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2011 WSOP Main Event Final Table thread Nov. 6 and 8 (tl;dr, Spoilers will get you banned!) 2011 WSOP Main Event Final Table thread Nov. 6 and 8 (tl;dr, Spoilers will get you banned!)

11-07-2011 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by ginocan
Peter Eastgate?

Phil Collins?

Same person
11-07-2011 , 11:57 AM
Watching that final table for a few hours was soalcrushing for my ego. The evidence was all right in front of me as to why I suck so bad. Damn they are good players.
11-07-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by TiagoF
I don't understand how people can crucify Lamb for sucking out in the Q8 hand and not talk about O'dea's call which was terrible. He's risking his tournament life and even if he's right the best he gets is like 60-40 or something, not to mention lamb's range that has him crushed. There will be better spots to put the money in. Awful call imo
You are wrong. He called because Lamb's range didn't have him crush. Keep waiting for a better sport, and your stack is going to hand up in front of Lamb and Heinz.
11-07-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by LouB21
I get that too. No idea why.
Yeh I think its the fact that he oozes cockiness. He is a great player but when you look at him he has this smug look about him that is etremely unlikable.
11-07-2011 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by TiagoF
I don't understand how people can crucify Lamb for sucking out in the Q8 hand and not talk about O'dea's call which was terrible. He's risking his tournament life and even if he's right the best he gets is like 60-40 or something, not to mention lamb's range that has him crushed. There will be better spots to put the money in. Awful call imo
how in the world do you think youre gonna get better than a 60-40 spot against players as good as these, with stacks as shallow as these? sure u might wake up and get it in 70/30 luckily....but youd be at 2 million chips by then
11-07-2011 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by peterc1992
Yeh I think its the fact that he oozes cockiness. He is a great player but when you look at him he has this smug look about him that is etremely unlikable.
which combined with his chubby baby face is extremely tilting for many people
11-07-2011 , 12:13 PM
Norman Chad with his "Phil Collins was playing his C- game today. He sucks donkeyballs."
11-07-2011 , 12:22 PM
Hope Phil isn't in the booth tomorrow.

He will spend the whole time talking about how unlucky Giannetti was.
11-07-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
So you hate the established pro player of the year but you do like the fish at the table and think he got knocked out early. Sounds like jealousy to me. Good thing for Benba he doesn't care what you think.
Wrong. I dont mind an established pro. I liked Cada, I was rooting for him and I had a bet on him. He got incredibly lucky, so someone being lucky is not what annoys me. Obviously the eventual winner has been insanely lucky to take it down, no question about it. I was just stating the fact that Lamb has gotten lucky more than once even in the final table. Of course "Benba" doesnt care for some random dudes opinion, why would he? I just told what I think of him, and a few other dudes. He seems arrogant and a douche, and him being there does not make me happy, since I would rather see people there who seem like nice dudes. Everyone has their own favourites and dislikes, no reason to get into fight over these issues. I just dont like the dude, nothing more to it.
11-07-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by TiagoF
I don't understand how people can crucify Lamb for sucking out in the Q8 hand and not talk about O'dea's call which was terrible. He's risking his tournament life and even if he's right the best he gets is like 60-40 or something, not to mention lamb's range that has him crushed. There will be better spots to put the money in. Awful call imo
Nope, Lamb's range does not "crush" A9o. Even if Q8s is the worst hand Ben shoves here is how that range goes against O'Dea's A9o:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 47.551% 44.43% 03.12% 2519801172 176915760.00 { A9o }
Hand 1: 52.449% 49.33% 03.12% 2797518156 176915760.00 { 22+, A3s+, K7s+, Q8s+, J9s+, T9s, A8o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }

And I doubt Q8s is the very worst hand he shoves. So it was not an "awful" call, not even close. Marginal maybe, but I would still say it was on a correct one.
11-07-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by peterc1992
Yeh I think its the fact that he oozes cockiness. He is a great player but when you look at him he has this smug look about him that is etremely unlikable.
Has the same effect on me (He should care)!
Its the smug image + the stare for me, maybe they should market him as the villian.

Prob. a great guy off the table, but his player image grates a bit.
11-07-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
I was in and out and didn't get to see the whole FT yesterday, but from what I saw I have to say that this was awesome coverage and some excellent play for the most part.

I really hope the ratings justify continuing this type of coverage going forward. This is infinitely better than getting a 2 hour, heavily editted POS that we have had in the past. Seeing only the big all in hands provide absolutely no justice to the game. I will be glued to every hand Tuesday night. i only hope it is finished before midnight because workers gotta work and all that and I don't want to be dragging my ass in the office on Wed.
the bolded part +4. I hope a lot of people abroad bought the 2,99€ package for this one. It was awesome! Really hope this type of coverage continues!
11-07-2011 , 12:44 PM
All you Lamb-nuthuggers make me sick...

If it was Bounhara pushing with trash and sucking out constantly you would be all over the place about what a fn fish and luckbox he is, yet everything Benba does has to be genius bc he is such a baller, if anyone critizises his play or his annoying personality that person has to be jealous bc we all want to be spoiled, overweight, arrogant pros like him right?

Fact is: Lamb is a great player, no doubt, but he was really lucky to reach the final 3.

He was getting outplayed in a lot of spots by Gianetti and Heinz and wasn't able to intimidate them or run them over at any point. Heinz was the clear table-captain for the entire time, a position that should belong to Lamb when he has some chips and position on Heinz, but at no point was Lamb able to establish his dominance like he normally uses to. At times Lamb seemed to be frustrated, exhausted, and not happy with himself at all.

After all I was not that impressed by Ben Lambs performance, I expected that there would be a significant skill-difference between him and the rest of the table once he gets hold of some chips, but Heinz, Gianetti and O'Dea appeared to be on at least the same skill-level that day.
11-07-2011 , 12:48 PM
how much these guys actually win after the taxes and all that stuff?
11-07-2011 , 01:09 PM
^^all of it if you are not a boorish american
11-07-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by rokas_m
how much these guys actually win after the taxes and all that stuff?
Depends, Eastgate had to pay something along the lines of 75% of his winnings to taxes.(his home country taxed a premium on gambling income) the US is going to with-hold 35% before you leave the cage.
11-07-2011 , 01:16 PM
Just watching this thing in replay n gotta say I hate Lamb aswell this guy is just too much. Holden and Makiievskyi were cool. And obv Heinz is sick too watch. Hope he ships it.
11-07-2011 , 01:33 PM
I don't have any problems with Lamb's plays but I do think he came across like a bit of an idiot. Experienced pros are not supposed to run around celebrating when they suckout, look at Collins' reaction when his QJ beat the AQ. Lamb seemed to lack any sense of humility.
11-07-2011 , 01:33 PM
Where the **** does ben lamb get off, winning money? getting it in bad? not being very tan? this guys iis starting to really rub me the wrong way.

i mean clearly hes not only a terrible poker player but hes also obviously a terrible human being!

we should just not even let him play hes already won enough and is clearly a cocky a-hole.

go benba
11-07-2011 , 01:34 PM
ya how dare anyone celebrate

That would be absolutely taboo in any other sport amirite!
11-07-2011 , 01:37 PM
Haters gonna hate, Lamb doing his thing.

I think Stasko comes out of left field and ships it. He may look like some donk but I really think he's some sort of genius. Only really made that one bad play.

Heinz is gonna end up shipping it and losing it then go on tilt.
11-07-2011 , 01:38 PM
maybe make it like the NFL and fine people 10-20k for celebrating

that would be awsome!
11-07-2011 , 01:38 PM
I think Lamb deserves all the right to celebrate. He made it so close years ago only to lose with AA so he is really excited right now.
11-07-2011 , 01:41 PM
Ben lamb got lucky in 3 hands in over 9 days of consistent good play. I think people are forgetting that he was consistently on the leader board for virtually the entire tournament. He deserved the luck if anything. Statsko did not play ba at all and he should get a little more credit. Heinz got just as lucky as Ben and noone seems to be giving him flack. This is because he played an amazing game as well. They all deserve to be there and althoughgianetti and odea got unlucky this final table is definitely one of the best out of the last few years
11-07-2011 , 01:44 PM
gianetti deserved to lose for taking his girl back...
