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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

04-30-2022 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
There comes a point where we have to accept some baseline of normalcy for human actions. The left is about constantly pushing that line into increasingly more and more grotesque behaviors.
I agree, but I still don't think being a Republican should be considered a mental disorder.
05-01-2022 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
To clarify- are you making a severely autistic semantic argument over the use of "100%", meaning that if I can quantify it as being 89.2746% political, you'll say HAHA, SEE?
Or are you saying there were no political motives and it was a result of us discovering that the earth was really round?

Glad to hear that was just hyperbolic nonsense and you do believe there was scientific justification for the change.

Originally Posted by LOLOL
And yet, the 'evidence' you cite isn't sufficient enough for anything resembling a conclusion to be drawn. That being said, I'm a big believer that when it comes to human behavior and the brain, we're way behind the 8 Ball on studying certain things and we have a ****-ton to learn, but academia has credibility issues here, since there are certain things that are basically banned from studying via 'research ethics' and ideological bias in the academy.

There only needs to be more evidence against pathologizing than for for it to make sense to remove the label of mental disorder, not some perfect explanation of the behavior.
05-01-2022 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Can we not say “autistic argument”? Like can we kindly not add ableist language on top of everything else?
The woke word policeman in you must be going nuts with all this micro aggressions.. hope it helps. 😀
05-01-2022 , 10:01 AM
I believe you mean “these micro aggressions”. Hope that helps
05-01-2022 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Can we not say “autistic argument”? Like can we kindly not add ableist language on top of everything else?
Can we also say "That's so physically challenged" instead of "lame"? Like can we kindly not add... disableist language on top of everything else? Otherwise I'll have to express my chagrin on Twitter.
05-01-2022 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I agree, but I still don't think being a Republican should be considered a mental disorder.
At this point, I think that even being a voter should be considered a mental disorder.

Last edited by lagtight; 05-01-2022 at 11:42 AM.
05-01-2022 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Can we also say "That's so physically challenged" instead of "lame"? Like can we kindly not add... disableist language on top of everything else? Otherwise I'll have to express my chagrin on Twitter.
Descriptors like "disabled" and "physically challenged" are very insulting. We must straightaway instead use "differently-abled."
05-01-2022 , 12:05 PM
Pretty crazy that in 2022 pushing back at "autistic argument" is perceived as like far left woke language policing. What ever happening to just being a decent ****ing human being who didn't casually put down whole groups of people?
05-01-2022 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Pretty crazy that in 2022 pushing back at "autistic argument" is perceived as like far left woke language policing. What ever happening to just being a decent ****ing human being who didn't casually put down whole groups of people?
Only speaking for myself here, but as someone who has been diagnosed as being "on the spectrum", I'm fine with "autistic argument." Just as being offensive is typically a choice, so is being offended typically a choice.

n.b. I don't believe the use of "autistic argument" is a purposeful attempt to be offensive.
05-01-2022 , 12:31 PM

cliff notes of my opinion,

progressives have lost touch with "common sense" on so many issues.

a men who takes pills for a year is not woman........ arguably, a man will never be a woman. maybe pick up many of the traits with extensive surgery/medication... but some pills for a year or two doesn't cut it.

I wonder if someone like Jimmy Kimmel even understands the issue.... or if he just sees "people being mean to a trans-gender person"s
05-01-2022 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
This is rather different than my complaint that Cuepee dislikes calling out people (not david) whose postings thematically are about characterizing trans people in a negative light. ....
Lets be clear here as uke outs himself on this always that it is his projection and FEAR of slippery slope views and not what I actually say, that he calls 'characterizing trans people in a negative light'.

QP - we need to ensure criminal sexual offender cis men cannot take advantage of 'trans declaration only' to get in to prisons where they can abuse and harm both cis and trans women.

uke : NOOOOOO. We must never even consider such a thing. I assume it will be small numbers of abusers only and if we do not look, we will not know. Any consideration in this area MIGHT harm actual trans women, trying to get into a women's prison, so it must be ignored.

Later uke,

uke : see above for QP's negative characterization of trans people.
05-01-2022 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Can we not say “autistic argument”? Like can we kindly not add ableist language on top of everything else?
Years ago nice people didn't say "queer" while also thinking the adjective described an unfortunate trait. Nowadays those with that trait often embrace the word with pride as most of the stigma is gone. Presently you seem to be one of those nice people type regarding "autistic arguments" (even though you did a good job of using one when you rebutted the person who said you cared more about a few hundred LGBT people than a few million women). You don't like them but you don't want them to describe them in a mean way. I agree. Now the goal is to change your mind about the arguments themselves. When I use such arguments I am usually simply trying to simplify a situation without losing too much of the main issues. For instance I might say regarding vaccinating two year olds something like "this comes down to whether it OK to keep your child away from a .0001 extra chance from dying if such action means that some stranger will have an extra .03 chance of dying". "Autistic arguments" like that ARE often useful, as long as people acknowledge the analogy is fairly accurate, and I don't get why you don't realize that.
05-01-2022 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Only speaking for myself here, but as someone who has been diagnosed as being "on the spectrum", I'm fine with "autistic argument." Just as being offensive is typically a choice, so is being offended typically a choice.

n.b. I don't believe the use of "autistic argument" is a purposeful attempt to be offensive.
Not for an Ooboo.

Serious about that. Ooboo's feel an obligation to register offense on behalf of every single group, for what members of those groups often take no offense to or laugh at.

So many time the push back from the other side to being isolated and called out for being an offensive '_______ist' is not from an accusation or complaint from the community but from the Ooboo.

The result then is a polarization and attack back by the accused '_______ist' but directed at the community and not the Ooboo. The community then fights back and it escalates. A new culture war is on.

That is exactly how and why, racial issues have been re-enflamed as they are, when for decades prior things had been solidly trending better. Twitter allowed a small but vocal and hardcore group of Ooboo's like uke to first start 'correcting' every perceived wrong, as a virtue signalling exercise, and then to attack the 'bad people'.

The various '_______ist' fighting back and getting more aggressive and newly awoke in their actions and words was not seen as a detriment by the uke's of the world. To them it was proof they had awoken and attacked and outed the right 'bad people' to begin with.

That black people and other groups now faced worsening conditions was not a big issue to them because it just meant more alignment to the fight, which is all many Ooboo's really care about.
05-01-2022 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by rivercitybirdie

cliff notes of my opinion,

progressives have lost touch with "common sense" on so many issues.

a men who takes pills for a year is not woman........ arguably, a man will never be a woman. maybe pick up many of the traits with extensive surgery/medication... but some pills for a year or two doesn't cut it.

I wonder if someone like Jimmy Kimmel even understands the issue.... or if he just sees "people being mean to a trans-gender person"s
In my opinion most people more or less maintain the circle of empathy of the age and location they were born into but believe they reasoned themselves into those beliefs. At the same time, they admonish previous generations and wonder how they could be so obviously narrow minded, despite operating exactly as those previous generations did. When confronted with a situation where they are challenged to expand their circle of empathy most fail. A bunch of people in this thread are setting themselves up to be the future boomers of their own generations that their children will be embarrassed by.
05-01-2022 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Years ago nice people didn't say "queer" while also thinking the adjective described an unfortunate trait. Nowadays those with that trait often embrace the word with pride as most of the stigma is gone. Presently you seem to be one of those nice people type regarding "autistic arguments" (even though you did a good job of using one when you rebutted the person who said you cared more about a few hundred LGBT people than a few million women). You don't like them but you don't want them to describe them in a mean way. I agree. Now the goal is to change your mind about the arguments themselves. When I use such arguments I am usually simply trying to simplify a situation without losing too much of the main issues. For instance I might say regarding vaccinating two year olds something like "this comes down to whether it OK to keep your child away from a .0001 extra chance from dying if such action means that some stranger will have an extra .03 chance of dying". "Autistic arguments" like that ARE often useful, as long as people acknowledge the analogy is fairly accurate, and I don't get why you don't realize that.
it is a necessary part of an Ooboo or virtual signalers identity to always LEAD on changing language.

I have spoken to this many time as you see the 'most virtuous' on the left so eager to condemn those not yet caught up on what the newest accepted terminology is.

No one lives that 'truth' more than uke here. He has his merit badge on proud display.
05-01-2022 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Not for an Ooboo.

Serious about that. Ooboo's feel an obligation to register offense on behalf of every single group, for what members of those groups often take no offense to or laugh at.

So many time the push back from the other side to being isolated and called out for being an offensive '_______ist' is not from an accusation or complaint from the community but from the Ooboo.

The result then is a polarization and attack back by the accused '_______ist' but directed at the community and not the Ooboo. The community then fights back and it escalates. A new culture war is on.

That is exactly how and why, racial issues have been re-enflamed as they are, when for decades prior things had been solidly trending better. Twitter allowed a small but vocal and hardcore group of Ooboo's like uke to first start 'correcting' every perceived wrong, as a virtue signalling exercise, and then to attack the 'bad people'.

The various '_______ist' fighting back and getting more aggressive and newly awoke in their actions and words was not seen as a detriment by the uke's of the world. To them it was proof they had awoken and attacked and outed the right 'bad people' to begin with.

That black people and other groups now faced worsening conditions was not a big issue to them because it just meant more alignment to the fight, which is all many Ooboo's really care about.
Well said.

"Offended on Behalf of Others" (OOBOO) is perhaps the purest form of Virtue Signalling.
05-01-2022 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Pretty crazy that in 2022 pushing back at "autistic argument" is perceived as like far left woke language policing. What ever happening to just being a decent ****ing human being who didn't casually put down whole groups of people?
I was actually just taking the piss with my reply to you fwtw.
05-01-2022 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
In my opinion most people more or less maintain the circle of empathy of the age and location they were born into but believe they reasoned themselves into those beliefs. At the same time, they admonish previous generations and wonder how they could be so obviously narrow minded, despite operating exactly as those previous generations did. When confronted with a situation where they are challenged to expand their circle of empathy most fail. A bunch of people in this thread are setting themselves up to be the future boomers of their own generations that their children will be embarrassed by.
wow, that's really profound (serious comment) and I have never really heard that before other thinking that some of the hippies of the 60s are probably now republicans.'

one thing that bugs me about the millennial or even younger generation is that their ethics/moral issues seem to be only what they were specifically taught in school. "global warming/climate change is a grave risk"

but then many of them partied without masks during the worst periods of COVID.... is that sustainable behaviour?

many young males drive away over the speed limit and very recklessly.... is that sustainable behaviour?

they only believe in what they specifically learned in school. they have been brainwashed to not think for themselves.... older generations had similar phenomenon but not to the same degree.
05-01-2022 , 04:48 PM
In the 50's and 60's a movement grew out of college campuses to reject the rules and regs and social moires of the stuffy old professors
Those professors told everyone how to live and constricted thought that pushed back against them
If you fought back, you were labeled all kinds of horrible things and punished for it
(George Carlin was a leader of this movement)

Now those people are the professors and are demanding everyone live by their rules and regs and social moires.
And those who fight back are labeled all kinds of horrible things and are punished for it
Life is funny. The movement has come full circle
Now the oppressees have becomes the oppressors!
But I know, this time it's totally different and justice and righteousness is being served
What could possibly go wrong?

I never thought I'd see the day
when the left who spent decades lifting women out of oppression
was cheering a dude
destroying women in their own sports
like that Penn swimmer dude.
And he is a dude.
He can think he is a woman
He can choose to present himself as a woman
He can give himself a girl's name
But he will never BE a woman.
And I will be completely respectful of his wishes
I will never bother or mock him.
But you will never get me to say he IS a woman, since he is not
This isnt "transphobia"
I'm not afraid of trans people
This isn't "denying them their humanity" (oh the melodrama of these people)
I have no problem with them living as they like
But you cant change biology
and the idea "sex is between your legs" and "gender is between your ears"?
Nope. They are the same, they have always been the same
It's just the left trying to thread a needle with no hole
Inventing new terms and changing definitions to make the world as they want

Remember how insane the Salem Witch Trials were when you first read about them?
And you were like, "seriously? how did the public think this wasn't ridiculous?"
"if the woman drowned she was innocent and if she lived she was a witch and they killed her?"

Well in 200 years people are gonna say the same about this era
"they were allowed to kill their babies until the 9th month? just because they wanted to?"
"The full grown fetus will be removed from the womb AND THEN A DECISION WILL HAVE TO BE MADE"
Remember that quote from the VA governor?

And "they let men join women's sports?"
"a guy who was ranked 430th as a man
then 18 months later competed against women
and was given credit for breaking national women's records and won national titles too?
and everyone was afraid to point out how absurd this was?"
This era's version of the "Red Scare"

"They let kids who could not consent to sex CHOOSE their sex?"
"They took a kid away from his Dad in Texas since he didnt support his 8 year old boy being transitioned to a girl"
"They gave kids life altering hormone blockers? They didnt wait until they full grown adults to make that decision?"

"Wait, so JK Rowling was publicly shamed for defending women? I thought that was a good thing"

If you think anything I typed here is extreme, I assure you, it's you.
I figure this post will last about an hour tops before it is removed for "hate" which none of this is
It's just stuff you dont like to hear.
Furthering my point that you're not allowed to question certain things anymore
If you delete this post, you've become what you claim to hate, those stuffy old professors from the 1960s
Who told you how to think and how to live your life.

Remember when the left was all about "Question EVERYTHING"?
And the country was built on "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?"
I guess that doesn't apply to public message boards.
Founders missed that one I guess.
05-01-2022 , 05:13 PM
Ironically, it may well be that just as Berkeley was the birthplace of what was called "The Free Speech Movement", so Berkeley may also be the locale of its grave.
05-01-2022 , 05:19 PM
The left was all about 'free speech' when they were the outsiders.
Now that they're the insiders in power, they oppress dissenting speech (using various tactics), just as those in power inevitably do.
05-01-2022 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
In other words, trans that aren't actually trans. Or trans isn't real at all. Or something.

I wonder if the same kind of theories abounded about "the gays", back in the day.
Wow, could there be a worse interpretation of what was said?
A less "good faith" contribution to the conversation?
I'm guessing you've never heard the phrase "detransitioning"
or read an article about those who have lifelong trauma
from going too deep into the transitioning process
before realizing/deciding/choosing the were cis all along.
And now have permanent changes to their bodies
like micro penis or no penis anymore that they cant unwind.

Go ahead, google the topic,
you might decide to get off your high horse
if you have some intellectual honesty

Is it really so hard to believe
a TEENAGER might change their mind about something?
Teenagers are idiots.
I know this, I've been teaching them for decades
They are a dangerous combination of cocky and emotionally driven
All the energy and confidence with zero perspective, experience, or knowledge

I have two born as girls students saying they are now boys this year. They are freshmen.
We are supposed to use their new boy name but use their official name when their parents are around or in info sent to them
Assuming the worst in the parents.
Like how would you feel if you werent told that your kid was in a horrific place mentally trying to figure out who they are
And you would want to hold, comfort and help your kid, but you were never told since the school assumes you're evil and would hurt your kid?
Maybe the kid offs themself and you as the parent had NO idea what was going on even though the school
Knew your kid was struggling with gender dysphoria the entire time and purposely hid the info from you
and the school knows that the suicide rate is off the charts for those with the condition?
Too bad Mom and Dad, we cant trust you to help your kid, we just werent gonna tell you and take the risk that you're an evil parent

I wish those two students the best, it must be a horribly difficult place to be mentally
Especially since the suicide rate for post therapy and post surgical trans is only marginally better than for non
dont believe that? google it. Dare ya to read the opposing side of your argument
I'm sure it's all society's fault though
couldnt possibly be that gender dysphoria is a horrific mental illness that no one has the answer to yet
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

You wont let a teen drive a car until they're 16, but change their gender?
Totally cool and dont you dare tell them they shouldnt.
If you do, you're an EVIL transphobe!!!!!

Is it even remotely possible
those who want to prevent kids
from making lifelong irreversible changes to their body
are acting in good faith and want them to hold off
until they are older, wiser, and have their brains fully-formed?

Remember when the left proudly said, "Question EVERYTHING!"
funny how now that they are in charge, they dont like that.

Life is only black and white for the stupid.
When you look closer, most all issues have solid arguments on both sides.

Last edited by BSumner; 05-01-2022 at 06:42 PM. Reason: add link to study
05-01-2022 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ya no.

Just as I would not if you demanded data on the black and latino athlete for what is self evident.

No one is saying every trans athlete with dominate so your anecdotal 'the trans kid in my local school did not dominate' is not really meaningful here.

The way a statistician would look at this and could identify advantage or even cheating very early being 'likely' to 'certain' is the way poker cheats and other cheats are identified and isolated and identified even before the actual evidence is in.

If I tell you this is a population graph of all poker players and their winnings and the red dot is a newer poker player do you understand how they identify that person is almost certainly cheating before they go prove the case with all the data being in?

If we were to plot all cis women who enter sport and those who make it the top levels (High level Competition medalists) you would see a massive number of PARTiCIPANTS with a very tiny number in comparison, percent wise, who make it to the top levels. Millions and millions of cis girls going through the various funnels to produce one elite medalist.

Comparatively if you compared all the trans girls who have entered sport and the percent medalists you would see a massive disparity in how many athletes had to enter the sporting funnel to get one elite medalist.

Any attempt to say 'until we have more data I just refuse to see what is clear', is just a way to deny the obvious truth because t does not suit you.

A few years ago,
someone pointed out that the high school boys state track and field champion in Texas AND California
would have won every single Olympic Gold in the equivalent women's event.

But ya, we need more data, clearly.
05-01-2022 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by BSumner
A few years ago,
someone pointed out that the high school boys state track and field champion in Texas AND California
would have won every single Olympic Gold in the equivalent women's event.

But ya, we need more data, clearly.
Your stupid story doesn't help QP and I found his poker player analogy as easy to dismiss as his black athlete analogy.

He made a very specific claim that "[we] also already know trans women disproportionately go into sport." If, people transitioning from male to female are disproportionately entering sport, I would expect to see transgender participation in athletics to exceed the statistical percentage of CIS people participating in sports.

When asked for proof twice he provides nothing, nada, zip...except for his analogies. It's his opinion, nothing more. He constantly confuses his opinion as a fact. You appear to suffer from the same affliction.

Last edited by jjjou812; 05-01-2022 at 09:40 PM.
05-01-2022 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by BSumner
Wow, could there be a worse interpretation of what was said?
A less "good faith" contribution to the conversation?
Yup. If you read on, you'd see that subsequently I explained my post a little further. From what you've posted, I know you're not going to agree with me, but perhaps you'd understand that my post was indeed in good faith.

On a very separate note, you don't need to press "enter" after every sentence or in the middle of them, but you can just keep typing so that they form paragraphs. I say this not to be pedantic or to criticize; just a suggestion so your posts wouldn't appear so long, and would likely be more readable. If it's some quirk of the device you're using, then don't mind me.
