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Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU

06-04-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tre-fi
In his last match with Lehr he continually asked the floor and Lehr for a 5 minute break. The floor said without both players agreeing to it, they are not able to give a break. Lehr declined.
This went on for most of the match which I initially thought was him just having to take a piss, but once he busted I trailed him as he made his way to the cage. I was aware of what was happening so I was curious to see if he would get paid or not. He never made his way to the bathroom which I thought was weird after begging for a 5 minute break throughout the match.
He was also extremely uncomfortable whenever anyone was behind him, whether it be a reporter, floor, or photographer.
There were also napkins in his sweatshirt pocket which from what i've heard, he was reaching into throughout his matches. Along with the pockets, he was continually running his hands through his hair.
Very intrigued by this and curious to see where it goes from here.
Did he collect his winnings?
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
hahahahah... you have to prove harm was caused

Uhmmm... according to that Czech article, he has been banned from Prague casinos for cheating. Tough to say further allegations of cheating have damaged the reputation of someone who is a confirmed cheater.

Please, stop posting.
Another Wikipedia lawyer. If you are an accomplished player you should be embarrassed to actually ask me to stop posting. If I was licensed in the State of Nevada I would file suit pro bono for the alleged cheater if it was determined that he did not cheat. What if I started a thread stating that Connor Drinan cheats at poker and my supposed evidence is the way he plays his hands, the questions he asks at the table, the way he looks at my cards and the type of glasses he wears. This whole thread is a crock of sh.t. If you have a suspicion of cheating you file that complaint with the WSOP and NGC and let them do there jobs. At this time they have already determined that the cards have not been marked or altered which goes to the crux of the cheating allegation. Moreover the guy kicked Kaverman's butt on the felt while under extreme scrutiny.

As for defamation of character and libel per se I would suggest you go to the Acme School of Law and hang a shingle. You should represent Connor and any other poker pros accusing someone of cheating in a public forum. If there is no evidence of cheating it is a slam dunk case in Nevada and harm is quite easy to prove. You can start with the WSOP freezing his assets. If you do not like the posts then do not respond. I am not going to kiss some idiots butt because everyone else wants to vilify a person without evidence. Now if there is direct evidence I will be the first to say string him up by his balls. But these accusations at this time are not based in fact and have gone way to far without any substantive proof.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:02 PM
dude you are terrible.
your posts are worse.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
It's a 500x375 jpg, what you're seeing are just compression artifacts. CSI isn't real, you can't gain detail by inflating a picture.
The lens is more opaque at the top than at the bottom. The dealer and his hands are reflected by the lens, but the dark circle beneath Coca's eyelid is also transmitted through the lens, and it appears defocused within the circle.

Originally Posted by eobmtns
Semicircle on right side of 'disc' is added to pic.

Last edited by eobmtns; 06-04-2015 at 09:10 PM. Reason: sp
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by RJPoker
Another Wikipedia lawyer. If you are an accomplished player you should be embarrassed to actually ask me to stop posting. If I was licensed in the State of Nevada I would file suit pro bono for the alleged cheater if it was determined that he did not cheat. What if I started a thread stating that Connor Drinan cheats at poker and my supposed evidence is the way he plays his hands, the questions he asks at the table, the way he looks at my cards and the type of glasses he wears. This whole thread is a crock of sh.t. If you have a suspicion of cheating you file that complaint with the WSOP and NGC and let them do there jobs. At this time they have already determined that the cards have not been marked or altered which goes to the crux of the cheating allegation. Moreover the guy kicked Kaverman's butt on the felt while under extreme scrutiny.

As for defamation of character and libel per se I would suggest you go to the Acme School of Law and hang a shingle. You should represent Connor and any other poker pros accusing someone of cheating in a public forum. If there is no evidence of cheating it is a slam dunk case in Nevada and harm is quite easy to prove. You can start with the WSOP freezing his assets. If you do not like the posts then do not respond. I am not going to kiss some idiots butt because everyone else wants to vilify a person without evidence. Now if there is direct evidence I will be the first to say string him up by his balls. But these accusations at this time are not based in fact and have gone way to far without any substantive proof.
Yeah,stop posting.
Don't you remember what you learned about self incrimination in De Vry Law class/podcast?
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:08 PM
RJP, is it defamation to go on here and say your posts suck and you're bad at posting?
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by RJPoker
Did Coca cheat? I have no idea based on the pure supposition in your post. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible. Is there any proof of cheating? There is absolutely no proof at this time that Coca cheated.

Have you accused Coca of cheating? You have definitively accused Coca of cheating in more than 1 heads up match. Now Jack Eiffel and his team at the WSOP will review video from the eye in the sky if available as well as any decks of cards used at the time. Most ,likely the video will be nondescript and the decks of cards lost in the chain of evidence. If that is the situation then the investigation will go nowhere. However, for your sake you better hope that the investigation will bear fruit.

Why should you be concerned? If the WSOP cannot substantiate your cheating allegations then you are subject to civil action for libel. Coca may not have won the $10,000 HU bracelet but you may inevitably be his cash cow. You have branded him a cheat for all casinos running poker tourneys and cash games. If those allegations cannot be substantiated you are definitely at risk in civil litigation. The question becomes have you damaged his ability to partake in poker and in that regard adversely affected his ability to make a living with poker. If so, you would be liable for a major sum of money.

If you were to make those allegations against someone like myself, and if those allegations could not be substantiated, you would be facing a major lawsuit as all of the evidence I need is in this forum thread and on social media. Moreover, you have used your position as a well known poker pro to basically sick the dogs on a fellow player in the public eye.

What should you have done? it is quite simple. If you thought that Coca had cheated you should have privately voiced your concerns to Jack Eiffel and WSOP staff. It would be up to the WSOP and Caesars Entertainment to privately investigate the possibility of cheating. At no time should these allegations have ever found their way onto a thread of this type or social media. For your sake you better hope the allegations can be proven to be true. If not, I am sure numerous attorneys will be knocking on Coca's door with an offer of representation to sue you as allegations of cheating against any poker pro could be financially devastating. Ask yourself one question. What if a fellow poker pro accused you of cheating in your heads up match and posted those accusations in this forum thread and all over social media. What would be the affect on your poker career as well as the perception of you as a poker pro. Good luck.
Follow or fear the message in this idiotic post and the UB/AP scandal never comes to light.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by limon
right now it seems we have some egomaniac "pros" who got owned by some rando euro in a HUSNG and are losing their shyt, ≠ scandal

now this could change in a hurry if the boys in the WSOP crime lab find a deck with the card values marked on the back, THEN well have a scandal!

Yeah you're prob right they just got owned, I don't really see anything definite here.. That being said I want the truth more than anything. All of this is really interesting either way, but moreso if he did cheat. Finding out how he did it would be cool. And I meant all these scandals going on in general, but that might be just because I find these cheating stories more interesting.

Last edited by Cantrell; 06-04-2015 at 09:17 PM.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by BVB Dortmund
I respect him for difference in what he did and what the online wizards do with HUDS
100% agreed. Money is the root of all evil. It's hard to stop this type of crap from happening when you have tools at the sites not only stopping this crap from happening but endorsing it, and justifying it. Why is the rec player dwindling fast? Because they are not protected AT ALL from the minority who have these tools at there disposal and are protected by the pokersite because they make money from it.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:16 PM
there is something next to the dealer that makes that reflections a couple of you want to believe is an added layer/lense. dont underetimate 5 HU players playing 10k tourneys, at least one of them wouldve notice an extra contact lens fixed to the sunglasses, lol.

if there was (im sure) a lens that helped him see some sort of hidden ink - was def. in his eyes and the sunglasses was just to hide his eyes more or less.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:20 PM
or there is a pokerdealer-shaped contact lens glued to the right lense of his sunglasses.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by eobmtns
The lens is more opaque at the top than at the bottom. The dealer and his hands are reflected by the lens, but the dark circle beneath Coca's eyelid is also transmitted through the lens, and it appears defocused within the circle.

Again there is not enough detail to actually, conclusively see anything. You are confusing shadows and reflections that have been distorted by lossy compression and resizing algorithms for actual things (When you blow up a picture in an image editing program, it has to extrapolate the contents of pixels in-between based on surrounding ones. Essentially it is guessing at what's there)

If there really was something visible under those sunglasses it would have been plainly obvious to the guy seated across the table.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by RJPoker
If I was licensed in the State of Nevada I would file suit pro bono for the alleged cheater

Why not just file that puppy right there in Florida? Alleged defamation occurred on a message board on the intertron. No need to mess with getting licensed in Nevada. File away!

Of course that would be really stupid because then your client would have to sit for a deposition and explain all of this under oath. So then he'd be facing perjury charges in addition to whatever charges the NGC drops on his ass. You'd probably get to try your case to a Florida (or if you decide to go through with getting licensed there, Nevada) jury. I'm sure they'd love to hear how your Eastern European client is as pure as the driven snow before pouring him out. Side note: do you think a Nevada jury panel is going to be pro or anti cheaters who bring a bad name to their states number one job source?

All in all, I'd say you've come up with absolute worst legal strategy possible. So you've accomplished that.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by enzet
or there is a pokerdealer-shaped contact lens glued to the right lense of his sunglasses.
this - probably
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:26 PM
Remember guys....innocent until proven guilty...

jk we're in America.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Andyfothershops
Almost as bad as the attorney who thinks the alleged cheater has a reputation to damage, but not quite.
If a person uses your rationale then Phil Ivey should never be allowed to set foot in any US casino let alone play another WSOP event. Phil has admitted to cheating(he calls it using an advantage) when requesting to use specific cards that he knew had a defect which allowed him to have a 6.5 percent edge when playing baccarat. Her already lost a 12 million dollar lawsuit in Great Britain and the Borgota has sued him for 9.7 million dollars. Yes, he used that back of the card defect, which is not cheating according to him, to make almost 10 million dollars in mini baccarat in 17 hours. Ivey has been banned by numerous GB casinos and the Borgata so according to the logic in this thread then he should be banned everywhere. Once a cheat always a cheat from what I read in these posts. Why don't all of these named pros approach Phil at the WSOP and let him know that he is a cheat according to the GB court and the Borgata. The Borgota goes to a phone hearing on July 15th and hopefully Ivey settles as it would be awesome to hear him tell a NJ jury that exploiting a card defect for 10 million is not cheating. Oh, I will keep posting when it comes to people accusing other people of cheating with no proof.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:35 PM
thread is now complete with the ambulance chaser lawyer joining the fray.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:36 PM
In Las Vegas if the person publishing the information believes it to be true then its not a crime. Or if he didn't do so maliciously then the state of Nevada can't prove the crime of libel beyond reasonable doubt.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by RJPoker
If a person uses your rationale then Phil Ivey should never be allowed to set foot in any US casino let alone play another WSOP event. Phil has admitted to cheating(he calls it using an advantage) when requesting to use specific cards that he knew had a defect which allowed him to have a 6.5 percent edge when playing baccarat. Her already lost a 12 million dollar lawsuit in Great Britain and the Borgota has sued him for 9.7 million dollars. Yes, he used that back of the card defect, which is not cheating according to him, to make almost 10 million dollars in mini baccarat in 17 hours. Ivey has been banned by numerous GB casinos and the Borgata so according to the logic in this thread then he should be banned everywhere. Once a cheat always a cheat from what I read in these posts. Why don't all of these named pros approach Phil at the WSOP and let him know that he is a cheat according to the GB court and the Borgata. The Borgota goes to a phone hearing on July 15th and hopefully Ivey settles as it would be awesome to hear him tell a NJ jury that exploiting a card defect for 10 million is not cheating. Oh, I will keep posting when it comes to people accusing other people of cheating with no proof.
Are you real? My post was about defamation law, nothing to do with casino bans.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:43 PM

Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:54 PM
There are many professional poker players in the world. The very best is far, far better than the very worst; yet, they both can call themselves professionals.

The same holds true for lawyers.

Our friend RJPoker may be slotted on a much lower rung than he believes.

Last edited by restorativejustice; 06-04-2015 at 09:59 PM.
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:56 PM
So dumb that this guy thought the absolute best HU players in the world wouldnt instantly be onto him half way through the first match.

Is it just me or is this event in particular the worst possible one to choose to do something like this and possibly get away with it?
Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:59 PM
Another pic of him at the 10k hu. I feel like there is something wrong with him

Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by luckofficial
Another pic of him at the 10k hu. I feel like there is something wrong with him

Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
06-04-2015 , 10:06 PM
Give it a few weeks

Allegations of Cheating in WSOP 10k HU Quote
