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2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop 2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop

07-03-2014 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by PlzCoolerMe
Great reporting sir, is that really a quote then?
How don't you get it?

I don't care about the topic at hand if you're going to use such an amazing and inspirational person's death to try and add credence your opinion on said topic.

gfy, you're a douchebag, I don't care if youre right or wrong about Dan Colman
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by rubbertoe
I don't think Colman matters one way or another for poker. Him doing interviews and promoting after winning a tournament that is out of reach to everyone except like 40 poker players would do nothing to add excitement to the poker community.
So much this. The only people who were sweating the one drop were poker players. I'm sure ESPN will promote it a little and there a few more of the recreational/potential players will see him/the tourny. And ESPN will add their commentary, the online kid who a few years ago was washing dishes, and DNegs the established pro and soon to be greatest money winner of all time, yada yada.

You know what happens at the end?

Gr33n hits the straight on the turn, "it's all over folks!" exclaims the commentator, some streamers or lighting effects appear, the commentator says something about how much he's won and how old he is, shots of the crowd going wild, and the show wraps up.

Giving a 2 minute interview at the end does so little imo in terms of promoting the game, or bringing new players, or whatever. The story has already been written, media outlets have all they need, gr33n silently exiting after his victory doesn't really change anything.

Don't see why some people are getting their knickers in such a knot. Maybe he was rude, maybe not, either way him not wanting to do an interview afterwards or have photos or whatever has been blown so out of proportion it's not funny.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 12:52 AM
It's a shame Dan didn't articulate in a post match interview what he did in this thread.

That could have been an interesting interview for once.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 12:56 AM
He is just a confused 23 year old stuck in an environment in which he has little to no self worth/value outside of it. I can see where he is coming from in loathing poker because outside of the money and being really good at a card game which 99% of people play for fun on the weekend, he hasn't achieved anything slightly significant in his life.

To add to that, he definitely won't be any closer to achieving anything worthwhile or fulfilling in the future unless he quits now. He would have friends his age who are just finishing studying and are starting to gain valuable life experience, forging careers that benefit society and help others achieve their dreams. All whilst he has no useful/employable skills and won't be gaining them any time soon. ffs the least he could have done is used his platform to voice his opinions on the game and raise awareness of the dangers of gambling to the general population. He at least owed that to himself if he truly believes what he wrote and isn't just some snot nosed kid.

Last edited by DontStep; 07-03-2014 at 01:10 AM.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by PlzCoolerMe
Great reporting sir, is that really a quote then?
FWIW Mr.PlzCoolerMe I don't think you've done anything way super out of line just to weigh in on the matter. Idk if that guy attacking you was super close friends with Chad or something. Don't lose sleep over it. It's not like your saying he was a bad guy or something. You haven't done much if anything wrong.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by DrDanimal
FWIW Mr.PlzCoolerMe I don't think you've done anything way super out of line just to weigh in on the matter. Idk if that guy attacking you was super close friends with Chad or something. Don't lose sleep over it. It's not like your saying he was a bad guy or something. You haven't done much if anything wrong.
Nah, he just disagreed with me and was on the losing side of the argument... so it was easier for him just to attack me personally. Thx though
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by PlzCoolerMe
Nah, he just disagreed with me and was on the losing side of the argument... so it was easier for him just to attack me personally. Thx though
It's even simpler than that. One of his trolling schticks is mock mouth-frothing outrage wherever the opportunity presents itself. If he gets someone to respond to him, even negatively, it soothes his loneliness in a sick way.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:15 AM
I don't take Colman's "explanation" at face value. His trash talking history argues against his stated position.

I believe he was motivated by personal security concerns - recall Duhamel getting targeted.

As to Voulgaris and Busquet, they apparently had pieces of Colman.

The point about "promoting" million dollar buyin tournaments is also salient. This game needs an "ambassador" for that?
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Star Wolf 64
No one is required to give a speech at the Oscars either but imagine if someone won then said "I don't owe the academy anything" as they walked off stage
Just FYI George C. Scott declined a 1971 Academy Award for his performance in the movie Patton.

He said that the politics surrounding such awards was "demeaning" and described the Oscar ceremony as "a two-hour meat parade".

Having said this, my initial complete support for Coleman's statements have changed a bit more towards neutrality now that I have read so many other good opinions on the other side of things here on the thread...
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
It's even simpler than that. One of his trolling schticks is mock mouth-frothing outrage wherever the opportunity presents itself. If he gets someone to respond to him, even negatively, it soothes his loneliness in a sick way.
Lol, my favorite was when he quoted me by using something that wasn't my actual quote. And then of course, never actually responding to one of my points. Seems like a real sweet dude.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by DontStep
He is just a confused 23 year old stuck in an environment in which he has little to no self worth/value outside of it. I can see where he is coming from in loathing poker because outside of the money and being really good at a card game which 99% of people play for fun on the weekend, he hasn't achieved anything slightly significant in his life.

To add to that, he definitely won't be any closer to achieving anything worthwhile or fulfilling in the future unless he quits now. He would have friends his age who are just finishing studying and are starting to gain valuable life experience, forging careers that benefit society and help others achieve their dreams. All whilst he has no useful/employable skills and won't be gaining them any time soon. ffs the least he could have done is used his platform to voice his opinions on the game and raise awareness of the dangers of gambling to the general population. He at least owed that to himself if he truly believes what he wrote and isn't just some snot nosed kid.
and you are a blithering idiot who obviously has some serious issues because he has made more money in the past two years than you will make in your entire life. The last time i checked he has the right to decline an interview and owes no one an explanation, and the only mistake he made was posting on here and not telling all of you to kiss his ass.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:26 AM
Seriously lol at going on about how dark and depressing poker is and your way to fix it is not doing an interview? I'm a fan of green, seriously the dude was a dishwasher and now makes millions through nothing but hard work and determination. That's a ****ing success story, that's **** inspires people! That should make mother****ers want to work hard and that's something that's lacking these days. People need to hear this story not the I won a poker tournament part the I ****ing got here through years of hard work and determination part and show them it's possible. Be proud man you got where you are the right way set the example. Poker is dark.... Maybe... Get out there and lighten the mother****er up a little bit with your story!
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by DontStep
He would have friends his age who are just finishing studying and are starting to gain valuable life experience, forging careers that benefit society and help others achieve their dreams. All whilst he has no useful/employable skills and won't be gaining them any time soon.
What society is that, and where do we buy a ticket to get there? Certainly it isn't the society in the USA where most 23 year olds are coming out of college with a worthless degree and 6 figures of debt that will saddle them for the rest of their lives. It isn't in Spain where 23 year old unemployment is 53%. It's seriously ridiculously to see how many ******ed and/or delusional people are posting about how this 23 year old kid is wasting his life making millions of dollars playing poker. How many people do you know that have jobs that both benefit society and help others achieve there dreams, and at the same time make a living, let alone having the economic freedom this kid will have for the rest of his life? Pull your head out of your ass.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Pretty sure a person winning a $1 million buy in poker tournament will not "relate" to the average viewer. The tournament is basically a spectacle, and I doubt the average viewer expects a person who won a $1 million buy in tournament to be humble. Your interview strategy if you won is amusing, especially the part about mentioning online poker and Bet Raise Fold, because extreme niche movies suggested from a dude who paid $1 million to enter a poker tournament will relate to the common man watching ESPN.

Probably a tiny bit better for the game if Daniel won, but he did not.
Was not necessarily talking about the One Drop, and I specifically stated I didn't think this tourney was the best to promote the game. I'm talking about when you get the chance for an ESPN interview or broadcast or any media coverage that could have potentially millions of viewers, specifically in the United States, I am taking that opportunity to not only try to draw players to the game by making it seem as easy and or exciting as possible, but I am going to say I want online poker legalized and regulated in the United States. I believe there will be another poker boom even bigger in the United States if online poker gets legalized and regulated. A first step may be making people aware of the PPA and their efforts and what they can do to help. So the best play is do what you can to get people to get behind that, especially when could potentially get some media coverage. I'm not a quitter and I encourage anyone else who has that opportunity to not quit either for the good of the game.

Last edited by SonOfDonk; 07-03-2014 at 01:49 AM.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by donkey69
An intelligent young man with a conscience. If I won the one drop I probably would do the exact same thing.

Just think about it. You play poker your whole life and win millions of dollars then you die. Have you made this world a better place? Absolutely not.
Because the only way to make the world a better place is through your job.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Izatnice
and you are a blithering idiot who obviously has some serious issues because he has made more money in the past two years than you will make in your entire life. The last time i checked he has the right to decline an interview and owes no one an explanation, and the only mistake he made was posting on here and not telling all of you to kiss his ass.
My thoughts were clearly weighted towards his response not his choice to accept/decline interviews.

His earning capability has no impact on my thoughts lol, i'm happy with the progression of my chosen career and solely focus on taking accountability for my own education/progression.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
What society is that, and where do we buy a ticket to get there? Certainly it isn't the society in the USA where most 23 year olds are coming out of college with a worthless degree and 6 figures of debt that will saddle them for the rest of their lives. It isn't in Spain where 23 year old unemployment is 53%. It's seriously ridiculously to see how many ******ed and/or delusional people are posting about how this 23 year old kid is wasting his life making millions of dollars playing poker. How many people do you know that have jobs that both benefit society and help others achieve there dreams, and at the same time make a living, let alone having the economic freedom this kid will have for the rest of his life? Pull your head out of your ass.
That is a fair response, I guess i'm quite sheltered living in Australia where it is relatively easy to achieve these things.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:42 AM
Maybe DC is socially awkward like 80% of the internet poker wiz-kids and denies interviews so he won't be ridiculed by the internet poker community.

He may find it easier to express himself behind a computer on a poker forum then during a 5 minute interview with espn.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by PlzCoolerMe
Nah, he just disagreed with me and was on the losing side of the argument... so it was easier for him just to attack me personally. Thx though
Says who? I think you were out of line too.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by DontStep
He is just a confused 23 year old stuck in an environment in which he has little to no self worth/value outside of it. I can see where he is coming from in loathing poker because outside of the money and being really good at a card game which 99% of people play for fun on the weekend, he hasn't achieved anything slightly significant in his life.

To add to that, he definitely won't be any closer to achieving anything worthwhile or fulfilling in the future unless he quits now. He would have friends his age who are just finishing studying and are starting to gain valuable life experience, forging careers that benefit society and help others achieve their dreams. All whilst he has no useful/employable skills and won't be gaining them any time soon. ffs the least he could have done is used his platform to voice his opinions on the game and raise awareness of the dangers of gambling to the general population. He at least owed that to himself if he truly believes what he wrote and isn't just some snot nosed kid.
lol love the diatribe he's a multi millionaire, and your talking about him on the internet, hater much.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by fakelogic
EDIT: I challenge anyone to find a significant number of well-known/successful/poker-knowledgeable/non-media people going the opposite way. As I went through all the feeds, I can tell you it won't be easy.
i must have missed the response to this. J_Phil?

Originally Posted by J_Phil
As a matter of principle, in a vacuum, I sort of agree. No one is obligated to give an interview. But you give no consideration to the fact that this is among the biggest and most prestigious events that the industry has to offer, or that it's elevated to the mainstream because of the players it attracts.
which journalism school did you say you graduated from?

Originally Posted by GarthAlgar
Maybe DC is socially awkward like 80% of the internet poker wiz-kids and denies interviews so he won't be ridiculed by the internet poker community.

He may find it easier to express himself behind a computer on a poker forum then during a 5 minute interview with espn.
maybe you're wrong. nope, scratch maybe. you're wrong.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:35 AM
Getting back to the main point, Colman is an unreal player. He and DNegs definitely deserved to be heads up. If Renkenmeier had called Seiver's all-in semi-bluff shove with pocket aces (like he would have in any other tournament) he would deserve to be the hero of the event––but he didn't. If Esfandiari had not risked 70 percent of his stack with A-9 against a shove by Renkenmeier that undoubtedly had him dominated, we would likely be talking about him. If Trickett had not.. well, done a Trickett and imploded, lost his chip mountain, we would be talking about him.

As I wrote when we got to three-handed, Colman was the only one I saw (without seeing hole cards, granted) who really seemed to mix it up and was not afraid to lay it on the line with an undoubted bluff or two when he sensed weakness. Well done, this guy deserves the success he is finding.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:37 AM
The only thing wrong about his comments are the hypocrisy. He loves the challenge of the game, but can't see that others might also, even if they are not as good. Also living a lavish lifestyle with money won from poker is also hypocritical.

He could have skipped the Tournament and donated 10k to charity.

Being free to do what you want is also really important even if it's not beneficial to society. Probably, dan should understand if u take away things people enjoy it hurts the creativity of society.

Also people have always gambled so that will never stop,
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
maybe you're wrong. nope, scratch maybe. you're wrong.
I shouldnt waste my time on a stupid rhetoric response like this.

Do you know how to have a civil conversation without patronizing or being condescending towards people you dont agree with? It makes you sound very childish.

You may be right, its probably about 90% of the online poker wiz' are socially awkward.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Jeedz
You might be right about how dark the game is, but what does that make you when you willingly take part in it at the highest levels in the pursuit of money?

Realising that the game is 'dark' doesn't absolve you of any of your responsibility or guilt or the misery you might have created purely for money. So, while that post might seem deep, it's actually just conceited double-speak.

Oh, and congrats and the win, gj.
This is correct.

LOL at people giving this dude "respect" for trying to have it both ways. Would you respect a crack dealer who tried to tell you that drugs were evil?

This reminds me of that scene in "quiz show" where the guy confesses and everyone praises him for how well spoken he is.

Last edited by Sommerset; 07-03-2014 at 03:18 AM.
2014 <img  Million Buy-In Big One For One Drop Quote
