorsed by the site, paid by the site, and likely could have had inside information makes them FAIR GAME.

Poor PA. Since he was paid/had ownership/etc... he was helping to cash those checks coming from player money. Did he offer to return that money like Durrr has?
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:16 AM
Is Right.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:27 AM
Noah would u like to have ur life exposed here aswell?
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:29 AM
Antonius puts the number he’s owed at more than $5 million.

He says one individual in particular owes him $2.4 million and that player’s ability to pay him back rests entirely on Full Tilt Poker continuing to do business.
lol what a fish ...

I´m actually serious.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:32 AM
It's simple human nature to " hate" someone who gives you info you don't want to hear! Noah understands this as a journalist and can certainly handle it very well. FTP fanboys will be incensed and FTP haters will rejoice, nothing new here!
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by myNameIsInga
I don't think Noah was wrong to tell the details of PA's account, but what he did was make it seem as if PA was lying without Noah actuallty knowing wehether PA was lying or not.

PA's story is certainly plausible and if true Noah has hurt PA's reputation by spreading false info. As far as I can tell PA actually never claimed to have a large amount in his account, he only claimed to have a large amount stuck on ftp. This is consistent with the story hes telling now.

I admire Noah and what he and the others at S: P have done, but it seems that he was a little quick to judge here.

There are plenty of solid journalistic reasons to release that info. The insinuation is a little troubling (because PA's story is at least plausible), but the worst part was releasing the information because he was "pissing" him off. Release it because there are good reasons to do so. Don't release it because you're insulted/slighted. Don't let it become a personal vendetta; you inserted yourself into a story that you had no need to be in.

You idiots criticizing Noah for releasing information are unbelievable.
It's not that he released the information. It's more that he released it in a way that compromises the effect because he has muddled the story with unneeded drama.

In all though, it's a relatively minor mistake for someone who has done exceptional work.
Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
10-21-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by jalexand42
You idiots criticizing Noah for releasing information are unbelievable.

That's what good reporters do, they dig up facts that aren't available to the general public and REPORT them for the BENEFIT of the public. And they don't burn their sources.

The fact that they were red pros, endorsing and endorsed by the site, paid by the site, and likely could have had inside information makes them FAIR GAME.

Poor PA. Since he was paid/had ownership/etc... he was helping to cash those checks coming from player money. Did he offer to return that money like Durrr has?
Noah and the other guys at subject poker are doing great work and I agree that its their job to report the facts. That said, Noah made it seem as if PA was lying, when he may in fact have been telling the truth. Presenting the facts the way he did he may have distorted the truth. Im not saying Patrik is telling the truth, Im just saying that there is nothing in what Noah has published that proves PA was lying.

And I agree with you that Antonius and Gus and the others should do what durrrr is doing. They had no right to that money in the first place and they should definately pay it back.

Antonius Says  Million at Risk with Full Tilt Quote
