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What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination?

09-24-2020 , 04:36 PM
My hot take on NFL protests is that the people who quit being fans over kneeling players are just as touched in the head as the kneelers themselves.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:22 AM
no heat in that take
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
what seems like an idiotic hill to die on is arguing that the name of a random ass golf tournament that affects no one needs to stay the same..

or that you refuse to say "front tees" over "ladies' tees".

again takes 5 seconds not to be a piece of ****.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:39 AM
the fringe elements of society will do their dance, and the patient adults will stoically endure it all
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:53 AM
Changing The Masters has to poll at like 0.00001% but I’m dying on a hill. Lmao
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 06:57 AM
Soo what is wrong with ladies tee’s exactly?
I golf a lot and didn’t know this was a bad thing to say.

I mean they are specifically designed for women to play from. Is the ‘seniors’ tee box bad to say also? Ageist or something?

Should we start calling ladies golf clubs short golf clubs? Women’s basketballs small basketballs? Etc.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
obviously somethings can't be changed because the system is too dependent on them, like freeways. which absolutely are racist, look at where freeways are built, they certainly dont normally run over or through the "nice" parts of town, in fact most of them give wide berths to upper class areas...

but individual change is easy, and should be done. being resistant to that is just showing your true bigotry
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
Changing The Masters has to poll at like 0.00001% but I’m dying on a hill. Lmao
Well, if it's morally wrong to call your tournament "The Masters", even if only .01% of people think it is morally wrong, then it is still morally wrong.

Morality ought not be determined by popular opinion.

Full Disclosure: I'm fine with keeping the name Masters. I'm also fine with the sponsors of the tournament changing the name so as to not offend people.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Even if you don't think there is a racist motivation behind where they are built, you must admit that they tend to be built over poor neighborhoods if only because the government is not interested in paying for high dollar real estate.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
the fringe elements of society will do their dance, and the patient adults will stoically endure it all
bro, you drop in here to melt down on a daily basis bc people have the audacity to ask for basic human rights.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
the fringe elements of society will do their dance, and the patient adults will stoically endure it all
That hot new idea a ~100yrs ago turns into hey that's how we've 'always' done it soon enough
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Well, if it's morally wrong to call your tournament "The Masters", even if only .01% of people think it is morally wrong, then it is still morally wrong.

Morality ought not be determined by popular opinion.

Full Disclosure: I'm fine with keeping the name Masters. I'm also fine with the sponsors of the tournament changing the name so as to not offend people.
I don’t disagree with anything you said.

The phrase “dying on a hill” suggests arguing an unpopular position ad nauseam. Changing The Masters’ name is decidedly unpopular.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
the city/citizens of Tulsa, Oklahoma burned down the thriving african american area, murdered over a hundred people, and then built freeways on the land they ravaged.

but yeah go off over how the freeway system doesn't have a racist history..
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 01:23 PM
I mean generally they were built over or between poor areas and wealthy areas to either act as a demolisher or a barrier with people pushing them even harder to cut through minority areas. In Dallas you can pretty guess where the ethnic neighborhoods were in Old Dallas, by where the huge highway interchanges are.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 01:35 PM
The media loves to focus on the easy villains who get busted on cell phone videos acting like racists. But some scholars and activists say good White people -- the progressive folks in Blue states, the kind who would have voted for Obama a third time if they could -- are some of the most tenacious supporters of systemic racism.
Many are such dangerous opponents of racial progress because their targets can't see their racism coming -- and often, neither can they. Scholars say these people are often motived by unconscious racism they are loathe to admit and disguise their racial hostility with innocuous-sounding terms like "neighborhood schools" and "property values."
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a nonprofit think tank, published a report this year that concludes that 60 years after the Supreme Court declared "separate but equal" schools unconstitutional, American schools "remain heavily segregated by race and ethnicity."
It said that less than 13% of White students attend a school where a majority of students are Black, while nearly 70% of Black children attend such schools.
It would be shoddy history to attribute all this failure to White Southerners. Resistance to busing in places like Boston in the early 1970s was just as vicious as in the South. But Northern opponents of school integration used terms like "forced busing" to disguise their racial hostility.
Protests over integrating schools is not new. In 1965 members of a parents' association picketed outside the Board of Education in Brooklyn, New York, against a proposal to integrate public schools.
Protests over integrating schools is not new. In 1965 members of a parents' association picketed outside the Board of Education in Brooklyn, New York, against a proposal to integrate public schools.
"By and large they would say they weren't racists, and they're not like the racists in the South, and that they were in fact liberal and voted for Democrats," Delmont says. "But when it came to their own backyard, they had a different perspective."
These high levels of school segregation remain despite evidence that integration benefited both Whites and Blacks at the height of school desegregation from 1964 to 1980. High school graduation rates and test scores for Black students improved significantly during that era, but integration also reduced racial prejudice among Whites.
There's also a long tradition of White resistance to racially integrated housing. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said some of the most hate-filled people he encountered were White residents in Chicago who resisted an open housing campaign he led in 1966. During one march, King was hit on the head with a rock. It's one of the few times he showed fear on camera.
Both cited two "astonishing facts" about housing segregation:
"Middle-class Blacks live in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates than low-income Whites; and African American households headed by an individual with a bachelor's degree have less wealth, on average, than White households headed by an individual who lacks a high school degree."

So how does housing segregation persist decades after such laws as the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which outlawed the renting, buying and financing of homes based on race, religion, national origin or gender?

Two words: zoning laws.

Political leaders can still prevent Black and brown people from moving into Whiter, more affluent communities by using exclusionary zoning laws that prevent the building of low-income housing or apartments, scholars and activists say.

This high degree of residential segregation is not restricted to red states. Some of the most racially segregated housing is in progressive cities like Chicago.
This clash between a White homeowner's politics and the zoning laws that make their racial isolation possible can lead to some odd visuals, says Omar Wasow, an assistant professor of politics at Princeton University. Wasow says housing policy is "ground zero" for racial equality because it shapes access to good schools and jobs, as well as the ability to build wealth.

"There are people in the town of Princeton who will have a Black Lives Matter sign on their front lawn and a sign saying 'We love our Muslim neighbors,' but oppose changing zoning policies that say you have to have an acre and a half per house," he says.
"That means, 'We love our Muslim neighbors, as long as they're millionaires.'"
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 04:44 PM
I don't have any high content comment on that article but this statistic is so bad that I wanted to point it out:

It said that less than 13% of White students attend a school where a majority of students are Black, while nearly 70% of Black children attend such schools.
So they're saying that most white children attend majority white schools and most black children attend majority black schools. Colour me shocked.

I can certainly believe that there are major issues with segregation in the school (and housing) system but that statistic is so utterly useless that it put me off the whole article.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 06:59 PM
nOnProFit tHInk TAnK

Good old begging the question
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
what seems like an idiotic hill to die on is arguing that the name of a random ass golf tournament that affects no one needs to stay the same..

or that you refuse to say "front tees" over "ladies' tees".

again takes 5 seconds not to be a piece of ****.
The Masters is as far from a random ass tournament that you can possibly get. Also the Augusta illuminati is known to watch what people say on 2+2 (I'm actually being serious, I'm pretty sure it happened one time), so now you can forget about ever being invited to become a member.

Originally Posted by zedsdead
Soo what is wrong with ladies tee’s exactly?
I golf a lot and didn’t know this was a bad thing to say.

I mean they are specifically designed for women to play from. Is the ‘seniors’ tee box bad to say also? Ageist or something?

Should we start calling ladies golf clubs short golf clubs? Women’s basketballs small basketballs? Etc.
The problem with calling them ladies tees is old dudes and beginner guys that should be playing them don't want to. Then they move back to a set of tees they can't handle and it slows down play.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-25-2020 , 11:39 PM
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-26-2020 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
The problem with calling them ladies tees is old dudes and beginner guys that should be playing them don't want to. Then they move back to a set of tees they can't handle and it slows down play.
I thought it was more serious based on some posts like’’you’d have to be a piece of **** to call them ladies tees’

Even still, would calling them front tees actually increase avg round time by a noticeable amount? I highly doubt it.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
