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What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination?

09-23-2020 , 08:03 PM
when can we expect these life graduates?

how many generations before societal transformation is completed?
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:04 PM
you're trying to tell me, bro. show us all how to live

you're the advocate for change here... or better put, this specific change
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
when can we expect these life graduates?

how many generations before societal transformation is completed?
u haven't changed a single thing in your lifetime that you believe it takes generations?

my generation grew up calling things that we didn't like/or didnt go our way "gay".. I unfortunately was a particularly bad offender. i realized i could be better than that and stopped..

didn't take until my grandchildren.. lol wtf
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:07 PM
people are too dumb to be humble. that's the essence of it

this will make me happy! if that happens, I can live out my years in peace!
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:08 PM
too dumb to doubt that they may not have all the answers, and maybe to live simply
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:09 PM
obviously somethings can't be changed because the system is too dependent on them, like freeways. which absolutely are racist, look at where freeways are built, they certainly dont normally run over or through the "nice" parts of town, in fact most of them give wide berths to upper class areas...

but individual change is easy, and should be done. being resistant to that is just showing your true bigotry
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:12 PM
people and cars are ambulatory

rebuild one or the other, I guess
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:13 PM
reimagining the freeways would be less work
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
obviously somethings can't be changed because the system is too dependent on them, like freeways. which absolutely are racist, look at where freeways are built, they certainly dont normally run over or through the "nice" parts of town, in fact most of them give wide berths to upper class areas...

but individual change is easy, and should be done. being resistant to that is just showing your true bigotry
It's just not realistic to expect every individual to adhere to the ever-changing manual on propriety

it's an unreasonable endgame. honestly
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
u haven't changed a single thing in your lifetime that you believe it takes generations?
this is the thing.

when that tatted-up ex-con, ex-druggy is speaking before an audience, there's an implied need for it. he has emerged from that life and is warning others. there can be no mass enlightenment. neither through religion, nor secular alternative.

thinking we can draw conclusions from one individual instance of change in a single person, and extrapolate that to society, is nutty

Last edited by Schlitz mmmm; 09-23-2020 at 09:01 PM.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
im amused that people see tweets like those and dont realize, holy **** a huge part of our culture and society are/were based on racism/biogtry.

instead conservatives rage that people will disapprove of them saying "jewed" when they felt like they were cheated of something..
Should we really change The Masters to The Augusta Challenge, because the former triggers folks?

Seems like an idiotic hill to die on.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
Should we really change The Masters to The Augusta Challenge, because the former triggers folks?

Seems like an idiotic hill to die on.
I feel sorry for chess Grandmasters.

Grand is too close to Grand Wizard.

Master is obviously beyond awful.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I feel sorry for chess Grandmasters.

Grand is too close to Grand Wizard.

Master is obviously beyond awful.
A live youtube feed from the chess channel I watch (agadmator) got taken down while it was in progress, and he thinks it's because the algorithm picked up on something he said like "white is better here" or "white is winning". No joke!
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-23-2020 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
A live youtube feed from the chess channel I watch (agadmator) got taken down while it was in progress, and he thinks it's because the algorithm picked up on something he said like "white is better here" or "white is winning". No joke!
That has happened.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 01:24 AM
Black should have first move imo.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 03:44 AM
It's bad enough when extremists manage to lay claim to words, phrases or symbols. We don't need to hand such things over and say "here you go!".
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
Black should have first move imo.
Black has the first move in checkers. White has the first move in chess. It's all good.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
Should we really change The Masters to The Augusta Challenge, because the former triggers folks?

Seems like an idiotic hill to die on.
what seems like an idiotic hill to die on is arguing that the name of a random ass golf tournament that affects no one needs to stay the same..

or that you refuse to say "front tees" over "ladies' tees".

again takes 5 seconds not to be a piece of ****.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 11:34 AM
The only piece of **** involved in that story is the person who takes offense to something so utterly benign.

The mental energy required to be actually triggered over the phrase "ladies' tees" must leave you totally drained by the end of the day.

I'm picturing you walking down the street and doing a little Hal scream every time you see a billboard or store sign that could be construed as sexist or bigoted in some way. Holy **** dude, you graduated from Law School. Have some goddamned mental fortitude.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The only piece of **** involved in that story is the person who takes offense to something so utterly benign.

The mental energy required to be actually triggered over the phrase "ladies' tees" must leave you totally drained by the end of the day.

I'm picturing you walking down the street and doing a little Hal scream every time you see a billboard or store sign that could be construed as sexist or bigoted in some way. Holy **** dude, you graduated from Law School. Have some goddamned mental fortitude.
Oh look, his slumlordship decided to pop in for his fortnightly rant. You sound mad bro, did you have to deal with a particularly bad cockroach infestation today?
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 11:53 AM
The only pests as of late has been the inexplicable number of tenants who are getting "prescriptions" for emotional support animals in what are otherwise pet-free buildings, and advertised as such.

Because **** your neighbors and their allergies or general disinterest in listening to your yippy animal at all hours of the day, right? You've got a case of the sads and the only cure is something that'll piss all over the floor.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The only pests as of late has been the inexplicable number of tenants who are getting "prescriptions" for emotional support animals in what are otherwise pet-free buildings, and advertised as such.

Because **** your neighbors and their allergies or general disinterest in listening to your yippy animal at all hours of the day, right? You've got a case of the sads and the only cure is something that'll piss all over the floor.
I do like your posts, Inso0. Your histrionic faux outrage always brings a smile to my face. You should post more.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 12:10 PM
Happy to help, now watch this drive.

What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The only piece of **** involved in that story is the person who takes offense to something so utterly benign.
Let's not pretend the conservatives are the champions of freedom of expression they claim to be. There's been a ton of follow our 'rules' of behavior or suffer the consequences over the centuries. There's quite a lot of--do whatever you want--as long as it fits within this tight little set of restrictions. And most of the progress beyond that kind of silliness has happened despite them kicking and screaming the entire time

My mil got disinherited(ton of comm real estate) for getting pregnant out of wedlock @27 in the mid70s. Well, actually her parents forced her to get married then cut her out as a wedding gift Luckily her little sister isn't completely bonkers so they've mostly sorted it out as they aged.
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
09-24-2020 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The only piece of **** involved in that story is the person who takes offense to something so utterly benign.
Originally Posted by wet work
Let's not pretend the conservatives are the champions of freedom of expression they claim to be.
Yeah I'm guessing Inso0 has very different takes on whether former fans who quit the NFL over allowing players to kneel are also "pieces of ****" for getting so offended over the boring sight of players kneeling for 30 seconds on their TV at the start of a game
What should be asked of middle class (white) America to combat systemic discrimination? Quote
