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What is the definition of "woke"? What is the definition of "woke"?

05-24-2023 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Woke is just an odd fixation/glorification of the psychological quirks related to the LGBTQ+IAATr2 movement.

It's undeniably weird, as are many of the most outspoken voices for the people who practice these things, and since these people make up maybe 1% of the overall population, that leaves a very very large majority from which to pull a voice of opposition.

The behaviors and beliefs are analogous to religion, but they've cultivated an image of oppression that leads people otherwise uninvested in their religion to aggressively campaign on their behalf. The reality is that most people don't really care, but we all know there are plenty of people who aren't good at just ignoring things, so it escalates, and escalates again, and suddenly you have people running for President on the platform of making the woke people go away.

Imagine if Target started putting out end cap displays celebrating people who hang their toilet paper roll with the tail at the rear instead of the front. People who do this are obviously weird, and aren't actually hurting anyone else, but if there was some major movement to demand that the rest of society accommodate their odd behavior by mandating that all public bathrooms transition to rear-hang rolls, you'd have a public outcry for sure. If those people made their toilet paper shenanigans into the strongest part of their personal identity and called front-hangers bigots and deplorables just for not agreeing with them, you'd end up in the same place we are today with the woke battle.

We kicked this into high gear with the latest trend of being aggressively trans and foisting these ideals on kids who have absolutely no concept of the consequences. Gender-bending isn't new, but no amount of screeching on twitter is going to normalize it in the eyes of a vast majority of other humans, and raising "theybies" is just straight up child abuse in many of these cases. This sets some people off, and as we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people in the opposing camp so you're going to run into some outlier responses that gain traction.
You’re portraying it as if no one cared how you hang the roll before but it’s actually that since front hangers are the majority they’ve dictated public bathroom roll hanging for a long time and some front hangers are really weirdly invested in how others hang their rolls and do not want to accommodate rear hangers to the point of violence and discrimination. People who don’t otherwise care about how you hang your roll notice that and think you should be able to hang your roll as you like free of abuse. This is only a thing because front hanging zealots have made it one.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
You’re portraying it as if no one cared how you hang the roll before but it’s actually that since front hangers are the majority they’ve dictated public bathroom roll hanging for a long time and some front hangers are really weirdly invested in how others hang their rolls and do not want to accommodate rear hangers to the point of violence and discrimination. People who don’t otherwise care about how you hang your roll notice that and think you should be able to hang your roll as you like free of abuse. This is only a thing because front hanging zealots have made it one.
Are the front hangers the trans in your scenario? The last case of violence was a trans shooting up a school in Nashville. Where are you seeing violence towards trans?
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Imagine if people who hang their toilet paper roll with the tail at the rear instead of the front were discriminated against constantly, subject to laws that they could only hang their toilet paper a certain way and that they weren't allowed to marry other people who hang their toilet paper the same way, then your analogy would make some sense. But because of course that doesn't happen, your analogy is complete and utter bullshit that appears to be attempting to make an important issue into a very unfunny joke.
I crossed out the LGB for a reason. Being basic gay or lesbian isn't enough to qualify you as someone from the woke mob. You can see this in the rhetoric where gays and lesbians are being called out as traitors or not pulling their weight or whatever.

And Trolly thinks it was a joke, but every single one of those designations and them some is used in official literature from that camp of people. If I wanted to joke about it, I'd have made it longer, not shorter than what they use. Queer, transexual, questioning, two-spirit, asexual, intersex, alternative, etc, etc.

It's gone far beyond gay marriage at this point, and that's why you have so much pushback.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
And Trolly thinks it was a joke, but every single one of those designations and them some is used in official literature from that camp of people.
"LGBT" has been standard for like 30+ years, it's hilarious that you guys are perma-butthurt over the simplest ****.

That's where today's Republican Party is at: they've utterly given up on any kind of real-world policy, it's just 100% cruelty toward minority groups. Some deranged bigot has a shrieking fit in a Target and they have to defend this behavior because that's what the party is now.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Are the front hangers the trans in your scenario? The last case of violence was a trans shooting up a school in Nashville. Where are you seeing violence towards trans?
Have trans people dictated public bathroom behavior since forever? You don’t think that people have experienced violence for being transgender?
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Have trans people dictated public bathroom behavior since forever? You don’t think that people have experienced violence for being transgender?
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head that would come close to a trans shooting up a school. If you want to post examples, I would be interested.

I don't really understand the whole bathroom thing. If you are good at being trans, nobody would even notice, right?

I went to a restaurant recently that handled this problem in an easy way. It had multiple stalls with full doors and walls from floor to ceiling. Basically, everyone gets a private bathroom and washes hands together on a long counter with multiple sinks.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
"LGBT" has been standard for like 30+ years
To be fair, the T was added in the late 90s but didn't really get solidified until the late 00s. Moreover, that initial T was for transexual people, no? I'm old enough to have been paying a little attention then, and I'm pretty certain it wasn't a transgender thing. "Chicks with dicks" was a phrase you'd hear thrown around.

So you can rant all you want about butthurt Republicans, and I'll rant right along with you about how much public policy time this is taking up, but don't sit here and pretend like the goalposts haven't been moved significantly in recent years.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head that would come close to a trans shooting up a school. If you want to post examples, I would be interested.

I don't really understand the whole bathroom thing. If you are good at being trans, nobody would even notice, right?

I went to a restaurant recently that handled this problem in an easy way. It had multiple stalls with full doors and walls from floor to ceiling. Basically, everyone gets a private bathroom and washes hands together on a long counter with multiple sinks.
AFAIK that is the first instance of a trans person doing a mass shooting. That could be compared with every other mass shooting in the history of the country, which were done by cis people. While the trans are a very small minority, I would still figure that they are underrepresented in the population of mass shooters, so that a trans person is less likely to commit a mass shooting than a cis person. Also, while I don't know of any mass shootings of trans people, possibly because there aren't many mass gatherings of trans people, there have definitely been mass shootings targeting LGBT people in general. Just a few years ago was the high-profile attack on a gay bar in Orlando which killed about 50 people and injured about 50 more. I imagine at least some of those people were trans.

I think the bathroom issue is mainly at schools, where young people have recently come out as trans / starting dressing as the opposite sex, so most people at the school already have known them as their sex at birth. People aren't going to stop recognizing you just because you start dressing differently one day, and even hormonal treatments that change appearance are not close to immediate.

I do think the kind of restrooms you mention are nice and probably will eventually be the standard. Really the only negative about them is that they lose the efficiency and saved space of having urinals so could lead to longer lines.

Last edited by chillrob; 05-24-2023 at 04:20 PM.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
To be fair, the T was added in the late 90s but didn't really get solidified until the late 00s. Moreover, that initial T was for transexual people, no? I'm old enough to have been paying a little attention then, and I'm pretty certain it wasn't a transgender thing. "Chicks with dicks" was a phrase you'd hear thrown around.

So you can rant all you want about butthurt Republicans, and I'll rant right along with you about how much public policy time this is taking up, but don't sit here and pretend like the goalposts haven't been moved significantly in recent years.
Transgender is just the newer name for what used to be called Transexual AFAIK; I have never heard of different definitions for the two.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:20 PM
I always thought transexual was for people who went under the knife, or were born with both and made a choice for puberty. Maybe it's a distinction without meaning nowadays, but for the sake of the argument, it would've mattered then.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
To be fair, the T was added in the late 90s but didn't really get solidified until the late 00s.
The late 00's was well over a decade ago, bruv, how much longer are you gonna need to get up to speed?
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I always thought transexual was for people who went under the knife, or were born with both and made a choice for puberty. Maybe it's a distinction without meaning nowadays, but for the sake of the argument, it would've mattered then.
I'm pretty sure many people who had not gotten surgery called themselves transexual in the past, and certainly many who have had surgery call themselves transgender now.

Maybe I missed your point about why the different would matter anyway though.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I'm pretty sure many people who had not gotten surgery called themselves transexual in the past, and certainly many who have had surgery call themselves transgender now.

Maybe I missed your point about why the different would matter anyway though.

I only say it would've mattered because Trolly is over there acting like this is an issue settled decades ago that is only now becoming controversial.

There is absolutely nothing about 2023 that would've just been accepted as normal back in 1993.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
To be fair, the T was added in the late 90s but didn't really get solidified until the late 00s. Moreover, that initial T was for transexual people, no? I'm old enough to have been paying a little attention then, and I'm pretty certain it wasn't a transgender thing. "Chicks with dicks" was a phrase you'd hear thrown around.

So you can rant all you want about butthurt Republicans, and I'll rant right along with you about how much public policy time this is taking up, but don't sit here and pretend like the goalposts haven't been moved significantly in recent years.
When I was young (60's and 70's) the T stood for Transvestite (men who wore women's clothing). There was some question as to whether they wanted to be women or just wanted to dress like women.

I think at the time it would have gotten people in a lot of trouble if they said they wanted to change sex. In NYC gay men were being beaten up on weekends in downtown neighborhoods like Greenwich Village and SOHO.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 06:49 PM
Don’t think I’ve heard “transexual” used in the wild since the 80’s. For real, how out of touch are some of you?
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Woke is just an odd fixation/glorification of the psychological quirks related to the LGBTQ+IAATr2 movement.

It's undeniably weird, as are many of the most outspoken voices for the people who practice these things, and since these people make up maybe 1% of the overall population, that leaves a very very large majority from which to pull a voice of opposition.

The behaviors and beliefs are analogous to religion, but they've cultivated an image of oppression that leads people otherwise uninvested in their religion to aggressively campaign on their behalf. The reality is that most people don't really care, but we all know there are plenty of people who aren't good at just ignoring things, so it escalates, and escalates again, and suddenly you have people running for President on the platform of making the woke people go away.

Imagine if Target started putting out end cap displays celebrating people who hang their toilet paper roll with the tail at the rear instead of the front. People who do this are obviously weird, and aren't actually hurting anyone else, but if there was some major movement to demand that the rest of society accommodate their odd behavior by mandating that all public bathrooms transition to rear-hang rolls, you'd have a public outcry for sure. If those people made their toilet paper shenanigans into the strongest part of their personal identity and called front-hangers bigots and deplorables just for not agreeing with them, you'd end up in the same place we are today with the woke battle.

We kicked this into high gear with the latest trend of being aggressively trans and foisting these ideals on kids who have absolutely no concept of the consequences. Gender-bending isn't new, but no amount of screeching on twitter is going to normalize it in the eyes of a vast majority of other humans, and raising "theybies" is just straight up child abuse in many of these cases. This sets some people off, and as we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people in the opposing camp so you're going to run into some outlier responses that gain traction.
everything opposite of this is probably a good start.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
When I was young (60's and 70's) the T stood for Transvestite (men who wore women's clothing). There was some question as to whether they wanted to be women or just wanted to dress like women.

I think at the time it would have gotten people in a lot of trouble if they said they wanted to change sex. In NYC gay men were being beaten up on weekends in downtown neighborhoods like Greenwich Village and SOHO.
I don't think the acronym LGBT was around in the 60's or 70's so I don't know what you mean about the "T" standing for anything. I'm pretty sure when I was at university in the late 80's and first saw an acronym for a student group, it was just LGB, no T.

Wikipedia say LGB started to be used in the mid to late 80's and LGBT has been in use since the 90's.

Last edited by chillrob; 05-24-2023 at 11:40 PM.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don’t think I’ve heard “transexual” used in the wild since the 80’s. For real, how out of touch are some of you?
I can't believe this. I'm pretty sure I never heard the word transgender until the 2000's, and I lived in a big very liberal city in the 90's.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I can't believe this. I'm pretty sure I never heard the word transgender until the 2000's, and I lived in a big very liberal city in the 90's.
He's trolling you. His name is literally Trolly McTrollerson...
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-24-2023 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
He's trolling you. His name is literally Trolly McTrollerson...
Yeah I know his main purpose is trolling, but he sounded like he was asserting that literally.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-25-2023 , 12:01 AM
Lucky we have the internet to debunk such silly claims

What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-25-2023 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Lucky we have the internet to debunk such silly claims

Is this a joke? If not, what numbers is it supposed to represent?
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-25-2023 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Lucky we have the internet to debunk such silly claims

I thought this one was funny

What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-25-2023 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Is this a joke? If not, what numbers is it supposed to represent?
It's the use of the word "transgender" over time. Basically non-existent before 1990 and only really came into common usage around 15 years ago.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
05-25-2023 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
It's the use of the word "transgender" over time. Basically non-existent before 1990 and only really came into common usage around 15 years ago.
Ok, it's not very clear when there is no labeling on the Y axis, and I don't see the significance of the capitalization. The timetable seems about right to me though.
What is the definition of "woke"? Quote
