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Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Trump signs executive order on social media moderation

05-31-2020 , 01:00 PM
Zuck's take is reasonable and to demand tech companies to be the arbiters of truth is rather concerning. Agreed they should do more about inciting violence or statements that can cause harm but there's way too much nuance to demand "truth", nor should we want them to be the deciders of it.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Zuck's take is reasonable and to demand tech companies to be the arbiters of truth is rather concerning. Agreed they should do more about inciting violence or statements that can cause harm but there's way too much nuance to demand "truth", nor should we want them to be the deciders of it.
exactly this!
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Zuck's take is reasonable and to demand tech companies to be the arbiters of truth is rather concerning. Agreed they should do more about inciting violence or statements that can cause harm but there's way too much nuance to demand "truth", nor should we want them to be the deciders of it.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He violates Twitter's rules almost every day.
I honestly dont know about that.
Can u explain in short how?
(besides wright/wrong factor)
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:18 PM
It's bizarre to me to demand the biggest social media sites in the world to censor the president. It's pretty important to be informed, no? Like if he were to announce that the Chinese are an alien race as he prepares plans to nuke them we should.....not publish that? Just close your eyes and ears everything will be fine.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:20 PM
Trump is mad about tweets that weren't even deleted. They were annotated.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Hi, believe it or not, i think most...if not all...of your points are valid!
Correcting lies however is becoming a grey area.
Sorry but it is become a grey area to stupid people because they see Fox News allow it all the time and think it is normal. If the politician just keeps repeating 2+2 = 5 maybe it does equal 5 and fact checking and correcting that politician is wrong.

FALSE. it is never wrong no matter how much fascist Trumptards say it is.

We should NEVER accept lies as 'well maybe they are true' simply because dumb people keep repeating them.

I mean: there are guidelines everybody needs to racism, cursing and all that.
But now...some stuff gets moderated by God knows who.
False. We know who. The owners of the site that post the rules. You know the Free Markets thing that Trumptards PRETEND they support until it goes against them.

The only other alternative is CHina. The gov't controls everything that can be said to correct, counter or call out those in government and in power.

We know Trumptards want that. We know they want emperor Trump and would destroy the Free Markets and the 1st amendment for him. The rest of us must fight that.

I mean...sure as hell would not want Goofy as the mod...but also not Joe.
I would like it to be clean so to speak.
The USERS and not the gov't have all the power here. If the moderation is ridiculous and biases it will drive away users. StormFront will only attract a certain type of user and be relegated to the margins, rightly for a reason. And that is how the Free Market regulates itself.

That is the proper way.

The wrong way is for Trump and big gov't and the most powerful INDIVIDUALS to say 'you cannot regulate or counter or correct ME or I will see you punished'.

Every American should be terrified by that. Even the ones who love Trump, because when you have someone as POTUS you disagree with, do you want them to have that power to silence any critique or correction of them?

That question is a tough one as it is nuanced. It demands one think beyond immediate gratification and to future consequences, something Trumpsters show no ability to do.

If ''The Don'' violated any rule on Twitter, he has no right to complain.
He did. If he was a normal user he would have been banned repeatedly from the site.

But if theres like one guy sitting there deciding whats wrong or wright...u can skip the whole freedom thing all together.
Thats how i see it for now anyway...
You have it backwards. It is now the Gov't TELLING a private business what they can and cannot regulate as rules on thier own private company site. That absolutely SKIPS the whole freedom thing. But Trumpsters give no f*cks as long as they think Trump is winning.

They are a scourge on society, not for their love of Trump (which is fine) but because they would tear apart every American freedom (Free Speech and Free Markets) to make him a King.

You see it the way you do because you are dumb.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Trump is mad about tweets that weren't even deleted. They were annotated.

Selectively and arbitrarily annotated. It's a fair beef imo, though obv he's being a whiny ***** about it.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

You have it backwards. It is now the Gov't TELLING a private business what they can and cannot regulate as rules on thier own private company site. That absolutely SKIPS the whole freedom thing.
Not true at all. The government is saying we are going to repeal 230 if you're going to selectively curate content in a political matter. They are either a host, or news. They can't operate as curated news publishers while hiding behind section 230. It's a completely valid agrument.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Zuck's take is reasonable and to demand tech companies to be the arbiters of truth is rather concerning. Agreed they should do more about inciting violence or statements that can cause harm but there's way too much nuance to demand "truth", nor should we want them to be the deciders of it.
I have no issue with one company saying 'we will not address obvious lies or mis-used facts on our site. We will let the community counter it'.

And I also have no problem with a company saying 'if we find statements to be obvious lies or mistrusts or misstated facts posted on our site we will post a warning and direct people to where they can see the countering information that contains the facts'.

Why do i have no problem with that? Because I actually support a free market and the 1st amendment.

Trump is free to say "Obama was not born in America", no one stops him dong so. But Twitter too is free to say 'That is factually incorrect and here is the factual info', while linking to the available factual information discrediting that oft repeated lie.

Trumpsters cry 'no, no, do not counter my lie. A lie left unchallenged is often believed and that is all i care about and you putting up truthful information gets in the way'.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:36 PM
I again offer the example of when HUD information came to online poker.

Imagine a bad player wants to discredit good players and ruin their reputations so no one will play with them and he does so by coming on this forum and saying over and over "i have reviewed the HUDs of the following players who are obviously cheating'.

Not everyone does deep dives not he HUDs and some out of an abundance of caution now avoid playing with those good players.

It is clear to anyone else whoever, including the site admins who take the time to review the HUD that the claim is factually incorrect.

TwoPlusTwo DOES NOT ban the liar. They do not stop him saying what he says he saw in HIS review, but they do attach a link to the reviews by other respected posters who lay out the FACTS and show the person is wrong or lying.

Trumpsters say 'that is wrong to do' TwoplusTwo is now acting as editor. They should stay out of it and allow the lie to stand.

That is stupid. Trumpsters who say that are stupid.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Not true at all. The government is saying we are going to repeal 230 if you're going to selectively curate content in a political matter. They are either a host, or news. They can't operate as curated news publishers while hiding behind section 230. It's a completely valid agrument.
You are lying.

Trump is saying "do not correct my lies or there will be a price"

He knows a facebook or Twitter cannot possible assume the role of editor or publisher like a newspaper does. They can review the opinions put forth by the dozen or so journalists BEFORE allowing them to go to print. It would be an impossibility for Facebook or Twitter to review FIRST every post and ensure it was not a lie or mistruths before allow it to be posted.

Similarly it would be impossible for this forums mod's to do so.

So instead these sites RIGHTLY say 'we will correct lies and mistuths after the fact' which is fair and the only way they can do it.

If you believe in the Free Marktets they have that right.

Trump is trying to put them between a rock and hard place. He is saying 'either allow all my lies or I will try to force you to police every single comment before posting which will destroy your business model.

He knows exactly what he is threatening and it exactly MIRRORS what China has done to strangle social media and ensure there is no way to counter or call out gov't official lies or mistruths.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Selectively and arbitrarily annotated. It's a fair beef imo, though obv he's being a whiny ***** about it.
It seems like it will lead to a list of basically all bad consequences don't ya think?
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
I honestly dont know about that.
Can u explain in short how?
(besides wright/wrong factor)
This is the problem.

Here you are, on this forum, offering a strong opinion when you admit you are absolutely ignorant of the facts and do not try to educate yourself.

Take 2 minutes and educate YOURSELF on which Twitter rules Trump breaks all the time. The info is readily available and posted all the time.

When ignorant and uninformed people demand to enter conversations and think their view point or opinion should be considered in the discussion that is a problem.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
It's bizarre to me to demand the biggest social media sites in the world to censor the president.
That is because you are dumb. Sorry. Dumb people cannot think things thru.

No one, and i mean NO ONE, is demanding the social media sites censor the president. So take your strawman crap out of here.

However we can SUPPORT social media sites that say 'our policy does not ALLOW the purposeful spread of unsupported conspiracy theories, lies or factual mistruths and if posted we will link to the correct and factual info'.

Linking to the correct and factual information IS NOT censoring. Stupid people think it is but it is not. Again sorry for the harsh truth.

If you keep repeating "the world is flat' you are not being censored when anyone says 'that is factually wrong and here is the correct info'.

It does not matter if you really, really, really think the world if flat. YOu are allowed to think that. You are allowed to say that.


It's pretty important to be informed, no?
Another garbage strawman,

You : the world is flat. Here is my proof.

Others : that is factually incorrect. Here is a link to the true info

You : How dare you censor me. it is important to be informed, no? No one should post any counter to my misinformation if you believe it is importunate to be informed.

Like if he were to announce that the Chinese are an alien race as he prepares plans to nuke them we should.....not publish that? Just close your eyes and ears everything will be fine.
Haha you are so stupid you do not see you tripped yourself up.

Trump and your view is if Trump says: "the Chinese are an alien race as he prepares plans to nuke them "

that if Twitter or others say 'that is incorrect. Here are the facts so people do not proceed under false information" you guys are saying that is wrong to do. That countering that lie or wrong info ("the Chinese are an alien race as he prepares plans to nuke them") with links to true and factual information should not be allowed.

Haha wow, you really do say the most stupid things.

Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:00 PM
Lol poor Cuepee - so polite and measured when he first joined these conversations all of like, 2 weeks ago? Now just straight up calling people dumb mother****ers along with the rest of us. Right wingers tend to have that effect...
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:06 PM
Except it's completely valid to call the Chinese an alien race. Look up the definiton sometime. Agreed it would be a ridiculous thing to say, dangerous and divisive, but we shouldn't hold statements others make to your own uncharitable interpretation of it. You sound mad bro.

There are reasonable concerns with demanding tech companies putting their thumb on the scale, no matter how nobel you think it is.

Last edited by THAY3R; 05-31-2020 at 02:13 PM.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:12 PM
To those arguing Trump should be able to lie without being corrected on Twitter answer the following:

- Someone on Twitter you had a disagreement with accuses you of being a pedophile
- you sue them, it goes to court, it even spurs a police investigation and it is clear they have no evidence and there is no evidence to even suggest you are pedophile. The police even state so.

- the person still insists you are a pedophile continually on Twitter. They say there is suspicious information and although they cannot cite any of it, that is enough for the accusation.

- this has real world implications on you amongst people who follow you causally and think 'maybe something is there as this rumor keeps persisting'.

- twitter does not stop the person saying 'you are a pedophile'. They allow you your 'speech' but they do post a link to factual info showing the court document showing not only has this not been substantiated, the evidence shows it not to be true.

How many of you would argue that is wrong of Twitter to do? They should allow the person to continue to call you a pedophile and not post factual information for others to review that counters it?

I doubt any of you would argue the right thing to do would be to allow the baseless accusation.

Now replace pedophile with 'murderer' and you have exactly what Trump is doing on Twitter with regards to Joe Scarborough. Try it. Just replace the words pedophile with murderer and make the one being accused Joe and change nothing else and that is exactly what Trump is doing.

Only Trumparts rationalize that is ok and should be allowed.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sorry but it is become a grey area to stupid people because they see Fox News allow it all the time and think it is normal. If the politician just keeps repeating 2+2 = 5 maybe it does equal 5 and fact checking and correcting that politician is wrong.

FALSE. it is never wrong no matter how much fascist Trumptards say it is.

We should NEVER accept lies as 'well maybe they are true' simply because dumb people keep repeating them.

False. We know who. The owners of the site that post the rules. You know the Free Markets thing that Trumptards PRETEND they support until it goes against them.

The only other alternative is CHina. The gov't controls everything that can be said to correct, counter or call out those in government and in power.

We know Trumptards want that. We know they want emperor Trump and would destroy the Free Markets and the 1st amendment for him. The rest of us must fight that.

The USERS and not the gov't have all the power here. If the moderation is ridiculous and biases it will drive away users. StormFront will only attract a certain type of user and be relegated to the margins, rightly for a reason. And that is how the Free Market regulates itself.

That is the proper way.

The wrong way is for Trump and big gov't and the most powerful INDIVIDUALS to say 'you cannot regulate or counter or correct ME or I will see you punished'.

Every American should be terrified by that. Even the ones who love Trump, because when you have someone as POTUS you disagree with, do you want them to have that power to silence any critique or correction of them?

That question is a tough one as it is nuanced. It demands one think beyond immediate gratification and to future consequences, something Trumpsters show no ability to do.

He did. If he was a normal user he would have been banned repeatedly from the site.

You have it backwards. It is now the Gov't TELLING a private business what they can and cannot regulate as rules on thier own private company site. That absolutely SKIPS the whole freedom thing. But Trumpsters give no f*cks as long as they think Trump is winning.

They are a scourge on society, not for their love of Trump (which is fine) but because they would tear apart every American freedom (Free Speech and Free Markets) to make him a King.

You see it the way you do because you are dumb.
Im not sure where u were going with this wall...but u do understand...(having all that superior brainpower)...i would not like u controlling the ''fact check'' division on Twitter. (in the same way u would not want me head of that division)
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Im not sure where u were going with this wall...but u do understand...(having all that superior brainpower)...i would not like u controlling the ''fact check'' division on Twitter. (in the same way u would not want me head of that division)
This is just a projection of your own inadequacies. The fact that you are incapable of being neutral doesn't mean that everyone else is. People have to do jobs where political bias might be an issue all the time - e.g. judges, journalists, etc. Some people are capable of being professional and discharging their duties in an unbiased manner, even if you are not.

But you're right, I wouldn't want you as head of that (or any other) division.

Last edited by d2_e4; 05-31-2020 at 02:26 PM.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:20 PM
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

No big deal, tech bros got it.

Experts with 20+ years experience can disagree on things, but clearly there's always an objective truth.

Following your logic they should have "fact checked" everyone argung for masks a few months ago.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Not true at all. The government is saying we are going to repeal 230 if you're going to selectively curate content in a political matter. They are either a host, or news. They can't operate as curated news publishers while hiding behind section 230. It's a completely valid agrument.
Exactly and exactly this!
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Lol poor Cuepee - so polite and measured when he first joined these conversations all of like, 2 weeks ago? Now just straight up calling people dumb mother****ers along with the rest of us. Right wingers tend to have that effect...
One of the biggest problems society has is that Republicans and Trumpsters have weaponized lies in a way it was never done prior.

They count on the fact that whether on Fox or CNN the news commentator will not call out their blatant lies out of a sense of decorum and thus there is no lie or issue they cannot jsut keep repeating and therefore it is simply just a difference of opinion.

You have that in this thread, where some keep arguing that simply if someone holds an opinion and sticks to it, then it is all just opinion. No real truth. No real facts.

Trump made that a hallmark of his campaign when he announced to his supporters they should not believe what they see or hear themselves and should only believe what he tells them is true.

We cannot accept that. Lies must be called lies. Stupid things should be pointed out as stupid. We should not allow the deceitful to hide behind decorum and to weaponize it so their lies carry equal weight to the truth and facts.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
One of the biggest problems society has is that Republicans and Trumpsters have weaponized lies in a way it was never done prior.

They count on the fact that whether on Fox or CNN the news commentator will not call out their blatant lies out of a sense of decorum and thus there is no lie or issue they cannot jsut keep repeating and therefore it is simply just a difference of opinion.

You have that in this thread, where some keep arguing that simply if someone holds an opinion and sticks to it, then it is all just opinion. No real truth. No real facts.

Trump made that a hallmark of his campaign when he announced to his supporters they should not believe what they see or hear themselves and should only believe what he tells them is true.

We cannot accept that. Lies must be called lies. Stupid things should be pointed out as stupid. We should not allow the deceitful to hide behind decorum and to weaponize it so their lies carry equal weight to the truth and facts.
Hey man, I'm with you. I've been saying the same thing (albeit not as eloquently) here for years.
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
05-31-2020 , 02:26 PM
Can't people sue Trump for libel? Or is the bar too high for government officials, even when they are blatantly lying?
Trump signs executive order on social media moderation Quote
